iffi Environmental Study of Mirsharai Upazila, Chattogram Sound, Air Pollution (Dust Particles) and Water Quality in Different Locations U RBAN DEVELOPMENT DIRECTORATE (U DD) Ministry of Housing and Public Works Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh June, 2019 Environmental Study of Mirsharai Upazila, Chattogram Sound, Air Pollution (Dust Particles) and Water Quality in Different Locations ,*i- URBAN DEVELOPMENT DIRECTORATE (UDD) Ministry of Housing and Public Works Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh lrne,2019 I ) Acknowledgement This study has been conducted by Urban Deveropment Directorate ur. is gratefur (uDD) assisted by . ,ro of Ministry Qtex sorutions ::ir:H;::1X?, rorr,n, ana puoric "i w",0. assigning ",111 to to a t h o s e o * T:_Til ",. monitoring " ",,I ffi ff [r I Jf and reporting' we wouh ;'j,fl 1''.n*::HtI":iT:: :fi ri'r"," give speciar thr;k;to professor :: : I ;: Biochemistrv Dr. Hossain Uddin :ffi;J:T.i}:of anJ rvroru.rr* Biorogy, or.,r,..'rr,rersity Shekhar for his conrinuous support the team members or etex sorurions Ltd. who has provided the necessary and:!lrHJi:*l1rt"^:" testing,.., ,r,";;;.'b;, ",i#:::TiilruL,.:ff1[ffi::::,ff"lT ," ,n" monitoring ,N I Abbreviations & Acronyrns DoE Department of Environment ECR Environmental Conservation Rule ECA Environmental Conservation Act lFc I nternational Finance Corporation OSHA Occu pationa I Safety a nd Hea lth Ad ml n istration EZ Economic Zone APHA American Public Health Association db Decibel PM Particulate Matter TDS Total Dissolved Solids DO Dissolved Oxygen BOD Biochemical Oxygen Demand coD Chemical Oxygen demand llt' lil I Executive Summary The research work is carried out to get a picture of Noise, Air Pollution and Water quality in different locations of Mirsharai Upazila, Chattogram & to set a baseline environmental standard conducive for im plementi ng the necessa ry projects. The first chapter of this report describes the background, objective & methodology of the work. This chapter gives an idea of the aim and overall work process. The second chapter deals with the description of the monitoring & sampling locations. Some identified locations were under consideration of this research work. The third chapter provides the related applicable standards of noise, air and water quality' The collected data are compared with these standards to get the view of the current situation of the area which is under the work boundarY. quality, The fourth chapter shows the results and discussions. This chapter gives the detailed data of air noise quality and water quality of the inspected locations. On the basis of the already set standard optimum limit, these data are compared with relevant standards which are discussed in this chapter. From the result it has been observed that air quality is quite good at Mirsharai. Noise level is quite high in this area which might be caused for the vehicular movement or nearby market. And the surface water which were considered to be tested has been found to be quite polluted which might be a result of domestic and industrial discharge in the surface water. The fifth chapter deals with recommendation & conclusion. ln this chapter, some recommendations are presented that can help in future to protect the environment of Mirsharai upazila' Any development project plans in this area should consider the present s;enario of the place and should take enough measures to prevent pollution for the sake of environmental conservation as well as retention of economic activities. 4 llt lil llt Table of Contents Topic ffitilx Acknowledgement 2 Abbreviations & Acronyms 3 Executive Summary 4 Chapter 1: Background, Objective & Methodology 9 t.L Background 9 1,.2 Rationale of study 10 1.3 Aim & objective of the study 10 1..4 Methodology 10 Chapter 2: Monitoring & Sampling Location t2 2.1. Monitoring and Sampling Location 1.2 2.2 Location Map 13 Chapter 3: Applicable Standards t9 3.1 Noise Level Standards 1.9 3,2 Arnbient Air Quality Standards 1.9 3.3 Water Quality Standards 20 Chapter 4: Results and Discussion 2L 4.1 Noise Level and Air Quality Monitoring 21. 4.1,.1, Noise Monitoring (Representing Data in table & graph) 21. 4.1.2 Air Monitoring as Dust particle (Representing Data in data table & graph) 34 4.2 Water Qua lity Monitoring 47 4,3 Overall Result Summary 56 Chapter 5: Recommendation & Conclusion 57 5.1.1 Recommendation for Noise Pollution Control 57 5.1,.2 Recommendation for Air Pollution Control 58 5.1.3 Recommendation for Water Pollution Control 59 5.2 Conclusion 59 Annexure 50 lll s lil 11t ltl n I List of Tables Name of Tables Page No. Table-1: Air quality and noise level monitoring sites and their location 12 Table-2: Water Sampling sites and their location 1_2 Ta ble-3: Noise Level Monitoring Data at Baroiyarhat point-0i, (Beside Foot Over ;;id;;t 21 Table-4: Noise Level Monitoring Data at Baroiyarhat Point-02 (ln front of Municipal office) 23 Ta ble-5: Noise Level Monitoring D;, ,w";hr--p;rt{1 aB"tid" F";, or r BriJc") 25 Table-5: P=]"y:l ygff"UgData at M i rsha ra t_Poi nr-02 ( I n f ront of M u n ici pa I Offi ce) 27 Table-7: at Abu Torab Bazar_point-O1 (Bazar Y'r"_lgygy"_"",9119,Data Mor) _29 Table-8: Noise Level Monitoring Data at Abu Torab Bazar_point-O2 (ln front of 11 No. 31 Moghadiya Union Porishod Bhaban) Table-9: Air Quality Monitoring Data at Baroiyarhat Point-O1" (Beside Foot Over Bridge) 34 Table-10: Air Quality Monitoring Data at Baroiyarhat Point-02 (ln front of Municipal Office) 36 Table-11: Air Quality Monitoring Data at Mirsharai_Point-01 (Beside Foot Over Bridge) 38 T-a!!e 12: Air Quality Monitoring Data at Mirsharai_Point-02 (ln front of Municipal Office) 40 Table-13: Air Quality Monitoring Data at Abu Torab Bazar_point-O1 (Bazar Mor) 42 Table-14: Air Quality Monitoring Data at Abu Torab Bazar_Point-O2 (ln front of 11 No. 44 Moghadiya Union Porishod Bhaban) Table-15: Water Test Results 48 List of Figures Name of Figures Page No. Figu re-1: gggl": p_g r,e I e e 9 -c YirI, r i_We1l Figu re-2: ri n g Locati o i i tlglg!9fgy"_l I9|r|.!o n n M rs h a ra i U pa z i I a 13 Figure-3: Water Sample Collection Point in Mirsharai Upazila t4 Figure-4: Air & Nolse Level Monitoring and Water Sample Collection Point in Mirsharai Upazila 15 at a glance Figure-5: t6 _ejt..i"_y"gf '.t_!l-o_g!_o_fql_-e--r.ggS-)SatelliteMap Figure-6: Baraiyarhat (Municipal Office) Satellite Map 16 Figure-7: Mirsharai (Foot Over Bridge) Satellite Map 16 Mirsharai (Municipal Office) Satellite Map 1.5 Figure-9: Abu Torab Bazar (Bazar Mor) Satellite Map 76 parishad Fj-s.vre-10, Abu Torab (11 No. Moghadiya Union Bhaban)satellite Map 1.6 lig{r*l1i Khaiyachara Canal (West Khaiyachara, 12 No. Khaiyachara Union) 17 Figure-12: Moliyai Canal (Moliyai Village) 17 Figure-L3: lchakhali canal (lchakhali Union) 17 Figure-14: Mohamaya Lake (Near Rubber Dame) I/ i Figure-15: Mohamaya Lake (Chowdhuryhat, Durgapur Union, Beside Durgapur Rahmania Eidgah 17 Maydan) Fig_ure-16:- (Jholonpull, _M_ohaggyg Lgke 6 No. lchakhali Union, Beside Govt. Primary School) 17 'lll - Name of Figures Page No. Figure-17: Baromashi Canal (Between Backside of BSRM & Hill) 18 Figure-18: Baromashi Canal (Beside Dhaka Chittagong Highway, Near BSRM) 18 Figure-19: Baromashi Canal (Between South Side of Chutikha Dighi and North Slde of Jorarganj 18 Bazar in Jorareani) Figure-20: Day Time Noise Level Data Comparison with Standard Limit at Baroiyarhat Point-O1 22 (Beside Foot Over Brldge) Figure-21: NlghtTime Noise Level Data Comparison with Standard Limit at Baroiyarhat Point-O1 22 (Beside Foot Over Bridge) Figure-22: Day Time Noise Level Data Comparison with Standard Limit at Baroiyarhat Point-02 (ln 24 front of Municipal Office) Figure-23: NightTime Noise Level Data Comparison with Standard Limit at Baroiyarhat Point-02 24 (ln front of Municipal Office) Figure-24: Day Time Noise Level Data Comparison with Standard Limit at Mirsharai Point-01 26 (Beside Foot Over Bridge) Figure-25: Night Time Nolse Level Data Comparison with Standard Limit at Mirsharai Point-01 26 (Beside Foot Over Bridse) Figure-26: . Day Time Noise Level Data Comparison with Standard Limit at Mirsharai_Point-02 (ln 28 front of Municipal Office) Figure-Z7: Night Time Noise Level Data Comparison with Standard Limit at Mirsharai Point-02 (ln 28 front of Municipal Office) Figure-28: Day Time Noise Level Data Comparison with Standard Limit at Abu Torab Bazar 30 Point-01, (Bazar Mor) Figure-29: Night Time Noise Level Data Comparison with Standard Limit at Abu Torab Bazar 30 Point-O1 (Bazar Mor) Figure-3O: Day Time Noise Level Data Comparison with Standard Limit at Abu Torab Bazar 32 Point-02 (ln front of 11 No. Moghadiya Union Porishod Bhaban) Figure-31: Night Time Noise Level Data Comparison with Standard Limit at Abu Torab Bazar 32 Point-02 (ln front of 11 No. Moghadiya Unlon Porishod Bhaban) Fieure-32: Average Dav Time Noise Level Data Comparison with Standard Limit at All Location 33 sure-33: Averase Nieht Time Noise Level Data Comparison with Standard Limit at All Location 33 Figure-34: Day Time Air Quality Data Comparison with Standard Limit of ECR 97, US EPA, WHO at 35 Baroiyarhat Point-01 (Beside Foot Over Bridge) Figure-35: Night Time Air Qual ty Data Comparison with Standard Limit of ECR 97, US EPA, WHO 35 at Baroiyarhat Point 01 (Beside Foot Over Bridee) Figure-36: Day Time Air Quality Data Comparison with Standard Limit of ECR 97, US EPA, WHO at 37 Baroiyarhat Point-02 (ln front of Municipal Office) Figure-37: Night Time Air Quality Data Comparison with Standard Limit of ECR 97, US EPA, WHO 37 at Baroiyarhat Point-02 (ln front of Municipal Office) Figure-38: Day Time Air Quality Data Comparison with Standard Limit of ECR 97, US EPA, WHO at 39 Mirsharai Point-01 (Beside Foot Over Bridge) Figure-39: Night Time Air Quality Data Comparison with Standard Limit of ECR 97, US EPA, WHO 39 at Mirsharai Point-O1 (Beside Foot Over Bridge) lll 7 ilt Figure-40: Day Time Air Quality Data Comparison with Standard Limit of ECR 97, US EPA, WHO at 41 Mirsharai_Point-O2 (ln front of Municipal Office) Figure-41: Night Time Air Quality Data Comparison with Standard Limit of ECR 97, US EPA, WHO 41.
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