20 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Mon., March IS, 1862 BUSINE Trustees veto Reagan hawks - Bradley ousts '■ tuition hike his programs ^ Syracuse in NIT j ... page 9 Sick, disabted lose Social Security benefits ... page 3 ... page 7 before an administrative law judge. This can take ■ Horror story: A 44-year-old roofer was left with a reviewed) were removed from the benefit rolls, along with their dependents. months; the backlog of appeals is growing. crushed spinal disc and constant pain after an accident A hearing has offered a better than 50-50 chance that a on the job. He returned., to work after a series of llie definition of disability in the Social Security law is tough, tougher than the measures of disability used by denial could be reversed, but this may change soon. operations. In 1973, he fell into hot asphalt when his Y o u r Hearing judges who rule in favor of disabled claimants Manchester, Conn. back gave way on the job and suffered bums over most the Veterans Administration or just about any company Rain tonight in too many cases are being “ targeted” for special of his upper body. He has been hospitalized a number of Money's disability pension program. Tues., March 16, 1982 times since but his doctors are afraid to risk more To be found disabled for Social Security purposes, reviews to detect errors of judgment. and Wednesday your physical or mental impairment must be so severe The officials estimate is that as many as 30 percent of Single copy 25(p spinal surgery because it might result in paralysis. The W o rth — See page 2 Social Security Administration has informed him that a that it prevents you from doing any substantial gainful disabled workers getting benefits will be Sylvia Porter Are they really capable of working? One of the » A s JfianrhpBtrr review of his case showed he is capable of work that work and it mnst be expected to last (or have lasted) for own studies shows 80 percent of workers turned down does not require bending, stooping or lifting. He has at least 12 months or to result in death. for benefits failed to get jobs within five years. In been notified the benefits payable to him, his wife and In 1980, Congress (following the Carter ad­ today’s bleak climate, many will end up on state- two children would be terminated. ministration’s recommendations), directed SS to set up financed public assistance rolls — or on the streets. Horror story; The benefits of a schizophrenic with an a system for checking every three years on the con­ IQ of 61 have been terminated with the suggestion that tinuing eligibility of workers with non-permanent dis­ Disability payments to 2.8 million workers plus he get work and pay as a migrant farm worker. have “ regained” their ability to work for pay. abilities and every five to seven years on those with per­ dependents in fiscal ’82 totaled $16.8 billion. Horror story: A woman with primary pulmonary Social Security disability benefits never have been manent disabilities. 0 >ngress' specified the reviews (Job hunting? Sylvia Porter’s comprehensive new 32- hypertension — with severe heart and lung disease and easy to obtain — and in past years, only half of those were to start January '82. But the Reagan administra­ page booklet “ How to Get a Better Job” gives up-to- dependent on oxygen almost 24 hours a day — has been applying for the monthly payments have been found tion speeded up the schedule to spring 1981 — undoubted­ date information on today’s job market and how to take eligible. Now it’s harder than ever. ly to slash the disability benefit payment totals. Eligible advantage of it. Send $1.95 plus 50 cents for postage and Von Bulow convicted cut off the disability benefit rolls. She. too, has been told she is capable of working. Of every 10 workers who applied for disability standards for cardiovascular and psychiatric dis­ handling to “ How to Get a Better Job ” in care of this These are merely a random sampling of horror stories benefits last year, seven were tu m ^ down, and under a abilities have been particularly tightened. newspaper, 4400 Johnson Drive, Fairway, Kan. 66205. of people removed from the Siocial Security disability stepped-up program of case reviews, 26,000 workers People denied benefits have 60 days to ask for a recon- Make checks payable to Universal Press Syndicate.) benefit rolls after a review of their files reveals they (almost one-half of the 55,000 whose cases were oMnrntinn and then another 60 days to ask for a hearing p in b r ie f ------------- G M wants Hartford, of attempted murder Chambers named By H.D. Quigg NY. bank UPI Senior Editor Theodore D. Chambers Jr. of White Street has been named vice president-general counsel of NEWPORT, R.I. - Claus von United Technologies' more UAW Bulow, the Danish aristocrat who Hamilton Standard merge married the American beauty division. heiress, was convicted today of Chambers twice attempting to murder her by previously was depu­ injecting insulin. ty general counsel concessions SCHENECTADY, N.Y. (UPI) —; • A Superior Court jury of five fo r U n ite d The Schenectady Savings Bank hast married women, six married men Technologies, a posi­ taken over the financially,, troubled; and one bachelor chorused “ We tion he had held since Hartford Federal Savings and Lodn* By Michellne Maynard do!” when queried at 11:16 a.m. by 1977. He joined the Association, which suffered more the court clerk whether the verdict corporation in 1958 UPl Auto Writer than $7 million in losses last yea r., announced by their foreman was as an assistant divi­ Douglas Vergith, assistant vice; DETROIT — Profitmaking General Motors Corp. correct. sion counsel at president of Schenectady Savings,' wants “ more” concessions from the United Auto The verdict, delivered in the sixth Sikorsky Aircraft formally announced Saturday that al Workers than the union gave to money-losing Ford day of deliberations — longest in and served in a merger with Hartford Federal was- Motor Co. but the UAW called such a request Rhode Island history — ended the variety of legal posts “ unethical.” approved by the Federal Home Loam mysterious case of the Danish-born a t U n ite d GM and the UAW were set to head back to the Bank Board in Washington and; financier socialite accused of trying Technologies. effective at midnight Friday. ; bargaining table today to resume talks to give GM, to kill his enormously wealthy wife, Research Center and He said the new operation, to be! which has announced massive plant closings, a parcel of Martha “ Sunny” von Bulow, out of within United called Northeast Savings, is the first; concessions. greed for her money and love for Technologies. interstate bank m erger in New- The automaker was to begin the session armed with a another woman. At Hamilton, he Theodore Chambers England and will have combined detailed contract proposal Alfred Warren, GM vice Von Bulow sabwith an impassive succeeds Richard F. assets of $1.75 billion. president for industrial relations, said will ask for titsb e face as the unanimous verdict was Taylor Jr. who was recently named vice president- Vergith said Hartford Federal had- “ more” , concessions than Ford got two weeks ago. delivered by Mrs. Barbara M. general counsel of Carrier Corp., a United Warren elaborated that by “ more” he did not mean $400 million in assets while Schenec-'. Connett, who had been appointed Technologies subsidiary headquartered in extra dollars, but rather “ different” concessions. tady had $1.3 billion before the; foreman by Superior Court Judge Syracuse, N.V. A football game? But UAW President Douglas Fraser said while merger. ’Thomas H. Needham. Chambers is a 1953 cum laude graduate of the The Federal Home Loan Bank- Warren could ask for, “ more and more and more and UP) photo Von Bulow’s only emotion was in lUnivfersity of Connecticut with a bachelor’s degree Board had begun searching for a' more” he will receive “ less and less and less and less.” his hands. From the time he entered in economics. He earned his law degree from 'Yale Fraser said'^lt is “ unethical” to grant GM, which bank to m erge with Hartford the courtroom at 11:05 a.m. of the UPI pholo University in 1956 and was admitted to the Connec­ Federal after the bank lost $7l3 made $333 million last year, more in concessions than Testing 1, 2, 3 47th court day of the trial, until Mrs. ticut bar that year. million last year, pushing its net Ford, which lost $1 billion. Connett uttered her first “ guilty,” on charges he twice tried to kill his wife. The Hamilton Standards designs and builds a variety - worth below federally required Soviets plan Claus von Bulow wipes a weary eye in New­ ’The company is studying cuts in expensive health-care Engineer Jack Johnson adjusts a microphone above an IBM the defendant’s hands were folded of computei^based and other high technology minimums. port Superior Court while the jury was still jury reached a verdict of guilty this morning. benefits that now make up approximately $2.40 of the Oisplaywriter work station, part of a word-processing system, across his midriff, fingers entwined products for the aerospace, autoiyiotive, industrial $21.50 per hour workers receive in wages and benefits. inside an anechoic chamber at the firm’s site In Austin, Texas. Vergith said the acquisition of but with the left thumb constantly out trying to determine his guilt or Innocence and wind energy markets.
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