Cupid Is Apparently Re~ting Astronaut Stands During 166 Summer Session In Gemini 10 Hatch By DEANNE NEUMAN hearing about it. He said that the problem to the Dumber of SteH Writer most of the announcements the older students here. "Tbey're The summer sun continues to Iowan received duriDg the year all either old and married or blaze on Iowa City but it evi­ were from fraternities and s0- old and confirmed - confirmed To Take Pictures dently lacks the power to kindle rorities. Since they wereD't op­ to what, I doD't know," he said. tbe flame of romance in the erating this summer, he said, A lonely coed, wbo is sepa­ ~rts 01 University summer the public dIdn't know what was rated £rom her pinmate, at­ !eSSion students. going on . tributed the lack of romantic Judging Irom the one engage­ Men $cerce interest to the fact that couples ment announcement received by A somewhat particular coed were separated for the summer, '!'be Daily Iowan this summer, surveying the sceDe and sizing and the partner here on cam­ Dan Cupid is on vacation. up the summer crop of possi­ pus doesD't dale. Or at least he The absence of tbe usual bilities said, "There just aren't doelll't let the fact be known. lengthy "PinDed, Chained, En­ enough boys around." OptIon DIvIded gaged" column in each Friday's This seemed to be the eom­ Opinion is divided on the im­ editioo of tbe Iowan also indl­ plaiDt of the meD as well, de­ POrtance of concentrated study CJles somethIng (s amiss on the spite enrollment figures that as a contributing factor. The romantic scene. show a record number of stu­ two schoolJ of thought seem to lowen Inqui rei dents are here this IWIIJIler. be compoeed of those wbo study [0 an attempt to discover just Anotber sell-appointed expert and those who don't, tbe only whaL's happened to love this seemed unaware of the drying agreement being "it all depends summer, The Daily Iowan did effect of tbe heat OD the SpriDg OD last semester's grades." some inquiring around campus. flood waters wheD he reasoDed The fiDal diagnosis, it's just One romantic die-hard, a mar­ that the lack of romance was too hot, leads us to offer tbe WHY ARE N'T tfIt boy. and Ilrl. Ilttl"" toteth. r this summer? Why Cln a pNtty IlrI welk !ly ried man to boot, speculated because "the road to Sugar Bot­ solution of alr-conditioning the that love hadn't really disap­ tom il underwater." entire campu., the only possible a IUY without hit tven notkl",,? Some uy Its the hut, but with atudyl"" a. III aiNrnat/ve1 peared - we just haven't been A graduate student attributed answer_ R.. lly, -P~ by Ken Kephart STUDENTS NEED JOB $om. Rust Colleg. studtttts who ert per1iclpatl"" In the summer RILEEH progrem stili need summ.r job •. Anyone hlv. Ino an odd iob to be done Iowan should CIII Mn. Cerol Rlck.y. 353-3946. Speck Suffers From Possible N.ew Viole nee Fla-.res Up Heart AHack Hunt SmUtt. CHICAGO III - Richard Speck, This set the stage for the sec- arrested in the murders of eight and satellite bunt of their misslon- student nurses, may have suffer­ pursuit Wednesday of the power. ed a heart atlack Tuesday shortly less AgeDa_ before he came face to face with Jn~~ Cleveland -N "That tbing really Ughts that the only survivor of the massacre ~ , ~ 1'-' egro Area tall," Youn. said Wben the Agena a spokesman for the city jail ," ~ . ! ~ ;f,~M 'l • fired Ita big 16,OOO-pound thrust hospital said. • ----..:-------------------- engine, pusbin. Gemini 10 closer "There is an 80 per cent chance to the eartb. that Richard Speck suffered a Parts of their veDture, now coronary thrombosis sometime One Man Is Killed heading for a splashdown Thurs- prior to 10 a.m. today," Dr. WI!­ day afternoon iDto the Atlantic !iam N. Norcross, the city jail Ocean bad to be scrubbed be- physician, said in a late after­ As Police Do -Battle cause the astroDauts burned too Doon medical bulletin. much fuel pursuing, then latching "Complete rest has been or- CLEVELAND, Ohio (AP ) - A cgro man was shot and dered as well as no Interviews or killed Tuesday night as police battled to control new viol­ visitors {or the next 48 hours." Norcross said . "The patient can­ ence, fire-bombings and shootings in the heavily Negro ,3 U.S. Planes not be moved." Hough area. The Chicago Sun-Times said in It was the 5et'ODd death in two nights of riotus disorders. ita morning editions today that flEAR DF CIVIL WAR in central Java increased Tuesday as re­ it had learned that the Burvi vor. porta poured in of clasbes between oPpoDents and supporters of National Guardsmen were ca11ed up but the 1,000 troops Hit In Oil Raid Corazon Amurao, 23, a Filipina Pres. Sukarno. Java has 10Dg been a stronghold of the president. did not reacb the ruiD-strewn bat­ SAIGON (A'I - Three U.S. excbange nurse. had identified • • • tlegrouDd before the new out- were on their SO-mile trip here planes were shot down over Nortb Speck in his hospital room. JIORMER AMBASSADOR Joseph P. Kennedy, 77, father of tbe breaks, scattered over a two- rrom Greensburg, crowds of Ne­ Viet Nam Tuesday during raids The paper said Miss Amurao late presideDt, was reported much improved Tuesday in Hyannis square-mile section three miles groes were hurling roclrs at po­ OD oil depots Dear Hanoi , the U.S. pointed her finger at Speck and Port, Mass., from a mild heart attack suffered Sunday_ from dowDtown Cleveland. Iicemen. Negro youtbs threw a Command said Wednesday. bad said quietly, "That is the Two Negroes with gunshot firebomb from a car and flames man , then turned and left. • • • wounds and a white man with an gushed from an already dam­ Two of tbe planes were downed THE STOCK MARKET took a sharp loss Tuesday on news that by anti-aircraft fire aDd the otber But the report was unconfirm­ eye injury were admitted to tbe aged store. ed. The state attorney's office. Korth Yiet Nam's ambassador to Peking had said that captured Mount Sinai Hospital. One of the Two hundred policemen, many was IIhol down by a Communist U.s. pilots would be tried as war criminals_ Trading was moderate, MJG - the first U.S. plane lost which is handling the case, re­ Negroes was sbot in the thigh ; carrying shotguns, patrolled the in aerial combat In more than a fused to comment. over·all, but was quite heavy immediately after the news came and the other in the arm. riot-scarred s I r e e t s. Firemen Snipers Reported year. The Chicago Tribune also said J, Itocb were taking t~eir worst 10:ses. Police reported several snipers were still working to quench a North Viet Nam's official news it had learned that Miss Amu­ • OD roof. and behind buildiDgS. fire set Monday night. agency earlier claimed 10 Ameri­ rao had idenUfied Speck as the . PRESIDENT JOHNSON announced Tuesday the federal budget Fires broke out. Molotov cock- A crowd of several bundred had caD planes had been shot dowD killer. deficit was held to $2.3 billion iD the latest bookkeeping year - the tails flew in the darkness. gathered by dusk at 79th and over North Viet Nam Tuesday Norcross said tests would be Iomt level since be took office. ODly last JaDuary, Johnson told Youngsters looted stores. Po- Hough, heart of the trouble area. ~ aDd that a Dumber of U.S. fllers conducted Wednesday and Thurs­ ASTRONAUT Michael Collins we, liven the go ..heed Tuesdey had been captured. Ccagress he expected a deficit of $6.4 hillion for the 1966 fiscal year licemen armed with shotguDs and 4eO Policemen There day to determine Speck's condi­ that ended June 30. Spending during the 12 mODthS totaUed $106.9 rifles raced from one trouble spot Gov. Rhodes called up the to open the hatch of Gemini 10, to stand up In his , ..t Ind to The U.S. Command said tbat tion. Norcross ordered the tests billion. Revenues soared to $104.6 billion. to another. IguardsmeD on request of Mayor take picture. and to perform other ,xperlments for en hour. tbe three pilots of the downed An unidentified Negro man , Ralph S. Locber, who changed The mission of the Gemini 10 i. to be compltltd with an Atlantfe planes were listed as missing. Tuesday after Speck, 24, com­ plained of chest pains. The phy­ felled by gunfire, was dead on his mind about not asking (or tpllShdown on Thutlday. -AP WI...".... A U.S. spokesman said two arrival at a hospital. The hospi- help. sician said Speck was resUess ------ Communist MJGs had been dam­ and was trying to sleep. tal's Dursing supervisor said the Police Chief Richard WagDer aged in the aerial encounters with Sources Indicate man had been shot in the bead. U.S. Air Force planes. said 400 policemen had beeD as­ Pollcltnen On Buildl""s sigDed Lo the predominantly Ne­ City Councilmen Express, The two planes downed hy Polieemen with rifles were gro area. There were 200 men North Vietnamese anti-aircraft SNCC Says posted atop buildings. there Monday nigbt wheD a 26- fire were an Air Force FI05 ,Pilots To Be Tried The fatal shooting came at an year-old woman was killed in an Thunderchief and a Navy F8 Cru­ iDtersectioD iD the worsl trouble exchange of gun [ire between pa­ Feelings On Urban Renewal sader.
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