E528 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 11, 2020 core of the American ideal. This inalienable, RICK CRAWFORD, ELISE STEFANIK, and WILL ing through driving a record attendance over undeniable right is enshrined as the First HURD, to celebrate 140 years of diplomatic re- the past three consecutive years by more than Amendment of our Constitution. A free press lations between the United States and Roma- 50 Romanian companies to the United States keeps government in check and our commu- nia. SelectUSA Summit; nities informed. Whereas, the United States established dip- Whereas, in 2018, as Romania celebrated The Houston Chronicle provides critical in- lomatic relations with Romania in June 1880; its Unification Centennial, Governors from al- formation to our community. This award re- Whereas, the United States regards Roma- most all 50 U.S. States issued Proclamations flects their commitment to a free press. nia as an important ally in Central and South- to congratulate Romanians and Romanian- Through their stellar reporting and top-notch east Europe, which is setting an example of Americans on that historic milestone, illus- writing, the people that make up the ranks of steady commitment to democratic leadership, trating the close ties and friendship that exist the Chronicle have made Houston home to national and transatlantic security, and eco- between our nations and our people; the best newsroom in the entire state. nomic development; Whereas, during the first half of 2019 Ro- On behalf of the 22nd Congressional District Whereas, the United States and Romania mania conducted its first Presidency of the of Texas, congratulations to the Houston have developed a strategic partnership built Council of the European Union and promoted Chronicle on receiving this well-earned and on longstanding friendship, historical ties and a successful agenda advancing important deserved distinction. a joint promise to advancing the security and U.S.-EU goals such as energy security, intel- f prosperity of their citizens and communities; lectual property, human rights and regional co- Whereas, the United States recognizes and operation across the Balkans and the Black HONORING DR. CLINTON VASSETT appreciates Romania’s lasting efforts to mod- Sea area; TURNER, SR. ernize its armed forces and meet its NATO Whereas, in 2019 Romanians all across burden-sharing commitments as one of the America commemorated 30 years since Ro- HON. A. DONALD McEACHIN leading NATO members to allocate 2 percent mania’s liberation from the former communist OF VIRGINIA of its gross domestic product (GDP) for de- regime, a powerful reminder of the fall of the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES fense spending; Iron Curtain in 1989 and a celebration of the Whereas, the Romanian Armed Forces triumphant call of freedom, liberty and dignity; Thursday, June 11, 2020 have supported NATO and United States op- Whereas, over more than a century succes- Mr. MCEACHIN. Madam Speaker, I would erations in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other thea- sive generations of Romanian-Americans have like to take this opportunity to honor and rec- tres for almost two decades, contributing more contributed their resources of talent and entre- ognize the esteemed Dr. Clinton Vassett Tur- than 30,000 total combat and support per- preneurship to American progress, and their ner, Sr., a public servant and educator who sonnel to those missions, fighting alongside rich cultural heritage represents a most pre- dedicated his life to promoting the welfare of U.S. service members, and helping to protect cious feature of the American society; others. vital security interests; Whereas, during these times of unprece- Dr. Turner left a lasting legacy, and the Whereas, Romania as a member of the dented challenge caused by the Covid–19 Commonwealth of Virginia is indebted to him Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS has deployed pandemic crisis the United States and Roma- for his years of service to our institutions of military trainers to train Iraqi Security Forces, nia are strengthening their partnership, helping higher education. I greatly admire his dedica- provided humanitarian assistance to the peo- each other in meaningful ways such as U.S. tion to academia, and the capable leadership ple of Iraq arid Syria, and is making remark- assistance with targeted funds and medical that he brought to the roles he assumed, in- able efforts to support combatting international emergency equipment, and Romanian support cluding at Virginia State University, Virginia terrorism, including through critical intelligence for the swift repatriation of U.S. nationals over- Tech, and the Virginia state government. sharing with Coalition partners; seas, and working together to enhance their As the first African-American in the nation to Whereas, Romania has been a leading na- mutual security and economic recovery and hold a cabinet-level position in a state depart- tion in providing cybersecurity support to prosperity; ment of agriculture, Dr. Turner succeeded in NATO and its partners, and the first country to Whereas, as a sign of solidarity and friend- the face of adversity and became a role model have entered into a Memorandum of Under- ship between the Romanian and the American for young people across our Commonwealth. standing with the U.S. Government on the se- people, Romania has sent its first medical and Dr. Turner was recognized countless times for cure implementation of fifth generation wire- expert support and advisory mission to the his remarkable achievements, including receiv- less communications (5G) technology aimed State of Alabama, assigning 15 Romanian ing the 1994 Virginia Man of the Year Award, at protecting critical security infrastructure from doctors, medical staff and chemical and bio- and the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State disruption and interference; logical risk experts to exchange best practices University Agricultural Alumni Organization Whereas, Romania has been a driving force and assist local Covid–19 efforts in care facili- Distinguished Service Citation. I am especially leading to the establishment of the Three ties, nursing homes and hospitals across Ala- pleased to see his name memorialized as the Seas Initiative, and one of the first countries to bama, thus strengthening our mutual capabili- first Virginian in the George Washington invest in the Three Seas Initiative Investment ties to fight the virus pandemic and protect the Carver Public Service Hall of Fame. Fund, which aims at increasing energy inde- health and lives of our citizens; Dr. Turner challenged us to work with hum- pendence and infrastructure connectivity Whereas, 2020 marks the 140th anniversary ble devotion to improve the lives of those across Central Europe thereby strengthening of diplomatic relations between the United around us, and I have no doubt that his legacy the United States and European security; States and Romania: Now, therefore, be it will continue to inspire generations of young Whereas, Romania has been a champion of Resolved, That the House of Representa- men and women to pursue a life of service energy security in Europe, supporting the U.S. tives— through academic excellence. Government’s Partnership for Transatlantic (1) celebrates the 140th anniversary of dip- Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join Energy Cooperation (P–TEC) initiative as lomatic relations between the United States me in expressing our deepest condolences to leading partner on civil nuclear energy, helping and Romania and congratulates Romania and Dr. Turner’s family, and in honoring his life’s to develop the next generation of nuclear tech- the Romanian people for their historic achieve- work. nologies, and entering into a Memorandum of ments as a nation and their steadfast pursuit f Understanding with the U.S. Government on of democratic, political, social and economic strategic civil nuclear cooperation; progress; CELEBRATING 140 YEARS OF DIP- Whereas, the United States and Romania (2) reaffirms the close bonds between the LOMATIC RELATIONS WITH RO- have been deepening their economic relation- United States and Romania, based on their MANIA ship through increased bilateral trade and in- common commitment to the values of free- vestment, and Romania in 2017 hosted the dom, liberal democracy, rule of law and eco- HON. DEVIN NUNES tenth annual U.S. Commercial Service Trade nomic prosperity; OF CALIFORNIA Winds Forum and Trade Mission, helping (3) recognizes and appreciates Romania’s IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES American companies boost exports across principled standing for transatlantic unity and Southeast Europe; solidarity, and its leadership and contribution Thursday, June 11, 2020 Whereas, the Governments of the United to advancing close U.S.-EU relations; Mr. NUNES. Madam Speaker, I rise along States and Romania are working closely to- (4) calls on the Executive Branch of the with Representatives MIKE CONAWAY, MICHAEL gether to develop an ambitious bilateral eco- U.S. Government to continue to strengthen the TURNER, BRAD WENSTRUP, CHRIS STEWART, nomic, trade, and investment agenda, includ- strategic partnership between the United VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:43 Jun 12, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A11JN8.005 E11JNPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with REMARKS June 11, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E529 States and Romania and to find new ways to knew him. He was described as a passionate, Arts degree in Sociology from Catawba Col- leverage, support and develop the friendship caring, and happy man with a giant heart. lege and a Master’s Degree in School Admin- and cooperation between our two nations. Chris loved his community and worked tire- istration and Curriculum from the University of f lessly to break down racial barriers. North Carolina at Pembroke. Jason served as He played offensive line at Indiana Univer- a role model to many young people in Rich- PERSONAL EXPLANATION sity from 2000 to 2004 and on three state mond County, where he taught mathematics championship-winning teams during his high while coaching football, baseball, and basket- HON.
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