^ J- /t ; ■■.\{i- ‘ *i/ 7 'Ml t i / -' .■/: ^ I 4 7:7;7;.7j'7 .' '7 I 7. J ' u '} y 7 ' ' i v V \ '■f ■'■V / f MONDAY. JANUARY 2 5 . 1954 1. - t-. A tfra n D ally N *( Praaa Run iKatirlf^ater lEtti^ningi - For .the W eek Badad- --r- - Jaa. gg, 1854 Group of the North Reickanbach, vice prasMent; Mr. Methodis vdll moot to- New.MPijor A GNos M»d Mrs. Jbba Wabrek, irsaM ^^ \ m pm... at.-theii; len and'Mr.'iuui 3rrs.'Hsman "O." It jn n ow SHMIiR ^niroh. O.. Perason, J l , 1 3 5 nsU-'Seamary... ..X-..... ...... Jfonhev to «b» AadH - I«al4* and Mro Graii. W I^ 'E ^ ‘-7 ft* ngulsr P. a McLagaii be in ebarg* The program and projects of ths Buteaa qf OtrawlattoaB j of the program on WHIpeak- group for the coming year will be SM» - (r t«*l(tlit in Od<) FAG Motor Freight. Inc., a dlacuaead and' pisnnsd, and ail JUTSSSl ihg Americans. HOLLAND HNISH Manchetter-^A CUy of ViUoge lC h arm cNDE lE \ Hocco Traill will be installed trucking company with tennlnsla intmbars are urged to be present. sachem of Mlantonomoh Tribe 58, After the buaineoa meeting, the C l KR Made to Order C6 tof Dniu^Un of Center Church Motheta. Club tORM. at installation ceremonies OR Perrett PL. end In New York VOL. LXXIII, NO. 98 (Oaaelfled AdvrrHalag m Page 14) City, has installed a direct tele­ apeaker for the ovening, will be D ls 9 9 With Your BeUen {jodft, Dnu^htm urges all women of the chur^and in Tinker Hall ton'gbt at 8 o'clock. J<dm'R..Mroaek, Attorney at Law MANCHESTER. CONN- TUESDAY, JANUARY 28.19^4* It m poat|>oned th« others interested to kttmid' Deputy Great Sachem Fred Burke, type communlcatloa syat,em be­ (SIXTEEN PAGES) for tomorrow tween, the two polnta Mra Petei and newly elected president of Kl- P R tC X meeting fonight at 8 o’clock, wl of RockvlUe. and his staff will wenla In Manchester. Dr. Edward L. Beaaer, well known conduct the rituala Pencheff. the firm’s ' office' man­ L A. JOHNSON ager annouiircd today. Hoeteassa for the evening will be local surgeon, will speak and show Other afficeia' to be aeated in- Waterfroot BlBze .Sweepg Portland a colored film entitled, “Self-Ex­ The teletype system, already in ih* Rev. and Mra' Erich O. Brandt, ‘AX. V teioM J. Ifoort, wlioae 'clude Joseph C. Reals, aenlor sag­ and Mr. and Mra T. J. Crockett. FAINT GO. m Vk, Mzlctn, and paranU, Mr. amination of the Breasts," re­ operetton, makes pMsihle a follow­ amore; Michael Treechuck, junior up system between the two offleee 699 Main St., TcL MI-9-4501 d M Ida. WUUam Mooro, Uvo at leased by the Connecticut Cancer BSgaraere; Paul Jones, prophet; IM OMtar St, raoantly Joined the Society. and improves service to customers, WUlMm Savtno, chief of records; according to Jack I. Edelberg, 4M Infantry Division in Oermany. Salve Vendrillo, collector of wam­ TOWN A COUNTRY MysUc Review, No. 3, WBA firm president. Pvt. Moore. « rilieinan with the pum: WiUlsm Leggett, keepee of Edelberg said he felt PAG Motor M M litfantry fteglment, -entered members are requested to meet to­ wampum and William Schleldge, \ O U T L iT A c c e p t P W morrow at 7:15 at Holmes Funeral Freight is “sn important link In thO'Acmy Mat April and completed board of trustees for three.yasrs. the traflspbmtidn'system tying 4S PmiHBff. n.ACB'^ 1l1ii liiliiliii al Port Dtar;'^N. J. Heme, 400 Main St;, in tribute to RefibshmcnU wiU be eervied fol­ opsifpAiLr Mrs. Ada Peckham, a member for Manchester with New York, mid­ ■ Mo la a 1K> griatote of Mandies- lowing the ceremonies and Sachem dle Atlantic and southern terri­ 8 >lg A. N. to 8:88 P. M. tar High «diooL 35 years, who frequently served as Tralli will announce his commit­ WBDO. ALL DAT pianist and past president. tees for the year. tories.’’ ' 3-TRANSISIOR A comae In pdocMhaal teata and * aaeieureawnta wfll begin tonight St Margaret’s Circle, Daughters RS l: at 7 e’doek at the Bowers School. of Isabella, will hold a social meet­ *We T t ^ Officers ing temerrow at 8 pjn. far the K. ,.Coe..dt-- l i r c h S - - - ....---'V... Feu**- XT vra-be fivaa by'Teachers CM geyee P. Leagatreth ^ a ^ - r * liga « f Now Britain. * of C. Home. The committee in Plan for Meeting HAlDW AlttT t i S J t charge*^ of arrangemenU, Mrs. Allan Coe, Jr., 374 Boulder Rd., James Leber, chairman; Mrs. lEd- has the role of Horace Giddens in ^ Jf to Meet Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Long- NIAKIMO AIP^ ' The TrtiUMB'a- Onb of Mandiea> itireth. 87 Cooper S t. announce the. Snggesls Milk, Not Coffee tor will nteet tonight at 8 o’clock ward Creed. Mrs. w n »ed Vah^ The center Thespian production, -’Mr.'and Mra George-Ston^wm; Oecislci for oaly IH a Dulles Reje cour, Mrs. PYances Corcoran and “The Little Foxes," to be preeent- engagement of their daughter, newly elected head officers of the Is at the XnanuM Lutheran Church. The churcbx school tegchlng Joyce F. Longstreth, to Edward month Ww d of I jjt lo Mf Jooaeh copier, special agent for Mrs. RiU Gonci. will cdndutt a ed Thursday, Friday and Saturday “ We Two" Group of Ooncordis ★ 'v.x « tor Tor oid-iypn vacuum- X' mericans card party with prims for thrwin­ evenings at Bowers School audi­ staff and jnemhm of the Com­ O. Steele, eon^f.Mr. and Mra Wil­ Lutheran Church will preeMe at lube aldi! the fMI, wOl speak on ‘The Great- ners and a cake sale. A full turn- mission on E d u c a ^ will meet in liam F. Steele, 883 Vernon St LM ^tii « iB r 8 L v c a l UPEir aet Orlme Agunst Property in the torium. the January meeting tomorrow at ^ Life-like eound. truer and- Q( rnambeta Js hrqwdfor.. ■. Having xmm - of -the major -rolee the chap^ at S o ^ Methodiet* T;3ft4um.-,, - ■ W - clenrer Ihen eveel- - -x- ;■ F o r Asia ' t w i « Btatai today;" " — ChuirHI^NedheiMfoy’’ 4^ ^ for iM f c M I Y-4S2S Interyieweci in the.cunmit play is no novelty Other new officers ssrving this Thr e»v “A" bnlligrl^a to Allan' as he has participated In their quarteriyV me^mg. U fo' 1M7. She attended the Hartford year are Mr. and Mra- The Tyler ClrclsTor the North guest speaker will be M fiitt fflonUi.. .to bM*.\ Officers and members of the Methodist Church, will meet Wed­ practically every one of The Thes- Secretarial School and is now em- ★ tcry... IbweriMUety chasgeit V B erlin, Jan. 26 ( / . Brltlah>Ainerican Club will meet nesday evenlr^ at 7:45 at the pian'a three-act preaentatione since Htut. profeaeor of educatlc^. at |doyed at Case Broa, Inc, retary of SU te D ulles flatly re- ‘•A.Stor Before Shift tomorrow at 7:80 p. m. at the chib* the Uhiveraity of ConnecUcuL^Tx Mr. Steele, a graduate of Man- •"VI|R5 jected M oscow ’s proposs church. Mrs. Geoigena Bell will joining the dramatic group in 1848, w h a r f t o ^ r iS ll® ^ ^ ® “ ^ ^ •• fcMUlng a 8S88.8W Ira that swept the Pocahontae Fuel Ce for a B ig Five conference on A sia house, and proceed to the Watkins show slides of her recent trip to plus msny of their ohe-act playa Teachers of the various d^parK High School. Class of 1844t HuifuSak'* >aiinir.N*<»maf»tmCM0 w h ^ Perttond. Maine, jseterday metolng. One to the three hnge t^ e U n a y iS lS i today, but So vie t Foreii Pdnm ulijoin, W ediM sdsy, Funeral Home to p ^ a final menta will meet at ..7 :M p. m.. In the Air Force in ^orld ' AitiSU* by llM CoeacU on rkytkel hnge traveling cranes toppled Into - J J X Molotov struck back with Europe. In 1851, he received aecond act­ Mtotiee and HeheNHuilee ef a concrete dem and to/hold such a parley in M ay or June. A t * n . 27 ( 4 V - T h « 2 1 A m e r i ­ tribute of respect to William R. ing award in the tournament spon- and will participate in a brief H and is now employed at mNmsm Me Anwririn MeOlce: Aamailwi. the seme, time Dullei^announced^-----:----------- -——_________ ______ cans w ho turiied th eir hagVg Mitchell, who was a member of the ,The Holy Ghost Mothers Circle Bored by the Aaaoclated Little service t»f worship before the ad- lewyf Ortofi mmil be SSed acceptance ef Molotpv'ss proposed club. will meat Wednesday night at 8 Theatre Groups of Greater Hart­ dreca Afterward, they will me^t lite date for the wedding in eitor meaivodl procedure for. the/6onference in on hom e denounced yesterdsy p’cloek at the home of Mrs. El­ ford for his outstanding work in with a leader for a discueeion hasbech "WeyOe>Fmto*'Wfceall order to vaoid ’weeks in futile conditions in the United Tempi* Chapter, No. 03. OE8 , more Anderson. 330 Oak St “The Anniversary.” He was also period at which time refresh­ CeemstoCerp'ele srgiunsnt" aboujr an agenda. States and asked to be ac­ will meet in the Masonic Temple, ments wll) be served. Eadi de­ •MN •Att.V' Forced Off Air Reds Seek a member of the cast of “Flight e-iiserju.
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