■/ ; V ( .'a;. L. Bloodmobile Visits dme Tomorrow, 4 to 7 p. m, 'ATaxge Dafly Net Prem Rna • ■ r ZZ. / — Fbr UM Week Ended ‘ . Weathw , — ^JTium so, 1061 PorOoMt Of V. 8. Wenfiier BoroM j y > 13,601 Cloudy tonight, ligiit rain. Low V b n b tt o f Hie Audit 65 to 60. ' Oondjr, light rain to­ Bartel of drcnlntlmi morrow. ^ ^ .75 to 80. M anthester^A City o f Village Charm -- ____ .____________________ VOL.LXXXI^NO. 284 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER,'c o n n /TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1962 (Ciaaelfled Adyemalnt-te Pago Id) PRICE tiV B GENTS Kowalski Backers State News Abandon Petitions - RTFORD ( AF^) — Washington early thi« aftor R o y a l E m p l o y e s noon, advising him of the group's last-ditoh'^effort to ^minate action. There was no immediate Ap|)rove Contract an indeiKiMknt slate in/uding reply from the congressman.. CongressmuisFrank Ko^lski The third candidate on . the pro- HARTFORD (AP)—A new for U.S. Senabssappeared\ to poked slate would have been state Rep. John A. Ihsero, running for three-year } contract giving have failed toda^when a governor. Mr. Insero said early to­ package wage incfeasea from claimed 1,800 signautc^ sup­ day . his own 'decision to run, if 13 to 15 cents an hour was porting the slate wereNicith- e n o u ^ signatureis were obtained, would hinge on Mr. Kowalski’s in- unanimously approved by hejd in Hartford. about 2,200 workers o f;th e Frank W. Russo, who woul Jtentions, but he said the Congress- Step Expeeted haive been the nominee for treaaur would run if enough names Royd-McBee Corp. today. No Trouble er on the proponed “Independent wefbsgathered,, A motion to approve the co^'' \ Democratic” ticket, said canvas­ isociated Press reported tract was passed unanimously ,o y To Lead to "4? sers refused to file the petitions at petitions'’f^ed today carrying 308 a Voice vote at Bushnell M< Reported In Hartford City Hall for fear of per­ signatures ilkjWaterbury, 122 in rial. sonal harassment. Naugatuck, 20Stn Mansfield and Approval of the cmitract/hettles F e d c/i^ l Suit Under Connecticut law,-xircula- 44 in Manchester. a dispute of four weeks’ standing. tors of nominating petitions must Petitions containliliLl44 signa­ The contract expired / midnight idcKEE 3 S ch ools present and certify them in per­ tures of Manchester voters was Fridky, but the negotiating com­ ANY, Ga. (AP)— son to the town clerk in each town submitted to the town clwlt’* o t- mittee had been auOiorized .. to By DAVID ZINMAN eanvassed. fice today for the candidal extend it if talks lyi^re promising. Negro students at- , Hr. Russo said estimates of sig­ Frank Kowalskt to run for The eight-poinV company pro- pted today to enroll at A|- NEW ORLEANS, La;" natures gathered around the state ernor on the Independent D ^ o- 1 was a^eed upoh Saturday any's white s<?hool in a«move (A P )— Negro children 'walk- bi a (frash progrram over the week­ critlc Ticket. 1. after a' 17-hour barga^ that is expected to lead to a ^ into white Roman Catholic end indicated there might have This morning. Miss Mary Ah . ion with federal and stdte mediati federakcourt suit for integra­ elementary and high schools, been enou^ .to provide the 4,873 Pajs:ani of 258 McKee St. filed ' tion; here today and began the first needed toAiominate. , i" titions containing 44 names^^own Under the wage c la u s e ^ bonus But he said he ladvrai^ circula­ of 12 cents an hour in addition to The young Negroes, some ac­ parochial desegregation in the Clerk Edward J. Tomkiet<iaid all companied by parents, were sent tors in “Bristol and some other names were validated, s ^ ' he for­ an hourly rate will be paid to history of the Archdiocese of to the office of the superintendent towns” not to file their petitions. warded the petitioiykTo Secretary employes working_pii the second of edueaUon for enrollment appli­ New Orleans. “This means there will be no' In­ of State Ella Gri and third shifts effective Sept. 3. First reports showed about a dependent Slate this fail,” he said. A breakdown or the wage in­ cation forms. Ten girls and three This afternpofi,. Richard Rosen- boys were in the group. dozen Negroes went to St. Leo tha A telegram was sent Mr. Kowal- crease gives five cents' per hour Great School, two attended St. I* dahl o f 04 Btssell St. and Norman effective today; a wage ii\crease Policemen stood, guard as the IVhitneynif 861 Adams St. filed pe- Mary of the Angels and two tha of four cents per hour effective Negroes .drove up and walked into Mater Dolorosa School. The total titionsz-^Bosendahl's containing 45 Sept. 2, 1963. the school. 'There were almost no sigpen and Whitney’s 25. to be-integrated has not been dis­ Rebels S t a ll Another wkge increase effective spectators; the police had blocked closed. Iss Pagan! this 'morning also Aug. 31, 1964 includes; off the area from traffic. There were no incidents. 'submitted petitions containing 43 1. Four cents per hour "■ to ^ Leading the pupils were Dr. W. At Mater Dolorosa, the' Rt. Rev. Columiis signatures for Insero for the gov­ piece .Workers; ; G. Anderson, Albany .integration Msgr. Joseph Pyzikiewicz stood ernorship spot on the ticket and 2. 'Four cents per hour to day leader, and his daughter Lau- outside and talked with a group of Russo for. treasurer. work employes in . labor grades rlta, 14. 16-20 mothers who watched Bella y s Rosendahl and W h 11 n e y last one, two, three and-four. The group remained Inside start of integration. The scbdbl month took out petitions'for'Ko­ about five minutes. As it left, some band played the “ Star Spangled Alt-GIBIRS Rebel Guer­ walski at thp State Capitol. (Continued on. Page Six) of the girls ted they were told Banner”' after the children came rilla forces/^alled one column to ask for applicaUdn flanks at out of mass- the office of Supt. J. J. Cordell, «rf DOpuJy Premier Ahmed Ben About 9,000 ot New Orleans’ 48,- Students normally are request­ 000 parochial school pupils are Ne­ Bellay^egular troops far 'south of ed to fill out applicaUon forma in groes. iGgiers today and claimed they Soviet Charges U2 enrolling. New Orleans pbblic si'h'ools repulsed another in heavy comtwt, Preceding the enrollment at ..li'Ksia launch a third year of'^iqtegraUoa tempt, scheduled to imdude also farther east... A Nun leads Integrated class into St. Francis De Sales School today in New OrleanXSeveral Thursday. \ two. junior high schoolp, was a big At St. Leo, about 20 whitO-Hpar- Dozens were killed and wound- white adults wat^ in background. Children walked into white Catholic elementary and high X JKu Klux Klan rally i'mmed at or­ schools to begli^the first parochial desegregation In history o t the Archdiocese o t New Orleans. ents met their childrim after moog sd when Ben Beta’s men attacked ganizing resistance to the fiitegra and took them home. -AefenaQB in the mountain village ' (AP Photofaxk tion efforts. ■M-------^ At Mater Dolorosa, the pupils— of Oued Djehane south of Aum^e Grand Dragon Calvin F. Ckaig " 7 ^ several hundred white children with heavy and- automatic weapr -y. of Atlanta said he had been told and two Negrora, a boy and girl- ens, the guerrilla command an­ By PRESTON GROVER <f>miies wide, separates Saklialin that the Negroes would be kept TpAy* U.S. Prepared walked out. of Mass apd lined up nounced. ......■ MOSCOW (AP)—The Soviet Un­ from Japan’s northernmost main out of the schools. in front of a flag pole.' ^ Auroale Is a trade center. B|r- ion .charged today that another island, . Hokkaido. South Sakhalin The trip to jOardaU^ office led rlsoned in succession by RomSs, The flag was raised, the “ Star U.S. U2' reconnaissance plane has was annexed by Japan after .it 4*- to a dpad end. Andamm t e d the Turks and French, 66 miles St^dh- ® For Showdown Spangled Banner” 'Bias played, violated 'the Soviet frontier .and feated-Russia in . the -war of 1904-06. auparihtendeiidaht- tbid thd east of Algiers.. warned of “ retaliatory measures” It was returned to the .Soviet Un­ and Oia chUdr6» sang “America” that pupU assignments wef-e before marching into the schodl. West of that area, fire from if this happens again. ion in 1945 after Japan’s defeat in made during the spring and teuld The two Negroes appeared.'' guerrillas slopped the northward A stiff Kremlin note claimed the World War U. On Red Route Advance of Col. Ahmed Ben ..CSie- not be changed.. calm. 'the Negro boy, looking U2 plane flqw oveh tekhalin Island The Soviet Union Charged- the The Negro leader indicated rifi’s^regulars at the village of BERLIN (AP)—The U.S. -com­ about the age of a seventh-grader, north of Japan AUg. 30 and re­ plane flew over the area of Tuz- little time will 'be lost in'^ eiiteid^' BrazzkK in the Berrouaghla sec By DAVID LANCAWDRE ‘^ments and relief organizations as­ mand In Berlin appeared , ready wore a blue shirt. 'liie girl, ,y'6ung- mained over Sqvlet territorial wat­ hno-Sakhalinsk, the Oblast capital, an-integration court sifit. tor sonibv^65 miles by highway ers and airspace for nine min­ Premier lOirushchey’s anger DAN-ISFAHAN, Iran (AP) — sembled aid shipments for air today for a showdovm with the from Algei' Before-arrival of the ..Negroes, Slight earth rumbles 'today terri­ transport.
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