) ,.J E03IJ 602 .s'in BOS5,9N REDEVEIPFi,E}IT AT]Ir].IOffiIs URBAN REI"E't'IA], PLAI.I CENTRT$ BUSI}IESS DISTRICT - SOIjIIH STATION ?* il PRO,IECT NO. I,IASSO R-BzC i t MY, 1968 ' I E6il2 6O3 ,^ TABT.E OF CONTEHTS CIIAPTER I: DESCRIPTION 0F PRO.IECT Sectlon 101: ProJect Boundarry Sectlon 102: ProJect Borrndary Descrlptlon CIIAPTER II; OB.IECTTIIES Sectlon 20L: Baslc 0bJectlves Sectlon 2O2z Plannlng ObJectlves Sectlon-2O3t General Design ObJeetlves Sectlon ?O4z Spectfllc Bu11dlng Deslgn ObJectlves CHAPTER III: PROPOSED RENEW/IL ACTIONS Sectlon 301: Pnoposed $pes of Renewal Actlons Sectlon 3C2t Clea:rance and Redevelopment Actlvlttes Sectlon 303: Rehabllltatlon Actlvltlee Sectlon 304: Pub11c T-rprovements C}IAPTER TV: PROPERIY TO EE ACQIIIHED Sectlon 401: Identlflcatlon OiiAP'IEit V: INIERIH USE OF ACQIIIRED PROPERTY Sectlon 501: Interln Use of Acqulred Pr.operty C}IAPTER VI: I,A}ID USE AND BUIIOING REQIIIREI1MUTS Sectlon 6or: Land Use Plan Sectlon 6oz z Land Use and Bl11dlng Requlrenente Sectlon 603: Land Use Sectlon 6o4: Controls on ContlguouF Parcele Sectlon 6o5t Interpretatlon Sectlon 606: Land Use and Bu1ld1ng Requlrenents for Dlsposltton Parcele CHAHTER VII: REDEVEI'PERI S OBLIGATIONS Sectlon 701: Appl1cab11tty Sectlon 7O2.. Corupllance wlth Plan Sectlon 703z Deslgn Revlew Seetlon 704: General Obllgatlons Sectlon 7o5 z Dlsposltlon by Redevelopen CHAPTER 1I'III: REHABILITATION E0:lii- 60^1 TABI;E OT' COIIITEI'ITS CHAP]EB IX: ZONI}IG DISTRTCT C}IAN@S Sectlon 901: Identlflcatlon of Changeo CTIAPTER X: NELATION OF PLAN TO LOCAT O&TECTTIIES Sectlon 1001: Confomlty to General PIan Sectlon 1002: Relatlonshlp to Deflnlte Iocal ObJectlves C}IAPIER XT: -DISCRI}IINATION PROVISIOHS Sectlon 110L: Coupllance wlth Antl-dlscrlmlnatlon Laws CHAPIER XII: CATIOil AND IERMINATIOH a Se ct1on 1201 o Modlflcatlon a Se ct1on L202 a Temlnatlon XIII: CA Sectton 1301: Extent of Relocatlon Sectlon 1302: Aval1ab111ty of Relocatlon Resourceg Sectlon 1303: Relocatlon Progran 3 l .s -., .t -t.- r{632 805 CIIAPIER I: DTSC-RIPTION OF PRO.]ECT Sectlon J01 : Pr.c.1ee_t Eoundgrrr ProJect boundanles are ehown on tlap I - Property Hap Seetlon L02 : Pro.lect -BundArrr-DeecrlotloE The South Statlon Area of the Central Btrslness Dlstrlct Urban Rene,val ProJect 1s bounded and descrlbed as follors: Beglnnlng at the lntensectlon of the nontherly s1del1ne of Sumaer Street and the easterly s1de11ne of Atlantlc Avenue; ftrence tunalng and rtrnrrlng 1n a northweatenly dtr^ectlon along the dlrectlon of the face of the northerly portal of the John F. Fltzgerald Expr"essi{ay entrance to a polnt of lntersectlon of sald I1ne wlth the westerly sldellne of Purchaee Street; Thenee turnlng and runnlng 1n a southwesterly dtrectlon along the weeterly sldellne of Pur.chase Street to a polnt of lnter- sectlon of eald slde1lne wlth the northerly s1del1ne of Federal Street; Thence tumlng and nrrmlng 1n a ncz'thwestenJ.y dlrectlon along the easterly s1deI1ne of Federal Street extended to a polnt of lntersectlon wlth the extended weeterly s1del1ne of l{1gh Street; Thence turnlng and nrnnlng 1n a south?resterLy dlrectlon along the westerly s1dellne of lllgh Street to a polnt of tntereectlon wlth the extended weeterly e1del1ne.of South Street; fhence turrrlng and runnlng 1n a souther.ly dlrectlon along the westerly s1dellne of South Street to a polnt of lnteraectlon of sald sldellne wlth the northerly eldelln6 of the Sunface Artery of the John F, Fltzgerald ExpresgErayi Ttrence tunrlng and nrnnlng ln a generalLy mesterly and south- vresterly dlrectj.on along the northerly stdellne of the Surface Artery of the John F. 5'ltzgerald Expressway to a polnt of lntersectlon along the southenly sldeLlne of Essex Street; Thence turnlng and rnrrurlng 1n an easterLy dlrectlon along the southerly s1del1ne of Essex Street to a polnt of lntersectlon of sald g1del1ne wlth the westerly sldellne of AtLantlc Avenue. 1-1 :i:. -.,t st3? $06 q Jn Thence turning and running in a southerly direction along the westerly sideline of Atlantic Avenue to a point of intersection of said sideline with the northerly sideline of Kneeland Stree{: i Thence turning and running in a westerly direction along the northerly sideline of Kneeland Street to a point of intersection with the easterly sideline of South Street; Thence turning and running in a generally southerly and then westerly direction along the easterly curbline of the Easterly Ramp of the Massachusetts Ttrrnpike to a point .of intersection of the easterly curbline'of the Easterly Ramp with the easterly sideline at the Service Road of the John F. Fitzgerald Expressway; ftrence turning and running in a southerly direction along the easterly sideline of the Service Road of the John F. Fitzgerald Expressway to a point of intersection of said sideline with the northerly sideline of Broadway; fhence turning and running in a generally southeasterly direct-i-on along the northerly sideline of Broadway to a point of irrtersectior: of said sideline with ti:re approximate pierhead and bulkhead line on the southerly side of the Fort Point Channel; Thence turning and running in a generally easterly and northeasterly direction along the approximate pierhead and bulkhead line to a point of intersection of said pierhead and bulkhead line with the northerly sideline of Summer Street,i Ihrence turning and running in a northvresterly direction along the northeqly sideline of Summer Street extended to a point of intersection of said sideline with the centerline of Atlantic Avenue, which is the point of beginning. L-2 I l 88ir2 CIIAPTER II: OBJECTIIES 60? Sectlon 201: Bas1c 0b,'lect1'res The baslc obJectJ.ves of the CBD - South Statlon Unban Renewal Plan ares 1. To a1d ln reverslng the economle decllne of the older comnerclal sector of the Clty; 2, To ellmlnate bllghted condltlons; 3. To dlscourage trafflc movement w1th1n the central core; 4. To facllttate- the- ef.ftctent' use of land vrlthln the area for corunercLal and pub11c purpoees,. Sectlon 202: Plarurlne 0bJectlves Plannlng obJecttves of the proJect lnclude the fo1low1ng: 1. To provlde lncreased accesslblllty to and wlth1n the downtown area for pedestr"lans, lnc1udlng the lntroductlon of new pedestrlan dlstrlbutlon systems; 2, To eIlmlnate, to the maxlnum extent feae1ble, confllct between trafflc and pedestrlan movenent; 3, To renove deterlorated, substanclard and dlIapldated bulldlngs and structuree whlch bllght the area and lnhlblt new lnvestment; 4, To encourage lncreased acceptance of pub1lc trans- portatlon wlthln the area by eonstnuctton of new statlon and termlnal fac1Ilt1es; 5 To adJust obsoLete block and parcel patterns whlch hlnder new development by prlvate enterprlse. Sectton 203: General- Deslqn Qb.Lectlves The deslgn obJectlves for reuse 1n the ProJect Area are as follows: 1. The encouragement of bu1ld1ngs of a multi-story andmulti-use natute, bu11t close to the street Ilnes so as to malntaln the urban envlrorunent. 3^ -tq "., 2-1 _+.'g' I n Eri3? 608 2. The provlslon of eaoy and pleasant pedestnlan coirnectlons betreen .the aaJor arrlval polnt (South Statlon) and the adJacent offlce and retalI areas i 2 The regulatlon of sccess to off-street parktng and loadlng a.reas to reduce confllct between peCestrlana end vehlcles and at the Bame tlne to alloti tnorc efflclent functlonlng of the etreet systen; 4, Dlver:s1ty'1n constructlon and 1n land uBe, provlded that respect for nelghborlrlg propertlea and the unban envtrorunent ls nalntalned; 5. The encouragement of lntenslve new development, lncludlng a J.ange quantlty of parklng wlthtn the South Statlon property so as to provlde a stlnuLus for econonlc growth'1n the dletnlct as a whoLe and to meet the heavy demand for parklng gervlce 6. Behabllltatlon and nodertrlzatlon of exlstlng loft and obhen etruotures ln the adJacent ane8s. S*.l-M-re4 : s:ree-1$c tsull.dlas. Pe.p."1sg-8Urc-g!-+vse The easterly temtnua of thc Sumrien Street pedeatrlan way w111 be the South Statlon transpontatlon concourse uhlch rtll provtde pedestnlans u.Ith acceBs to the parklng garage, tralns, buses, and the IBTA. New development should archltectureLly e.Tpress thls functlon 1n those elepents v1e1b.Le fr"om Sumner and Federal" Streets. Thre pedestrlan traffle over Dewey Square and along Sumen Street should be Beneroua3.y accomroodated and protected from the weather. The pedeetrlan path through the corrplex should be glrtrpl€, yet lnterestlng, ulth varled eommerclal aet1v1ty. It ehould feature lnterlor pedestrlan clrculatlon space to accorrnodate the many persons brou.ght ther.e by transporta- tlon and other uses w1th1n the couplex whlch ehould becone a landmark 1n the Clty of Boston, 2-2 E6il2 GOs) Each developnent here should provlde good pedeetrlan connectlons to other bu1ld1ngs wlthln the complex and to the Sunrrer Street pedestnlan way. Because of the great's1ze of thls development s1te, the problen of malntalnlng pedestrlan scale w1th1n and v1sua1 scale when viewed from wlthout becones verTr l-uportant. Ihe bullding complex must not be a uorld al1en to the clty around 1t, but must relate to the bulldlngs and scale of the CBD. .q -'I^ --ql A -rB "J 2-3 s- il th?Fo$I$- Pn0PoSED nElinHAI, ACjIIOIIS ri Seetlon 3C1: Propo_.seg *T;ee of ReqeHaI Aetlons Proposed typeu of renel.ral actlone wlth1n the ProJect Area w111 conslst of a conblnatton of clearance and redevelopnent actl- vlty; provlslon of pub11c lnprovernents and pubI1c fac111t1es; and rlghts-of-taay end ut1I1t1es charges. Sectton 302: Clearance and Hedevelopment Actlvltlee Clearance and redevelopuent actlvltLeg lnelude: 1. The acqulsltlon of real propertyi 2. The r^elocatlon of the occupants ther"eof; 3. The clearance of land and butldl.nga; 4, Ttre 1nstallatton, constructlon and recongtnrctlon of lmpnovemento; 5. The dlsposltlon of land for uges ln accordance wlth the land use and bulldlng requlnennents and other pnovlolons of the Urban Benewal Plan; and 6, Deslgn revlew and enforcement of provlelons of Land Dlspoaltlon Agreements.
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