MUNICIPALITY OF GREENSTONE REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Monday September 8, 2008 Greenstone Council Chambers, 1000 Main Street, Geraldton Present: Mayor: Michael Power Councillors: Harold Donohue, Ron Melhuish, Eric Rutherford, Jane Jantunen, Claudette Trottier, Tim Griffin, Jay Daiter, and Elaine Mannisto Also Present: Rosy Brizi, Partner, Grant Thornton LLP Lindsey Halow, Grant Thornton LLP Hal Dremin, CMC, Connected Insight Inc. Staff: Roy Sinclair, Chief Administrative Officer Jack Kuzminski, Director of Corporate Services Mike Hammer, Director of Protective and Planning Services Vance Czerwinski, Director of Public Services Nancy Proteau, Director of Community Services Rob Kurish, Manager of Leisure Services Deborah B. Stevens, Clerk. CALL TO ORDER – 6:30 p.m. DISCLOSURE OF INTEREST - none DEPUTATIONS Rosy Brizi, and Lindsey Halow, Grant Thornton LLP Ms. Brizi presented the highlights of the 2007 Financial Statements for the Municipality of Greenstone, which included a clean audit report. Council was advised that in 2009, changes to the PSAB reporting will significantly alter the manner in which a municipality’s financial information is reported. Copies of “Communication of Audit Strategy and Results for 2007” were distributed to each member of Council. A motion follows. Hal Dremin, Connected Insight Inc. Mr. Dremin presented the “Community Profile to Attract Employment Opportunities to Greenstone” to Council. A discussion followed. PETITIONS - none TENDERS/BIDS – none 1 Sept. 8, 2008 Regular Meeting MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS 08-163 Moved by Councillor Jantunen and Seconded by Councillor Trottier THAT the Minutes of: 1. The Committee of the Whole Meeting of August 5, 2008 2. The Regular Meeting of August 11, 2008 be adopted as presented. CARRIED Action: the Director of Public Services is to determine if the watermain and sanitary sewer repairs planned for Ginoogaming First Nation will have any impact on the agreement presently in place with Ginoogaming for the provision of sewage and water services. REPORTS Mayor and Council A Media Release has been issued from the Office of the Mayor with regard to the retention of the Kinghorn Rail Line. The Northwestern Ontario Associated Chambers of Commerce will be hosting a Prospect North Mining Conference in Thunder Bay October 23-24, 2008. Committees - none Staff 1. Manager of Facilities and Parks: MOFAP-23 120 Bellevue Crescent (August 29, 2008) The report was received. A motion follows. 2. Manager of Facilities and Parks: MOFAP-25 Nakina Pump House (August 29, 2008) The report was received. A motion follows. 3. Manager of Facilities and Parks: PW2008-1012 Nakina Public Works Garage Floor (Sept. 4, 2008) The report was received. A motion follows. CORRESPONDENCE 08-163a Moved by Councillor Jantunen and Seconded by Councillor Trottier THAT Council receive the correspondence listed on the Agenda for the September 8, 2008 Regular Meeting. CARRIED 1. David Malouf: Offer to purchase surplus municipal lands (August 31, 2008) 2. Hon. Chris Bentley, Ontario Attorney General: Crime rate in Ontario (email rec’d Aug. 22, 2008) 2 Sept. 8, 2008 Regular Meeting 3. Don McArthur, Federal Liberal Candidate, Thunder Bay-Superior North: Available to listen to your concerns (Aug. 20, 2008) 4. Jim Fry, District Manager, Ministry of the Environment: Notice of Intent/Longlac Wood Industries Inc. (August 12, 2009) 5. Celine Belleau, Councillor, Animbiigoo Zaagi'igan Anishinaabek: Municipal tents and tables (August 8, 2008) 6. Gwen DuBois-Wing, CEO, North West Local Health Integration Network: Safety Issue – Aging At Home Vans (August 7, 2008) 7. Mary Lucas, General Manager, TBDSSAB: 2007 Annual Report (July 31, 2008) 8. Mark O’Brien, Mineral Development Consultant, NWO, Ministry of Northern Development and Mines: Hercules Advanced Exploration Project Closure Plan (July 21, 2008) 9. Thank you letters for the 2008 Bursary from Kevin Levesque (June 11, 2008) and Tiffany Connors (August 21, 2008) BY-LAWS 08-164 Moved by Councillor Trottier and Seconded by Councillor Jantunen THAT By-law 08-25, being a by-law to Deem Lots 70 & 71 on Registered Plan M-106, Beardmore Ward of the Municipality of Greenstone, be approved for passage and enactment CARRIED 08-165 Moved by Councillor Jantunen and Seconded by Councillor Melhuish THAT By-law 08-26, being a by-law to Deem Lots 325 & 326 on Registered Plan M-104, Geraldton Ward of the Municipality of Greenstone, be approved for passage and enactment CARRIED 08-166 Moved by Councillor Griffin and Seconded by Councillor Melhuish THAT By-law 08-27, being a by-law to authorize the execution of an agreement between C. Villeneuve Construction Co. Ltd., and the Corporation of the Municipality of Greenstone for the rehabilitation of Michael Power Boulevard (Project No. 08018), be approved for passage and enactment CARRIED MOTIONS 08-153 Moved by Councillor Daiter and Seconded by Councillor Rutherford THAT on the recommendation of EBA Engineering Consultants Ltd. and G.A. Clark and Associates, and having fulfilled all of the tender specifications, Barino Construction Limited be awarded the contract to construct the R. Elmer Ruddick Nakina Airport Sand Shed/Equipment Storage Shelter for the amount of $476,080.00 plus GST, conditional upon an unbudgeted increase in Municipal funding. The Municipality’s contribution to the Sand Shed project was budgeted at $108,338.00 and would need to be increased to $204,965.00 to accommodate the actual tendered price, a difference of $96,627.00. 3 Sept. 8, 2008 Regular Meeting Oral Moved By Councillor Jantunen and Seconded by Councillor Donohue Motion THAT motion 08-153 be withdrawn. CARRIED WITHDRAWN 08-167 Moved by Councillor Daiter and Seconded by Councillor Griffin WHEREAS Barino Construction Limited was the lowest compliant bidder for the contract to construct the R. Elmer Ruddick Nakina Airport Sand Shed/Equipment Storage Shelter, AND WHEREAS the bid received from Barino Construction Limited exceeded the project estimate, AND WHEREAS By-law 05-27, being a By-law to Provide for the Procedures for the Procurement of Goods and Services authorizes the CAO to enter into negotiations with the lowest compliant bidder to achieve a bid acceptable within the project estimate when the bid received exceeds the project estimate, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT on the recommendation of EBA Engineering Consultants Ltd. and G.A. Clark and Associates, Barino Construction Limited be awarded the contract to construct the R. Elmer Ruddick Nakina Airport Sand Shed/Equipment Storage Shelter for the revised bid as attached hereto in the amount of $425,641.00 plus GST. A recorded vote was requested by Councillor Melhuish. Daiter YES Donohue YES Griffin YES Jantunen YES Mannisto NO VOTE Melhuish NO Power YES Rutherford YES Trottier YES CARRIED 08-168 Moved by Councillor Griffin and Seconded by Councillor Mannisto THAT the audited Financial Statements for the year 2007 be adopted as attached hereto and forming part of this resolution. CARRIED 08-169 Moved by Councillor Donohue and Seconded by Councillor Daiter THAT Council of the Municipality of Greenstone adopt the Road Reconstruction/ Paving Priority List attached to and forming part of this resolution to provide direction and priority in establishing capital budgets and grant applications associated with road reconstruction and paving. CARRIED (08-170) 08-171 Moved by Councillor Daiter and Seconded by Councillor Melhuish THAT a Tourism ad-hoc subcommittee and membership on this ad-hoc subcommittee be established as follows: Mayor Power, Chair Councillor Jay Daiter Councillor Tim Griffin Councillor Ron Melhuish Councillor Elaine Mannisto Staff Support: WITHDRAWN 4 Sept. 8, 2008 Regular Meeting 08-172 Moved by Councillor Rutherford and Seconded by Councillor Trottier THAT Todhunter Associates Inc. be contracted to provide consulting services for the Boardwalk Replacement and Shoreline Stabilization Initiative at Poplar Lodge Park in accordance with the Work Program as attached hereto at an estimated cost of $6,048.00. This Work will allow the Municipality to apply for funding from NOHFC. CARRIED 08-173 Moved by Councillor Daiter and Seconded by Councillor Mannisto THAT on the recommendation of the Director of Protective and Planning Services and having fulfilled the tender specifications for the Demolition & Site Rehabilitation of the Rooming House at 220 Railway Avenue in Nakina, Council of the Municipality of Greenstone award the tender to S. Leduchowski Trucking Inc. at the quoted price of $9,450.00 plus GST. Other Bids Received: Cloutier Contracting $11,000.00 Barino Construction $13,200.00 Northern Native Crafts $14,500.00. CARRIED 08-174 Moved by Councillor Donohue and Seconded by Councillor Rutherford THAT on the recommendation of the Director of Public Services, and having fulfilled the tender specifications for the supply and delivery of one loader backhoe for the Geraldton Ward, Council of the Municipality of Greenstone award the tender to Strongco Equipment for one (1) Volvo BL70 Loader Backhoe at the quoted price of $99,090.00 (PST included). Other Bids Received: Strongco Equipment-Case 590SM+ $ 99,900.00 Nortrax Equipment-John Deere 410J $101,244.60 Toromont CAT-Caterpillar 430EIT $101, 408.50 CARRIED 08-175 Moved by Councillor Rutherford and Seconded by Councillor Trottier THAT on the recommendation of the Manager of Facilities and Parks, and being the lowest of three quotes received, Council of the Municipality of Greenstone engage Cummins Eastern Canada of Thunder Bay to overhaul the power diesel generator used at Poplar Lodge Park to provide electricity at the quoted price of $14,002.14 (PST and GST not included). Other Quotes Received Maki’s Diesel Repair $14,337.60 Hearst Central Garage $14,015.06 CARRIED 08-176 Moved by Councillor Griffin and Seconded by Councillor Melhuish THAT on the recommendation of the Director of Public Services and the Manager of Parks and Facilities, and having fulfilled the tender specifications for the repair of the Longlac Sportsplex roof, Council of the Municipality of Greenstone award the contract to Danny Moffat Construction at the quoted price of $22,450.00.
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