/ ' »7 T?qa|p7 .fW. ' L - V ol. MERIDEN, CONNBCTICITT, WEDNESDAY, MAY 26, 1869. W a o ih No^ 3 04 'ITn-rc :^rver Wmi*. Tlse ■.mbwr .Hawcmacmt. ItaM Blitvr MIm . *fll« Aimln Some 6 t tHe tiitiaiiis o f Heriden drinli In demand—bean poles. water—aAd some do not. th i t the dtitiea of life itb iitdte than life it- Tliero navnr wss nii earthly dream The movement wliich now demandH An Artbt tn n sta—ToaBnjrDefamui. little girl with eyes so blue, fteif. Is i U-iitb ti^at is pHiljiU to every indi- Mr. G<t>Fge S» TeflVcy is sometimes »)f beatlly and dollRlit, ronsideration is known as “ labor re- Hair ao golden, heart so Uue, thinner than a shingle—th a t’s When he They are n’t a a f stooes piled np abont Vidiial; Td Hr6 cMihproiionds far more than That mli>i;li'(l not too noon with clouds. dw tom pofv aow. Stepa so JoJoOB, "o bright. is a shating; Ah HTtn-ritVH with tlio niglit— form.” It is not insignificant in charac­ Lit with warm and loving light; A iia baling, drinking uid sleeping of every The senior department dl the schoiii iH Tliut fadml not fn>m the fond heart ter, nor unworthv of careful attention. Frank Carter is about qpria, laoUng Plfia lovea tils darling cliild, day okisteiico. Qif'te^d, as niaii is, with an Where oiioo it loved to »t*y( From all parts of the country come tin- qniieaswallatmr. Gsiod and gentle, pure snd mIH; active biqulrins ihind; bttd^ed with intel- the railroad district will be examined to And loft that beritt nlofe deisolato Loves eacEu«lf ........... morrow afternoon. Lyon&Bilhml have re-pnuted their Iocttialind ili(irtip()Wetn; with a heart sensi- Fur hariiifi felt its sway. voices of the Workingmen, or of those office, m l arc buildiag M«'’«ial biub And best of The boy who was caught looking into whd pretend to speak for them. Tlie tivn thd iMva to pleaanra and aorrow; the There never was a glad, bright eye, ~ Where are the “ Qainoie* ” this season/. tt»« dtMm, Ht»» dkiigiiie*- mUi^ the future has been arrested for trying to two great points upon wliich they insist, Cmw. re-oqpnfae, bojre; Im ’« mmkm lti< m a Ufe is ikoi^l bM fMl- sunshine; ends and aima of hia exiatenoe are lofty as the see tho show withoui pavinp. lJut it waH dimmed with tears, real Jolly plan ihia I heavena, and far above the little plans and CaUHod bv Huuli griefs as ever dull arc that the laborer works too long and And iiw fVtUU'o soon must be The iJtaM^UlA^ra tit ^ow York declare in Let us have fiilth that riglit makei might, and in Chandler is ^ing to Europe. If Eng­ Tho muiHliinc of our years; Charlie Gallacer says the best Hk« lo-day and yesterday, schomea of Ufa and enjoyment, which now so that liiith let us dare to do osf duty ai ws undenuuid too hard and gets too little pay. Ad­ Bringing some new Joy so rars. favw miMrawal from all party aflilintions 11.’’—Assaham LiNCOLHc land should seize him as a prisoner of Wi> look ui«in tlie sweetost flower— ■WM igmjMu aach tie i»»-pt»wy ladl«i «ni Dea’I of the past snd in favor of sending working­ much occupy and engross the thoughts Of men. T is withered soon, and gone; ded to this is another complaint, often Cbwliewa-------------- Without trial, want, or care. men to the legldaturee. war, she would do us a favor. Hlwkspaara aiwaka of "the touch of natuie" lialMrlmKAIniM lilMiM vc v e T i m e to W« i;a/.o upon a star, to find urged, against the high rate of interest Many of our Meriden people contesa- Would a fatb«*-^ could aaa This is really aglorious May dav. Themontli Mr. Bergh’s latest victim is a fellow But darkness where it shone. pbie taki^ a nip over the n«iic nttraad » SaBram- What Ms U l s t e r s future'U h a; of the Itowers seems to have detormllu)d to which UuikeB tU ni«il “ IHit,'* tlnUii« them to- Mtii a y j who undertook the difficult and doubtless Tlie great mistake, which these agita­ O3co» dunng the aaoMMr. ^ jethei:l»ir*)kMiai()iibdiid of brotherhood. So Tliere never was a noble heart, Bland between her and tbe wroog TtaHttcato herself. Tlie effoH li*a oltr best Let us look for a moiMnt at the ques- painful task of skinning a live dog. A mind of worth and power, tors always make, is that of insisting Qinte a number of pretty evergieca Help her to bo good and strong; wishes* o live as to benefit the human race, rather The report that Mr. Gilmore has failed upon existence of a hostility between Tliat had not, in this ohangefiil world, £ 2 - e r « ^ May she be the tbtaig that's li& t |tom« tMpetl lutVA bdon discussing Grant's tlian to act aa a bane and an injury, seama the tionol time. SupposeMse k laborer to work to securc the “ lunar bow ’’ for his jubilee I’ain, miHo^, for Its dower: rapitiil and labor. We have the great­ As best she ean with all her might. migiott. At least we can safely assort tliat he duty of ovety one. There is no doubt that an was started by a New York mooncalf. Tbe laurel on the brow hath hid There will be a public uutallation of U not “ wotse than an infidel," for ho “ provid- ten hours, and to deyoi4 tw(two hours per est symiKitliy with the class known as kenef 3t. Ehaor»Mi«liry,al Mamie IMH act of charity or benevolenoe done to another from many a careless eye eth for bis own family." (iay to meals, and going and from work, Phoebus Dana has been mulcted in the Tho secret of the soul within. the workinmon. Bnt wc cannot uphold <m ........................ am , aUfc. Thera, will be no use in getting veiy much creates itt ttia hilnian liaart a melody sweeter sum of one hundred thousand dollars for Its blight and agony. If yon would haveytwwiffccanyon a intereeted about Winnecke'a omnst now kp- There remain twelve f c out of the publishing Young’s Night Thoughts. nor sy inpatliise with the efibrts of those than the divineat hannony, and btinga a re­ There never was—there can not bo proadiing tbe eartl^for It la said lobe a small ward far more preotoua than the diamondaof twenty-four. Allow n i^ hours of this A man in Meriden is said to be so stin­ who, pretending to represent the labor­ i>ri«an <gbm art a m j ittm h M ste *■ affkir and has no tftu. On earth a precious spring. therioheatmtaiea, or the wealth of gokL And gy that when be cries he saves the tears Whose waters to tho fevered lip ing man, seek to create dissatisfiMstion, .^Ih tiie pdice court thia morning, Taist,] for sleep—an hourmoilMhan necessary M r.] •M- Of itsaadandbittar bour,^ inpomiiiwthejoamey of Ufa—a rugged and to get the salt—[Derby Transcript. JName Unfailing we may bring: Of tba tboma without tba f l o ^ t Ihonaa Boot was flned three doUars and costa (or most persons—but 1^ nine hours ; liim, please. AU disi«eUi tnoM fordrunkennaaa, and h» default of payment, thorny pathway tniljr, with few flowers to Tattohamtola^andM ^ thiee oi leisure remain. % e t fnpBoee one The first day • little boy went to ediool Or^ilhftMMM tM M . When the heart breaks all tbe while, was oonunitted to Jail at Mew Haven. adorn it,—it Is well to rametttber that aU have -O. Iiii Ibarjnfkili Whita ijraoroeHi D ai^ ta r HIM, yonll bava yonr aban A gentleman from abroad has In oontampla- hour out of the tfiree tq b e .a f m t wMi' tb*-teacher asbMl him if. he could lUdUu ihokldMk oarea, trouhlea, and aorrow, whkih a little Und> «Yefev«ir.' ‘W e lU iw ip js w Flonr maat oocm down. O f w ^ tUnga, to anrely bear; tiontbe eatablishmcut at the " of ase* the family, there are s^KtWO. lm m «f TWtaptattona d l of im i higher neaa may alleviate, if not remove. It ia well Ml OMwr lo m . po» ligherlaw tluin any enactment of man, Book kw r is kanonncad. And human aliangth at baat ia ftaO; to remember that time for quiet study. NwlWHtihldll Beih tirii'me annual meeting of the state that governs and regulates the rehitions. IKwatd iMil joar flaimd. But whan tbay ooaa, kaapaatout haart, days from the calculatioaj, and «ll«w one hom^athlcinedifcal sM:lety,Dt. Wilson, Hatm re te «lte VIeMn. The end of tha sMrth gnai^iiole at the ifMrlloUer. Each one of m muat do onr part ( fisn Wade, bat lato abnoat preaident. baa Ev I hi of laiior and capital. It is t^ la w of <irao« Boo|in >re the n ^ . Mn tendered Horace Oreeley'a oaatHiir ahoea sscular [evening for aa#em ent solely, of this city , was elected librarian, and Those who did not, weelu ago, visit the JS-aTStetM SSiTSiteilSJ And lemamber, UtUe u M m . and that benevdenoe consisto not alone hi supply and deimaifl So fo ^ as En- ■fcM k. AenyMwilriMytkallHMie M l hare EiLkame \-our atnw liatx. Each bartanilathU with iM c h lii M an aaFaoiflo railroad oommissianer.
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