H1136 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 3, 2016 on the other side of the aisle are tain Edward Chow, Jr., a decorated home above the Potomac to the or- threatening to go back on that agree- Army veteran who was awarded the phanages in Vietnam, from the Ken- ment and keep us from having a budget Bronze Star for his selfless service in nedy Center to the International Com- at all. That is what gridlock looks like, the Vietnam war. mission on Missing Persons, Jim and that is what people hate about True to his character, Ed’s service to Kimsey has been a transformational Congress. our great Nation did not end after the leader. What are we going to do to fix it? war. Out of uniform, Ed has continued Despite his too-short life, Jim’s Come in to work 10 days in the entire serving his fellow Americans, dedi- re´sume´ is long and deep: founder and month of March. Maybe if we came to cating his life to supporting fellow CEO of AOL, chairman of Refugees work, we could debate and pass a budg- vets. International, Library of Congress et and spending bills that will spur eco- Ed’s illustrious public service career Trust Fund Board, Executive Com- nomic growth and create high-quality culminated in leading the State of mittee of the National Symphony Or- jobs. Maryland’s Department of Veterans Af- chestra, Kennedy Center Board of But, instead, we have 2 months on fairs. Under Secretary Chow’s leader- Trustees, West Point Board of Visitors, the calendar this year where we don’t ship, the Department enhanced claims an Army tour in the Dominican Repub- come to work at all, even once. A 5-day processing and improved the quality of lic and two in Vietnam, the Army workweek is expected from most Amer- its veterans’ homes. Ranger Hall of Fame, and so much icans. Why should Congress be any dif- As Ed’s friend, I witnessed his dedica- more. ferent? tion and passion for helping the men But for Jim’s myriad of friends, he f and women who defended our country. was so much more than a list of WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTH Ed never hesitated to help whenever I achievements. He was visionary, stra- called him on behalf of a veteran need- tegic, generous, mischievous, and al- (Mr. DOLD asked and was given per- ing assistance. ways had a smile on his face. mission to address the House for 1 I, like so many others, thank Ed for Who else could be tossed out of Gon- minute and to revise and extend his re- his admirable career of military and zaga College High School 2 months be- marks.) public service and want him to know Mr. DOLD. Mr. Speaker, I rise today fore graduation, graduate from our his legacy will endure. to celebrate March as Women’s History archrival St. John’s College High Month. As this month is also Red Cross f School, and still be a generous and loyal Gonzaga friend for decades to Month, I want to recognize one woman M&M’s 75TH ANNIVERSARY come? in particular: Clara Barton. (Mr. GARRETT asked and was given Ms. Barton was a nurse during the Jim’s funeral will be this Saturday at permission to address the House for 1 Civil War and a teacher before found- the Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apos- minute.) ing the American Red Cross in 1881. tle in Washington, D.C. Mr. GARRETT. Mr. Speaker, I rise She then served as the organization’s We will all miss you for a long time. today to recognize the 75th anniversary first president. Her compassion and ac- f of an iconic American candy first made complishments are truly inspiring, and in the great State of New Jersey. b 1200 her work has literally helped millions. On March 3, 1941, in Newark, New Unfortunately, in our society today, WHEN WEAKNESS IS Jersey, Mars began producing M&Ms as women make up less than 5 percent of PROVOCATIVE military rations for those serving in CEOs and are equally underrepresented World War II. Over the 75 years since The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under in other areas. As a father of two their founding, M&Ms grew to become the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- daughters, ensuring that young women an internationally recognized brand uary 6, 2015, the gentleman from Texas can achieve anything that they set and a symbol of American innovation (Mr. GOHMERT) is recognized for 60 min- their mind to is personal for me. utes as the designee of the majority In the 10th Congressional District, we and quality. To this day, Mars continues to leader. run a Young Women’s Leadership Mr. GOHMERT. Mr. Speaker, I yield Academy. This program is designed to produce M&Ms in my district in Hackettstown, New Jersey. New Jersey to the gentleman from Pennsylvania help young women develop the leader- (Mr. ROTHFUS). ship skills necessary to overcome any is also home to Mars Global Chocolate headquarters, and they operate four fa- PLANNED PARENTHOOD and all challenges thrown their way. Mr. ROTHFUS. I thank the gen- This unique program gives young cilities in a State employing over 1,700 tleman for yielding. women the opportunity to learn from associates. Mr. Speaker, this week, the House other inspiring female leaders, such as Mars has remained active in New Jer- Select Investigative Panel on Infant our own colleague, Congresswoman sey communities over the years, and I Lives began hearings to look into ELISE STEFANIK, the youngest woman applaud their philanthropic endeavors Planned Parenthood’s harvesting and ever elected to the United States Con- and their commitment to our local trafficking of human body parts, which gress. towns. No doubt New Jersey is a sweet- I encourage all of my colleagues to er place because of M&Ms. was revealed in a series of undercover start similar programs in their district On behalf of the Fifth District of New videos last year. These were videos so that we can all do our part to help Jersey, I am pleased to have the oppor- that even Democrat Presidential inspire young women to become leaders tunity to recognize this extraordinary frontrunner Hillary Clinton, in her in their chosen fields. anniversary for M&Ms. words, ‘‘obviously found disturbing.’’ Of course, this is just a small part of f Since the release of the videos last year, some have rushed to defend the the solution. As we celebrate the in- HONORING JAMES V. KIMSEY spiring achievements of women this organization, and Planned Parenthood month, we must rededicate ourselves (Mr. BEYER asked and was given and its allies have been in full damage to doing more to tear down barriers permission to address the House for 1 control mode. Among the more bizarre and ensure gender equality in our minute.) defenses has been that the videos were country. Mr. BEYER. Mr. Speaker, America heavily edited, as if the statements and the world lost an indefatigable made by Planned Parenthood officials f champion, a distinguished gentleman, and a worker who harvested body parts HONORING EDWARD CHOW, JR. and a charismatic friend with the really aren’t what they appear to be. (Ms. DUCKWORTH asked and was death of James V. Kimsey this past I do not serve on this select com- given permission to address the House Tuesday. mittee, but if I did, I would really want for 1 minute and to revise and extend Jim was larger than life. Everything to take a hard look at that defense. her remarks.) Jim touched has become part of the The term ‘‘heavily edited’’ suggests Ms. DUCKWORTH. Mr. Speaker, I history and culture of our community. that important, qualifying context rise today to honor the service of Cap- From Bullfeathers to AOL, from his may have been omitted in these videos; VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:40 Mar 04, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K03MR7.032 H03MRPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE March 3, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1137 but I struggle, Mr. Speaker, with try- But this is no horror film, Mr. Speak- up 24 percent; Florida went up 23 percent; ing to understand any context that er. These words are direct quotes from Minnesota and Vermont went up 22 percent; would soften the language in these a technician who is engaged in a real- Arizona went up 21 percent; North Carolina tapes. world practice that is appalling, bar- went up 20 percent. For example, in what context is this baric, and indefensible—the harvesting Mr. Speaker, what makes it so in- okay? of fetal body parts for money. credibly difficult is knowing there are ‘‘We have been very good at getting It is not easy to come to the floor of Federal dollars that are being used for heart, lung, liver, because we know the House to speak these words. I abortion and being used for purposes that, so I am not going to crush that would prefer not to. It is uncomfort- that are against the religious beliefs of part.’’ able to listen to these words, and many so many Americans. When we think What about: ‘‘A lot of people want in- people would prefer not to hear them. that the whole object we were told for tact hearts these days,’’ or ‘‘always as If that is the case, Mr. Speaker—if I having ObamaCare and passing it many intact livers as possible’’? don’t like talking about this and if peo- against the will of the majority of the Do the defenders of Planned Parent- ple don’t like hearing about it—why, American people was so that we could hood think that they are talking about for goodness sake, are we allowing make sure everybody had insurance, chicken hearts or livers at a butcher hard-working taxpayers’ dollars to go now it appears that there has not been shop as opposed to baby body parts? to the organization that is responsible much change in the net number of peo- Just in what context does this sound for them? ple covered under insurance.
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