GOOD MORNING, IOWA CITY! Get out your wet weather equipment 'GQuse rain will hit the city during the day. Tomorrow will be OW(]11 clear, however, with fair and warmer forecast. Iowa City. Iowa, Thursday, April ll--Five Cents f JO,hn L. Lewis .Halts Soft (oal Poland Cha rges Spaniard,s Negotiali~ns • Mine Operators Walk With 'Enda ng'erlng Peace From Meeting; Ask " ------------------~----------------------~-- Change in Attitude Government Says No- BJ TaE ARSOC IAT£D PIIU8 Secretary of IJabor Schwel­ Noviko, New . ~.. Says Fra 0 ,~ lenbach SIIid last night hc would meet today with soft coal opera­ Shellers Nazis ' tors and .J ohn fl. JJewis, whose U. N. Delegate Rationing During Wheat Cnsls negotiations w('re broken off in WASHIN~TON (AP)-seCr~-rdeSigned to cut domestic consump- and Argentina - other m a j 0 l' a huff yesterday. tary o~ AgrIculture Anderson saId tion of flour 25 percent until the wheat exporting countries, The labor secretary Raid h(, Transfer of Gromyko last mght the government does , not contemplate rationing bread I new wheat crop IS harvested. "Our mosi critical period In. Asks U. N. Security would meet with the opel'fltors TillS AERIAL VIEW of the general alar,m blaze In Allentown, Pa.. Creates No Surprise at 1%:30 p. m. (CST) and with during the current wheat criSisl He SOlid yesterday' he had in- this country will be between Council to Crack shows the fire which swept through I!i half-dozen downtown bulldlnp but he did not rule out the pas- structed aides to draft such an now and the next harvest and LeWis and othel' union leaders at In Washington Circles yesterday causing thc dealh of one fireman aud Injurlnl' several si bility of limiting distribution of order which would have the cr- It does not seem likely that we Down on Government 3 p. fn . (CST) at the labor de­ others. Residen ts of 29 ltpartments fled down ladders. i flour 10 bakers and retailers, fect of rationing flour 10 bakers could put ratlonlnc Inlo eUed NEW YORK (AP)-Poland partment. WASHINGTON (AP) - Russia (AP WIREPHOTO) Anderson held a news confer- and relailers. for a difficult commodity like aClcused the Franco government last night aPPOinted Nikolai V. IkhwelJenMch acted a few ence shortly after an agriculture The news conference wa held b=ead iJI time to help In this of gpain befol'e thc United Na- Novikov ambassador to the United bol1l'ii after Ihe ne&,oUations, department crop report Ind1- after he returned rrom the critical pe~lod. " tions secUl'ity Clol1ncil yesterday States to succeed Andrei A. Grom­ aimed at seUlln&' the to-day-old cated that supplies ot wheat In White 1I0use where he antl Stn- Commentmg on the depar~- of endangering world peace lin eoal drlke, ('ame lo an ab­ yko, who was named the perma­ this country may not be sur- blllzatloll Director C h est e I' ment's crop report, Ant\erson saId . , , . ' n.- halt when Lewis summoned nent replesentalive of the Soviet lIelent. to meet export commit- Bowles discussed the wheat and tbat the "wheat situation is not sheltermg . na.zls, . an,~ su,d!ng WI AFt United Mine workers union on the United Nations se­ ments and unrestricted domes- flour situation with Pre ident so tight as some had feared." German SClE'ntHlts m devIsmg eoIle ..uflS and strode from the curity council. tie demands. Truman. The report issued by the crop new mean. of warfal'e, " It The 'Soviet appointments bad 1lee1lq. SAN FRANCISCO (AP)-An­ derly women who became fatal\,)t The secretary said it was es- Asked about a London an- reporting board of the agriculture asked the council to crack down been expected in Washington {or sential for this country to follow nouncement that the British cab- department predicted a record on the regime with the full weight Lewis told Ifhe operators he other strange twist was given to ill in hotel rooms. some time. through on wheat conservation inet had offered to ration bread harvest of winter wheat this year, of the United Nations, trusts ·'that ·time, as it shrinks the already complicaled case or 1IIs superior court trial on Job Now Reality measure:s to meet lagging exports it this country would do the same, but its figures indicated supplies The Polish charges against Gen­ your purse, may modify your nig­ Alfred L, Cline, the formel' choir charges of 10rglnc property re­ For the 43-year-Old Novikov, to famine-stricken areas, Anderson said it appeared strange may be only thl'ee quarters of the eralissimo Francisco Franco were gardly and anti-social propensi­ master who is the subject of Il cords of two of the' elderly which He would not say whether the to him that the offer had not also amount needed for domestic and announced by the United Nations ties." trial and a grand jUl'y probe in­ women scarcely cot under way the announcement, came government will issue an o~der been made to Canada, Australia foreign commitments. Secretary General as the council, The operators replied, in a state­ volving his association with el- before a juror made a. pubUc ad­ from the Moscow radio, meant men!, that "having iailed in his mission that he was a lIaraled formally taking over a job he has in executive session, decided to attempt to divide the operators or forger, The juror promptly was held in everything but title for meet again next Monday at 2 p. 'In. to insult them beyond the poin t of excused from further duty' by the nearly a year. CST. human endurance Lewis this flustered judge. who recorn.rnen­ For the 38-year-old Gromyko, Election Returns Favor Woman Christensen Says Two At that time lI,e council will Wallace Shifts ded "appropriate proeeedln&,s" it meant the actual assumption of be confronted once more with morning took the matter in his own hands and bolted the confer­ against him. An alternate ' re­ a position for which his exper­ , • . '. • • More Students Eligible the Russian-Iranian case. Russla.­ ence." placed him and the ttlal pro­ iences have prepared him virtually Is demanding that the whole af­ Union spokesmen said Lewis Responsi bil ity ceeded. since the major allies decided in For Position In Japanese Diet For CouncjJ Posjfjons fair be dropped from the c.uncll would not renew ne&,oUations Cline is charged with forging the middle of the war to establish agenda. , Itan \s lnlil~tl", It and stealing a deed to lots origin­ a United Nations organization to should be beld pendln&, unUt without ..reement on the part TOKYO, Thursday (AP)- A 38- party-a minor organization-had After checking records at the ot \he operalors nel'OtlaUn&' ally owned by Mrs. Elizabeth Hunt k,eep the peace. year-old housewife-whose hus- May 6 to see whether Red army Lewis Cline, an Oakland widow, piled up 24,000 votes. I registrar's office, Gordon Chris- trooPl comp\e\ely ev.cu.'e Inu. ..mmlUee of the natloual bl­ In Purge Plan Here In 1944 band was ousted from the die-t She Is the wife of Takeshl tensen, L3 of Iowa City, Student tllll!inoas coal wan conference and forging affidavits of loss of Novikov came to Washington in bAll' ddt d b c The consensus of U. N. obser­ y Ie ecree- 0 ay e ame Togano, former ncwspaperman Council president, announced yes­ to clbelltS a welfare tund and stock certificates , and indel1)J1ity November, 1944, to be minister the first candidate of either sex vers last night was that Russia WASHINGTON (AP) - Secre­ bonds related to securities origi­ and a member of ex-premier terday the eligibility of two more would be voted down and the Improved nfety conditions. counselor of the Soviet embassy to be virtually assured of election Tojo's house of representatives candidates for delegate-at-large. The 80-day old strike of 30,000 tary Henry A. Wallace, explain­ nally owned by Mrs, Eva Delora under Gromyko. When Gromyko to that body, case would remain before the Krebs Cline, of Chicago. : who was disqualified by General They are Charles E. Whitechurch, CIO International Harvester com­ ing a speec~ he made March 16 left Washington for San Francisco As incomplete returns from Ja­ council. Both women died while.in. the MacArthur's purge oC ultra-Ita- A3 of Shullsburg, Wis., and P/lul pany employes was settled, with about party regularity, said yes­ on April 23, 1945, to attend the pan's general ejection yesterday The official United States po­ company of tne ior11ler ',1 ~hmJ- tionalists. W. Knowles, A2 ot Grinnell. sition thus far, as laid down in th~ a.reement needing only union United Nations charier conference rolled in; Mr~_~,atokf\ 'rogano, a ~ome observers credited appeals Platforms of all candidates terday he favored "self-discipline" master. '" state departmeh t nQtes on Spain, ritificatlon to stllrt the men back t·10vikov /Jecame embas~y char,ge t:amUd<\te of the'4:rapan peopl~js by Empel'Ol' Hil'ohlto '[01' the UI1CX- will be displayed today tht6u,h and no committee appointments d'affaires, He has held that 'tme is that the situation is ,an internal to work. pectedly lal'ge turroul of women, Tuesday on bulletin boards on Cor party members who break ever since. Ten plants were stfected by the voting fol' the fil's~ time in Japan's the northeast corner of Clinton one for the Spanish people to walkout-live in Chicago, and one party lines on major issues.
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