A: Population Projections by Special Groups by- Sub-County and by Sex, 2017 Number Children Household Leadership by Subcounty and Sex KITUI COUNTY GENDER DATA SHEET County, Sub - 3 - 5 years 6 -17 years 200 186 county/Age group 177 Total Male Female Total Male Female 171 180 163 154 INTRODUCTION 160 148 Total County 113,972 58,051 55,922 405,482 206,091 199,391 142 139 141 Kitui County covers an area of 30,515 Km2. It borders Machakos and Makueni counties 140 128 128 Mwingi North 17,880 8,949 8,930 56,681 28,533 28,146 118 120 121 to the west, Tana River County to the east, TaitaTaveta to the south, Embu and 120 106 COUNCIL OF GOVERNORS Mwingi West 11,290 5,798 5,493 43,976 22,414 21,562 TharakaNithi counties to the north. It is located between latitudes 0°10 South and 3°0 100 87 South and longitudes 37°50 East and 39°0 East. Mwingi Central 16,754 8,565 8,189 55,171 28,150 27,022 Number 80 Kitui West 10,245 5,173 5,071 42,139 21,378 20,761 60 A: POPULATION/HOUSEHOLDS 40 Kitui Rural 11,049 5,688 5,361 42,983 21,935 21,049 20 - COUNTY GOVERNMENT OF KITUI Kitui Central 12,449 6,381 6,068 48,897 24,623 24,271 A1: Population Projections by sex, 2014-2020 Mwingi Mwingi Mwingi Kitui Kitui Kitui Kitui Kitui Kitui East 14,573 7,280 7,292 48,019 24,555 23,466 Number North West Central West Rural Central East South 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2020 Kitui South 19,733 10,216 9,517 67,615 34,503 33,113 COUNTY GENDER DATA SHEET Boys Girls Total 1,075,866 1,086,599 1,097,687 1,108,981 1,120,394 1,141,592 Source: Kenya Population and Housing Census 2009 Projections, KNBS Female 559,965 564,502 569,311 574,249 579,230 588,108 A5: Household Headship by Sub-County and Sex, 2009 A6: Life Expectancy % Male 515,901 522,097 528,376 534,732 541,164 553,484 Number Source: Kenya Population and Housing Census 2009 Projections, KNBS Adult Children National Kitui County and Females 61 68 A2: Population by Five Age Groups Category 2017 Constituency Total Female Male Total Girls Boys Number 58 Total County 203,262 91,722 111,540 2,229 1,036 1,193 Males 65 Total 3-5 Years 6-17 Years 18-22 Years 18-64 Years 65+ Years Mwingi North 26,602 12,427 14,175 246 128 118 Source: Kenya Population and Housing Census 2009 , KNBS Mwingi West 20,981 10,639 10,342 313 142 171 Total 1,108,981 113,972 405,482 99,084 448,471 57,917 Mwingi Central 29,386 13,236 16,150 287 148 139 Kitui County/Naonal Life Expectancy by Sex Female 574,249 55,922 199,391 49,814 249,195 31,854 Kitui West 21,980 10,533 11,447 291 128 163 Kitui Rural 21,150 9,455 11,695 274 120 154 Male 534,732 58,051 206,091 49,270 199,275 26,063 Kitui Central 29,090 12,188 16,902 363 177 186 65 Kitui East 23,858 10,187 13,671 208 87 121 Source: Kenya Population and Housing Census 2009 Projections, KNBS Kitui 68 Kitui South 30,215 13,057 17,158 247 106 141 A3: Five Age Group Population Categories by Sex, 2017 Source: Kenya Population and Housing Census 2009 , KNBS 64 Naonal 69 Five Age Group Populaon Categories by Sex Adult Household Headship by Sub County and Sex 300 20 17 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 249 18 17 16 250 16 14 13 14 13 Males Females 206 14 12 12 199 199 11 12 200 12 11 10 11 10 9 10 8 A7: Proportion of the population with disability by type and County 150 Female Number '000' Number 6 Male 4 Proportion of the population with disability by type and county JULY 2019 Number '000' 100 2 No of 56 58 - 50 49 individuals 50 32 26 Mwingi Mwingi Mwingi Kitui Kitui Kitui Kitui East Kitui with North West Central West Rural Central South Self- disability('00 0 County Visual Hearing Speech Physical Mental Care Others 0) Female Male 3-5 Years 6-17 Years 18-22 Years 18-64 Years 65+ Years Kitui 2.4 0.5 0.3 1.2 0.7 0 0 51 Source: Kenya Integrated Household Budget Survey 2015/2016 Number B3: Infant Mortality Rates (IMR) C2: Family Planning and Maternal Care County Major Causes of Deaths, 2017 Proporon of People with Disability by Type % of Self Care Others Kenya Kitui Women % of % of 0% 0% Modern receiving Deliveries Deliveries Girls 48 37 Accidents 152 County Any Method Method ANC from by a skilled in a health Mental Menengis 70 14% Boys 60 57 a skilled provider facility Visual Heart Diseases 62 provider Physical 47% 23% Source: Kenya Population and Housing Census 2009 , KNBS Anaemia 226 Kitui 57.3 55.1 97.5 46.2 45.6 Tuberculosis 363 Speech Kenya 58 53 96 62 61 Diseases 6% Hearing Infant Mortality Rates, 2009 HIV/AIDS 193 Source: Kenya Demographic Health Survey 2014 10% Cancer 316 668 C3: HIV/AIDs Prevalence for Adults 15 64 years, 2014 % Pneumonia Kitui 57 37 Malaria 578 Sex/Area Kenya Kitui - 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Boys B: DEMOGRAPHIC AND VITAL STATISTICS Number Females 7.6 6.0 Kenya 60 48 Girls B1: Total Fertility Rates (TFR) Males 5.6 2.6 % Source: County Governments, Department of Medical Services and Public Health 2009 2014 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Kenya 4.8 3.9 No. of Deaths of under one year age per 1,000 live births C: HEALTH HIV/AIDs Prevalence for Adults 15-64 years, 2014 Kitui 4.9 3.9 C1: Immunization: percentage of children aged 12-23 months who received specific vaccines, 2014 7.6 Source: 2009 Kenya Population and Housing Census and 2014 Kenya Demographic Health Survey B4: Under 5 Mortality Rate 8.0 5.6 6.0 County BCG Measles Full Vaccination Kenya Kitui 6.0 Total Ferlity Rates (TFR) Kitui 96.1 84.9 2.6 Girls 70 45 56.8 4.8 4.9 4.0 5 Boys 87 68 Kenya 96.7 87.1 74.9 3.9 3.9 cent Per 2.0 4 Source: Kenya Population and Housing Census 2009 , KNBS Data Source; Kenya Demographic Health Survey 2014 0.0 3 Under 5 Mortality Rate, 2009 Kenya Kitui Number 2 Females Males 87 1 Percentatge of children aged 12-23 months who received specific vaccines, 2014 90 C4: Percentage of Women and Men aged 15-49 who know where toget HIV/AIDs test, 2014 0 80 70 68 2009 2014 70 Kenya Kitui Kenya Kitui 60 45 Females 90.5 90.2 B2: Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR),2009 50 Girls 96.1 96.7 40 Boys 84.9 87.1 Males 96.8 96.5 5th year 5th 100 No. of Women who Died per 30 74.9 100,000 Live Births 20 Source: County Governments, Department of Medical Services and Public Health 10 80 Kenya 495 56.8 0 Percentage of Women and Men aged 15-49 who know where to get Kitui 330 the of a Child before dying Probability Kenya Kitui 60 HIV/AIDs Test, 2014 Source: Kenya Population and Housing Census 2009 , KNBS 98.0 40 96.8 96.5 Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR), 2009 B6: Major Causes of Deaths, 2017 (%) onCoverage 96.0 20 94.0 Tuber Heart County/Disease Pneumonia Cancer HIV/AIDS Anae 92.0 Kitui 330 Malaria culosis Diseases Meningitis Accidents Immuniza 90.5 90.2 mia 0 cent Per 90.0 BCG Measles Full Vaccinaon 88.0 Kenya 495 Kitui 578 668 316 193 363 226 62 70 152 Kitui Kenya Vaccines 86.0 Women who died per 100,000 live Births Source: Civil Registration Department, Kitui County 0 100 200 300 400 500 Kenya Kitui Females Males C5: Health Personnel per 100,000 Population, 2017 D2: ECDE Gross and Net Enrolment Rates by Sex, 2017 % Number Primary School Gross and Net Enrolment Rates by Sex, 2017 Doctor to Nurse to Secondary School Gross and Net Enrolment Rates by Sex, 2017 NER GER 116.4 114 100,000 Clinical Officer 100000 120 Health Personnel Population 100,000 Population Population Total 66 103.1 90.9 85 Female 60.2 91.1 100 79.8 Kitui 9 16 68 Male 70.9 114.5 80 80 Kenya 34 41 172 63.3 Source: Ministry of Education 60 Source: County Governments, Department of Medical Services and Public Health 70 Per cent Per 40 60 C6: Health Personnel by Sex ECDE Gross and Net Enrolment Rates by Sex, 2017 20 50 Number 32.7 114.5 0 40 30.3 Doctors Clinical Officers Nurses 120 Female Male 91.1 cent Per 30 42 80 528 100 NER GER Female 70.9 20 56 92 224 80 60.2 Male 10 60 D5: SecondarySchool Enrolmentby Sub- County and Sex Number Source: County Governments, Department of Medical Services and Public Health 0 Per cent Per 40 Kitui Kitui Kitui Kitui Kitui Mwingi Mwingi Mwingi Female Male 20 NER GER Distribuon of Health Personnel by Sex, 2017 Total Central West Rural south East Central West North 0 Total 8,784 12,835 16,744 11,496 4,372 5,143 8,657 6,937 600 528 Female Male 74,968 NER GER 500 D7: Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Enrolment by Sub-County Sex, 2017 Girls 4,349 6,660 8,914 6,104 2,341 2,702 4,450 3,671 39,191 400 Number D3: PrimarySchool Enrolmentby Sub-County and Sex 300 224 Boys 4,435 6,175 7,830 5,392 2,031 2,441 4,207 3,266 Kitui Kitui Kitui Kitui Kitui Mwingi Mwingi Mwingi Number Number 35,777 200 Total Central West Rural south East Central West North Kitui Kitui Kitui Kitui Mwingi Mwingi Mwingi 80 92 Kitui East Source: County Governments, Ministry of Basic Education, ICT and Youth Development 100 42 56 Total Central West Rural South Central West North Total 219 1,167 1,215 761 1,520 2,146 220 1,526 8,774 0 Total 22,267 44,012 63,549 93,799 18,059 40,994 31,537 68,974 383,191 Doctors Clinical Officers Nurses 204 977 953 697 1,353 1,978 193 1,193 Proporon of Secondary School Enrolment by Sex Women 7,548 Female Male Girls 11,002 14,359 21,183 30,893 5,916 13,583 10,269 22,881 130,086 Men 15 190 262 64 167 168 27 333 1,226 Boys 11,265 29,653 42,366 62,906 12,143 27,411 21,268 46,093 253,105 Source: County Governments, Ministry of Basic Education, ICT and Youth Development D: EDUCATION Source: County Governments, Ministry of Basic Education, ICT and Youth Development Boys 48% Girls D1: ECDE Enrolment by Sub - County and Sex 52% Proporon Primary School Enrolment by Sex Proporon of TVET Enrolment by Sex, 2017 Number Kitui Kitui Kitui Kitui Kitui Mwingi Mwingi Mwingi Total Central West Rural South East Central West North Girls 34% Total Men 6,906 685 441 171 936
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