Lesson Four LESSON 6 Destiny Distilled OPEN YOUR EYES TO AN AUGMENTED REALITY | 138 Text 1 THE REBBE, RABBI MENACHEM MENDEL SCHNEERSON, SEFER HAMAAMARIM MELUKAT (CLASSIC EDITION) 1, P. 5 ~ SEFER HAMAAMARIM MELUKAT ְו ִה ֵנה ֶזה ּתוֹ ְב ִעים ִמ ָּכל ֶא ָחד ְו ַא ַחת ֵמ ִא ָּת ּנו . ִנ ְמ ָצ ִאים ֲא ַנ ְח ּנו Of the many maamarim (in-depth explorations and analyses of mysticism ְּב ִע ְיק ְב ָתא ִד ְמשׁ ִ ָיחא, ְּב ִס ּיו ָמא ְד ִע ְק ְב ָתא, ְו ָה ֲעבוֹ ָדה – ִל ְגמוֹ ר and Chabad philosophy) delivered ַהְמשָׁ ַכת ַהשְׁ ִכ ָינה, ְוֹלא ַרק שְׁ ִכ ָינה ִּכי ִאם ִע ָיקר שְׁ ִכ ָינה, by the Rebbe, close to 200 were reworked, edited, and released for ּו ַב ַּת ְח ּתוֹ ִנים ַדְו ָקא. publication by the Rebbe. Most of the discourses were edited by the Rebbe between 1986–1992. The Rebbe The task that is now demanded of each and every himself distributed a select few of these discourses to the thousands one of us [in this generation] . as we stand at who queued up to receive them. the conclusion of the final period of exile is to complete the process of drawing the essence of the Divine Presence into the lowest [mate- rial] realm. Question for Discussion In your estimation, why are some people bothered by the Rebbe’s and Chabad’s strong emphasis on Mashiach and the Redemption? ROSH CHODESH SOCIETY / INSIGHT | 139 Text 2 MAIMONIDES, MISHNEH TORAH, LAWS OF KINGS 11:1 ~ RABBI MOSHE BEN MAIMON (MAIMONIDES, RAMBAM) 1204–1135 ַהֶמֶלְך ַהָמשִׁ ַיח ָעִתיד ַלֲעמוֹד ּוְלַהֲחִזיר ַמְל ּכות ָדִוד ְליוֹשְׁ ָנּה Halachist, philosopher, author, and ַלֶמְמשָׁ ָלה ָהִר ָאשׁוֹנה ּו ֶבוֹנה ַהִמְקָדשׁ ּוְמַקֵּבץ ִנְדֵחי ִי ְשָׂרֵאל physician. Maimonides was born in ְוחוֹ ְזִרין ָּכל ַה ִמשׁ ְ ָּפ ִטים ְּבָי ָמיו ְּכשׁ ֶ ָה ּיו ִמקוֹ ֶדם . Córdoba, Spain. After the conquest of Córdoba by the Almohads, he fled Spain ְוָכל ִמי שֶׁ ֵאינוֹ ַמֲאִמין ּבוֹ אוֹ ִמי שֶׁ ֵאינוֹ ְמַחֶּכה ְלִב ָיא תוֹֹלא .and eventually settled in Cairo, Egypt ִּבשׁ ְ ָאר ְנ ִב ִיאים ִּב ְל ַבד ּהוא ּכוֹ ֵפר ֶא ָלא ַּב ּתוֹ ָרה ּו ְבמֹשׁ ֶ ה ַר ֵּב ּינו. There, he became the leader of the Jewish community and served as court physician to the vizier of Egypt. He is The King Mashiach is destined to arise and re- most noted for authoring the Mishneh Torah, an encyclopedic arrangement new the Davidic dynasty and restore its original of Jewish law, and for his philosophical work, Guide for the Perplexed. His sovereignty. He will build the Temple and gather rulings on Jewish law are integral to the dispersed of Israel. At that time, we will ob- the formation of halachic consensus. serve all the mitzvot as we did in days of yore. One who does not believe in the concept of the Mashiach or one who does not await his coming rejects not only the statements of the prophets [regarding the Redemption] but also the Torah and our teacher Moses. LESSON SIX / DESTINY DISTILLED | 140 Figure 6.1 ְגא ּו ָלה ג וֹ ָל ה golah Ge’ulah exile redemption ROSH CHODESH SOCIETY / INSIGHT | 141 Text 3 THE REBBE, SEFER HASICHOT 5751:2, PP. 505–506 ~ SEFER HASICHOT A series of 12 volumes of the Rebbe’s ְג ּאו ָלה ִאיז ִניט ֶדער ַט ְייטשׁ , ַאז ּדוְר ְך ַארוֹ ְיס ֵגיין ּפון ָג ּלות talks delivered between 1986 and During these years, the Rebbe .1992 ַפ ְאר ָל ְאזט ֶמען ֶדעם ֶל ְּעבן, ִדי ְּפ ּעולוֹ ת ּאון ֶדער ֶו ְועלט ָוואס would regularly review and edit (parts ִאיז ֶג ֶעווען ְ)פִר ֶיער( ִאין ָג ּלות. ַא ְדַר ָּבה: ְג ּאו ָלה ֵה ְייסט, ַאז ִדי of) the transcripts of his talks for immediate publication. The language ְמ ִצ ּיאות ָוואס ִאיז ְפִר ֶיער ֶג ֶעווען ַפ ְארשׁ ְ ְק ַל ְאפט ִאין ָג ּלות used alternated between Hebrew and ּ Yiddish. These edited talks would ֶו ְוערט ִ)ניט ָב ֵטל ַחס ְושׁ ָ לוֹ ם, ָנאר( אוֹ ְיס ֶג ֵעל ְייזט . ַאֶלע :appear in 2 weekly newspapers ִ)ח ּיו ְב ִ'ד ֶיקע( ַז ְאכן ִאין ָג ּלות ַפ ְאר ְּב ַל ְּייבן אוֹ ְיך ַו ֶוייטער, ָנאר the (Yiddish) Algemeiner Journal .and the (Hebrew) Kfar Chabad ֶעס ֶו ְוערט ָּב ֵטל ֵז ֶייער ָג ּלו ּת-צושׁ ְ ַט ְאנד: ֶעס ֶו ְוערט ָּב ֵטל ֶדער ֶה ְע ֶלם ְו ֶה ְס ֵּתר ָוואס ַפ ְאר ֶד ְעקט אוֹ יף ֵז ֶייער ֶא ֶמ ֶת'ע ּאון ְּפ ִנ ִימ ּיו ִת'ד ֶיקע ְמ ִצ ּיאות . ַ.על ִּפי ֶזה ִאיז ַפ ְארשׁ ְ ַט ְאנ ִדיק ַפ ְארָוואס ֶדער ָו ְוארט ְ"ג ּאו ָלה" ִאיז ּכ וֹ ֵל ל ֶדעם ָו ְוארט "גוֹ ָלה", ָא ֶּבער – ִמיט ַא ּת ֶוֹס ֶפת ַא ֶל"ף: ִדי ְג ּאו ָלה ִאיז ִניט ְמ ַב ֵטל ִ)די ַעבוֹ ָדה ִאין( ָג ּלות, ַא ְדַר ָּבה: ִדי ְג ּאו ָלה ַּבאשׁ ְ ֵטייט ּפון אוֹ ְיפהוֹ ְּיבן ֶ)דעם ֶל ְּעבן ִאין( "גוֹ ָלה" ּ)דוְר ְך אוֹ ְיס ֵל ְייזן ַא ֶלע ִע ְנָי ִנים ּפון ָג ּלות( ּאון ֶד ְער ּפון ּגו ָפא ַמ ְאכן ְ"ג ּאו ָלה" – ּדוְר ְך ֶדעם ָוואס ְמ ִ'איז ְמ ַג ֶלה ִאין ַא ֶלע ִע ְנָי ִנים ּפון "גוֹ ָלה" ֶדעם ַא ֶל"ף ּפון ַא ּלופוֹ שׁ ֶ ל ָעוֹלם – ְמ ֶ'נ ְעמט ַאָר ּאפ ֶדעם ֶה ְע ֶלם ְו ֶה ְס ֵּתר ִאין ִדי ִעְנָיֵני ָג ּלות ֶו ְועל ֶכע ַפ ְאר ֶד ְעקט אוֹ יף ִאיר ֶא ֶמ ֶת'ע ְמ ִצ ּיאות ּאון ַּת ְכ ִלית, ְמ ִ'איז ְמ ַג ֶלה ֶדעם ַא ּלופוֹ שׁ ֶ ל עוֹ ָלם שׁ ֶ ָּב ֶזה – ִדי ַּת ְכ ִלית ּפון ַא ֶלע ִע ְנָי ֵני ָג ּלות ּצו ִליב ֶו ְועל ֶכער ֶדער אוֹ ֶּיב ְערשׁ ְ ֶטער ָהאט ֵזיי ַּבאשׁ ַ ְאפן – ַאזוֹ י ַאז ּפון "גוֹ ָלה" ֶו ְוערט ְ"ג ּאו ָלה". Redemption does not imply a departure from our current state—from our lives, routines, and world. To the contrary, the definition of redemp- tion is that the very entity that was previously in a state of exile is—not nullified, G-d forbid, but—redeemed. All the positive elements that are part of our current reality will remain intact; only their exilic condition will be eliminated. The concealment of each entity’s true nature will be removed. LESSON SIX / DESTINY DISTILLED | 142 This explains why the word ge’ulah (redemp- tion) includes within itself the word golah (exile) with the added letter alef. Redemption will not do away with exile and our efforts therein. To the contrary, redemption’s characteristic is that it lifts up and redeems the entire state of exile and transforms exile itself into redemption. This is done by removing all of exile’s conceal- ments, everything that obscures each thing’s true nature and purpose, and revealing within everything the alef, which alludes to the Master (aluf) of the World. When we reveal the Master of the World in each thing—that is, the purpose for which G-d created it—then from exile itself, redemption emerges. ROSH CHODESH SOCIETY / INSIGHT | 143 Text 4 RABBI SHNE’UR ZALMAN OF LIADI, TANYA, CH. 37 ~ RABBI SHNE’UR ZALMAN OF LIADI (ALTER REBBE) 1812–1745 ְו ִה ֵנה ַּת ְכ ִלית ַהשׁ ְ ֵל ּימות ַה ֶזה שׁ ֶ ל ְימוֹ ת ַה ָמשׁ ִ ַיח . שׁ ֶ ּהוא ִג ּלוי ,Chasidic rebbe, halachic authority אוֹ ר ֵאין סוֹ ף ָּב ּרו ְך ּהוא ָּבעוֹ ָלם ַה ֶזה ַה ַגשׁ ְ ִמי, ָּת ּלוי ְּב ַמ ֲע ֵשׂ ּינו .and founder of the Chabad movement ַו ֲע ָבוֹד ֵת ּנו ָּכל ְז ַמן ֶמשׁ ֶ ְך ַהָג ּלות. ִּכי ַה ֵגוֹרם ְשׂ ַכר ַה ִמ ְצָוה ִהיא The Alter Rebbe was born in Liozna, Belarus, and was among the ַה ִמ ְצָוה ְּב ַע ְצ ָמה. principal students of the Magid of Mezeritch. His numerous works include the Tanya, an early classic This ultimate perfection [that the world will containing the fundamentals of Chabad Chasidism, and Shulchan arrive at during the] messianic era . namely Aruch HaRav, an expanded and the revelation of G-d’s infinite light in this mate- reworked code of Jewish law. rial world, is a result of our actions and service throughout the duration of our exile. For the reward of a mitzvah is triggered by the mitz- vah itself. Text 5 MAIMONIDES, MISHNEH TORAH, LAWS OF REPENTANCE 3:4 ~ ָצִר ְיך ָּכל ָא ָדם שׁ ֶ ִיְר ֶאה ַע ְצמוֹ ָּכל ַהשׁ ָ ָנה ּכ ּו ָל ּה ְּכ ִא ּילו ֶח ְציוֹ ַז ַּכאי ְו ֶח ְציוֹ ַחָייב, ְו ֵכן ָּכל ָה ָעוֹלם ֶח ְציוֹ ַז ַּכאי ְו ֶח ְציוֹ ַחָייב . ָע ָשׂה ִמ ְצָוה ַא ַחת ֲהֵרי ִה ְכִר ַיע ֶאת ַע ְצמוֹ ְו ֶאת ָּכל ָה ָעוֹלם ּכ ּולוֹ ְל ַכף ְז ּכות ְו ָגַרם לוֹ ְו ָל ֶהם ְּתשׁ ּו ָעה ְו ַה ָצ ָלה. We should always view ourselves as equally balanced with merits and faults and view the world likewise, as equally balanced with merits and faults. Therefore, if we perform but one mitzvah, we tip the balance—our own and the entire world’s—and effect personal and global deliverance and salvation. LESSON SIX / DESTINY DISTILLED | 144 Exercise 6.1 The world today is a kinder and better place than it was a few decades ago, more reflective of its beautiful essence and more consistent with Torah values. True False It’s complicated because .
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