The Catholic Community of Central Nottingham St Barnabas Cathedral Derby Road and St Augustine of England Woodborough Road Welcome to all our visitors at St Barnabas Cathedral and St Augustine of England THIRD WEEK OF ORDINARY TIME Saturday 26th January 2019 ~ Sunday 3rd February 2019 Psalter Week III ~ Sundays - Year C ~ Weekdays - Cycle I Weekday Masses at The Cathedral: In addition to the 1pm weekday Mass, Mass will be celebrated each weekday in the Lady Chapel at 7.30am and at 6.15pm on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. Cathedral Meeting for the People We will be holding another two meetings, one at 1.45pm and repeated at 6.45pm in the Cathedral on Thursday 31st January. These meetings will update you on our plans for the Cathedral’s 175th Anniversary, which we will be celebrating on 11th June 2019. Everyone is welcome to attend. Children’s Liturgy takes place at the Cathedral during the 10am Sunday Mass. There will be a second collection this weekend in respect of Church Maintenance. Sunday Morning Tea & Coffee Tea and Filter coffees will be served after the 8am, 10am & 11:15am Masses in the Cathedral Hall with bacon butties available after the 8am and 10am. The Repository will also be open after the 10.00am and 11.15am Masses. All welcome. Times of Confession Tues - Fri Cathedral 12.15pm - 12.50pm Saturday St Augustine 5.15pm - 5.45pm Saturday Cathedral 10.30am - 12 noon 5.30pm - 6.15pm Weekly Exposition Times Thursday Cathedral 12noon - 12.45pm Thursday St Augustine After 10am Mass Saturday Cathedral 10.30am - 12 noon 5.00pm - 6.00pm No��gham Roman Catholic Diocese Trustees Company No. 7151646 Charity No. 1134449 CATHEDRAL MASS TIMES FOR THE THIRD WEEK OF THE YEAR ~ Psalter Week III Saturday 26th January Vigil Mass 6.30pm Sunday Third Sunday of the Year 8am 27th January 10am 11.15am 1pm Baptism ~ 6pm Monday Saint Thomas Aquinas 7.30am 28th January (Memorial) 10am Funeral Service ~ 1pm 6.15pm Tuesday Feria 7.30am 29th January 8.50am Trinity School ~ 1pm 4.30pm Reception ~ Wednesday Feria 7.30am 30th January 1pm Requiem ~ 6.15pm Thursday Saint John Bosco 7.30am 31st January (Memorial) 1pm 5pm Reception ~ 6.15pm Friday Feria 7.30am 1st February 10am Requiem ~ First Friday 12noon Exposition followed by Benediction 1pm 6.15pm Saturday Feast of the 9.15am Prayer for Vocations 2nd February Presentation of The Lord 10am Vigil Mass 6.30pm Sunday Fourth Sunday of the Year 8am 3rd February 10am 11.15am 6pm ST AUGUSTINE’S MASS TIMES AND EVENTS FOR THE THIRD WEEK OF THE YEAR ~ PSALTER WEEK III Saturday 26th January Vigil Mass 6pm Sunday Third Sunday 27th January of the Year 11am 2pm Tuesday Feria 29th January 10am Wednesday Feria 30th January 9am Thursday Saint John Bosco 31st January (Memorial) 10am Friday Feria 1st February 10am Saturday 2nd February Vigil Mass 6pm Sunday Fourth Sunday 3rd February of the Year 11am Refreshments St Augustine's Church Hall will be open every Sunday after the 11.00am Mass for teas and coffees. Please come and join us. St Augustine’s First Holy Communion Programme The First Holy Communion programme at St Augustine's begins on 12th February 2019 with the Enrolment Mass on the previous Sunday, 10th February. If your child does not attend St Augustine's school and you wish him/her to take part in the programme, please speak to Sr Philomena or Diane Flynn. Your child must be baptised and must be Year 3 level. St Augustine’s Cake Sale There will be cake stall at St Augustine’s on Sunday 3rd February following the 11am Mass. Donations of cakes, homemade or shop bought will be gratefully received. Proceeds towards the Roof Fund. Working together as parishes; for a couple of years, our parish has been looking at how we can work together with neighbouring churches, in particular bringing together Sacred Heart Carlton, Our Lady & St Edward's in Thorneywood and St Augustine's on Woodborough Road. Although we are separate parishes, we are so close together it seems to make sense to explore how we can work together on different aspects of parish life. To help move this forward, a small group of representatives from each parish will be meeting at the beginning of February to start looking at the possibilities. More information will come to us all after this meeting and there will be opportunities for us all to be involved in the discussions. Hospitals If you have a relative or friend go into QMC or City please inform the Chaplaincy Dept., via ward staff or your parish priest and request a visit. QMC: 0115 9249924 ext 63799. City: 0115 9691169 ext 56187. Today: The next time you are at a funeral, pay particular attention to the readings, and to the words that are spoken. These readings, these words, are meant for you, and not for the person who has died! What’s the point in reading the gospel to a lifeless corpse in a coffin? The same goes for today’s gospel. The people who were in the synagogue all those years ago are well dead by now! Today’s gospel is meant for us….right here, today. Yes, it is important to remember that the gospel is now, and I am every person in it. Right here, right now, Jesus tells us that these words are “being fulfilled today even as you listen.” The words of Jesus are anointed by the Spirit, and when his words enter the heart, the Spirit enters with them. Words, of themselves, have no value. I meet people who ask me how I am and I don’t always tell them, because I know, that they really don’t want to know! However, someone else may ask me the same question, and, because of the spirit of concern in the question, I may well sit down and answer the question (often in such detail that they are sorry they asked me!) If we are open to the word of God, anointed by the Spirit, then all of us are listening with great openness to what the Lord wants to say to us. God will never disappoint us. If you don’t expect to hear something that will profoundly affect your life, then, you can be sure, that you will not hear it. If, on the other hand, you open your heart with a whispered “Speak Lord, your servant is listening,” then you can be certain that your heart will be touched, that the spirit will be healed, and that your day will be anointed. The Christian life should be a live drama and the value of Christianity lies in its witness. You write a new page of the gospel each day, by the things that you do, and the words that you say. People read what you write, whether faithful or true. What is the gospel according to you? Jesus came to do and to teach – in other words, he did the thing himself first, and then he taught his disciples to follow his example. A good example of this was when he washed the disciples’ feet at the Last Supper. You and I are called to live the gospel. You may be the only gospel someone will read; they may never buy the book. (MB) St Barnabas Cathedral, Nottingham wins National Lottery support to celebrate its 175th Anniversary The Nottingham Roman Catholic Diocesan Trustees have received a National Lottery grant of £71,100 for an exciting heritage project, Discovering Pugin at Nottingham Cathedral. Made possible by money raised by National Lottery players, the project focus on the architectural history of the building as it turns 175 in August 2019. The Cathedral are working in partnership with Nottingham Trent University to undertake cutting edge scanning of the building to measure it and find out about the historic paint scheme which may still survive under later layers of paint. They will also be developing school activities and running events for the public to celebrate 175 years of the building. More information about how local people can get involved will be released shortly. The Cathedral Church of Saint Barnabas was constructed from 1841 and dedicated to St Barnabas in 1844. It became one of the first new Catholic Cathedrals in the country in 1850. It is listed Grade II* and was designed by AWN Pugin who was responsible for the 19th Century redesign of the Houses of Parliament. Fr Malachy Brett, Dean of the Cathedral said: “We are really delighted to have been awarded this funding as it will allow us to involve so many more people in the celebrations of the Cathedral’s anniversary. We hope that the Discovering Pugin Project will help us engage with the wider community in Nottingham and get their ideas for how we can best promote the heritage of St Barnabas in the future.” Heritage Lottery Fund said: “We are pleased that thanks to Lottery Players we have been able to support this fascinating project to explore the history of Nottingham’s Catholic Cathedral.” Parish Finances Last Week Last weekend’s St Augustine Cathedral Thank you for your collection for the Loose Plate £ 299.34 £ 1,187.74 generosity to the work Sick and Retired Envelopes £ 135.00 £ 860.05 of the Church! Priests’ Fund S/Orders £ 160.20 £ 707.68 In your Will, please Total £ 594.54 £ 2,755.47 remember your The Cathedral: £1,114.09 Church. St Augustine’s: £220.23 Baptism Course The dates for the next Baptism Course have been set for: - 9th and 16th February 2019.
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