EBCS AR Titles QUIZNO TITLE 41025EN The 100th Day of School 35821EN 100th Day Worries 661EN The 18th EmerGency 7351EN 20,000 Baseball Cards Under the Sea 11592EN 2095 8001EN 50 Below Zero 9001EN The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins 413EN The 89th Kitten 80599EN A-10 Thunderbolt II 16201EN A...B...Sea (Crabapples) 67750EN Abe Lincoln Goes to WashinGton 1837-1865 101EN Abel's Island 9751EN Abiyoyo 86635EN The Abominable Snowman Doesn't Roast Marshmallows 13551EN Abraham Lincoln 866EN Abraham Lincoln 118278EN Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War 17651EN The Absent Author 21662EN The Absent-Minded Toad 12573EN The Absolutely True Story...How I Visited Yellowstone... 17501EN Abuela 15175EN Abyssinian Cats (Checkerboard) 6001EN Ace: The Very Important PiG 35608EN The Acrobat and the AnGel 105906EN Across the Blue Pacific: A World War II Story 7201EN Across the Stream 1EN Adam of the Road 301EN Addie Across the Prairie 6101EN Addie Meets Max 13851EN Adios, Anna 135470EN Adrian Peterson 128373EN Adventure AccordinG to Humphrey 451EN The Adventures of Ali Baba Bernstein 20251EN The Adventures of Captain Underpants 138969EN The Adventures of Nanny PiGGins 401EN The Adventures of Ratman 64111EN The Adventures of Super Diaper Baby 71944EN AfGhanistan (Countries in the News) 71813EN Africa 70797EN Africa (The Atlas of the Seven Continents) 13552EN African-American Holidays EBCS AR Titles 13001EN African Buffalo (African Animals Discovery) 15401EN African Elephants (Early Bird Nature) 14651EN Afternoon on the Amazon 83309EN Air: A Resource Our World Depends On 83024EN The Akhenaten Adventure 7801EN Alabama 20151EN Alabama 53309EN Alabama 13145EN The Alamo (American Symbols Discovery) 20152EN Alaska 49009EN Alaska 80237EN Alaskan Malamutes 136589EN Alchemy and MeGGy Swann 651EN Aldo Applesauce 5401EN Aldo Ice Cream 6251EN Aldo Peanut Butter 14975EN Alejandro's Gift 5451EN Alexander and the...Very Bad Day 12751EN Alexander, Who's Not (Do You Hear Me ? I Mean It!) GoinG To Move 7301EN Alexander, Who Used...Last Sunday 10651EN Aliens Don't Wear Braces 402EN Aliens for Breakfast 5203EN Aliens For Lunch 9752EN Alistair's Time Machine 912EN All About AlliGators 302EN All About Sam 7202EN All By Myself 13853EN All Dads On Deck 117897EN The All-I'll-Ever-Want Christmas Doll 251EN The All New Jonah Twist 17301EN All of Our Noses Are Here and Other Noodle Tales 122279EN All Shook Up 9563EN All Stuck Up 121675EN All the Lovely Bad Ones: A Ghost Story 64434EN The Alley Cat's Meow 19934EN AlliGator Baby 15402EN AlliGators (Early Bird Nature) 13097EN AlliGators (Reptile Discovery) 87137EN Am I the Princess or the FroG? by Jamie Kelly 88443EN Amanda PiG and the Really Hot Day 6204EN The AmazinG Bone 5452EN AmazinG Grace EBCS AR Titles 11751EN The AmazinG Impossible Erie Canal 83146EN AmazinG Magnetism 13098EN AmazinG Rain Forest (Rain Forest Discovery) 130628EN The AmazinG Trail of Seymour Snail 81306EN Amazon River 11145EN Amber Brown Is Not a Crayon 12760EN Amber Brown Wants Extra Credit 5453EN Amelia Bedelia 72206EN Amelia Bedelia, Bookworm 911EN Amelia Bedelia Helps Out 89521EN Amelia Bedelia, Rocket Scientist? 126505EN Amelia Bedelia Talks Turkey 17605EN Amelia Earhart: Courage in the Sky 111951EN Amelia's Must-Keep Resolutions for the Best Year Ever! 41263EN Amelia Takes Command/Amelia's Bully Survival Guide 62147EN America Under Attack 116344EN American AlliGators: Freshwater Survivors 13148EN The American Eagle (American Symbols Library) 13149EN The American Flag (American Symbols Library) 84758EN American Revolution...Revolutionary War on Wednesday 5454EN Amigo 69053EN AmonG the Barons 59349EN AmonG the Betrayed 78248EN AmonG the Brave 87624EN AmonG the Enemy 106210EN AmonG the Free 29501EN AmonG the Hidden 50379EN AmonG the Impostors 5501EN Amos & Boris 16238EN Amphibians (Wonderful World of Animals) 5325EN The Amusement Park Mystery 15199EN Anacondas (Checkerboard) 13099EN Anacondas (Snake Discovery) 32896EN Anansi the Spider 102582EN Ancient China 81622EN Ancient EGypt 81623EN Ancient Greece 80071EN Ancient Greece and the Olympics...Nonfiction Companion..Olympics 81624EN Ancient Rome 7203EN And I Mean It, Stanley 9753EN And Still the Turtle Watched 5402EN And Then What Happened, Paul Revere? EBCS AR Titles 9002EN And to Think That I...Mulberry Street 13553EN Andrew Jackson 857EN Andrew Jackson 867EN Andrew Johnson 49476EN Andrew's Loose Tooth 106623EN Andy Shane and the Pumpkin Trick 87413EN Andy Shane and the Very Bossy Dolores Starbuckle 112884EN Andy Warhol: Pop Art Painter 5455EN AnGel Child, Dragon Child 403EN AnGel In CharGe 303EN AnGel's Mother's Boyfriend 8002EN AnGela's Airplane 44030EN AnGelina and Alice 47315EN AnGelina and the Princess 44031EN AnGelina Ballerina 36534EN AnGelina Ice Skates 50479EN AnGelina on Stage 52856EN AnGelina's Birthday 47318EN AnGelina's Christmas 47319EN AnGelina's Halloween 15668EN Animal Builders 15669EN Animal Camouflage 15670EN Animal Communication 13049EN Animal EatinG Habits (ThinGs Animals Do) 28558EN Animal Fact/Animal Fable 16202EN Animal Homes (Crabapples) 106584EN Animal Life Cycles: GrowinG and ChanGinG 15671EN Animal MiGration 5322EN The Animal Shelter Mystery 118132EN Animal Spies 5403EN The Animal, the VeGetable and John D. Jones 18386EN Animal Tracks 13100EN Animals of the Rain Forest (Rain Forest Discovery) 13050EN Animals That Build Homes (ThinGs Animals Do) 13051EN Animals That FiGht (ThinGs Animals Do) 13052EN Animals That Survive (ThinGs Animals Do) 13053EN Animals That Talk (ThinGs Animals Do) 13054EN Animals That Travel (ThinGs Animals Do) 80204EN Anne Hutchinson 113365EN Annie and Snowball and the Dress-up Birthday 652EN Annie and the Old One 9104EN Annie and the Wild Animals EBCS AR Titles 9651EN Annie's Pet 19551EN The Ant and the Elephant 68881EN The Ant Bully 8403EN Ant Cities 15482EN Ant (ObservinG Nature) 71814EN Antarctica 70798EN Antarctica (The Atlas of the Seven Continents) 13002EN Antelopes (African Animals Discovery) 15403EN Ants (Early Bird Nature) 13101EN Ants (Insects Discovery) 16239EN Ants (The New Creepy Crawly Collection) 59779EN Anyone but Me 16353EN The Apache Indians (Native Peoples) 1623EN Apatosaurus 9754EN Appelemando's Dreams 15404EN Apple Trees 13554EN Apples 48046EN Apples 138132EN April and Esme Tooth Fairies 15187EN Arabian Horses (Checkerboard) 5651EN The Arctic Patrol Mystery 115556EN Are We There Yet? UsinG Map Scales 5456EN Are You My Mother? 20153EN Arizona 53310EN Arizona 106408EN Ark Angel 20154EN Arkansas 53311EN Arkansas 11155EN Armadillo Rodeo 15672EN Armadillos 5341EN Arrow to the Sun 47730EN The Art Lesson 20002EN Arthur Accused! 20003EN Arthur and the Crunch Cereal Contest 20004EN Arthur and the Scare-Your-Pants-Off Club 74850EN Arthur and the School Pet 16965EN Arthur and the True Francine 6102EN Arthur Babysits 16966EN Arthur Goes to Camp 100615EN Arthur Helps Out 66524EN Arthur, It's Only Rock 'n' Roll 34903EN Arthur Lost and Found EBCS AR Titles 100672EN Arthur Lost in the Museum 20005EN Arthur Makes the Team 6051EN Arthur Meets the President 10451EN Arthur's April Fool 16967EN Arthur's Baby 16968EN Arthur's Birthday 77948EN Arthur's Birthday Surprise 9106EN Arthur's Chicken Pox 10452EN Arthur's Christmas 16973EN Arthur's Computer Disaster 9755EN Arthur's Eyes 9051EN Arthur's Family Vacation 12759EN Arthur's First Sleepover 952EN Arthur's Funny Money 16969EN Arthur's Halloween 7302EN Arthur's Halloween Costume 75357EN Arthur's Heart Mix-Up 7303EN Arthur's Honey Bear 76217EN Arthur's Jelly Beans 7304EN Arthur's Loose Tooth 20006EN Arthur's Mystery Envelope 11157EN Arthur's New Puppy 16970EN Arthur's Nose 16971EN Arthur's Pet Business 7305EN Arthur's Prize Reader 44363EN Arthur's Teacher Moves In 10453EN Arthur's ThanksGivinG 5502EN Arthur's Tooth 16972EN Arthur's TV Trouble 34597EN Arthur's Underwear 88499EN Arthur Tells a Story 16974EN Arthur Writes a Story 71815EN Asia 70799EN Asia (The Atlas of the Seven Continents) 13555EN Asian Holidays 115848EN Ask Dr. K. Fisher About Dinosaurs 35992EN Ask Mr. Bear 88308EN At the Carnival 5457EN At the Crossroads 75825EN Attack of the 50-Ft. Cupid 14932EN Attack of the Jack-O'-Lanterns 79889EN Attack of the TagGer EBCS AR Titles 24031EN ATV RacinG 18257EN Aunt Chip and the Great Triple Creek Dam Affair 7352EN Aunt Eater Loves a Mystery 6052EN Aunt Flossie's Hats (and Crab Cakes Later) 7601EN Aunt Hilarity's Bustle 41280EN The Austere Academy 71816EN Australia 15151EN Australia (BridGestone) 15132EN Australia (Postcards From) 70800EN Australia (The Atlas of the Seven Continents) 18657EN Author's Day 15405EN Avalanche (Nature In Action) 15673EN Avalanches 87138EN Avril Crump and Her AmazinG Clones 80097EN The Awesome Alps 82445EN Awesome Science: A Chapter Book 103332EN Axle Annie and the Speed Grump 81625EN The Aztec Empire 80600EN B-1B Bomber Lancer 7451EN The B. Bears Accept No Substitutes 10653EN The B. Bears and the Dress Code 7459EN The B. Bears and the Female Fullback 9009EN The B. Bears and the MissinG Dinosaur Bone 9046EN The B. Bears and the Spooky Old Tree 5503EN The B. Bears and Too Much Junk Food 653EN The B. Bears and Too Much TV 10654EN The B. Bears' Media Madness 6054EN The B. Bears' New Baby 7239EN The B. Bears Ready, Get Set Go! 105059EN B Is for Bookworm: A Library Alphabet 7353EN Babar and the Ghost 7306EN Babar Learns To Cook 7204EN Babar's Little Circus Star 7205EN Babar's Picnic 36037EN Babe & Me : A Baseball Card Adventure 17995EN Baboon 13003EN Baboons (Monkey Discovery) 5343EN Babushka Baba Yaga 11158EN Babushka's Doll 978EN Baby Duckbill 904EN Baby Grizzly 10505EN Baby
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