I Cathoun and l{ # iso n fmish Second SAT, JULY 25, '1-1E TRUTH W<URiOi.g&" - r W « NCC Athletes Help U. S. Beat Russia PHIUDELPHIA, PA. — Two. three in another. thcugh the Russian women w on! placinr; la tin- evm i were North Carolina College athletes I The entire 400 m et«n relay S7-40. : Crowder, 4th, 80 helped carry Uncle Sum's thin-] team, consuting oi i.<‘binson. Nor- Barbara Jones, of Chicago, won .VUr^aret Mat'hewj, 2nd, VUii* Recreation dads to victory in the second tan, Davis and Bob Poynter, was the 100 meters in 11.7 and Lucin-, White. 4th. broad Jump; Russian-American track and field made up of tan trackstan. da William;, of Nashville, Tenn .i'Ireea e, 4th. 800 m eten; games here la:^ week. Ncrton, lithe young sprin'er won the 200 meters in 23,4 They | Daniels, 2nd. 200 in«ter»; M n. League Slide Lee Calhcun, 1956 Olympic I from San Jose State, was the big were he only first places wonlEarfine Brown. 2nd shot put; Wil- hurdles champion, and Vance Rob-i man for the U. S. thinclads. The by Americans. | Rudolph. 4ib. 100 m eters. Bull City Llttl* Laagua Standings Mlt)GETS inson, promising young sprinter, i only double winner of the meet, O ther .Vegro female track stars i Eastern Laagua won second places in the two he captured easily the 100 and Teem W. L. Pet. events in the international meetj 200 meter dashes. EbeAezer ............... 10 1 .909 In addition to Norton and P & G Drugs .... ; 9 2 .818 held here at Franklin Field on' M & F B a n k ............ 6 5 .545 Saturday and Sunday. ioneil, other Kan winners wore Fort Eustis Beats Ali-Stars Cut-Rate Mkt............ 6 5 .545 The U. S. team defeated the Greg Bell, broad jump. Josh Cul- A team from Fort Eustis. Va d«*- Joe Black, former C<xiger plt- Service Printing .. 1 10 .090 breath, 400 m eter hurdles. Others feated the Carolina all-stars. 8-7, chei, started frr the all-ataM Mtd White Hock .......... 1 10 .090 Russians for the second time, 127- Western Lea^ua 108. who placed included Bob Pcyn- in the all star classic played here pitched ‘hree innings. "Wjp A R £ n o t o n T O P "_ T h * ta last weak in tite final gania. Robincon and R. Mills. Top row Team W. L. Pet. Calhoun, in the first year of ter 2nd, 100 meters; Cauhouii. 2nd, Sunday afternoon at Durham Ath- He was hit freely in the o^n- P., tX ilL M fU LiHI* L*MSu«rf are Membtrs of tha taam, sitting on sama Onlcr, ara J. Mitehall, J. Walltown ............... 8 2 .800 his comeback, was nipped at the 110 meters hm dles; Joel Wiley. le ic Park. in j inniti','. but tiiihtened up la Boy’s C l u b ................ 1 ,3 .700 «Mtrth* iMppiMt tMm in the bottom row, ara laft to right, BiMkwell, O. triplln, W. Pannis, Lyon Park i fl *4 • ;.6O0 tape by Eastern T.iichigan star 3rd, broad jum p; Ira Davis, 2nd, Behind 8-2 going in to the final the last two Innings he worked .Li«9u« with a I and 6 racord Pesay, F. Molt, R. Griffin, J. J. 'Robinson, W. Austin, E. Watts Creetlmoor ........ 9 ’ 4 ‘.595 Hayes Jones in the 100 me*er Herman Stokes, 4th, hop, step and frame, the soldiers capitalt2ed o n ‘ and shut-ont the For Eustis team. « ft* r -tartcing a w atleping Brown, C. Bynum, C. Wall, C. and R. Horbin. Crest St. Cubs .... 1 B .111 hurdels. Calhoun led most of the jum p Jerom e W alters, 2nd, 800 seven walks given by tiiree dif-! Later during the game. Black Cli^pel Hill .......... 1 8 .111 from tha callar taam Tarra Cot- way, but Junes’ blazing s p e ^ car­ me'ers; Dick Howard, 2nd, 400 ferent pitchers to sr.lt the game C3Ct)rted the beauty contesta to the —Next Week's Schedule— Eastern Division ried him across the finish in meter hurdles; Robinson, 2nd, 100 away. They scored five times in :!en'er of the stadium where the (all games at Burton School) front, in the time of 13.6 I ^ was meters; Eroll Williams, 2nd. and the nln'h. winner was named by judge*. July 27—White Rock. vs. Ebenezer, clocked at 13.7. Charles Dumas. 4th, high jump. The all-stars were made up of . This was the 14th game in the 2 p.m.; M iF Bank vs. Service Robinson, a Newport News, Va. Tan thincladfi also had a large teams in the Central American As­ all-star scries. Lincoln Cards 10 M a l l Games; Opener Printing, 3:30 p.m.; Cut-Rate Mkt. vs. P & G Drugs, 5 p.m. junior at NCC, came in second to share in the women’s events, all- sociation. July 29—White Rock vs. Cut-Rate, San Jose Stale’s Jtay Norton in the TiO be Played after 10 Days-Pre-Season Work 2 p.m.; M & F Bank vs. P ,4 S 200 meters. Drugs, 3:30 p.m.; Ebenezer vs. On it^e previous day, Vance had JETFERSON Cl'TY MO., Lin- 000 students. Wi'h the addition of here; Loras College Oct. 17 at Service Printing, 5 pjn. July 31—White Rock vs. Service run' the "key” leg for the victor­ ooln.Vniverslty <Mo.) added a lOtli Augustana, Lincoln’s schedule will Oubuque, Iowa; Mankato , ,Minn Printing, 2 p.m.; Ebenezer vs. ious U\ S. team in the 400 m eter j«me to its football schedual this show six road games and four State Oct. 24 here; St. Ambrose Cut-Rate, 8:30 p.m.; M & F relay. In third position, Robinson wetk and at the same time handed Bank vs. P 4 G Drugs, 5 p.m. at home. College Oct. 31 at Davenport, Western Division took t the baton from Ira Davis athletic director Dwight Reed a N EW f 'Other foes include Missouri Iowa; Central State Nov. 7 at Wil- (all games at Walltown School) with an almost five yard deficit. foT|pidable task. School of Mines Sept, 19 at'Rolla; berforce, Ohio; and Tennessee July 27^Lyon Park vs. Walltown, He overcame the Russian lead and FINER, MORE The game is against Augus'ana 5 p.m; Hickstown vs. Creed- Arkansas A. & M. Sept. 26 at Pine Slate here Nov. 14. The Mankato moor, 2 p.m.; Chapel Hill vs. gave the stick to Norton with an College Sept. 7 at Sioux Falls, s'd . Bluff; Central Missouri State Oct. game will be Lincoln’s Homecom­ Boys Club, 3:30 p.m. edge for the U. S. team. REFRESHING That gives Reed, who also is 3 here; Kentucky State Oct. 10! ing. July 29— Lyon Park vs. Chapel Tan athletes generally had a head fbotball coach, only six days Hill, 2 p.m.; Hickstown vs. LIFT FOR Boys Club, 3:30 p.m.; Walltown big hand in the U. S. victory. They in which to prepare his team. Un­ vs. Creedmoor, 5 p.m. won seven of the 14 events cap­ der ^ccjllege rules teams can’t be­ July 31—Lyon Park vs. Creed­ tured by the U. S. team, swept gin foijmal practice until Sept, 1, moor, 2 p.m.; Walltown vs. Miss. School Adds Ga. Grid Foe Chapel Hill, 3:30 p.m.; Hicks­ first and second places in six of “It^)von’t give us much time,” town vs. Boys Club, 5 p.m. the seven and placed two and Reed acknowledged, but we’ve ITTA BENA, MISSISSIPPI — • Included on the Devil’s slate is 0 ---------------- YO U ! got a good nucleus coming back Opening their •£>« grm siate on the annual MVC-Jackson College PONY LEAGUE and We will put a representative September 26 against a new op­ Classic carded October 3 at Mag­ Team W. L. Pet. football team on the field.” ponent, ^ o r t Valley College, the nolia Stadium here, the November Pepsi Cola ............... 7 0 1.000 Ingold Tire Co. 5 2 .714 New Coaches Reed rates Augustana, a mem­ Delta Devils of Mississippi Vo­ 7, Homecoming tilt with Leland Lyon Park ............ 5 .. 2 .714 ber of the North Central Confer­ cational College have served no­ College and consecutive weekend N. C. Mutual ........ 3 4 .428 ence, as one of the toughest small tice to all comers that they will (Nov. 14 and Nov. 20) clashes Chapel Hill .......... 1 6 ,142 To Steer college t^ams in the nation. Its be out to better their 3-5 record with vaunted Prairie View and Crest St. Cubs .... 0 7 .000 enrollment is between 3,500 and 4, Next Week's Schedule of last season. Grambling Colleges. July 28—Pepsi-Cola vs. Ingold 'fire Co. at Hillside, 4 p.m.; Crest Delta Devils -St. Cubs vs. Chapel Hill at Lyon Park, 2 p.m.; Lyon Park ITTA BENA, MISSISSIPPI - An vs. N. C. Mutual at Lyon Park, all-new coaching staff will'be guid­ SUNSHINE 4 p.m. July 30— Ingold Tire Co. vs. Crest ing the destiny of the Mississippi St. Cubs at Lyon Park, 2 p.m.; Vocational College Delta Devils PepsiCola vs. Lyon Park at during 1959 football wars as MVC Lyon Park, 4 p.m.; Chapel Hill president J. H. White has an­ vs. N. C. Mutual at Hillside, 3 Scaprom’s p.m. nounced the appointment of a new ^-----rO—7------------ .athletic ■ director-head foot ball SLOW PITCH LEAGUE coach and an assistant coach.
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