Alsip-Merrionette Park Public Library Newsletter Spring 2012 Vol. 28, No. 2 What is an eReader? An eReader is a device that allows you to read books in digital form (eBooks). There are many different eReaders on the market. While the best known eReader may be $PD]RQ¶V.LQGOHWKHUHDUHDORWRI companies that are in the eReader business including Barnes & Noble, Sony, Aluratek, Pandigital and Kobo. Apple users already have an eReader as part of their iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch. The fact that the price for a basic eReader is well under $100 has only added to their popularity. Check out an eReader from the library! The Alsip-Merrionette Park Public Library now has Kindles and Nooks Alsip-Merrionette for you to try. Each is preloaded with popular titles and comes with instructions. They are extremely popular so you may want to put a hold Park Library now has on one. You can request a Nook or Kindle online or at the library. its own mobile site! Library Anywhere Have your own eReader? Download books from us! makes it easy to view If you already own an eReader, you can download books from our our webpage from website. Just go to alsiplibrary.info and click on Download audiobooks your mobile device. and eBooks from MyMediaMall. <RX¶OOQHHG\RXUOLEUDU\FDUGQXPEHU to sign in and the password is your last name (as it appears on your You can search the library card) with the first letter capitalized. If the book you want is OLEUDU\·VFDWDORJ DOUHDG\FKHFNHGRXW\RXFDQSODFHDKROGDQG\RX¶OOEHQRWLILHGE\ place a hold, check email when the book is ready for you to download. your account and <RX·OOILQGLWDW\RXUOLEUDU\ more. Try it out on your smartphone Whether you own an eReader or you want to try one for the first time, the library has what you need. today! Serving the communities of Alsip, Merrionette Park, and Garden Homes Spring Programs @ your library Registration is required. Call the Adult Services Department at 708-371-5666 (ext. 109) for details. Update Your Job Skills Those Were Wednesday, March 14 at 7 P.M. Peggy Heenan, Admissions & Outreach Representative from Moraine the Days Valley Community College, will be at the library to provide Radio Players information for adults considering returning to college to update their Heritage II Clubhouse job skills, train for a new career, or explore personal interests. 3715 W. 123rd Place, Alsip Tuesday, May 22 at 1:30 P.M. Using Picasa for Your Digital Photos Enjoy the magic and charm of Wednesday, March 28 at 7 P.M. radio in its heyday, when actors Glenn Carpenter, staff photographer at Moraine Valley Community College, will teach you how the photos in entertained a huge audience your camera can be uploaded to Picasa for storage, with just their voices and sharing and printing. sound effects. Join us for an afternoon with Those Were the Free Yourself from Clutter (and Make Money) Days Radio Players. Light Wednesday, April 25 at 7 P.M. refreshments will be served. Colleen Klimczak, Certified Professional Organizer and founder of Peace of Mind in Evergreen Park, will show you how to get organized and start clearing the clutter in your home. She will also share how to profit from eliminating your clutter by organizing a garage sale. Book Discussion Fido FUNdamentals Group Wednesday, May 30 at 7 P.M. Dog training should be fun, not a chore. Improve your relationship with your canine companion by training them April 5, 2012 in basic obedience, and incorporating some tricks. Learn how your attitude and praise affect the dog's view of training, and how Blood, Bones & Butter consistency and timing get you the results you want. Join Michelle by Gabrielle Hamilton Swiat and her dog, Trek, as they show you how much fun obedience can be. Michelle is a competitive obedience exhibitor, AKC obedience May 3, 2012 judge, dog trainer and, most importantly, dog enthusiast. 0DMRU3HWWLJUHZ·V Please do not bring your own dog. Last Stand by Helen Simonson Grilling & BBQ Demonstration The Book Discussion Group Wednesday, June 13 at 7 P.M. &RPHWU\WDVW\JULOOLQJUHFLSHVMXVWLQWLPHIRU)DWKHU¶V'D\ VXPPHU meets the first Thursday of Andrew Comens will prepare Thai spicy beef, Greek style chicken each month at 7 P.M. If you kabobs and citrus shrimp. Free samples! would like to attend, sign up at the Adult Reference Desk. Program registration begins Saturday, March 10, 2012, for residents of Alsip, Merrionette Park, and Garden Homes. Open registration begins Saturday, March 17. Programs run from March 26 through May 5. PLEASE NOTE: Children must have a valid library card to register. A fee will be charged to all non-residents. The library offers story times for preschool children at specific ages and Drop stages of development that provide emergent literacy activities as well as In social interaction. Registration is required. Craft Mother Goose Time Toddler Time Mondays 10³10:30 A.M. Tuesdays 10³10:30 A.M. Stop by the Youth Services This program is designed Toddlers ages 2²4 years Department and pick up a for babies, ages birth and their caregivers are craft to make on your through 23 months, invited to come in and own in the library. and a care- have some fun with books, giver. Stories, music, and sensorimotor music, nursery activities. rhymes and Youth unstructured play will be Toddler Art shared by all. Thursdays 10³10:30 A.M. Volunteers Join us with your 2²4 year old Kids in grades 6³12 may volunteer Baby and Toddler for a story, songs, and a Music Class process-oriented art project at the library this Spring. You may Fridays 11³11:30 A.M. too. be asked to clean books, cut-out Each week babies and toddlers crafts, or assist children with craft (6 months ² 35 months) and Music Medley SURMHFWV,I\RX·UHLQWHUHVWHGFDOO their caregivers will sing a Wednesdays 10³10:30 A.M. to arrange to volunteer for the storybook, play games, and Children ages 3²5 year olds following times: enjoy a variety of small will enjoy making their own Tuesdays 6:30³8:30 p.m. instruments while the musical instrument and then instructor sings and plays Wednesdays 6:30³8:30 p.m. explore pre-reading skills guitar. Saturdays 10:30³12 p.m. through the use of music. Mondays 7³7:30 P.M. <RX·UHLQYLWHGWRMRLQLQWKHIXQHDFK0RQGD\QLJKWDVRXU<RXWK Services Department presents a different activity, theme, or event that everyone in the family can enjoy. REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. After School Programs Saturday Road Trip U.S.A. =RR.HHSHU·V&OXE Programs Mondays or Wednesdays Tuesdays 4³4:30 P.M. or 4³4:30 P.M. Thursdays 6:30³7 P.M. Playdough Grades K³5 Age 4 through Grade 2 Playdate Enjoy traveling and sampling 3:00³3:30 P.M. Lions, tigers and bears, oh my! foods from different places? Ever wonder where the animals Come in for fun with play- Then pack your bags, board the at the zoo come from? Join us as GRXJK$OO\RX¶OOQHHGWR bus, and join us as we continue we discover and explore the bring is your creativity and our journey across the USA! uniqueness of different animals. imagination. Bookalicious Art Class BINGO March 31, April 4 & 28 Tuesdays 7:00³7:45 P.M. Thursdays 7³7:45 P.M. 10³10:45 A.M. Grades 3 and up Grades 2 and up Independent A delicious fun time at the Learn drawing, cartooning and kindergarteners OLEUDU\UHDGJUHDWFKLOGUHQ¶V lots more in this art class for through 5th graders books in a fun and informal kids. Different materials and are invited to setting. Join the fun snacking techniques will be featured each come and play! with your favorite books! week. dŚĞůŝďƌĂƌLJ͛ƐĐŽŶƐƚƌƵĐƚŝŽŶƉƌŽũĞĐƚŝƐŵŽǀŝŶŐĂůŽŶŐǀĞƌLJǁĞůů͘ The mild winter weather has been a great help! To view more photos of the project, ǀŝƐŝƚƚŚĞůŝďƌĂƌLJ͛ƐǁĞďƐŝƚĞ͕alsiplibrary.info, and click on LIBRARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT. Reminder: There is no outside book drop at our temporary location on Cicero. Sorry for the inconvenience. Books Music Movies New Books New Music New DVDs March xFrench Impressions by Joshua Bell xAnonymous xStay Close by Harlan Coben xEl Camino by Black Keys xBoardwalk Empire³Season 1 xThe Thief by Clive Cussler xMy Life II by Mary J. Blige xCouragous xCinnamon Roll Murder xBon Iver by Bon Iver x'RQ·WEH$IUDLGRIWKH'DUN by Joanne Fluke xBelieve by Celtic Woman xThe Double xGuilty Wives by James Patterson xNight Shades by Cobra Star xDownton Abbey³Season 2 xFall From Grace by Richard North Patterson xThe Dreamer, The Believer by xDrive Common xBetrayal by Danielle Steel xGame of Thrones: the complete xElegy for Eddie by Jacqueline xBreak the Spell by Daughtry first season Winspear xThe Very Best of Neil Diamond by xThe Guard April Neil Diamond xThe Ides of March xThe Innocent by David Baldacci xTake Care by Drake xJ Edgar xLetter From a Stranger xHilarious by Louis CK xJanie Jones by Barbara Taylor Bradford xEmotional Traffic by Tim McGraw xKiller Elite xAn Accidental Affair xFinest Hour by Patton Oswalt by Eric Jerome Dickey xKilling Bono xCalico Joe by John Grisham x100 Proof by Kelly Pickler xA Mile in His Shoes xThe Limpopo Academy of Private xHell on Heels by Pistol Annies xNurse Jackie³Season 3 Detection by Alexander McCall Smith xSoul 2 by Seal xParanormal Activity 3 xCapitol Murder by Phillip Margolin xGlee: The Music, V. 7 Soundtrack xPuncture xDorchester Terrace by Anne Perry xSuperheavy by Superheavy xPuss in Boots xCrystal Gardens by Amanda Quick xLove After War by Robin Thicke xThere be Dragons xThe Witness by Nora Roberts xChimes Of Freedom: The Songs of xHarbor Nocturne by Joseph xToast Bob Dylan by Various Wambaugh xTower Heist xNow...41 by Various May xWeeds³Season 7 xWow Hits 2012 by Various x5REHUW%3DUNHU·V/XOODE\by Ace x:KDW·V<RXU1XPEHU" Atkins xThe Whole Love by Wilco xThe Whistleblower xThe Columbus Affair by Steve Berry xLioness by Amy Winehouse xDeadlocked by Charlaine Harris xTM 103 Hustlerz Ambition by xIn One Person by John Irving Young Jeezy xBorn of Silence by Sherrilyn Kenyon x11th Hour by James Patterson xThe Last Boyfriend by Nora Roberts xStolen Prey by John Sandford reserve your copy online alsiplibrary.info Non-Profit Org.
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