23 Febuary, 2015 Vol. 10 No. 8 ISSN 0795-3089 Planning, Policy Implementation: Ingredients to Success in Education Sector he Honourable Minister- of Mallam Shekaraufective communication strategy. TEducation, Mallam Ibrahim Shekarau, CON, has said that Mallam Shekarau added that planning, policy implementa- other areas in which the Min- tion and management remained istry hoped to increase efforts critical ingredients in facilitat- were in conducting a concurrent ing the activities of public and Annual School Census to deter- private providers of education. mine actual enrolment figures in Nigeria as well as finalising Speaking at the Federal Ministry the development of a National of Education’s Forum on “Con- Systems Framework for Basic solidating the Transformation in Mallam Ibrahim Shekarau, CON Education, including those on the Education Sector: A Strategy Honourable Minister of Education guidance and counselling, qual- – July, 2014-May, 2015”, Mallam ity assurance, monitoring of Shekarau noted that the exist- learning achievement and teach- ence of strong institutions in the work for Basic Education. He add- er development needs assess- education sector was meant to ed that in the coming months, the ment/professional development. support success in attaining Ni- Ministry would be consolidating geria’s development objectives. as well as developments in the sec- The Minister stated that the Min- tor by maintaining industrial har- istry’s focus was consolidating on The Minister explained that tre- mony, ensuring the safety of school the developments recorded in the mendous progress had been environments, supporting the re- education sector as well as, where made in the drive to have access sumption of academic activities in possible, laying a foundation for to reliable data and development schools in the North-eastern part the future and addressing urgent of a National Systems Frame- of Nigeria and implementing an ef- issues of national importance. in this edition... PHOTOSPEAK: The Honourable Minister VISIT: NUC, Prism to Partner on University APPOINTMENTS: Mallam Dan’Iya now DES of Education hold Consultative Meeting with Equipment supply. (Pg. 2). (Administration), Dr. Adesina Confirmed Vice-Chancellors of 12 new universities (Pg. 2). DODE. (Pg. 3). - PHOTOSPEAK - HME’s Consultative Meeting with VCs of 12 New Varsities R-L: Honourable Minister of Education, Mallam Ibrahim Sheka- R-L: Permanent Secretary, Federal Ministry of Education, Dr. rau, CON, and the Honourable Minister of State for Education, MacJohn Nwaobiala and the Executive Secretary, National Professor Viola Onwuliri Universities Commission, Professor Julius A. Okojie, OON A cross section of Vice-Chancellors at the Consultative Meeting with the Honourable Minister NUC, Prism to Partner on University Equipment Supply he Executive Secretary, Na- commendation when a del- in the country had access to sci- Ttional Universities Commis- egation from PSAN paid him entific programmes and tools, sion (NUC), Professor Julius A. a courtesy call in his office on noting that PSAN had assisted Okojie, OON, has commeded Monday, 16 February, 2015. several institutions achieve suc- and admonished the Prism Sci- cesses in the teaching and re- entific Association of Nigeria The Executive Secretary, who search of science and technology. (PSAN) to continue in its efforts was represented by the Deputy in the procuring, installing and Executive Secretary (Research In their separate remarks, the Di- servicing scientific programmes and Special Projects), Professor rectors, Information and Com- in Nigerian universities. Chiedu Mafiana, assured PSAN munication Technology, Professor of the Commission’s support to- Val Ekechukwu and Protocol and The NUC Scribe gave thewards ensuring that universities Special Duties, Mr. Chris Maiyaki, 2 as a bridge between manufac- turers of scientific tools and universities, adding that Prism provided support to both uni- versities and manufacturers, and ensured that the tools supplied to institutions were operational. Ms. Oman informed the NUC Scribe that PSAN was established in 2007, and that 15 universities in Africa already had access to its programmes and laboratory equipment. This, she noted, had made it easy for research activities to take place in these institutions. She mentioned that Prism was in R-L: DES (Research & Special Projects), Professor Chiedu Mafiana and Cecilia Oman search of a professional vendor whose capacity would be evaluated harped on the issue of member- adding that it was also necces- every third year to develop a sup- ship of the Association; they in- sary for institutions to know how port package for the universities. quired if membership was opened they would pay for the services of- to institutions and individuals. fered to them by the Association. Among those in the PSAN delega- They asked if the Association tion were: Mr. A. Jegede, Ado Dan- was willing to act as a vendor be- Responding, the leader of the Isa, Professor Charles Aworh, Sowe tween the manufacturers of sci- delegation, Ms. Cecilia Oman, Eriksson, Professor Y. K. E. Ibra- ence equipment and universities, said that the Association served him, Professor Gideon Okpok- in order to avoid conflicts of roles, wasili and Professor P. C. Onianwa. NUC Deputy Executive Secretaries, Research and Special Projects and Administration, in a group photograph with some NUC Management staff and the PSAN delegation. Mallam Dan’Iya now DES, Dr. Adesina Confirmed DODE he Management of the Na- February, 2015, received the news Secretary (Administration) with Ttional Universities Commis- of the appointment of Mr. Ibra- immediate effect. The position sion (NUC), on Wednesday, 18 him Dan’Iya as Deputy Executive became vacant, following the re- 3 tirement of the former Deputy ing Perception and Effectiveness”. Executive Secretary (Adminis- tration), Mr. Akinbode Agbaoye, In 2014, she was awarded a Grad- from service in November, 2014. uate Academic Certificate as a Specialist in Ageing by the Uni- The New Deputy Executive Sec- versity of North Texas, Denton, retary (Administration) gradu- USA, on completion of a course ated from the Ahmadu Bello of study in Applied Gerontology. University, Zaria, in 1982, with a Bachelor’s degree in Political Sci- The new Director had held teach- Mallam Ibrahim Dan’Iya ence. He obtained a Masters of Deputy Executive Secretary, ing positions with both Ogun and Public Administration (MPA) Administration Oyo States Teaching Service Com- from the University of Lagos and missions. For a while in 1984, she has attended several interna- was a Graduate Assistant in the Mallam Dan’Iya is mar- tional and local courses, includ- Department of Adult Education, ried and has six children. ing the Institutional Manage- University of Lagos. In December, ment in Higher Education at the 1997, she transferred her services Similarly, the Commission also University of London, in 1985. to the National Universities Com- confirmed the appointment of mission (NUC) where she was ap- Dr. Olamide Esther Adesina, as Until his appointment, Mr. pointed Assistant Chief Research the substantive Director, De- Dan’Iya was the Director, Student Officer, after a stint with the -Fed partment of Open and Distance Support Services. Born in Febru- eral Ministry of Education. She Education (DODE). Prior to ary, 1958, the new Deputy Execu- rose, through the ranks, to become the confirmation, Dr. Adesina tive Secretary joined the services the Deputy Director, Curriculum was the Acting Director, DODE. of the NUC after his National Development in 2007. She also Youth Service in August, 1983, as served in different capacities as a Dr. Adesina holds a Bachelor of an Assistant Secretary and rose Deputy Director, including Head, Education degree in Adult Edu- through the ranks to become Special Projects, Department of cation and Language Arts, a Mas- Deputy Director, Human Re- Research and Innovations, from ter’s degree in Adult Education sources, in 2002. He was appoint- 2008 to 2009, and Deputy Direc- with specialisation in Literacy, ed Acting Director, Management tor, Postgraduate Curriculum De- and a Doctor of Philosophy de- Support Services in November, velopment and Planning in the gree in the same field with spe- 2010 and was confirmed substan- Academic Standards Department, cialisation in Psychology of Adult tive Director the following year. from 2011 to 2013. In November, Learning, all from the Univer- 2013, Dr. Adesina was posted to sity of Ibadan. Her Thesis was ti- The new Deputy Executive Secre- the Department of Quality Assur- tled “Active Directive Learning tary has served and represented ance as Deputy Director, Institu- Strategy in the Improvement of the Commission in several ca- tional Accreditation Division and Nigerian Adult Leaners’ Teach- pacities. He has served on the later, Deputy Director, Postgradu- Board and Council of several in- ate Accreditation Division in 2014. stitutions, including the Federal University of Technology, Akure Dr. Adesina has served in various (FUTA), from 2003 to 2006; capacities in a number of Com- Kano University of Technology, mittees of the Commission, in- from 2007 to 2014; and the Ad- cluding Chairman, Monday Bulle- vertising Practitioners Council tin Editorial Board, from 2006 to of Nigeria (APCON), from 2012 2008; NUC Representative on the to 2014. He has also served as Council and Tenders Boards of Secretary and Member of server- the French Language Village, Bad- al Inter-Ministerial Commit- agry, from 2001 to 2004; Univer- Dr. Olamide
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