
n e avors I ~ Says Economy Needs ' Needle, Not Checl<.Rein 01 By DOUGLAS B. CORNELL WASlUNGTON (61 - President Eisenhower said Wednesday he Serving The State University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City would rather go in for a bit of red ink than hold ru s budget In balance nve t:ents a Copy Memoer 01 Assoclatl.'(f Press AP Leased Wire and photo ser vice Iowa city, Iowa , Thursday, January 16, L958 by boosting taxcs at this time. Thc President's $74-billion spending program and his health were tOPICS at Mr. Eisenhower's fi rst n:lW conference in two and a half dent said he nover had thought of month . Dur,ng this gap, the Including ~ed China in another like Says Own Defense Ideas President sufCp.red a mild stroke meeting ot East-West cruefs of on Nov . 25 that gave him a tern· state- - a topic of an exchan&e of porary speech impediment. lelters between Mr. Ebenhower Mr. Eisenhower saId he is "feel· and Premier Bulganin of Russia. Cannot Be Final Answer ing very well indeed," is optimistic ANNIVERSARY - Monday. is about the Cu ture and is "going to the fifth anniversary of Mr. Eisen­ WASH INGTON IA'I - President termed "my principal military carryon just exactly as I have in Eisenhower backed away Wednes­ consultants" have headed the pres­ hower's tenure, and he said he the past. " didn't think the five years have day from the firm determination ent military command system as As for the bud3et, the man he expressed last week to reorgan­ chairmen of the JoInt Chiefs of been "very much rougher than I who has been proud of his record anticipated." ize the Defense Department swifUy Starr. They are Gtn. Nathan F. of mainta ining • bal.nce ap­ for the spacs era. Twir\lng, Ule present chairman 01 peared to accept the idea that POLITICS - Pronouncing the Mr. Eisenhower told his news the Joint Chiefs, and Gen . Omar the ont he sent Congr ... Monday solidarity or the Republican party conference that his own idea of Bradley and Adm. Arthur Radford, may be tipped Into the red_ lar stronger than It appears at what should be done, "no mailer both reti red. ]n that event, and if income is li mes, Mr. Eisenhower said he how strong, cannot be the final Last week a high administration down, he said, "then it wou ld believes its members as a whole answer. - He said the answer must official said Mr. Eiscnhowcr had seem to me it would be a bad lime still support his political princi. be worked out after "many con· takcn per onal command of moves to r8lse taxes, because you wan t pies and prulosophy. He said that ferences" in which the views or to reorganize the Delense Depart­ that e~nomy to ... ha ve a litlle "those are the kind or people Congress and the three armed ment. McElroy, however, seemed nc:edle; a n ~edlc, rather tnan a which 1 will do my best to help services will be sought. to indicate that he expected to put check rein on it." elect" in the 1958 congressionaj Last Thu rsday, in his State of the plan into shape. I Up until busLOcss slacked off and campaign. tl\e Union message to Congress, defense spending went up in the LITTLE ROCK - Mr. El$enhow­ Mr. Eisenhower said he was study­ The defense secretary empha­ sized that he will make lhe deci- wake of Soviet Spulniks. ~lr. Eis­ or said he hopes the next step in ing defense reorganization. enhower's budget (01' this year was the school desegregation issue ill "Soon my own conclusionS will on on what steps to recommend to Mr. Eis nhower. He said his ad­ belOg ke\Jt in balance - for the Little Rock, Ark ., wlll be an ex­ be finalized," he said. "I shall thIrd year in a row, Now it looks pression by local ofCiciab or "their promptly take such executive ac­ visers won'~ constitute snother study committee but will act as as if it will show a $400 millien confident intention of maintaining tion as is necessary and, in a sep­ dcficit next June 30. order and peace in their town ." arale message, I shall present ap­ individual advisers. Mr. Eisenhower gave no hint in For the new fi scal yeur starting After that, he said, he sees no­ propriate recommendations to the JUly I, Mr . Eisenhower is pre­ reason for keeping the National Congress." rus State of the Union message of any plan he had in mind for bring­ dlcttng a half-billion dollar surplus Guard on duty to enforce racial in­ Secretary of Defense Neil Mc­ and banking on rus advisers to be tegration. Elroy Wednesday gave yct anQther ing greater unity to the often­ I:Hckering ervices. right on predictions that business PENTAGON SHAKEUP - Mf . indication that it may be some soon will be swinging up again Eisenhower showed a decld,ed time before the administration He also kept his news confer­ and tax receipts along with it. cha nge of pace - in fac t, what formulates a reorganization plan. ence Wednesday in the dark, But there are some Indications seemed to be something of an McElroy told newsmen he is though he said, 'It certainly must Ulat Congress may not want to about face - on Ws. Student Solicitors,Meet Death ca lling on three top military men be clear to most of you people that economize on so'me items as much In rus State of the Union mes­ -one each from the three services my own convictions about the as Mr. Eisenhower does and may sage last Thu rsday, Mr. Eisen-. FOUR MASSENA, IA. high school seniors were kil led Wednesday when the c,r in which they were -and an unspecified number of proper organization of the Defense try to increase military spending hower said that whatever the riding colllded with the truck on Iowa Highway 92 west of Manena. The students, Sheryl Lary, 18, civilians to advise him on recom­ Department are rather fixed." more. harmful service rivalries are, Lorttfl Denney, Robert Pond and Dennis Morrison, 1111 17, h, d lett the high school only minutes be­ mendations to submit to Mr. Eis­ Mr. Eisenhower said he has Mr. ~i se nhower acknowledged "America wants them stopped ," fore to solicit advertising from the merch,nts in nJa rby towns for the school's yearbook. The truck enhowcr. "given many, many active hours there could b. additional cosh that soo n his own concluslons driver, Harold Riddle, Fort Wayne, Ind., received only minor in iuries. The three officers McElroy to this kind of study," since 1947, a nd that "thingl can happen" in would "be fi nalized," and: "[ shall when he was Army chief of staff. both the financial and political promptly take such executive ac­ * * * "I think my views arc complete­ world in the ntlCt 18 months. Hi s lion as is necessary and. in a sc R" ly objective, and with nothing own feo linll, h. said, II that .ven arate message, I shaU present ap­ 4High School Student Council whatsoev r of personal biaS in If , reasonable amount of e­ propriate recommcndations to the Ii Undecided pendlture doe l upset the pre· Congress. " them," he said. But. he went on. hts term will expire in three years carious budget bal ance, that "' s Wednesday tho Prelldent saId and whatever plan is adopted must be" er than talk ing about a tax he has Itrong bvt what he con- ' Ad Salesmen 0 n extend beyond that lime. bill . t th il time." siders complet.ly unbiased, ... Government · Revamping The defen e organization, he de­ For this first news conference lective views on defense ,..,... clared, "has got to be effective since OCl. 30, 270 newsmen packed g.nbatlon and unlflca~. aut Student Council discussion Wed­ eil and in the proposed judicial for a traffic appeals court, but not after there has passed from the the meeting room in the execu­ he s.ld hll penonal convictions Die in Crash "cannot be tho final anl_r:'- ' nesdlly on details concerning a re­ branch dealing with the inaugura­ for a student sup,eme court. cene a man who happens to have tive office building across the MASSENA IA'I - Four seniors, vamping of tbe SUI student gov­ tion of a supreme court and a Miss Clark said, "Pan-Hel(enic particular strong convictions In Nathan Twining street f.om the While House-. because h. will be Comrnl/lder In chief no ~ tMn th,.. 141ft· who only minutes before had left ernment's constitution leU two traffic appeals court. Ceels individual housing courts the matter." From the Air Force The news conference skipped Massena High to solicit advertising major points un resolved, but re­ Under the plan, all students can setUe their own inter-organ­ around, touching on such subjecu") tlon.1 y",., .nd "organll.tIon For that reason, he said, "there as : has got to be effective" after 1!e lor the school's yearbook, were sulted in general agreement on would be represented on the coun­ izational disputes." She expressed must be a consensus reached ... cil as they are in the present con­ the fear the supreme court may NATIONAL ECONQMY - Mr. has passed from the lCene. killed in a car-truck collision other poi nts. No council action with the Congress, with lhe people What is needed, he said, is a Wednesday mornlng. was taken. stitution by a percentage method emphasize minor conflicts between Eisenhower said the consensus of that have the job of operating the consensus by Congress and the Several council members ob­ based on dwelling units.
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