Zimbabwe News, Vol. 20, No. 5 http://www.aluka.org/action/showMetadata?doi=10.5555/AL.SFF.DOCUMENT.nuzn198905 Use of the Aluka digital library is subject to Aluka’s Terms and Conditions, available at http://www.aluka.org/page/about/termsConditions.jsp. By using Aluka, you agree that you have read and will abide by the Terms and Conditions. Among other things, the Terms and Conditions provide that the content in the Aluka digital library is only for personal, non-commercial use by authorized users of Aluka in connection with research, scholarship, and education. The content in the Aluka digital library is subject to copyright, with the exception of certain governmental works and very old materials that may be in the public domain under applicable law. Permission must be sought from Aluka and/or the applicable copyright holder in connection with any duplication or distribution of these materials where required by applicable law. Aluka is a not-for-profit initiative dedicated to creating and preserving a digital archive of materials about and from the developing world. For more information about Aluka, please see http://www.aluka.org Zimbabwe News, Vol. 20, No. 5 Alternative title Zimbabwe News Author/Creator Zimbabwe African National Union Publisher Zimbabwe African National Union (Harare, Zimbabwe) Date 1989-05-00 Resource type Magazines (Periodicals) Language English Subject Coverage (spatial) Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Southern Africa (region) Coverage (temporal) 1989 Source Northwestern University Libraries, L968.91005 Z711 v.20 Rights By kind permission of ZANU, the Zimbabwe African National Union Patriotic Front. Description Editorial. Letters. Celebrations for the Installation of the Executive President 18/2/89. President Speaks on Independence Day. Drought Relief Seminar: Water Resources Development in Masvingo Province. Mozambique forms ZIMOFA Counterpart. ZIMOFA Newsletter Launched. Zimbabweans Mobilize for Mozambique. Progress on Beira Corridor. Vital Road Links Repaired. The Aids Awareness Campaign. Chakari Leads the Way. Talking Point: Developing Countries' Debt Problem: The Nature, Causes, Impact and Solutions to the External Debt Problem. Namibia — the last Colony in Africa. Consumers Up in Arms against Controversial Safety of Foods. Profile of a Political Artist. Foreign Films in Africa: Problems and Opinions. For the Development of Agriculture in African Countries. International: To be a Student in Bulgaria. South African Aggression costs Frontline States Billions. Commonwealth in Support of Namibian Independence. NAM Communique. Fifty years since the Great Antiwar and Antifascist Demonstration in the Romanian Capital (1 May 1939). Obituary: Maurice Nyagumbo — A Hero of the Zimbabwean Liberation http://www.aluka.org Struggle Dies. Format extent 44 page(s) (length/size) http://www.aluka.org/action/showMetadata?doi=10.5555/AL.SFF.DOCUMENT.nuzn198905 http://www.aluka.org Zimbabwe News Zimbabwe News D Official Organ of ZANU(PF) REBUILD ZIMBADWE Department of Information and Publicity, 14 Austin Road, Workington. Harare c (i. sales tax) Volume 20 No. 5, May, 1989, Registered at the G.P.O. as a Newspaper 7 ~a. I~. - &i 4 11 9i I NDR ER Leyland (Zimbabwe) Limited Suppliers of Comet Trucks, and Service Leyland (Zimbabwe) Limited Watts Road Southerton Parts Phone: 67861 Telex: 26387 ZW Zimofa Newsletter Launched The launching of the first newsletter of ZIMOFA is a very important occasion - an occasion which creates a communication facility between ZIMOFA and its membership as well as an information exchange between the peoples of Mozambique and Zimbabwe and with the rest of the world. page 10 Foreign Films in Africa: Problems and Opinions Over the past few years African public has been increasingly concerned about the large-scale influx of cheap Western TV and Cinema productions into the continent. page 27 For The Development of Agriculture in African Countries I would like first to express my thanks to you for your great efforts to success fully wind up the Symposium of the NonAligned and Other Developing Countries on Increasing Food and Agricultural Production. Today I have invited you to discuss a few matters arising in developing agriculture in the countries of Eastern and Western Africa. page 30 To Be a Student in Bulgaria If you want to be a university student in Bulgaria you must pass an entrance exam. For most specialisations this means you must compete with several candidates and f~r the most prestigious studies even with ten or fifteen. Prpstige in this case is a rather dynamic notion: in the 1950s and 1960s for instance medical sciences, law and technical subjects were considered the most presttgious. Since the early seventies anytig that has to do with electronics has come into vogue. Today there is a drop in interest in technical institutions. This year many of them will admit students on the basis ... page 36 CONTENTS Editorial L e tte rs .. ..................... .................................... ............... Celebrations for the Installation of the Executive President 1 8 /2 /8 9 .......... ....... ............ President Speaks on Independence Day ........................................... Drought Relief Seminar: Water Resources Development in M a s v in g o P ro v in c e . ............................................................................. Mozambique forms ZIMOFA Counterpart ....................... ZIMOFA Newsletter Launched .............................................. Zimbabweans Mobilize for Mozambique ................ Progress on Beira C orridor .............................. .............. V ital R oad Links R epaired ................................................. The Aids Awareness Campaign ...................... ......... Chakari Leads the Way . 2 ............ .. 10 . 10 13 ... ......... 1 4 .............. 1 4 15 ........ 15 Talking Point: Developing Countries' Debt Problem: The Nature, Causes, Impact and Solutions to the External Debt Problem ............... ................ 16 Namibia - the last Colony in Africa 17 Consumers Up in Arms against Controversial Safety of Foods .................................. 19 Profile of a Political Artist ............................ 20 Foreign Films in Africa: Problems and Opinions ................................... 27 For the Development of Agriculture in African Countries .. .................. ........... 30 International: To be a Student in Bulgaria ............................................. 36 South African Aggression costs Frontline S ta te s B illio n s ............ ...................3........ ............ .... ....... 3 7 Commonwealth in Support of Namibian In d e pe nd e nce ................................ ..... ............. ... .... 3 8 N A M C om m uniq ue ........................................................ ..... 38 Fifty years since the Great Antiwar and Antifascist Demonstration in the Romanian Capital (1 May 1939) ..................................... 39 Obituary: Maurice Nyagumbo - A Hero of the Zimbabwean Liberation Struggle Dies ............................... 40 0MMM Zimbabwe News is the officili News Organ of the Zimbabwe African National Union (ZANU (PF)J and is produced on the authority of the Central Committee by the Department of Information and Publicity, Jongwe Printing and Publhing Co.. No. 14 Austin Road, Workington, Harare. World Copyright, Central Committee rZANU (PF). Esdd Coam: Cde. N.M. Shamuyarlra; Cde. S.S. Mumbengeogl; Cde. C. Ndhovu; Cde. J. Zvobgo; Cde. K. Batsirayi; Ode. M. Munyati. ZIMBABWE NEWS MAY, 1989 South African Aggression Costs Frontline States Billions South African Aggression has cost the Frontline States a minimum of US$35 billion, the Southern Africa Research and Documentation Centre news release has said. page 37 Consumers Up in Arms Against Controversial Safety of Foods The controversy over the safety of foods treated by irradiation still rages on and, to date, is the subject of testing and evaluation and consumers world wide are up in arms against the process. page 19 Editorial Workers of Zimbabwe Unite he one million workers of Zimbabwe should unite and be organised. The workers who belong to organised unions are still few and far between. Consequently, their efforts at bargaining for higher wages and salaries, or at improving working conditions are undermined by the fact that the ZCTU leaders cannot speak for all workers. The ZCTU should join hands with ZANU (PF) to organise all the workers at every factory floor and at every work place. DivLsions of any kind between workers only strengthen the hand of the employers and those who own capital. We are delighted that this year the task of organising May Day rallies has been performed entirely by the ZCTU. In general, they did a good job. The organisation, and its affiliated unions, have now improved their capacity to administer the unions and to mobilise the workers. ZANU (PF) should give full and wholehearted support to the ZCTU and affiliated unions. As a progressive political party that is committed to the advancement of workers and peasants, ZANU (PF) must regard the organisation and mobilisation of the workers as part of its own programme. At present, party organs such as cells and branches, are organised on a residential basis only. We think they should also be organised at the work-place and the factory floor. The Government has announced that in future the process of determining wages and salaries will be done by free and collective bargaining. That presupposes that the trade unions are strong
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