CentralSan Luis Valley Front Colorado Range Colorado What’sWhat’s ImportantImportant to to YOU? YOU? PleasePlease select select your your county: county: Alamosa □Custer Chaffee □El Paso Conejoe □Fremont Costilla □Park Mineral□Teller Rio Grande Saguache TheThe Colorado Colorado Department Department of of Transportation Transportation wantswants to to know know what’swhat’s important important to to you. you. Please completePlease this complete survey beforethis survey December before 15, December 2013, fold, 15, and2013, mail fold, it backand mailto the it backaddress to the printed address at the printed at the bottom of bottomthe survey of theor yousurvey can ortake you the can survey take theat www.coloradotransportationmatters.com.survey at www.coloradotransportationmatters.com . Watch for resultsWatch on for that results website on that website. YourYour input input is is important important – it will— helpit will shape help the shape Statewide the Transportation Statewide Transportation Plan Plan. Fold oneFold one 3. What do you feel makes the Central Front Range 1. Why is transportation important to you? 1. Why is transportation important to you? 3. regionWhat do unique? you feel makes the San Luis Valley unique? ? PlacePlace an anX in X the in thebox boxbeside beside your topyour two top two: Place an X in the box beside your top three Select your top three: Moves Moves people peopleand goods and safely goods safely Urban amenities Urban amenities Supports Supports existing existing businesses businesses Rural living with nearby city amenities Helps economic development Innovation Rural and living creativity with nearby city amenities Helps economic development Gets me to work and/or vital services Agriculture Innovation and creativity Gets me to work and/or vital services Helps me live my life the way I want Freight/shipping Agriculture industry Helps me live my life the way I want Sense of community PLEASE Freight/shipping industry 2. What issues matter most to you in the San Luis Valley? Tourism TURN OVER Sense of community 2. Place What an Xis insues the matter box beside most your to topyou two in the Central Front Ski industry Range?Reducing truck traffic Energy Tourismindustry ImprovingSelect your roadway top twopavement: condition Economic Ski base industry Energy industry Reducing Reducing congestion truck traffic Water access/supply Increasing Improving bike/pedestrian roadway options pavement condition O t h e r ( sEconomic ) ( p l e a s e s p base e c i f y) _ ___________ ___________ ___________ _______ Increasing transit options Water access/supply Improving Reducing economic congestion development Other(s) (please specify)____________ _______ Increasing Increasing bridge safety bike/pedestrian options PLEASE TURN OVER Other (pleaseIncreasing specify)___________________ transit options _____________ PLEASE TURN OVER - See Central Front Range Fold two Improving economic development region map on the back Increasing bridge safety Other (please specify)_____________________ FoldFold two two DENVER CO 80216-9914 CO DENVER DENVER CO 80216-9914 CO DENVER 1001 E 62ND AVE 62ND E 1001 DENVER CO 80216-9914 CO DENVER DENVER CO 80216-9914 CO DENVER 1001 E 62ND AVE 62ND E 1001 DENVER CO 80216-9914 CO DENVER RANSPORTATION T OF EPARTMENT D COLORADO DIVISION OF CENTRAL SERVICES CENTRAL OF DIVISION 1001 E 62ND AVE 62ND E 1001 1001 E 62ND AVE 62ND E 1001 DIVISION OF CENTRAL SERVICES CENTRAL OF DIVISION 1001 E 62ND AVE 62ND E 1001 DIVISION OF CENTRAL SERVICES CENTRAL OF DIVISION DIVISION OF CENTRAL SERVICES CENTRAL OF DIVISION POSTAGE WILL BE PAID BY ADDRESSEE BY PAID BE WILL POSTAGE DIVISION OF CENTRAL SERVICES CENTRAL OF DIVISION POSTAGE WILL BE PAID BY ADDRESSEE BY PAID BE WILL POSTAGE POSTAGE WILL BE PAID BY ADDRESSEE BY PAID BE WILL POSTAGE POSTAGE WILL BE PAID BY ADDRESSEE BY PAID BE WILL POSTAGE FIRST-CLASS MAIL PERMIT NO. 590 DENVER, CO DENVER, 590 NO. PERMIT MAIL FIRST-CLASS POSTAGE WILL BE PAID BY ADDRESSEE BY PAID BE WILL POSTAGE FIRST-CLASS MAIL PERMIT NO. 590 DENVER, CO DENVER, 590 NO. PERMIT MAIL FIRST-CLASS BUSINESS REPLY MAIL REPLY BUSINESS FIRST-CLASS MAIL PERMIT NO. 590 DENVER, CO DENVER, 590 NO. PERMIT MAIL FIRST-CLASS FIRST-CLASS MAIL PERMIT NO. 590 DENVER, CO DENVER, 590 NO. PERMIT MAIL FIRST-CLASS BUSINESS REPLY MAIL REPLY BUSINESS FIRST-CLASS MAIL PERMIT NO. 590 DENVER, CO DENVER, 590 NO. 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US-50 – Salida to Canon City, passing lanes . SH-67 – traffic safety and multi-modal improvements; move signal and improve drainage at SH 67/SH-115 intersection . SH-115 – Canon City to Colorado Springs, general safety improvements . SH-9 – Breckenridge to Alma, passing lanes & other safety improvements SH-67 . US-24 - Elbert Road to the El Paso county line, add passing lanes Intersection, US-50 safety and and turn lanes Passing lanes multimodal improvements 4. In your opinion, do these represent your priorities within the Central Front Range TPR? Please circle one. 1 2 3 4 5 Strongly Somewhat Neutral Somewhat Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Agree 4a. If you disagree, why? (Please explain) ________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Are there additional regional priorities on state highways that should be included? If so, which ones? _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Are there regional priorities above that should be removed? If so, which ones? _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. Are there other regional priorities, transportation concerns or issues you would like to share as we move forward in the transportation planning process (e.g., transit, bike & pedestrian improvements, safety or other)? _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. In light of today’s limited funds for transportation, what should be the focus of CDOT’s efforts? (choose 2) Maintain the existing transportation system Make safety improvements Offer more choices for travel (transit, bike/pedestrians) Add shoulders Expand highways by adding lanes Manage congestion through managed lanes Thank you for taking time to complete this survey! Cordillera SanSan LuisLuis VValleyValleyall Frontaley ColoColoradoColoradorado Central de Colorado ¿QuéWhaWhat’sWhat’s est’s lo ImportantImportImportant más importanteant tottoo YOU?YYOU? OU?para USTED? PleasePleaseSeleccione selectselect yyour yoursuour Condado county:ccounty:ounty: : AlamosaAlamosa□Custer ChaffeeChaffee □El Paso ConejoeConejoe □Fremont CostillaCostilla □Park MinerMineral□MineralTelleral RioRio GrGrandeGrandeande SaguacheSaguache TheTheEl Departamento ColoradoColorado DepartmentDepartment de Transporte ofof TransportationTransportation de Colorado wantswantsdesea toto saber knowknow qué what’swhat’s es lo importantimportant más importante toto you.you. para usted. PleasePlease ccompletecompleteomplFavorete thisdethis completar surveysusurveyrvey beforebebefore estafore encuesta DecemberDecember antes 15,15, 2013,del2013, 15 fold,fdefold,old, diciembre andand mailmail del itit back back2013, totto odoble thethe addressadd addressel papelress printedpriprintedy envíelonted ataat tpor thethe correo a la bottombottom ofof direcciónthethe surveysurvey impresa oror youyou en cancan la take takeparte thethe inferior surveysurvey de at atésta www.coloradotransportationmatters.com.www.coloradotransportationmatters.com. o puede completarla en el www.coloradotransportationmatters.com . WWatchWatchatch forfforor resultsrresultsesultsEsté usted onon thatththat pendienteat websitewwebsiteebsit ede los resultados en el Sitio Web. YourYourSu opinión inputinput es isis importante importantimportant – Nos —— ititayudará willwill helphelp a determinar shapeshape thetheel Plan StatewideStatewide de Transporte TransportationTransportation a Nivel Estatal Plan.Plan. 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