![Atlantic Sun the Weekly Student Publication of Florida Atlanti.C University ===~===== Urges No Tax Repeal](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
OPINION FEATURES ENTERTAINMENT SPORTS Ode to Nothing to Peter Tash's See sports the Pub, worry about ?, last album reviewed, desk, page 6 page 8 page 12 page 17 Atlantic Sun The weekly student publication of Florida Atlanti.c University ===~===== urges no tax repeal KRISTEN PIo;T..;RSON and "n;veni,y prestige will all be Florid" is in a ens;", aoooroing NEWS EDITOR CUI "s a result of 'his los.. of '0 Colema". "A rq><:a.l with no funds. according 10 Savage. replacenlCnl...woukI bedcvasting FAU'" s,uden! governmenl \0 ,he futute of this SUOI<:," !;he held a press conference last In order '0 m<ok" up funds Ihat said. Thursday. Sepl. 2:4 '0 voice op­ would be 1051 wi'h a repeal, posillon '0 (jov Bob Maninez'. Savage ....id a 20 percen' lu;,;on The popular alternative of a proposed repeal of lhe five per­ increase acro,,' 'he ~""e un;ver­ repeal w;th a replacr:men' of an cent sale:< 'a" on ""rvl"". th,u Sil)' sys,em would be necessary. additional one cent saks U1ll is, wen' ,n!O effect On July I, 1987. Thi~ would be (he eighlh lu;,'on according 10 Coleman, a short increase in eigtll yca.,. "We're ,erm fix at best. She said, "Our "FAU s,,,nd. '0 losc 'his year climbing at a rnle higher 'han in_ doors will no< elosc, bu' we will "lo"" $3.5 million .ha, is already flation.·· he said budge,ed for the :><:hool." said lose a grea. deal of tnOInCIIlum. " s'uden, body president Paul Carla Coleman, the universi­ Savage. "This is " 6.5 percent ,y'. ""nior n:s.eareh a.uocialC and decrease in the ove....n budget." lobbyiSt, was also on hand to See REPEAL New doeooral program., answer questions cOfl(;erning .h.c recruil,ng funds, f""..l.y positions proposed repeal. page 2 WHAT'S HAPPENING Popovich addresses SG Tomorrow night KRJSTEN PETERSON and 'hey have begun .0 hear trom people On Thurnday, Oct. I The Victims NEWS .:D1TOR in the communi,y," said Popovich. She Dperform In ,he Ral. The band, added .ha, legislators must continue to nsored by SGPB. w,ll begIn 01 9 F'AU President Helen Popovich auend­ receive phone calls of ~uppon. "It's real­ m Adm,ssion ,s $2 fot FAU ed lhe last Mudem government S"ssi'm on ly a cri'ical time for """"-",,.ion and foroth.cr dents and $4 10' guests Thursday, Sepl.24 '0 e"press 'h"nks and hu"",n servius in .he sLa'e of Florida." congnl.uLa.ion. for wtun she called "an e,,­ In addilion to Popovich's address, cellen! prcs.~ conference" held ""rlier .ha. special projects coordina'or John ooking Ahead day. McDonald announc<,d upcoming even's n.c <:onferenee, organited by studenl planned for the semeS'er. govern...enl, urged onday 10/5 Nov. 1 marl<s'he firs. FAU ",ilga.e par­ Pftsld<n' n"t"n P<>po"kh -.-­ the re'ention of the five percent sales 'a" t·"u st"de'" Jl.".'e",ment on ..,.....a tal< ~. SC:PB's lmemallonal Film Series on services without revisions and inform­ ty to prceede a soccer m,neh agains' conunUIIS wl1h UtI'. a hIm Irom New ed local media ofthe dev""tating OtJ.COme Florida Ins.i.u,e of Technology. A and, Admiss,on ,s'free lor FAU a repeal could have on 'he universi.y barbecue i. seheduled to follow the game. can anyone represcn' more 'han one club a' ICC It>CCIings. ",."., more people then;. dents, $2 lor faculty and sIal! and communi,y. A "B,g Tenl Party" is seheduled for 10. general publlc. UIU begins 01 'he be""r the n'essage will gel out." Popovich said lhat a. an earlier m~.."ing Nov. 20 before the Tip-off 'ournament 1 p.m In .he Un,versIly Center In Tallahassee last we<:k, legislators had which is lhe firs' game of'it(, women's <zudl1orium. In other 5g news: heard no support for keeping .00 tax, but baskelball season. • Bob Hudkins was appointod .0 the posi­ she said .hat has changed. .;on of Lobby Direc.or. McDonald also announced ,ha, the nell. Tuesday 10/6 "They have begun to here from faeul. In.er Club Council me<::ting was Oc•. 6 al • Ronnie Williams was eloctcd '0 the •y, ,hey have begun 10 hear from studen... 1 p.m. in UC 116. He ""id thai no longer senD'e. This fills all senate '"""ts. The Tuesday nigh. movie Ihls week la Drag"el s'arrlng Dan Ayhoyd and Tom Honks. The show beg,ns en 7 p.m. In the University Rat director schedules special events Center audllorlum. FAU students get In hea_ LYNN SAMJEC •y, complete wi'h an indoor volleyball nco Herring en«>urages club ......icipalion. STAFF WRITER and sand_ A 'ac", surf shop will have" He said he would be able.o gel beer pro­ fa$hi'm sho..... and Anheuscr ausch will be motions and spon$Or e"'ertainmen. if it(, Wednesday 10/7 The Ra'. is i. oor friend or foc? Aeeor· passing nUl prius. Spuds will also be knew ,here would be IJ"Ople a.the evenlS. there. Th" onnual auct,on 01 orticles losl ding to John Herring. lhe direc.or of DAKA Food Services, i. is truely our On Octobet 23rd .he fra.erni,ies and "1 can'. get beer cornpanies for pron""" and found On campus beginS In Ihe D.AKA will be sponsor;ng a Toga ""ny, if 'here are only 'en people in <he Rat, I Rathskello 01 8 p.m. For mOre inlor­ friend. r ..Iso open.o all studenl&. A di~ jockey or need 100." h" said . motion sea the Newsshllll sechon on "We wanl 'he s'udems to ge' more in­ page 2. volved and ""nicipate. The Rat will only live entertainme", will be provided. Su,ning Monday 'he Rat wi" open a' be wha' .hey make i.," said Herring. 3:00P.M Wi.h.hcNFLstrike"Monday Herring mel Mon<l:ly evening with sonlC "We want the students to Nigh' Foo.ball"nigh.' has been 1"" on hold of.he fra.ernities on campus and Tuesday Registrar's Reminder get more involved and 50 HerTing is making i' "Video Nigh."'. evening with ,he resident ,,"sistants of the Rock videos and n'ovi"" will be playing The day drop courses or dorms to ellplain to them tha' he would like lost .0 participate. The Rat will cominously with free pi:r.:t.ll being served. lrom the university wilhout various groups utiliu .he faelli,y. wtlhdraw .0 On Tuesday and Wednesday free hors receiving an F grade is Friday. Oc' only be what they make it." lobEl.9. "Pcople are finding ou' we rcally care d'oeuvres will be served during happy for 'hem. We ",an' them.o use the place, " John "erring hour, along wi.h videos playing throughou' Note he said. "We will offer our services '0 Director of DAKA .he evening. make Ihe nigh' successful." The Unive....lty Center Tlcke. 01­ Through .hese ,wo mee,ings the Ra. is The R.A.'s ure looking '0 .he Ra. for See RATHSKELLER fice WIll be closed on Saturday. Oct. already sei>cduling special evenlS for .he dinner parties "nd dances. Already rPo, quesllons .egarding tickelln· s,uden.s. On Oc,(>ber 15,h 'he fratemitics scheduled is a ~'s·60·s dunce on October page 5 onnal'oo coil 393-3758. and DAKA will be sponwring a beach ""r- l8th for dorm residents. September 30. page 2 J41 News Shelf Hopefulls address GOP worn s s Dole claims Bush is unelectable pus rcsolUllOl>S """na the pDS'­ popular aaoelMit)o wlllt JOHlIo FITCH lIOns of Republican .....,.".,n and announced 10 the crowd, . Research paper workshop SPECIAL TO THE SUN nIluonal l_ dent RCllpn hucn<lonctI ( Sen Roben Dole. R-Kan>oa<. Prnld"n.·· The P...... I lold ... audience afappro"l......t~_ Dole. who alofts wtLh Lhcothcr unknow'na.!Y did dt~... I II you are h<:rvmg problems wnbng you r-.:>reh paper. Iy 3.000 at the Nuiooat Fed<!ra­ five Republlean ~can­ said.·'Theonlyjobm.""", ! the LJbrory at f10rida Attonbc Urnv....ly IS olfenng a tion of Rc-publiean Wo<n<:n's dl<bta addrused Lhc IaT&CSl tuI_ you 10 be Prfiodenl Ii ~ R..-on;h Paper Workshop on the follow.ng dates, COOl"enuon 1fI Orlando .... SCpf liooat Rep..bhcan g:uhcring "" ...,..-." And Ott Pont IS dlr 21. IN' Voce Prfiidcnt George date,n 19lI1,sald,nanll"ltC<"o'lC'" fonnc. Governor In dI! Monday. Oc!. 5. 1987 01 9 a.m. and 3 p.m 8Ilsh .s Ilnek'aable. Ihat Bush was uneleclable hence his anaJoay. Tuesday. Oct. 6. !987 at 9 a.m. and 3 p,m. becausc. "He doeo...,. appcaI "" lrad'oonal DcmocnlS and In_ Th_ wod:llhaps are opon to 011 atudonlS 01 no COSl, <IcpctIdcn~" He J;aid. "You lhc lradilional family Pl_ reqLSler at the R..I.....~ Dotsk or coli exlens>an c...·t get elccte<l in 1988 wiLh ....hich"""""··-"tshe c1."'>od...., 3780 by Friday. Oct. 2. 1987 Republ_n V<>IC$ alone." ~un:f:t':.~e~ Dole's ......'menLS aboul Bush O<mo<:rallC Parlr, for RHA meeting were reiteraled by farmer Republican oonyen;lO<I 01 Secreta,.,. of St-:lle Alexander m,lhon noglSfCn:<! V<lt(:J1o. Hslg wha said Ihal "The whom arc Sou'hcm Ch . The Residence Hall AIlaoc:lalion met lost wee}: ond Republican nomince ",u51 hs·'c 5,n<:e Ptcllden' R""gan lool ..Ieeted Ih..ir oWce,"" lor Ih.
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