Wright State University CORE Scholar The Guardian Student Newspaper Student Activities 5-31-1972 The Guardian, May 31, 1972 Wright State University Student Body Follow this and additional works at: https://corescholar.libraries.wright.edu/guardian Part of the Mass Communication Commons Repository Citation Wright State University Student Body (1972). The Guardian, May 31, 1972 . : Wright State University. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Activities at CORE Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Guardian Student Newspaper by an authorized administrator of CORE Scholar. For more information, please contact [email protected]. FIVE WIN SPEECH NIGHT HONORS V? BY MICHAEJ. J PUHDY 4th place tie: Handy Gilliam She's the Only One You H ive." fessor In Voice Science, Dr The following cipated as judges In the pre- . "The Need for Self-Dlsclp- Her speech explored the ways Ctarlene Edwards - Associate part in the preliminaries for liminary round: Dan Switalskl, "To be or not to be" that was llne" we abute nature through pollu- Prcfessor, Mr Paul Lane • Speech Night: John Merge, Kar- Catherine Hoerstlng, Terrl the question at the Speech and Elizabeth Nelsen - "Public tion, litter, overcrowding and instructor and director of two en Leach, Mike Purdy, Randy Brlsendlne, Tom Schmld, Bill Theatre's Speech Night held Education for 3 4 4 Year Olds'" misuse at natural resources. plays. Gilliam, Lorraine Melton, Dave Anderson, Terry Rasmus son, May 24, 1972. Dr Abe Bassett, Director of The program began with Dr The contestants were then de- Brelscli, Elizabeth Nelson, Todd Fatemah Hamllu, Denlse iilte- Ms Beverly Gaw, Instructor Tlnatro, presented certificates Charlene Edwards, Acting liberated, Dr Elizabeth Hardin, Marshall, Glenda Stout, Ted nour, and Doris Baughinan. In Speech Communication, and to the 2nd - 4th place winners Chairman of the Department Associate Professor In Eng- Wendeln, Barbara Abrahamson, Director of Speech Night, ln- and a trophy to the first place of Speech and Theatre, greet- lish and Assistant Dean of Lib- Hon Burton, Derrick Johnson, The faculty Judges In the pre- winner, Ms Donna Johnson, a In., the audience. Gaw, Director eral Arts, commented on the Hick Walker, Donna Johnson, liminaries ' ere: Dr Gus Alex- event to be held by the De- student of Ms Barbara EaMns. of Speech Night, introduced the relationship between persio- Kathleen Bertolone, and Bon- ander, Ms Burl a Eaklr.s, Mr partment rf Speech and Theatre Judges for the finals. Dr Bar- slon In oral and written com- nie Urszuy. Norrls llellwlg, Ms Elaine Mills Fall and Spring quarter, "Treat Mother Nature Well- bara Dreher - Associate Pro- munication. The following students parti- and Ms Beverly Gaw. stated that Speech Nlglit riding be- ginning or all be- binning lts. It al- offers of excel- which can be for achleve- finalists placed 1st place: Donna Johnson VolumGUARDIAe 8: Issue 39 Wright State University WednesdayN, May 31, 1972 2nd place: Barbara Abranson - "Alcoholism" A STUDENT PVBIJCATIOIS 3rd place: Ron Burton - "In- vestments vs Savings" NEXUS plans to sell in tri-state area Final Exam Schedule! thing that Is asthetlcally pleas someone who Is Interested In said, "The university would lng. 1 think that shows in ou distributing Nexus on a trial be visible ">r the first time design and I also think that ti basis la the East regionally," In Its short lived life outside Donna Johnson - speech winner first Class Meeting Nexus Editor Tim Thornburgh, shown In the responses of var Even If Nexus does find the of the trl-state area.'- who took over the campus lit- lout, artists around the coun means to distribute regionally ^Monday, Wednesday or Friday: Tlnal Examination Period erary magazine after Brian try." or nationally, the student pub- i<; Smith resigned last January, Observed Thornburgh, "Lit lications sub-committee will "Futurology"topic of honors seminar, *7:40 or 8:10 10:30 am-12:30 pin Wednesday, Ji 0 "v believes Nexus may sooner or erary magazine business have the final say-so. §8:55 or 9:10 1:00 pm-3:00 pm Saturday, Jun« ft later become regional. haps one of the most hit lie "It Is going to take some ser- 10:30 am-12:00 pm Friday, June 5 {30:10 ij "As ! see it," said Thorn- economically of any busln ious persuading," said Tliorn- students judge human consequences 10:30 am-12:30 pm Thursday, Jun 8 531:10 or 11:25 ij burgh, "In the future what will Imaginable." burgh, "to convince the uni- :00 pm-3:00 | •1-12:10 W ednesday. 7v probabln ml ii I y happen Is that Nexus Thornburgh added, "Then versity that It's In their best The University Honors Sem- quences resulting from the pro- disciplinary thinking. 1:00 pm-3:00 pi Tuesday, J :-a2:40 or 1:10 will attempt to become a re- no such thing as a literary m•ag - interest for Nexus not only inar fcr next fall term will be jected breakthroughs, both from participation In the Seminar 8:00 am-10:00 s Friday, June 7 :, £l :55 or 2:10 gional magazine rather than azlne that does so much s to go regional but possibly na- co-ordinated by Harden Bal- a technical ".i«d from a human- is open to Senior ami Junior 3:30 pm-S:3C pi Wednesday, June 7: •:3:10 Just be relegated to the campus even break even. They're all tiopal In the future. It's a thing lantlne. Instructor In Educa- istic point of view. students In the University who - audience. Nexus will attempt money losers and will uiue I think especially the adintn- tion, and will have as Its topic The course could be subtitled are on the Dean's list irf their ^Tuesday or Thursday 1 to appeal to a much larger to be. They are either s rted istratlon will be very wary of "Futurology." "Applied Science Fiction," College. Registration permis- by some very wealthy beneBiie-- at first. Stulents In the course will since Imagined sets of future sion cards are available from §8:10 or 8:15 8:00 am-10:00 am Saturday, June 10* Thornburgh thinks that larger factors or by big organizations Uiatever Nexus does It Is choose a topic of a scientific conditions will be constructed members d the Honors Com- •59:45 or 10:10 g-oo am-10:00 am Wednesday, June £ audience will probably be a that use them as a tax write- to have to be subsidized, and technological nature, and by the students in the course, mittee (Drs Stoesz, Alleman, £11:15 1:00 pm-3:00 pm Thursday, June 8? trl-state one like Ohio, Ken- off or they are funded by the the present, I think we've gather expert Information on participating In the course will Bacon, and Benner). i;il2:10 or 12:45 8:00 am-10:00 am Friday, June 9 5 : tucky and Indiana. federal government." : a very fine benefactor In breakthroughs in development enable comparison of scienti- The class will meet from 3:10 §2:10 nr 2:15 o 30 am-12:30 pm Saturday, June 10$ 1 : Presently, the magazine Is Then what must Nexus do to e university. You couldn't which are needed or which are fic, technical and humanistic to 5:35 each Monday of the Fall 83:45 3:30 pm-5:30 pm Thursday, June 8 j; being sold throughout southwest become regional? fe a better one," Thornburgh likely In their area of con- modes of thinking. Since a num- Term. Grading Is on a Pass- •t; i. Evening classes (beginning at 4:00-10:00pm) will Ohio. So far reaction lias been "What we'll have to do first cern. They will then construct ber of faculty will be asked to Fall basis, and from two to ::: hold final examinations nc* later than the last schedule favorable. of all is find a regional dis- a scenario of the future, and serve as resources, students four hours of academic credit will have a chance for Inter- : final examli itions. Mondy evening classes may ::: ••We hope with our upcoming tributor. We liave already found nal or national, Thornburgh evaluate 'he human conse- $ hold their final examinations on Friday, Juno 0. j:j edition lo expand and cover most of Ohio," said Tliorr 2, Saturday clases will hold their final examination on burgh. Nexus' next edition wl | Saturday, June 10, 10:30-12:30 pm. § come out some time next weel ft 3. Music examinations are scheduled on Tuesday, June 8. ft "The market for a literary Contraceptive services proposal nears approval at Bowling Green 4. Final examinations will be held at the above specified magazine on this campus Is •ji times, based upon the first usual class meeting of :j: really very limited," explained •ji tlie woek. In cases with multiple times, the first ft Thornburgh. "We can't possl- BOWLING GREEN, UGNEWS- Hiring a gynecologist would fee to cover all services In- "In recognizing the need for legal ramifications of the pro- j: meeting day Is regarded ai the first class meeting. bly ever sell over 70*5 to 800 Students may soon bo able K permlt Hie center to "answer eluded In the program. About contraceptive services, the posal Is expected tube released •j 5. Scheduling conflicts are to be resolved by the de- g copies on campus. We normally obtain contraceptive devices at a clear and pressing demand $10 of the fee would be allo- health center would be respond- soon. ji par ment nearest the beglnlng of the alpliabet.
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