DECEMBER 2013 • Vol. 78 • No. 1291 www.observer.goarch.org • e-mail: [email protected] $1.00 in this issue Archbishop Speaks on Halki Efforts A Fordham First Fordham University Professor Aristotle Christ Is Born! at U.S. Congress Papanikolaou named the first holder of the Archbishop Demetrios Chair in by Stavros H. Papagermanos Orthodox Theology and Culture. • P.2 NEW YORK – Upon the initiative of U.S. Rep. Gus Bilirakis (R-Fla.), a congres- The Emerging Shrine Church sional briefing on the suffering religious Set on an elevated site, the new St. freedoms of the Ecumenical Patriarchate Nicholas will elevate the human spirit. and the continued 42–year closure of the • P. 5 Halki Seminary was held Nov. 20 at Capitol Hill. Archbishop Demetrios of America was Istanbul Greek Architects one of the three presenters. An exhibit of Greek Architects of Istan- “We raised and discussed the issue of bul is held in Chicago. Halki and the issue of religious freedom • P. 10 for the Ecumenical Patriarchate. It was an interesting meeting with prominent mem- Preparing for Anniversary bers of Congress. Many of them spoke At their recent board meeting, Lead- very eloquently and passionately about ership 100 trustees discussed plans the need to resolve this and have Halki for the organization’s upcoming an- re–open as soon as possible, and also niversary. create the possibility for the Ecumenical • P. 11 Patriarchate to function in freedom and continue its work for reconciliation and Tuscon Church Event peace among people,” said His Eminence, St. Demetrios Church recently achieved in a short statement following the briefing. a significant milestone. Congressman Bilirakis is reintroduc- • P.12 ing a resolution to the House of Repre- Moscow Patriarchate photo Christmas at Sea sentatives for the immediate re-opening A noted priest from the Church in of Halki without any delay or conditions. The Nativity of Christ In a short statement to the press after the America’s early years gives comfort to For unto us a Child is born, against sin and the many challenges of life, passengers on a tempestuous voyage briefing he said: unto us a Son is given…. He reveals to us how we can restore our “It was very important to organize across the Atlantic . (Isaiah 9:6) communion with Him, and assures us that • P.21 this briefing. This is of vital importance we will have the strength to complete our for the Patriarchate and we have to make To the Most Reverend Hierarchs, the journey of faith. Through the Incarnation sure we open Halki Seminary as soon as A Pittsburgh First Reverend Priests and Deacons, the Monks of Christ, we are shown the way to true The Metropolis of Pittsburgh recently possible. We can go back for fifty years and and Nuns, the Presidents and Members and eternal life, and we become witnesses we have been promised many times. We held its first Greek language competi- of the Parish Councils of the Greek Or- of the power of God to redeem what He tion. thodox Communities, the Distinguished created and loves. uu to page 3 • P.23 Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, We celebrate this Feast and this won- the Day, Afternoon, and Church Schools, drous gift at a time when many throughout A ‘Damascus’ Moment the Philoptochos Sisterhoods, the Youth, our world are in need of compassion and Times when individuals come face- the Hellenic Organizations, and the entire hope. We have seen massive destruction Archons Hold to-face with realizing the strength of Greek Orthodox Family in America and loss due to recent natural disasters. nd their faith. We have witnessed the tragedy of violence 2 Religious • P. 29 Beloved Brothers within our communities and in nations and Sisters in Christ, around the world. We are acutely aware Using Strategy In the culmination of this blessed of the struggles of our brothers and sis- Freedom How the Metropolis of San Francisco season with the glorious celebration of ters in Greece and Cyprus and in other uses Strategic Planning. the Nativity of Christ, we give thanksgiving places where economic challenges have • P.32 and praise to God for His abundant grace burdened many. We are conscious of the Conference and for His superb gift of becoming one ordeals of our Ecumenical Patriarchate BERLIN – The Order of St. Andrew the of us through His Incarnation. due to severe restrictions on true religious Apostle, Archons of the Ecumenical Patri- This is a feast of joy and light. It is a freedom. We see around us the conse- archate, in cooperation with the Patriarchal jubilation on a day and a moment when quences when human dignity is devalued Liaison Office to the European Union and God because of His great love for us took and life is exploited. the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Germany our humanity upon Himself. Through It is into the midst of the plight of hu- hosted its Second Archon International our Lord’s conception and birth, He en- manity and these challenges that we carry Conference on Religious Freedom Dec. 4–5. tered our human condition. He assumed the message of this Feast: For unto us a The theme was, “Tearing Down Walls: the flesh and blood that He created. He Child is born and unto us a Son is given! Achieving Religious Equality in Turkey.” became man so that He might offer to us We share a Gospel of hope and promise. The conference focused on religious power over sin and death and the gift of Christ has become man, and this unique freedom issues affecting minorities in total liberation from evil. gift to us has become the spiritual founda- Turkey stressing the concepts of equality, On this day we celebrate God’s gift tion for our offering to others in need. In state neutrality and pluralism as they relate to us and to all of humanity and creation. gratitude to Him, in our compassion for to religious freedom and the status of reli- This gift was foretold by the Prophet Isa- our fellow human beings, and as a witness Dimitrios Panagos photo gious freedom under Turkey’s current and iah, “For unto us a Child is born, unto us of the greatest gift of all, we offer to those proposed new constitutions. Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew a child is given” (Isaiah 9:6). Through His who have lost everything, who carry the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, as welcomes two little visitors. gift, He offers us hope. In the darkness, the burden of despair, who suffer under con- well as former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary • St. Andrew Celebrations P.15 brilliant light of promise illumines a path to God through Christ. In our struggle uu to page 3 uu to page 9 2 ARCHDIOCESE NEWS DECEMBER 2013 To contact National Ministries Archives 212.570.3517 [email protected] Communications 212.774.0244 [email protected] Greek Education 212.774.0233 [email protected] Dimitrios Panagos photo 2014 Program NEW YORK – The Office of Io- Internet Ministries Professor Papanikolaou is installed by Fordham President Joseph M. McShane S.J. at ceremonies Nov. 18 nian Village announces the dates for 646.519.6690 st its 2014 Summer Programs. Ionian [email protected] Papanikolaou Installed as 1 Holder Village is the camping ministry of the Archdiocese with campgrounds Inter–Orthodox, Ecumenical located in the Peloponnese, Greece. and Interfaith Relations of Archbishop Chair at Fordham U. After 43 years, Ionian Village con- 212.570.3593 tinues to offer the Orthodox Christian BRONX, N.Y. – Professor Aristotle Pa- Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology. [email protected] youth of America an unparalleled spir- panikolaou, Ph.D., was installed Nov. 18, University President Fr. Joseph M. itual and cultural camping experience. as the inaugural holder of the Archbishop McShane, S.J., expressed his deep apprecia- Ionian Village Demetrios Chair in Orthodox Theology and tion to Michael and Mary Jaharis for their Summer Camping Programs 212.570.3538 Culture at Fordham University. generous gift, spoke highly of Archbishop The picturesque Ionian Village [email protected] The University organized a public cer- Demetrios and praised Dr. Papanikolaou’s campgrounds sit along the shores emony at its Rose Hill Campus to mark the qualities and qualifications. The formal of the pristine Ionian Sea and are Marriage & Family event which was followed by the inaugural installation ceremony followed and Fr. equipped with a private beach, a 845.424.8175 lecture by Dr. Papanikolaou on the subject McShane asked His Eminence together renovated Olympic-sized pool, air- [email protected] “Violence and Virtue.” with the Provost Dr. Freedman to bestow conditioned cabins, and various ath- The Archbishop Demetrios Chair in upon Dr. Papanikolaou the University’s letic courts and fields. Orthodox Theology and Culture was estab- special medal in recognition of his ground- Parish Development Campers actively explore their lished at Fordham in 2009 with a generous breaking scholarship. 847.825.1432 Orthodox faith and heritage, both gift of $2 million from Mary and Michael Ja- Dr. Papanikolaou began his inaugural [email protected] through the daily camp program and haris through the Jaharis Family Foundation lecture with a personal tone expressing through excursions to culturally and Inc., in honor of Archbishop Demetrios. gratitude to members of his family and Philanthropy religiously significant sites through- It is only the latest development in a long especially his immigrant grandmother 212.774.0283 out Greece. Excursions vary slightly progression for Orthodox Christian studies who instilled in him her faith and wisdom. between the two sessions and will in- [email protected] in Fordham. He also acknowledged the influence and clude Ancient Olympia, Patra, Zakyn- When Fordham initiated the annual Or- support of many mentors and colleagues thos, Kefallonia, Kerkyra, Aegina, and Public Affairs thodoxy in America Lecture Series in 2004, along the way.
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