•• U 'V ^ ' ■*. PACK TWENTT-FOtm ) FR roA Y . *APRn< 22, ItSS Avtrsgd Daily Nat Triia Rob Far tM Weak Ended - . April IX 1888 r 1 M Wa Two Oroim .win M wania Club. Mias Provost btann si About Town charge of tM Family N l^ t auppar KV'Week Coum bar musical education is East Elected Pi^f dent Seli Mi VaciliigiB •* m at Cbncordia Church thla availing Hampton, Maaa., at tM age of ACE Group Hears 11,646 ‘ fW r. little ehaswa hi l e ^ p ^ " at S:S0. An old-faiMonad hymn niM and for tM peat tbraa years . 1947 C H IV a O L it tare tetoghi, Sssalay etMgf. m ti- 4iw ItttlM wtio at* MntribaUac Starts at Churcli Spring ’vacation starts at r af tM AMit food ttt tlM « ! • to ba MM at X-W . aing will M one o f tha'Taaturea on haa continued her stddlaa with Mr. Of Baptist Society tha tloas of school today for Saul SilYcrstein Werner, 4>Doar. Twa tans, n tlU i af Olrcnlattaa M «■ tM aflaiw Halo Oan^ on Ba|\Uday moraine the program, alao a llliA and in­ Manchaatar's 8,000 pubHe Maa ar avaalag. a n aakad to M a e Um food to the formation concerning Hartwlek A 10-week conree for parents This will M her first solo piano Mrs. A. W lnthn^ Ballard, 81 school ihlldren. The pupila<arUI Mtmek0tt€rp>^ City o f Vtitago Chitrm College. recital and sM will play her entire An enthuslaatle group at the ■ton boWnra f and d:SO. If a on "TIm .ChrlsUan Family” will Gardner S t, was’ alaetad praaident 10 days to ralax in maatlng o f tha Manchester. Aaao- p d i - m la dMirad, ploan cm tact program from memory. The first Sea BOB OIOBOE^ ai atm ^M Cencordia LutMran part of tM Provoat recital will of tM Woman's Bi^itUt .Jglaaiw for tha final saven eiatlon for Childhood Education lira, rn ok Hallln'Uiia avoninf. The Children of Mary Sodality Cbiirra Sunday, April M, at 6:45 school that bagbia yastarday aftomoon at the Bow- (TW E l Vr p a g e s ) MANCHESTER, CONN„ SATURDAY, APRIL, *8, 1955 AdvartUtag aa Paga of St. Jamea' Church will conduct consist of BeatMvan's "Moonlight Soclaty o f toe Ckanmunity Baptist It) PRICE FIVE CENTS am., tM aame hour aa the Sunday Sonata." TM aacOnd part will In­ Church at Its annual maatlng. era School heard Saul Silveratabi ROY MOTORS, laa. nlaW omcn'a AuxUlary a cake aale fm* the benefit of the apeak on "Undaratanding People new Church of the Aaaumption Behoot ao that parents need not clude "Sonata In C Major," b y Mrs. Ballard succaada Mrs. Fhwk 15S OaatarSt: • MI 9-1838 OonnaoUcut Mato MOdteal Society make an extra trip to tbs" church Haydn, and "Hexantans" (Wltcbaa Q. Carpantar, first praaident o f of Other Nations." •e:. will hold Ita Utb annual meeting Tueaday, April 16, at 9 a.m. do6tod a , ivlllIII completecomp: to. attend. OaBoa), by MacdowaU. SM wUl tM ornn^tion. elected at lU in- t ^ 3 -y w 1955-06. Sllvantein told of hla axperi- Wadnaaday, April ST, at the Brookt Chariea Haid, who has taught conclude her program with "Sere­ caption two years ago. Mra Balli__ n e w ly ancea in Belgium, Italy, laraal and lawn Oouatiy Ckih, Brideeport The daughter born at tM Man- tM Bible Oiaea in toe Sunday nade in B Flat hUnor," Raelunanl- . A davotlMial aervlee was led by .dactad officers ■ 1st Turiccy, and dsMiibed probtams cheater Memorial Hoapital Wed- School for five years, will M toe noir, Debussy’s "Claire Daluna’;/ Mra George Roblnaon. EllaaMth tM May masting , peculiar to each country and wMt Pvt. Donald Lk Andaraoo, aon neadky to Mr. and Mra. John class taacher and iMder. From and "Fantasia ImjfMtxnptu,' NeuMrt of the Junlbr Depariment The meeting closed he feels America egn do to help a< M f. and Mra. CSaranee O. An- Ooveiuky o f Vernon haa. bean time to time films will M used and Frederic Chopin. of the Church School raportad tm hour with Mra t^ i 4M people In those countries. Re Rummiie Salt named. <%ai;yl Lae. M n Cbveneky daraon, SS Durkin St, haa arrived gpeata apeakera. invltod to pre- Tickata may M obtained Hbout toa study of Bidia made by tMt M m In charge o f auo.^itdred the teachers present \ ’ l at F t Ota, N. X , and heeri aa> la tM former Lucim O brien, abut apacM aubjeota. dmrgeat Kemp’s Mum Bton, department under tM direction of with tha^toportant role they Mve MONDAY. A nilL l I daughter of Mr. ' Mra. Oemga ■Igaad to Ok U SdSth Inf. R egt On BunMy, May It. tM film, Pptterton’s and Waniar*i Little Mrs. Stanley Freeman, chairman In gmdiag’ahlldran towwrd under- 8:88-8 FAX \ of tM oath Inf. DIv. for alj^t O’Brien, iS. Hudaon S t The M by 'Ta Y om Homs Fun*" will M prs- atusie ShOppa. o f Missionary and Stawardahip ataaiiing otMia and. therafoto. warim of Mato trainlne. He at> la the OBrlen’o firat grandchUd, santed aa pail of toe course. Blducatlon of too soclaty. Pregent ‘Ali makikg them mcvwaffectlva work- Aw wipHtii Clwrcli I M l.-\ tended SCanebeatar lUgh School Reporis o f tM ireat's .work In' toward future: and waa fecmerly employed by the The Merri-Weda of the SacMid the women's group ataow^ an ac­ Auxiliary Police At Waddell School May meeting of LADIES OF ASSUMPTION Pboanfac Inauranoa Ok - Congregational Church will hold tive and varled'program of Inspira­ Mid at tha Mand their April meeting tonight kt 9 Hear GailJProvost tion,, study, feUowaUp and aarviec, Arllelaa ato|r M laM at hal, "All Baba aM’'tha Forty with a.slata of The (Heat Bo«Aa Diacuaaion o'clock at the church. The program Plan for Parade with recognition from too Hart­ cars fo^r t year, being, present­ April SX 9 a m . S pm . Oro^ will moat Wednaaday at will M a myatery ride. In Q os^ Recital ford Baptist Aaaoclatlon Women’s Ttalevoa” wiU M ineaantad by the ed at tola ObB MI 8-4888 T:N pjo, at the Mary Cheney Manehsstor AuxiUaiy PoUca Society for the accompliahmenta of' RockMeUcr Playara for ChUdren of U bfaiy. I M book to be dlacuaaed Neighbora of Mra. Kwald Jackie this newest wopien’s aociatyinthe m . 9-9888 The fourth and closing recital o t wUl meat Monilay night at i>:80 at New York a ty on'Thuraday, April la *Tm foorinclal Lattara" by o f 79 Keeney S t held, a bon Stats. Two of the local wom en, 35, at 3 pm. at the Wadddl School. Diem -Asks ^ChineBC. Aro iRriendly to the American People* PamiaL , ■ tM spring aariaa by atudenta o f f^ oe Haadquaitars for n prac­ Mrs. Richard Terka, aiid Mra John U.S. voyage liincheon for her today at Hiia new dramatisation of tM ■»?- the home of Mra. John Fiacher, 61 Frederic E. Werner and Paul A, tice <M11 in preparation for tM R. NeuMrt, wife of tM pastor, glamorous tala from "The Arabian m r m s s s i Bridga St Mra. Jackie with Mr Chetelat, well known piano and ^ t ’a parUripaiion in tM Loyalty aerve as chairmen on tM associa­ NighU,” highHgtating tha myatery Doyal Orcla of Xingi Daughtara tion level. AT LOW will M id a rununage aala Wednea* daughtera, Brna and Lydia, ia organ inatructore, will M Mid Day parade on May i m New Brl- and aiupenae of tM conflict M- People Rule tain. Gther officers electad Wednaa­ TOE OFFICE OF ^ My. April SfT, at 9:80 a.m. In aaUlng on the "United Statea" Tueaday evsning. May 3, at 8:15 tw«en the greedy Caasim and tha Formosa Talk Bid Woodniff Hall of Center Oongre- Wednesday for a trip to Bbiglud, Anangementa have bean made day evening were: Mra. Edward L. gentle All. wiU appeal to adults aa I r llN ir Drag gatlonal eSnirch. Artlclaa to be France, Switserland, Qennany and in tM chapel of South Methodist by Chief oft Pelica Herman O. Gsborae, first, vica-preaidant in well as children. There ja a aur- DsirHAROLDj' Church. Bohendel to have tM MiancMstar riiai^ of progam; Mra Romey H. HOCBS~8 A JL to IL F . On Election pickad up will M cikllaS for by the Mediterranean. She plana to prisk comedy treatment that wlU Wsihinffton, April 28 (ffbflnteraat about whether 4 m was ormosa In this recital Mr. Werner will Pipe Band lead tM auxiUary Johnston, vice-president to head LEHMUS BOtUying Mra. David Muldoon, 60 M gone for over three months. delight tM audience. •—American officials reacted **••“"* NatkhuUst (China present' Oail M. Provost, tM group. Other pieces of equipment Buaineas and Profeaslonal Wom­ This la tha first tima a profaa- Saigon, South Viet Korn, Ruaaen S t, chaim an o f the aale. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward 29 HAYNES STREET repreoentaUvaa ia attendanca at SoropUmUt Club members wiU from toe MaMhestcr Police De­ en’s CIrela; Mra John A. Lanaon, sional touring company has bsan extreme caution today any Formosa negotiations, April 23 (4*>-^Embatt]ed Pr«-^ Bangdung, Inddnesio, April 23 (JP)—-Pramisr Choa En*lffi R. fonvoat, 18 Cornell S t Oail, 15 partment WiU Inchide toe emer­ Whits Croaa diainnan; Mrs. Wil­ Sidney A. Brown, 10 Oobum Rd., Mve a dinner meeting at the "Ox ambitldUB enough to selact the WILL BE CLOSED ‘ China' Premier Chou ’They rectnad tM t Chou has 4x- mier Ngo Dinh Diem called of Red China offered today to negotiate with the United ears of ago, is a sophomore at g e n ^ truck and its aquipment.
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