/ 1894, CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 51 . Infantry ann. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. To be second lieutena.nts, to rank from October 31, 1894: WEDNESD~Y_, IJecernber 5, 1894. 1. Corpl. ffiysses G. Worrilow, Company D, Thirteenth Infan­ try, vice Gerhardt, Twentieth Infantry, promoted. The House met at 12 o'clock m. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. 2. Corpl. Frank J. Morrow, Company G, Sixteenth Infantry, E. B. BAGBY. vice Connell, Fifth Infantry, transferred to the Ninth Infantry. The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. 3. Sergt. WilliamA.Raibonrn, LightBatteryF, ThirdArtillery, DEFICIENCY APPROPRIATIONS. vice Carson, Fourth Infantry, transferred to the Fourth Cavalry. The SPEAKER laid before the House a J.e.tt€r from the Secre­ 4. Corp. David G. Spurgin, Company C, Twenty-first Infantry, tary of the Treasury, transmitting estimates of deficiencies in ap­ vice Seay, Twenty-first Infantry, promoted. propriations required to meet the urgent needs of the Government 5. ... Sergt. James A. Lynch, Troop H, Eighth Cavah·y, vice for the current and prior fiscal years; which was refen-ed to the Parker, Fifteenth Infantry, transferred to the Fifth Cavalry. Committee on Appropriations, and ordered to be printed. 6. Sergt. John W. L. Phillips, Troop A, Seventh- Cavalry, vice Loveridge, Eleventh Infantry, promoted. PERSONAL LOSSES OF LIGHT-HOUSE KEEPERS, ETC. 7. Sergt. Harry Clement, Troop K, Fifth Cavalry, vice Smith, ThB SPEAKER also laid before the House a letter from thB Sec­ Twenty-second Infantry, transferred to thQ Twentieth Infantry. retary of the Treasury, transmitting a statement of losses of per­ 8. Sergt. Robeft S. O:ffley, Signal Corps, vice Crain, Tenth In­ sonal property sustained b'y keepers and·othm· employees of the fantry, transferred to the Nineteenth Infantry. light-house establishment on duty in the sixth and eighth dis_.. ·9. Corpl. Edgar F. Koehle1·, Company C, Eighth Infantry, vice tricts; which was referred to the Committee on Claims, and ordered Ames, Eleventh Infantry resigned. to be printed. 10. Corpl. Murray Baldwin, Battery I, Second ArtilleryJ. vice EXPENSES OF FISH CO~SIO~. t Lewis, Eighteenth Infantry, promoted. The SPEAKER. also laid before the House a letter from the Fish 11. Sergt. Samuel P. Lyon, Troop A, First Cavah-y, vice Farns­ Commissioner, transmitting a statement of expenditu\'es made worth, Twenty-fifth Infantry, promoted. during the fiscal year ended June30, 1894, for propagation of food­ 12. Sergt.William T.Schenck, Troop I, First Cavalry, vice Vid­ fish; which w.as referred to the Committee on Merchant Marine mer, Tenth Infantry, transferred to the Tenth Ca~. and Fisheries, and Brdered to be printed. PROMOTIONS IN THE NAVY. REPORTS OF SERGEANT-AT-ARMS. Commodore Richard W. Meade, to be a rear-admiral in the The SPEAKER also laid before the House a report of the Ser­ Navy, from Septembe1· 7, 1894, vice Rear-Admiral Henry Erben, geant--at-Arms of the House of Representatives, showing reeeip.t.s retired. and disbursements of his office from December 4, 1S93, to Decem­ Commodore Charles C. Carpenter, to be a rear-admiral in the ber 1, 1894; which was referred to the Committee on Accounts, and Navy, from November 11; 1894, vic.e Rear-Admiral Bancroft ordm'ed to be printed. Gherardi, retired. The SPEAKER also laid before the House a report of the Ser­ Capt. Robert L. Phythian, to be commodore in the Navy, from geant-at-Anus of the House of Representatives, transmitting a list September 7, 1894, vice Commodore Richard W. Meade, promoted. of the property in h:m charg~ which was referred to the Commit­ Capt. Rush R. Wailace, to be a commodore in the Navy, from tee on Accounts, and ordered to be printed. November 11, 1894, vice Commodore Charles C. Carpenter, J>l'O- · I FINDINGS OF THE COURT OF CLA.L\IS. moted. · The SPEAKER also laid before the House a copy of the findings Commander James H. Sands, to be a captain in the Navy, from of the Court of Claims in the case of F. M. Swanson vs. United September 7, 1894, vice Capt. Robert L. Phythian, promoted. States; which wasTeferred to the CommittBe on War Claims, and Commander Yat.es Stirling, to be a captain in theNavy, n·omSep­ ordered to be printed. tember 16, 1894, vice Capt. William R. Bridgman, deceased. The SPEAKER also laid before the House a copy of the find­ Commander William C. Wise, to be a captain in the Navy, from ings of the Court of Claims in the case of M. V. Brown vs. The November 11, 1W4, viee Capt. Rush R. Wallace, promoted. 'United States; which was referred to the Committee on War · Lieut. Commander William T. Burwell, to be a commander in Claims, and ordered to be printed. the Navy, from September 7, 1894, .vice Commander Jam-es H. The SPEAKER also laid before the House a letter from the as­ Sands, promoted. sistant cYerk of the Court of Claims, transmitting a list of cases Lieut. Commander John J. Hunker, to be a commander in the dismissed by the court December 11, 1893; which was refened to Navy, from Sep~mber 16, 1894, vice Commander Yates Stirling, the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. promoted. The SPE.A.KER also laid ·before the House a letter from the Lieut. Commander Franklin Hanford, to beaoommander in the clerk of the Court of Claims, ti·ansmitting a statement of all judg­ Navy, from September 21, 1894, vice Commandm· Joshua Bishop, ments rendered by said cotrrt for the year: ending November 30, retired. 1894; which was referred to the Committee on War Clainis, and Lieut. James D. Adams, to be a lieutenant-commander in the ordered to be p-rinted. Navy,from September 7, 1894, vice Lieut. Commander William PUBLIC BUILDING, NEWARK, · N. J. T. Burwell, promoted. Lieut. Richard Wainwright, to be a lieutenant-commander in Mr. ENGLISH of New Jersey.- I ask unanimous consent for the Navy, from September 16,1894, vice Lieut. Commander John thB present consideTation of the bill which I send to the desk. J. Hunker, promoted. The bill (H. R. 4796), supplemental to an act entitled "An act to authorize the purchase of additional ground in Newark, N.J., PASSED ASSISTANT ENGINEERS. adjoining the custom-house and post-office building, and for the Passed Assistant Engineer Joseph P. Mickley, to be a chief en­ improvem~:mt thereon and the erection of additions thereto," ap­ gineer in the Navy, from the 28th of August, 1894, vi~ Chief En­ proved March 1,1888, was read, with the amendments of the Com­ gineer Hugh H. Cline, retired. mittee on Public Buildings and Grounds. Passed Assistant Enginem· William H. Nauman, to be a chief The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the gen­ engineer in the Na-vy, from the 12th of September, 1894, vice Chief tleman from New Jersey (Jtfr. ENGLISH]? Engineer Isaac R .. MeNary, retired. Mr. SAYERS. I object. Assistant Engineer Emil Theiss, to be a passed assistant engineer W A.R BETWEEN CHINA. A.ND J A.PAN. in the Navy, from the 1st of August, 1894, vice Passed Assistant Mr. BLAIR. I ask unanimous consent to submit a resolution Engineer Andrew M. Hunt, resigned. ~ for action at the present time. Assistant Engineer William H. Chambers, to be a passed assist­ The Clerk read as follows: ant engineer in the Navy, from the 28th of August, 1894, vice Resolved, That the President of the United States be requested, so far as Passed .Assistant Engineer Joseph P. Mickley, promoted. " not mcompatible with the public interests, to t1·ansmit to the House of Re:{>­ resen.tatives all the correspondence, by telegraph or otherwis.e1 between this ASSISTANT SURGEONS L~ NA.VY. Government and the Governments of China an.P. Jspan, respectively, relating Arthur W. Dunbar, a citizen of California, to bean assistant sur­ to the pending war betw.een those countries. geon in the Navy, from the 10th of October, 1894, to fill a vacancy The SPEAKER. IB there.objection to the present consideration in that grade. , of this resolution'( Theodom W. Richards, a citizen of the District of Columbia, to Mr. ENGLISH of New Jersey. I object. be an assistant surgeon in the Navy, from the 12th of November, Mr. BLAIR. I ask that the resolution be referred. 1894, to fill a vacancy in that grade. ~he resolution was referred to the Committee on Foreign Af­ farrs. SUP~~~ENT OF COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. ORDER OF BUSINRSS. • William W. Duffield, of Michigan, to be Superintendent of the Mr. ROBBINS. Mr. Speaker, I ask nrumimons consent for the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, to succeed Thomas C. pTesent consideration of Senate bill5 8, to repeal section 4145 of Mendenhall, resigned. Mr. Duffield is serving under a temporary the Revised Statutes of the United States, and to amend section commission issued during the recess of the S~nate. 4146, etc. · 52 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HQUSE. DECEMBER ~, The SPEAKER. The bill will be read subject to objection. "In the next place, the number of these outstandin15 permits is small, and each and every one of them contains a clause authorizing their revocation by The bill was read at length. the Secretary of the Interior whenever,in his opinion, just cause Pxists for The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the present considera­ making revocation. I therefore think tnat the clause making summary and tion of this bill? absolute revocation of the permits should be omitted, and that power bo left where it is now, in the discretion of the Secretary. Mr. ENGLISH of New Jersey. I demand the regular order. "I also suggest that the bill be further amended so as to authorize th3 Sec­ The SPEAKER.
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