Success Stories: Pathways for Doubling Farmers’ Income by 2022 in Bihar and Jharkhand Editors Dr. A. Haldar, Principal Scientist, ICAR- ATARI Kolkata Dr. Anjani Kumar, Director, ICAR- ATARI Patna Dr. S. S. Singh, Director, ICAR- ATARI Kolkata Dr. S. K. Roy, Principal Scientist, ICAR- ATARI Kolkata Dr. P. P. Pal, Principal Scientist, ICAR- ATARI Kolkata Dr. S. K. Mondal, Principal Scientist, ICAR- ATARI Kolkata Dr. F. H. Rahman, Principal Scientist, ICAR- ATARI Kolkata Dr. K. S. Das, Principal Scientist, ICAR- ATARI Kolkata ICAR-Agricultural Technology Application Research Institute (ATARI) Patna INDIAN COUNCIL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH Central Potato Research Station P.O. Sahaynagar, Patna- 801506 Bihar SUCCESS STORIES ICAR-ATARI, ZONE IV | i ii | SUCCESS STORIES ICAR-ATARI, ZONE IV Success Stories: Pathways for Doubling Farmers' Income by 2022 in Bihar and Jharkhand Year of Publication: May, 2019 Citation Haldar A, Kumar A, Singh S S, Roy S K, Pal P P, Mondal S K, Rahman F H and Das K S (2019). Success Stories: Pathways for Doubling Farmers' Income by 2022 in Bihar and Jharkhand. ICAR-ATARI, Patna, Zone-IV, Central Potato Research Station, P.O. Sahaynagar, Patna- 801506, Bihar, India Edited by Dr. A. Haldar, Principal Scientist, ICAR-ATARI, Zone-V, Salt Lake, Kolkata, W. B., India Dr. Anjani Kumar, Director, ICAR-ATARI, Patna, Zone-IV, C.P.R.S., Patna, Bihar, India Dr. S. S. Singh, Director, ICAR-ATARI, Zone-V, Salt Lake, Kolkata, W. B., India Dr. S. K. Roy, Principal Scientist, ICAR-ATARI, Zone-V, Salt Lake, Kolkata, W. B., India Dr. P. P. Pal, Principal Scientist, ICAR-ATARI, Zone-V, Salt Lake, Kolkata, W. B., India Dr. S. K. Mondal, Principal Scientist, ICAR-ATARI, Zone-V, Salt Lake, Kolkata, W. B., India Dr. F. H. Rahman, Principal Scientist, ICAR-ATARI, Zone-V, Salt Lake, Kolkata, W. B., India Dr. K. S. Das, Principal Scientist, ICAR-ATARI, Zone-V, Salt Lake, Kolkata, W. B., India Compiled by Smt. B. Ghosh, Senior Research Fellow, ICAR-ATARI, Zone-V, Salt Lake, Kolkata, W. B., India Smt. R. Bhattacharya, Senior Research Fellow, ICAR-ATARI, Zone-V, Salt Lake, Kolkata, W.B, India Published by ICAR-ATARI, Patna, Zone-IV, Central Potato Research Station, Patna- 801506, Bihar, India Disclaimer ICAR-ATARI, Zone-IV, Patna, Bihar, India is not liable for any loss arising due to improper interpretation of the scientific information provided in the document. The editors do not take any responsibility for the contents and issues related to IPR. The authors are solely responsible for the contents of the paper in this publication. Printed at Caps Micrographics Pvt. Ltd. 8/2, Kiran Shankar Roy Road Kolkata-700001, West Bengal © All Rights Reserved ICAR-ATARI, Patna, Zone-IV, Central Potato Research Station, Patna- 801506, Bihar, India SUCCESS STORIES ICAR-ATARI, ZONE IV | iii iv | SUCCESS STORIES ICAR-ATARI, ZONE IV Success Stories: Pathways for Doubling Farmers' Income by 2022 in Bihar and Jharkhand Dedicated To The Farmers, Scientists and Extension Personals SUCCESS STORIES ICAR-ATARI, ZONE IV | v vi | SUCCESS STORIES ICAR-ATARI, ZONE IV JeÉÀef<e Skeb efJeÀmeeve JeÀu³eeve ceb$eer Yeejle mejJeÀej MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE & FARMERS WELFARE jeOee ceesnve efmebn Government of India RADHA MOHAN SINGH mebosMe JeÉÀef<e Yeejleer³e DeLe&k³eemLeeS JeÀer jeræ{ nw efpemeJeÀe jeä£er ³e meJeÀue Iejsuet Glheeeo (peer[erheer) cesb ueieYeie 15 ÒeefleMele JeÀe ³eesieoeve nw~ Fmemes Yeer ceneflkehetCe& ³en nw efJeÀ Yeejle JeÀer DeeOeer mes DeefOeJeÀ Deeyeeoer Deheveer DeepeerefkeJeÀe JesÀ efueS JeÉÀef<e Skeb mebyeà ieefleefkeefOe³eesb hej hetCe& ªhe mes ³ee JeÀeheÀer p³ee oe efveYe&j jnleer nw~ efheÀj Yeer, DeYeer leJeÀ JeÉÀef<e SJeÀ Ghesef#ele #es$e jne nw efpemeJeÀer efkeJeÀeme oj JeÀeheÀer Kejeye DeLe&ele 1 mes 2 ÒeefleMele Leer~ kele&ceeve mejJeÀej JesÀ efvejblej Òe³eemeesb JesÀ JeÀejCe JeÉÀef<e efkeJeÀeme oj 2 ÒeefleMele mes yeæ{JeÀj 4.1 ÒeefleMele nes ieF& nw, pees ³en mebJesÀle osleer nw efJeÀ mejJeÀej Kesleernj Deewj efJeÀmeeveesb JesÀ JeÀu³eemeCe JesÀ efueS iebYeerjleehetke&JeÀ JeÀe³e& JeÀj jner nw~ mejJeÀej JeÀer 5 ke<ees&b cesb efJeÀmeeveesb JeÀer Dee³e JeÀes ogiegvee JeÀjves JeÀer Òeefleyeàlee JeÀes yepeì cesb jsKeebefJeÀle efJeÀ³ee ie³ee nw~ FmeJesÀ Deueekee, hetke&keleer& ³eespeveeDeesb JeÀes Yeer peejer jKeves JesÀ ÒeekeOeeve efJeÀS ieS nwb~ mehesÀo Deewj veerueer Je´Àebefle JesÀ ue#³eesb hej hegve: peesj efo³ee ie³ee nw~ cenlkee JeÀeb#eer ³eespeveeDeesb JeÀer hen®eeve JeÀj GveJeÀe JeÀe³e&evke ³eve efJeÀ³ee pee jne nw leeefJeÀ hetjs mecehe&Ce JesÀ meeLe JeÉÀef<e #es$e JeÀes yeæ{ekee efo³ee pee meJesÀ~ Yeejle mejJeÀej efJeÀmeeveesb JesÀ JeÀu³eefeCe JesÀ efueS Deewj Yeer p³eeeoe ÒeeLeefceJeÀlee os jner nw~ Fme mebyebOe cesb, mejJeÀej JeÉÀef<e #es$e JeÀes meMeJeÌlee yeveeves leLee efJeÀmeeveesb JeÀer DeeefLe&JeÀ efmLeefle cesb megOeej ueeves JesÀ efueS DevesJeÀ efJeÀmeeve JeÀu³eeeCe ³eespeveeDeesb JeÀe JeÀe³e&evkee³eve JeÀj jner nw~ mejJeÀej ves veF& henueesb, ³eespeveeDeesb, JeÀe³e&Je´Àceesb JeÀes Meg© efJeÀ³ee nw Deewj GmeJeÀer ³eespevee meYeer efJeÀmeeveesb JeÀes ueeYe hengb®eeves JeÀer nw~ osMe JesÀ efJeÀmeeve henues mes ceÉoe mkeeMem³w JeÀe[& ³eespevee, jeä£er ³e mLees³eer JeÉÀef<e efceMeve, veerce uesefhele ³etefj³ee, ÒeOeeveceb$eer heÀmeue yeercee ³eespevee, ÒeOeeveceb$eer JeÉÀef<e efmeb®eeF& ³eespevee, hejbhejeiele JeÉÀef<e efkeJeÀeme ³eespevee, jeä£er ³e JeÉÀef<e yeepeej ³eespevee, met#ce<e efmeb®eeF& efveefOe, JeÉÀef<e DeeJeÀefmceJeÀlee ³eespevee, yeejeveer #es$e efkeJeÀeme JeÀe³e&Je´Àce, jeä£er ³e yeejeveer #es$e peuemebYej efkeJeÀeme heefj³eespevee, heMegOeve yeercee ³eespevee, jeä£er ³e ceígDeeje JeÀu³ee<eCe ³eespevee, ie´eceerCe keboejve ³eespevee mes ueeYe Òeehle JeÀj jns nwb Deewj menefJe´À³eekeeoer ÒeefJe´À³ee cesb JeÀF& Deewj heefj³eespeveeSb ®eueeF& ieF& nwb efpevemes efJeÀmeeveesb leLee Kesleer mebyebOeer cegÎesb JeÀe meceeOeeve efJeÀ³ee ie³ee nw~ JeÉÀef<e #es$e cesb DeYeer leJeÀ Òeehlepe meheÀuelee JeÀes Gpeeiej efJeÀ³ee peevee peªjer nw leeefJeÀ meYeer efJeÀmeeveesb JeÀes GJeÌle~ JeÀe³e&Je´Àceesb JesÀ ueeYe Òeehleme JeÀjves JesÀ efueS Dekeiele JeÀje³ee pee meJesÀ~ cegPes ³en peeveJeÀj ye›er ÒemevveJeÀlee nes jner nw efJeÀ YeeJeÉÀDeveghe-Deìejer, heìvee Deewj JeÀesueJeÀelee ves mejJeÀej Deewj jeä£er ³e JeÉÀef<e DevegmebOeeve ÒeCeeueer Üeje GheueyOes JeÀjeF& ieF& mene³elee Deewj ceoo JesÀ peefjS efJeÀmeeveesb JeÀer Dee³e ogiegvee JeÀjves cesb JeÀefLele meheÀuelee ieeLee JeÀer hen®eeve JeÀjves nsleg Ghe³egJeÌlej Deewj mece³e hej JeÀoce Gþe³ee nw~ Fme meheÀuelee ieeLee JeÀe mebJeÀueve Deewj Òemeej JeÀjves JesÀ yeeo Dev³e efJeÀmeeveesb JeÀes osMeYej cesb mLeee³eer Skeb ueeYeÒeo JeÉÀef<e JeÀer Deesj Òeeslmeemeefnle JeÀjves cesb mene³elee efceuesieer~ (jeOee ceesnve efmebn) SUCCESS STORIES ICAR-ATARI, ZONE IV | vii viii | SUCCESS STORIES ICAR-ATARI, ZONE IV Yeejle mejJeÀej JeÉÀef<e DevegmebOeeve Deewj efMe#ee efkeYeeie Skeb Yeejleer³e JeÉÀef<e DevegmebOeeve heefj<eo JeÉÀef<e Skeb efJeÀmeeve JeÀu³eeCe ceb$eeue³e, JeÉÀef<e Yekeve, veF& efouueer 110 001 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH & EDUCATION AND INDIAN COUNCIL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH TRILOCHAN MOHAPATRA, Ph.d. MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND FARMERS WELFARE FNA, FNASc, FNAAAS KRISHI BHAVAN, NEW DELHI 110 001 SECRETARY & DIRECTOR GENERAL Tel. : 23362629; 23386711 Fax 91-11-23384773 E-mail : [email protected] MESSAGE India is expected to achieve the ambitious goal of doubling farmers’ income by 2022. The agricultural sector in India is poised to generate better momentum in the next few years owing to increased investment in agricultural infrastructure such as irrigation facilities, warehousing and cold storage. In addition, the growing use of genetically modified crops will likely improve the yield for Indian farmers. India is also set to become self-sufficient in pulse production in the coming few years due to concerted efforts of scientists to get early maturing varieties of pulses and the timely increase in minimum support price. Among the development initiatives of the government, the goal to double the farmers’ income assumes special into implementation for the welfare of the farmers rather than focusing on increased output. To secure future of agriculture and to improve livelihood of half of India’s population, adequate attention needs to be given to improve the welfare of farmers and raise agricultural income. Achieving this goal will reduce persistent disparity between farm and non-farm income, alleviate agrarian distress, promote inclusive growth and infuse dynamism in the agriculture sector. Respectable income from farm sector will also attract youths towards farming profession and ease the pressure on non-farm job, which is not growing as per the expectation. Research Institutes should come with technological breakthroughs for shifting production frontiers and raising efficiency in use of inputs. ICAR and SAUs should develop models of farming systems for different types of socio-economic and bio-physical settings combining all their technologies in a package with focus on farm income. This would involve combining technology and best practices covering production, protection and post-harvest value addition for each sub-system with other sub-systems like crop sequence, crop mix, livestock, horticulture, fishery, forestry and others. Such shift requires interdisciplinary approach to develop on knowledge of all disciplines. ICAR-Agricultural Technology Application Research Institutes Patna has shouldered a timely responsibility to identify a good number of successful cases related to farming through the KVK network in the eastern part of the country. Documentation of such successful practices by the resource-poor farmers will go a long way to motivate other farmers across the country to contribute significantly towards the noble goal of doubling farmers’ income. I congratulate the entire team of ATARI for the efforts in bringing out this valuable document. Dated the 8th May, 2019 ( T. MOHAPATRA ) New Delhi SUCCESS STORIES ICAR-ATARI, ZONE IV | ix x | SUCCESS STORIES ICAR-ATARI, ZONE IV MESSAGE Agriculture continues to remain the major pillar of the Indian economy.
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