/Users/giovanni/Documents/Gen/WashingtonGen16.rtf Ancestors of pres. George Washington Patched together from info found and cross-checked only via the net. As you will quickly see, there are lots of gaps. Please, let us know if you see any glaring errors, disputed info, additional sources, etc...jgo 4 5 6 y a h o o 16th Generation 16>32768. 13ggs of sir William de Washington (son of sir Walter de Washington & Joan de Whitchester) d: between 1288 & 1290 [http://thepeerage.com/ p32195.htm#i321946][http://fabpedigree.com/s036/f015759.htm] (?same as 16672?) & 32769. Margaret de Morville (d of Robert de Morville or John de Morville & ?? ) b: in Westmorland [http://thepeerage.com/p32195.htm#i321947][http://fabpedigree.com/ s036/f015759.htm] (?same as 16673?) 16>32770. sir William de Strickland/sir William de Stirkeland/Walter de Strickland (son of sir Robert de Stirkeland & ?? ; gs of Robert de Stirkeland; ggs of sir Walter de Castlecarock & Christina de Leteham) b: c. 1170 or c. 1219 d: c. 1305 [http:// thepeerage.com/p32291.htm#i322902][http://www.genealogysf.com/Stanton-p/ p106.htm#i7239][http://www.stirnet.com/genie/data/british/ss4tz/strickland01.php] (same as 16674) & 32771. Elizabeth Deincourt (d of sir Ralph Deincourt of Kent/ Ralph d'Eincourt of Sizergh & Alice; gd of Ralph d'Eyncourt & Eleanor le Fleming) b: c. 1170 [http://thepeerage.com/p32291.htm#i322903][http:// familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/p/o/h/Pamela-J-Pohly/GENE4 -0078.html#CHILD83886855][http://www.genealogysf.com/Stanton-p/ p106.htm#i7240][http://www.stirnet.com/genie/data/british/ff/fleming04.php#ans] (same as 16675) 16>32772. ?? 16>33000. ?? ... 16>33340. 16>33342. 16>33344. 16>33346. 16>33348. sir Robert de Stirkeland (son of Robert de Stirkeland; gs of sir Walter de Castlecarock & Christina de Leteham) d: 1278 [http://www.stirnet.com/genie/data/ british/ss4tz/strickland01.php] () & 33349. ?? () [] () 16>33350. sir Ralph Deincourt of Kent/Ralph d'Eincourt of Sizergh (son of Ralph d'Eyncourt & Eleanor le Fleming; gs of Anselm le Fleming de Furness & Agnes Dunbar; ggs of Edgar unnithing) & 33351. Alice () [] () ... 16>33536. John Woodford (son of William Woodford & ?? ) b: in Woodford near Salisbury, WiltShire d: c. 1362 buried: Thorpe Arnold, Melton Mowbray, LeicesterShire [] () & 33537. Alice Prest (d of Walter Prest & ?? ) [Jhttp://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/ cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=AHN&db=ancestorsearch&id=I18001] () 16>33538. John Brabazon (son of William Brabazon & Joan Trussell) [] () & 33539. Agnes Whatton (d of Richard de Whatton & ?? ) [Jhttp://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/ igm.cgi?op=AHN&db=ancestorsearch&id=I18001] () 16>33540. John de Folville (son of John de Folville & Alice) [] () & 33541. ?? () [Jhttp://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi? Printed: 2015/03/18 22:22 Page 1 /Users/giovanni/Documents/Gen/WashingtonGen16.rtf op=AHN&db=ancestorsearch&id=I18001] () 16>33542. John Tylney (son of Thomas de Tilney & ?? ) [] () & 33543. ?? () [Jhttp:// wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=AHN&db=ancestorsearch&id=I18001] () 16>33544. Andrew de Neville (son of Jollan de Neville or John de Neville & Maud Beauchamp) d: 1295 [] () & 33545. Alice () [Jhttp://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/ cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=AHN&db=ancestorsearch&id=I18001] () 16>33546. ??Fytting () [Jhttp://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi? op=AHN&db=ancestorsearch&id=I18001] () 16>33548. Reginald Blanchminster (so of Ralph Blanchminster & Isabella) d: before 1277 [] () & 33549. ?? () [Jhttp://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi? op=AHN&db=ancestorsearch&id=I18001] () 16>33550. Hugh Wake (son of Hugh Wake & Joan de Stuteville) b: c. 1240 in Deeping, LincolnShire d: 1315-05-13 [] () & 33551. Joan de Wolverton (d of John de Wolverton & Joan Peche) [Jhttp://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi? op=AHN&db=ancestorsearch&id=I18001] () 16>33552. John Berkeley (son of Thomas iii de Berkeley & Isabel Hamelin) b: c. 1310 in LeicesterShire d:before 1356 in LeicesterShire [http://www.royalblood.co.uk/D472/ I472023.html] () & 33553. Isabel Burdet (d of Robert Burdet & Elizabeth de Camville; gd of Gerard de Camville & Elizabeth) b: c. 1310 in LeicesterShire [http://www.ourfamtree.org/browse.php/Isabel-Burdet/p56655][Jhttp:// wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=AHN&db=ancestorsearch&id=I18001] () 16>33554. ?? [parents of Elizabeth, wife of John Berkeley] 16>33556. 16>33558. 16>33560. 16>33562. 16>33564. 16>33566. 16>33568. Matthew de Villiers (son of William de Villiers & ?? ) b: c. 1283 [] () & ?? () [] () 16>33570. ... 16>33600. 16>33602. 16>33604. William de Grandison 1st baron Grandison (son of sire Amadeus de Grandison & Banoile de la Tour de Gerenstein/Beoite de la Tour de Gerenstein) b: c. 1260 d: 1335 [] () & 33605. Sybil de Tregos/Sybil de Tregoz (d of John de Tregoz 1st baron de Tregoz & Mabel FitzWarin) b: c. 1270 d: 1334 [] () 16>33606. Roger de Mortimer/Roger Mortimer (son of Edmund de Mortimer & Margaret de Fiennes/Eleanor de Fiennes) b: 1287 in HerefordShire d: 1330 [http:// fabpedigree.com/s067/f376442.htm] () & 33607. Joan Geneville (d of Piers de Geneville/Peter de Geneville & Jeanne de Brune de Lusignan) b: c. 1285 d: 1356 [http://fabpedigree.com/s067/f376442.htm] () 16>33608. 16>33610. 16>33612. sir Roger de Chaundos 1st lord Chaundos/Roger de Chandos 1st baron Chandos (son of Robert de Chaundos & Alice) d: 1353-09-24 [http://www.thepeerage.com/ p21556.htm#i215552] () & 33613. Maud d'Acton/Matilda d'Acton (d of sir John d'Aton & Helen) d: 1361-08-15 [http://www.thepeerage.com/p21562.htm#i215618] () Printed: 2015/03/18 22:22 Page 2 /Users/giovanni/Documents/Gen/WashingtonGen16.rtf 16>33614. [parents of Lucy wife of sir Thomas Chaundos 2nd lord Chaundos] 16>33616. William de Clifford (son of Henry de Clifford & Maud) b: c. 1235 d: 1321 [http://fabpedigree.com/s036/f593425.htm] () & 33617. Maud Seymour (d of John Seymour & ?? ) b: c. 1246 [http://fabpedigree.com/s036/f593425.htm] () 16>33618. ?? de Malton [parents of Katherine de Malton] 16>33620. 16>33622. ... 16>33570. Simon Pakenham (son of Robert Pakenham & ?? ) [] () & Agnes () [] () ... 16>33588. John Bernacke (son of William de Bernake & Alice de Driby) b: c. 1310 d: c. 1345 [] () & Joan Marmion (d of John ii de Marmion & Maud de Furnival) b: c. 1315 d: 1361-10-02 [] () 16>33590. John de Engaine (son of Nicholas d'Engaine & Anice de Faucomberg) b: 1302-05 -30 d: 1357/8-02-16 [] () & Joan Peveral (d of Robert Peveral & Alice) b: c. 1310 [] () ... 16>34000. ?? ... 16>34040. 16>34042. 16>34044. 16>34046. 16>34048. sir John de Sutton (son of Richard de Sutton & Isobel Patrick/Isabella Patrick) d: c. 1337 [http://www.fabpedigree.com/s016/f662364.htm][http:// thepeerage.com/p285.htm#i2842] () & 34049. Margaret de Somery (d of Roger de Somery & Agnes of Sulham) b: c. 1290 d: c. 1384 [http://www.fabpedigree.com/s016/ f662364.htm][http://thepeerage.com/p285.htm#i2843] () 16>34050. John de Cherleton/John Cherleton 1st lord Cherleton earl of Powys (son of Robert de Cherleton & Eleanor d'Holland; brother of Alan de Cherleton) b: c. 1268 d: 1353 [http://www.fabpedigree.com/s017/f662364.htm][http://thepeerage.com/ p285.htm#i2844][https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Charleton,_1st_Baron_Cherleton] & 34051. Hawyse ap Owen/Hawise Gadarn de la Pole (d of Owain ap Gruffydd lord de la Pole prince of Upper Powys & Joan Corbet/Joanna Corbet) d: between 1345 August & 1353 buried: Grey friars, Shrewsbury, ShropShire [http://www.fabpedigree.com/ s017/f662364.htm][http://thepeerage.com/p21583.htm#i215826] () 16>34052. Edmund de Stafford 1st lord Stafford (son of Nicholas de Stafford & Eleanor de Clinton or ?? de Langley; gs of Robert de Stafford & Alice Corbet and Thomas de Clinton & Maud Bracebridge) b: 1272/3-07-15 at Clifton, StaffordShire d: 1308-08 -12 buried: Friors Minors, StaffordShire [http://thepeerage.com/ p17619.htm#i176187][https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Edmund_de_Stafford,_1st_Baron_Stafford][http://www.fabpedigree.com/s094/ f023472.htm] () & 34053. Margaret Basset (d of Ralph Bassett 1st lord Basset of Drayton & Hawise ?? ) d: before 1308-08-12 [http://thepeerage.com/ p11699.htm#i116983][http://www.fabpedigree.com/s094/f023472.htm] () 16>34054. Hugh de Audley ii 1st earl of Gloucester (son of Hugh de Audley i & Isolde de Mortimer/Iseult de Mortimer/Isolt de Mortimer/Isolda de Mortimer; gs of James de Audley/James de Aldithley & Ela Longespee and Edmund de Mortimer) b: c. 1289 d: 1347-11-10 buried: Tunbridge priory, Tunbridge Wells, Kent [https:// Printed: 2015/03/18 22:22 Page 3 /Users/giovanni/Documents/Gen/WashingtonGen16.rtf en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hugh_de_Audley,_1st_Earl_of_Gloucester][http:// www.thepeerage.com/p2753.htm#i27521][http://www.fabpedigree.com/s095/f023472.htm] () & 34055. Margaret de Clare (d of Gilbert de Clare 6th earl of Gloucester & Joan Plantagenet d'Acre) b: 1293 d: 1342 April [http://www.thepeerage.com/ p10485.htm#i104850][https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Margaret_de_Clare][http:// www.fabpedigree.com/s095/f023472.htm] () 16>34056. 16>34058. 16>34060. 16>34062. --------15>17032. sir Walter Blount/sir Walter le Blount (son of William le Blount & Isabel de Beauchamp) b: c. 1270 in Rock, WorcesterShire d: 1315 or 1332 [http:// www.kinshiptree.com/getperson.php?personID=I78761&tree=kinshiptree][http:// washington.ancestryregister.com/BLOUNT300006.htm#i2763][http://www.thepeerage.com/ p13741.htm#i137409][http://www.fabpedigree.com/s060/f331161.htm] () & 17033. Johanna de Sodington/Johanna de Soddington (d of William de Sodington or Ralph Sodington & ?? ) b: c. 1274 in Sodington, WorcesterShire d: after 1331 [http:// www.kinshiptree.com/getperson.php?personID=I80582&tree=kinshiptree][http:// www.thepeerage.com/p13741.htm#i137410][http://www.fabpedigree.com/s060/ f331161.htm] () 16>34064. William le Blount (son of Robert le Blount & Isabel Odinsels) d: c. 1280 [http://www.fabpedigree.com/s020/f662323.htm] () & 34065.
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