June–July 2013 Volume 19 Number 3 Educating for Eternity ALUMNI Fond Memories from the Early Days “Our years at Hartland were some of the best years of our lives,” share 1987 graduates Wayne and Laura Wright. by Wayne Wright and Laura Mayer Wright as told to Kevin Wahl Wayne and Laura in 1988 Wayne what God had in mind for my life, but I n 1983—the same year Hartland knew I wanted to do something to serve ICollege was founded—I experienced Him. a dramatic conversion and began to make The spiritual atmosphere and beautiful some major changes in my lifestyle. Yet, country surroundings were just what the three months later, I began to backslide. heavenly Doctor ordered. I appreciated the I really wanted victory over sin, but the spiritual emphasis in all the classes. The influence of my old friends plus attending majority of the staff and students were fully college in a less-than-ideal environment in committed to God and were clearly there the heart of the city made it difficult. because they chose to be there. I loved every That summer, I joined a colporteur prayer meeting, worship service, and week program in the Pennsylvania Conference. of prayer. There I met some young people who told Many Sabbath afternoons, I enjoyed me about Hartland. A friend and I decided hiking on the trails at Hartland or in the to visit their campus, where I met President Shenandoah Mountains with some of my Colin Standish. After much prayer, and fellow students. The Christian fellowship reading and reviewing E.A. Sutherland’s around the lunch table or during other Studies in Christian Education, I decided social activities was also a highlight. to enroll at Hartland in January of 1984. After graduating from Hartland, I served Hartland knew that I wanted a new start two years as an academy teacher and nearly and took a chance on accepting me as a 10 years as a pastor in the Mountain View Pastoral Evangelism major. I wasn’t certain Conference. I currently work as a database 2 HARTLAND MINISTRY REPORT | June–July 2013 ALUMNI administrator and report writer, and I’m think I’m strange or too conservative. active in my church as an elder and Sabbath Hartland taught me massage, hydro- School teacher. therapy, and cooking skills. Today I’m a The knowledge, practical skills, and certified nursing assistant (CNA) helping friendships I gained at Hartland have the elderly in their homes. I use the natural been and will continue to be a blessing in remedies I learned at Hartland all the time, my life. There I grew spiritually, learned and find that my clients seem to appreciate many valuable lifestyle behaviors, and I met my prayers with them more than anything Laura—the woman who has now been my else. wife and I try to get spiritual involved with partner for any health 25 years. programs put on by my church or Laura other Seventh- Before day Adventist majoring churches in my in Health area. We just Science at finished a semi- Hartland nar on the eight College, natural remedies. I’d already Around 50 completed people graduated, five years and most of of college, Wayne and Laura Wright them reported but did not with their son, Obadiah, and daughter, Abigail amazing improve- have a degree. ments in their I previously majored in Occupational health with the change of diet and exercise. Therapy, and had taken a lot of health and One man is very interested in having Bible science classes. Hartland worked it out so studies. I praise God for using me to help I could finish with a bachelor of science others improve their health physically, in two years, so I decided to attend. My mentally, and spiritually. brother Hal Mayer and his wife Betsy lived One of the biggest blessings I received there, which was a blessing. from Hartland is a wonderful Seventh-day Hartland strengthened my belief in the Adventist husband—Wayne—who has eight natural remedies and how powerful similar goals and dreams in life. Last but they are in reversing many of the degener- not least, Hartland taught me Jesus’ meth- ative diseases we see today. Hartland also od of reaching people. He mingled with taught me to preach the straight truth even men, ministered to their needs, gained their though others around me may reject it or confidence, and bade them, “Follow Me.” 540-672-3100 | [email protected] | hartland.edu 3 TH 30 ANNIVERSARY Then and Now How I remember Hartland’s campus in the early years by Gillian Gibson Bethel Gillian stands in front of Log Manor, which used to be the women's dorm. n the summer of 1986, I came from my making applesauce, a stranger walked in “Ihomeland of England to work as a vol- and started looking around as if it were unteer at Hartland. The moment I stepped a “living museum” exhibit like Jamestown. onto the campus and received a welcoming When she learned it was really a private hug from staff member Jeanne Peters, I residence, she felt very embarrassed. But to fell in love with the place! It instantly felt her it looked just like something from pio- like I’d come home. I’d never experienced neer days—and in a way it was! Hartland Seventh-day Adventism as I found it at began with much sacrifice by the first staff Hartland. members. Here I met a group of people convict- Other differences included the lifestyle ed and passionate about Seventh-day program taking place in the mansion, Adventism and the mission the Lord had where guests shared beautiful colonial-style given them. Also, I found a school different bedrooms equipped with four-poster beds from any I’d experienced, a simple lifestyle and antiques donated by Dr. John Hart. program that transformed lives, a dedicated All the college classes were held in the chap- publishing ministry, and a worldwide vision el or cafeteria, and the young men lived in for education and outreach. For the first the basement. Hartland had no dormitory time, I met young people who wanted God buildings, no lifestyle center, no conference to be first in their lives, studying to equip center, and fewer staff homes. themselves to serve Him better. Yet in all the most important ways, But back in those days, Hartland was Hartland has not changed. I recently logistically different—the campus was not returned as staff and have been so happy to as well developed. For instance, the wom- find that Hartland is still filled with people en’s dorm used to be Log Manor. As acting who are on fire. The worldwide vision has dean, I lived there with my 13 girls and continued and the singing in the chapel is felt like I’d traveled back in time! Ronda still like no other! God’s greatest gift to me Potterton Smith told me that in Hartland’s and many others through Hartland has first months, the staff lived in Log Manor been a clearer understanding of the truth as like true pioneers. it is in Jesus. May the Lord continue to use One day, as some of the ladies were Hartland to finish His work. 4 HARTLAND MINISTRY REPORT | June–July 2013 COLLEGE Spring Graduation 2013 n June 7–8, the Lord set aside about winning souls, one by one, and Ofive graduates to help proclaim always obeying God’s commands, no the gospel to the world. They encour- matter what kind of society surrounds aged the students with their internship you. President Norbert Restrepo spoke reports and testimonies, relating how closing words of encouragement to the God led them to Hartland College and graduates, and President Emeritus helped them through their training. Colin Standish offered the prayer of Chuck Holtry, 1997 graduate, talked dedication. Radford Bingham Toki Kawakami USA Japan/USA Christian Media Bible Instruction Management Agriculture Minor Bible verses: Jeremiah Bible verse: Luke 29:11–13 2:52 Vision: To accomplish Vision: To pro- God’s will in my life and use my training to vide youth with opportunities for true help others education Samuel Francis Rena Lee USA USA Pastoral Evangelism Christian Media Bible verse: Psalm Management 23:4 Bible verse: Psalm Vision: To establish 16:11 small sanitariums and Vision: To put all my schools in the Dominican Republic follow- trust in the Lord, let Him direct my path, ing the divine blueprint, by God’s grace! and use the talents that God has given me to finish the work that needs to be done Fortunato Jardinico USA Pastoral Evangelism Bible verse: Psalm AIM: Saving souls, one at a time 46:10 MOTTO: Obedience at all costs Vision: To be thor- oughly equipped to do God’s service 540-672-3100 | [email protected] | hartland.edu 5 LIFESTYLE EDUCATION CENTER A Whole New Lifestyle “God showed me how He meant for us to live,” says Jade Johnson, after attending Hartland’s “Lifestyle to Health” session. by Jade Johnson as told to Kevin Wahl y blood pressure spiked very food, without using analog food. What Mhigh—it read 198/117. I was in they taught me here really amazed me. I danger of a stroke. I didn’t want to take found out that I had most of the stuff at blood pressure pills because of headaches home needed to make healthier foods—I and other side effects. I also had really just didn’t know how to do it. I didn’t know bad pain in my stomach and my back.
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