A B C NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION D E F G H TELEPHONE DIREC'TORY I AREA CODE 713 483-0123 J TWX 713-488-0454 K TELEX 077-306 L M • • • • •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • N ' I• ••••••• • • • • • • • I ••••••• '•··············a a a a a a a I 0 , ...... I···············,• • • • • • • • a...... a a a a a e. I OCTOBER 1967 I ••••••• p I• • •a •a •e •e •• •e • I •e •a •e •e •a •8 •a • I ••••••••• e e e I e e ' I....... e e e a e e e I ••••••••e e a e e e e Q ••••••••• • • • • • • • I •a •a •a •a •a •a •a • a a a a a a a I t ••••••• a a a a a a a I , R ........a a a a a a a I .' ........ .. .. .. ......... .. ' ' ....... ' s . .' ••. .4" .••••• . .. ' .. .. T ... ... .. u MANNED SPACECRAFT CENTER V HOUSTON, TEXAS w X . ........ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. y .. .. .. .. ........ ....... FOR INFORMATION CALL 3111 z EMERGEHCY NUMBERS FIRE - CLEAR LAKE EMERGEHCY (To Report Fires Only) ............................ 3211 ADMIHISTRATIVE ............................................................. 4658 FIRE - ELLIHGTOH AFB .......................................................... 7229 SECURITY GUARD - CLEAR LAKE ........................................ 2691 MEDICAL EMERGENCY HUMBERS NORMAL DUTY HOURS DISPENSARY - CLEAR LAKE, BUILDIHG 8 MAJOR INJURIES, DISASTER ........................................ 3815 MIHOR IHJURIES, ILLNESSES ........................................ 4111 NASA AMBULANCE ............................................................ 3211 SATELLITE DISPENSARY - ELLINGTON AFB, BUILDING 339 EMERGENCY ...................................................................... 7715 RADIOLOGICAL EMERGEHCY ........................................ 7733 OTHER THAM HORMAL DUTY HOURS To reach the MEDICAL DUTY OFFICER or HASA AMBULANCE or in cose of RADIOLOGICAL EMERGENCY, call the: TELECOMMUNICATIONS SECTION DUTY OFFICER .. 3911 FIRE DEPARTMENT (Oxygen or Resuscitotor) ............ 3211 THE MSC TELEPHONE DIRECTORY WILL BE PUBLISHED THREE TIMES DURING CALENDAR YEAR 1966, IN JANUARY, MAY AHO SEPTEMBER. DIRECTORIES ARE DISTRIBUTED DOWN TO THE BRANCH ORGANI­ ZATIONAL LEVEL OH THE BASIS OF ONE DIRECTORY FOR EACH TELEPHONE INSTRUMENT INSTALLED. PERSONNEL MAKING DISTRIBUTION WITHIN AH ORGANIZATIONAL ELEMENT SHOULD ASSURE THAT DIRECTORIES ARE DISTRIBUTED IN THIS MANNER AND NOT ONE FOR EACH PERSON. THIS DIRECTORY IS GOVERNMENT PROPERTY AND IS PUBLISHED FOR HASA USE. IT WILL HOT BE DISTRIBUTED IHDISCRIMIHATELY, HOR TO HOH-HASA ACTIVITIES EXCEPT WHEH SUCH DISTRIBUTIOH CAH BE JUSTIFIED AS BEIHG BEHEFICIAL TO HASA. MANNED SPACECRAFT CENTER TELEPHONE DIRECTORY TABLE OF CONTENTS Long Distance Cal Is . ii General Information . ii FP~Prnl Telecommunications System (FTS).......... ii (FTS Operator Listing) . ii Leased Lines . • ii Callstoothercities ............................• ii Area Codes - Time Zones . vii Definitions of Abbreviations . viii Official Addresses . v Classified Section . viii Alphabetical Mail Codes . ix Organizational Directory . 1 Alphabetical Directory . 9 MSC - Houston . • . 9 MSC - Beth page . 71 MSC - Cambridge . 72 ll',SC - Downey . 72 MSC - Merritt Island (lv\lLA) . .. 73 MSC - Mi Iwaukee . • . 73 MSC - St. Louis . .. .. 73 MSC - White Sands Test F'ocility................... 73 Contractor Representatives (Off-Site) . 74 Contractor Alphabetical Directory (On-Site) . 75 TO DIAL If you Kemah Are NASA NASA NASA Houston Friendswood Dickinson FTS League City Located Clear Lake Ellington Operator Numbers Seabrook La Porte Nassau Bay At NASA Ext. No. Ext. No. 0 87+ 9+ 9+ 8+ 0 Clear Lake Listed No. Listed No. Listed No. Listed No. NASA 3+ 9+ Ext. No. 30 387+ 9+ 38+ 30 Ellington Ext. No. Listed No. Listed No. Listed No. Listed No. Friendswood Consult Kemah Consult Consu It Consult Telephone Telephone Telephone Nassau Bay HU3- + HU3-+ Not Telephone HU3•0123 Company Company Company Company League City Ext. Ext. Authorized Directory Directory Directory Directory Seabrook Consult Consult Consult Consult Not Telephone Telephone Telephone Telephone Dickinson 932-4534 932·4534 932·4534 Authorized Company Company Company Company Directo,y Directory Directory Directory Consult Consult Consult Consult Not Telephone Telephone Telephone Telephone La Porte 471-0990 471-0990 471-0990 Authorized Company Company Company Company Directory Directory Directory Directory HOW TO TRANSFER CALLS AT NASA·CENTRX 1. Depress switch hook one time to count of two. 2. Tell swbd. opr. new station to which call ls to be transferred. Page i SWITCHBOARD HOURS OF OPERATION l. LEASED LINES - T-ie folloNir.g :eusec· lines 2re avoilol.,le and should be utilize(: •o the fullest extent. 7::.:0 arn - 6:CO pm Dial 'Opcr,:nor' .-i:CC pm - 7:CC om D,al 311 l TO TERMINATION POINT DJAL 3:CO om - 4:C-C pm Dial 'Operoror' Bethpoge, N. Y. RASPO 3776 4:'.:0 pm - Cape ;(er,nedy, Flo. Apollo Test Office 3120 '·1\ondoy - 7:CO arr Dial 3111 Cope Kennedy, Flo. Apolio Sr;ocecraft Program Office 3185 Ch1,,f u~.,-, D1ul 3885 Cope Kennedy, Flo. Dial 81 plus 9 plus 853 plus Ext. lnfur,,,T D,nl 3111 Downey, Calif. NAA Switchboard (Ask for extension) 4985 Downey, Calif. RASPO 3277 Downey, Calif. RASPO - Engineering Division 3276 01--'EKAT!OI'-: ~X S\'ilTCI-IBU,~f"<D·) BY OTHER THM, AUTriORIZEC PERSON~EL Huntsville, A!a. Redstone Arsenal Switchboard IS STF.tC~L ': ,-C\.:.3.\i")C[\":. (As'.-< for extens·1on; 3278 MILA (Merrit Island Loun:::h Area) Dial 81 plus Ext. St. Louis, Mo. Apollo Spacecraft Pr'.>;;roET, Cffice C;al SJ plus Ext. TELEPHONE SECURITY White Sends, N. M. WSTF Dial 84 plus Ext. lr'.,::, tclcr,ho,K• ,::C..Q:l.! c sor:.Jro rrco.1s of communica:ian. Do not discuss clossifieC nx:itcriul ov,:r· 1 • klc;-,f,cr"-'· 2. FEDERAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM -.In order to receive full bercfi, of the FTS, it is 2sscntial 1hat tho follov,ing instructions be iollowed when making calls. To ovoid unnecessary cul Is lo the FTS operator for informa­ LOCAL OUTSIDE CALLS - For Officio! Use Only tion, each user should maintain o comprehensive list of frequently called numbers. T-.: ca:I o nun•'.,er tcl li:e :·.vus·c,1 Exchange fror-:-· ,he MSC dial system, dial '9', wo1r for the c.!i<JI tone, and then di.JI tnc number. HOW Jr. I ISE To reach a tek;iilone in o di stont city - o. Check to see if rhe City yo<.: ore colling is listed b. Diel •he FTS access cede. '87' frcm Ckor Lake - '337' fro,n Ellington TRANSFERRING CALLS c. Wait for second dial tone, than dial the oreo code (EXCEPTION: When dialing Direct ,r-dio I ,-cl!~ con be tr.:,nsforred to another extension by depressing the butter. into Area Code 713 DJ NOT DIAL AREA CCDE), and continue dialing the in t>1e telepi,0r;,c; receiver crcdle .o.tl.E...I.!M= The MSC operator wi 11 transfer the n1m1ber as listed ,oil. D,rec o ·-Ju! or i,·.terc.'f,:::e ct1lls cannot be transferred. In this instance, d. h w1!l be necessary to rcoc-1 tne FTS o,:e,:itcr in tf:e distant city for inforr.o­ will be nc:::c~:;;.iry to har.g up and re-dial trle desired extension or rn.,mber. tion, assistance or to c,ol, ricn·Goverrnier-t nJrbors. FTS operator numbers ere listed 0:1 p::ige iv of This directory for your convenience. e. FTS CAbllilO.l BE USED FROM NON-GOVERNMENT TELEPHONES AND JS CONFERENCE CALLS NOT TO BE USED FOR LOCAL AREA CALLS. Local oreo i5 defined as that Confers;,·.,,' ,·a.ls on i:ico1ning end 0,1tgoing call~ w :: be established by the MSC area within a seventy-five mile radius of t:ie MSC. v;,erutor a. Oire:::t ln-=:ial Cafls - Fl.1sh the operator on::l te!I her the extension number of To col I Goverrn'.':ent ogericiec; served by 1he FTS · use the FTS Telephone User5 other pe0;lle ycu WC1c1t u·; tcie line. Guide doted 1967 ..lf t~o party you ore colling is not ovailob!e and you wont b. Cut-Gci,·,q or '.r.terohice .:::alls - Dial the operator ondtell her the extension to be ca:lod bock, leave yovr noff.e, arec code, and telo:::hone number. Do not and/or :ckp:1one number,; of the people you want on the !i-ie. give your access code. ID... REPQR-1 TRD' iBI E. Dial your t,l;SC oper:::10r and inform her of your telephone CHANGES IN TELEPHONE SERVICE OR EQUIPMENT trouble. Requests fur .nswllat1or~ ,:,,- :-Clo::lificotion of telephone equipmcr.r will be submiTted on MSC For,n '.•16 10 ,\Jm,n1s·rcrive Services Oivisior., Support Requirerrcnts 3. CALLS TO OTHER CITIES. Calls rot placed over leased lines or Branch. the FTS Network o~e to be placed with the ,'/SC operator. 4. IN-COLLECT LONG DISTANCE CALLS. DIRECT DIALED. In-collect ATTACHMENTS TO TELEPHONES long distance calls ore to be discouraged and if accepted will require certification The iel.:>;Jilur·1c' c:impony !urni;;hes oil equipment necessary to provide telephone as to necessity in the pc!rformonce of official business. If you receive on in-coliect service. Ir. ihe interesh of ,.afety and good service, no equip11ent, apparatus or direct dial lonq di5tonce call, usk tf-:e operutw to W(]1t one moment ·,vh1!0 you f:csh devicc ri::t Lir'li~n,d DY the tc·lopr:O!"lc; company may be attached to, or used er con­ the MSC operator. The ~/6C operator will record ·he coll, then you can begin your n..::,ctnJ w11h 1:s kc"ilit1oc,, except as ot'norwise provided ",n the telephone company's conversation. tariffs. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL ANY PERSONNEL MOVE, ADD ADDI­ TIONAL EQUIPMENT, ALTER, OR REPAIR A TELEPHONE OR ITS ASSOCIATED THE EDI I OWING CII1E5 ARE AVAIi ARI E ON THE EIS NETWORK EQUIPMENT. CITY AREA CODE FTS OPERA TOR TELEPHONE REPAIR SERVICE Aberdeen, S. Oak. 605 225-0250 Cell cxicns101· :3825. Aiken, 5. C. 803 253-8371 Akron, Ohio 216 762-9511 Albany, Calif. 415 841-5121 VISITORS' CALLS Albany, Ga. 912 226-1761 Visiwrs may place long Ji stance Coliect calls with the MSC operators. ff they Albany, N. Y. 518 472-4411 wont w ;XJy fer the call, thc-y must use o p::iy station.
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