42 General Assemhly-Twenty-seventh Session (XXIII) of 17 December 1968, 2525 (XXIV) of this matter, taking into ,account the status of imple­ 5 December 1969,2690 (XXV) of 11 December 1970 mentation of the Action Plan and future developments and 2812 (XXVI) of 14 December 1971, in the field of the environment, and report its views Decides to preserve the original functions of the and recommendations to the General Assembly so th,at United Nations Capital Development Fund until 31 De­ the Assembly can take a decision on all aspects of the cember 1973, in accordance with the measures set matter not later than at its twenty-ninth session. forth in paragraph 1 of General Assembly resolution 2112th plenary meeting 2321 (XXH). 15 December 1972 2I09th plenary meeting 14 December 1972 2995 (XXVII). Co-operation belween Slates in 1 the field of the environmenl 2994 (XXVII). Uniled Nations Conference on the Human Environment The General Assembly, Having considered princ1ple 20 as contained in the The General Assembly, dr-aft text of a preamble and principles of the declara­ Reaffirming the responsibility of the international tion on the human environment,all referred to it for community to take action to preserve and enhance the consideration by the United Nations Conference on the environment and, in particular, the need for continuous Human Environment, international cO-Qperation to this end, Recalling its resolution 2849 (XXVI) of 20 De­ Recalling its resolutions 2398 (XXIll) of 3 De­ cember 1971 entitled "Development and environment", cember 1968, 2581 (XXN) of 15 December 1969, Bearing in mind that, in exercising their sovereignty 2657 (XXV) of 7 December 1970, 2849 (XXVI) and over thek natural resources, States must seek, through 2850 (XXVI) of 20 December 1971, effective bilateral and multilateral co-operation or Having considered the report of the Undted Nations through regional machinery, to preserve and improve Conference on the Human Environment,SIl held at the environment, Stockholm from 5 to 16 June 1972, and the report of 1. Emphasizes that, in the exploration, exploitation the Secretary-General thereon,ll4 and development Of their natural resources, States must Expressing its satisfaction that the Conference and not produce significant harmful effects in zones situated the Preparatory Commdttee for the United Nations outside the1r natdonal jurisdiction; Conference on the Human Environment succeeded in 2. Recognizes that co-operation between States in focusing the attention of Governments and public the field of the environment, including co-operation opinion on the need for prompt action in the field of towards the implementation of principles 21 and 22 the environment, of the Declaration of the United Nations Conference 1. Takes note with satisfaction of the report of the on the Human Environment,oiO will be effectively United Nations Conference on the Human Environ­ achieved if offici-al and public knowledge is provided ment; of the technical data relating to the work to be carried 2. Draws the attention of Govemments and the out by States within their national jurisdiction, with a Governing Counoil of the United Na1ions Environment view to avoiding significant harm that may occur in ProgrammeB5 to the Declaration of the United Nations the environment of the adjacent area; Conference on the Human Environmenj:ll6 and refers 3. Further recognizes that the technkal data referred the Action Plan for the Human Environment87 to the to in paragraph 2 above will be given and received in Governing Council for appropriate action; the best spirit of co-operation and good-neighbourliness, 3. Draws the attention of Governments to the rec­ without this being construed as enabling each State to ommendations for action at the national level referred delay or impede the programmes and projects of ex­ to them by the Conference for their consideration and ploration, exploitation and development of the natural such action as they might deem appropriate; resources of the States in whose territories such pro­ grammes and projects are carried out. 4. Designates 5 June as World Environment Day and urges Governments and the organizations in the 2112th plenary meeting United Nations system to undertake on that day every 15 December 1972 year world-wide activities reaffirming their concern for the preservation and enhancement of the environment, with a view to deepening environmental awareness and 2996 (XXVD). International responsibility of to pursuing the determinat,ion eX<pressed at the Con­ States in regard to the environment ference; 5. Takes note with appreciation of resolution 4 (I) The General Assembly, 88 of 15 June 1972 adopted by the Conference on the Recalling principles 21 and 22 of the Declaration convening of a second United Nations Conference on of the United Nations Conference on the Human the Human Environment and refers this matter to the 41 '.:·1 Environment concerning the international responsi­ "I Governing Council of the United Nations Environment bility of States in regard to the environment, Programme with the request that the Council study Bearing in mind that those principles lay down the 1 ~ll A/CONF.48/14 and Corr.l. basic rules governing this matter, E4 A/8783 and Add.1, Add.lICorr.1 and Add.2. ~ ~5 See resolution 2997 (XXVII), sect. I. ~o See A/CONF.48/4, annex. See also A/CONF,48/14 and 86 A/CONF.48/14 and Corr.!, chap. I. Corr.1, chap. X, sect. D. ~7 Ibid., chap. lI. 40 A/CONF.48/14 and Corr.l, chap. I. ES Ibid., chap. IV. 41 Ibid. ,.
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