EVALUATION OF THE CARD AND UNICEF CASH TRANSFER PILOT PROJECT FOR PREGNANT WOMEN AND CHILDREN IN CAMBODIA Annexes – Volume II September 2017 – March 2018 Cambodia EVALUATION REPORT EVALUATION T EVALUATION REPORT APRIL 2018 Photo Credit © UNICEF Cambodia/2012/Andy Brown EVALUATION REPORT EVALUATION OF THE CARD AND UNICEF CASH TRANSFER PILOT PROJECT FOR PREGNANT WOMEN AND CHILDREN IN CAMBODIA Annexes – Volume II September 2017 – March 2018 Cambodia Authors: Ashish Mukherjee (Team Leader), Kriti Gupta on behalf of IPE Global Limited, New Delhi, India and Dr. Chey Tech on behalf of Dynamic Alliance Consulting (DAC) Group Co., Ltd, Cambodia Submitted to the Council for Agricultural and Rural Development and UNICEF Cambodia Country Office on 31 March 2018 APRIL 2018 iii Evaluation of the CARD and UNICEF Cash Transfer Pilot Project for Pregnant Women and Children EVALUATION OF THE CARD AND UNICEF CASH TRANSFER PILOT PROJECT FOR PREGNANT WOMEN AND CHILDREN IN CAMBODIA: Annexes (Volume II) © United Nations Children’s Fund, Phnom Penh, 2018 United Nations Children’s Fund P.O. Box 176 Phnom Penh, Cambodia 12201 [email protected] April 2018 UNICEF Cambodia produces and publishes evaluation reports to fulfill a corporate commitment to transparency. The reports are designed to stimulate the free exchange of ideas among those interested in the study topic and to assure those supporting UNICEF work that it rigorously examines its strategies, results and overall effectiveness. The evaluation of the CARD and UNICEF Cash Transfer Pilot Project for Pregnant Women and Children in Cambodia was prepared by Ashish Mukherjee and Kriti Gupta on behalf of IPE Global Limited with contribution from Dr. Chey Tech, Dynamic Alliance Consulting (DAC) Group Co., Ltd, Cambodia. The evaluation was jointly commissioned by the Council for Agricultural and Rural Development and UNICEF Cambodia and managed by the evaluation management team comprising Erica Mattellone, Evaluation Specialist (UNICEF Cambodia); Phaloeuk Kong, M&E Officer (UNICEF Cambodia); Kimsong Chea, Social Policy Specialist (UNICEF Cambodia) and Sambo Pheakdey, Chief of Pension Department (Ministry of Economy and Finance), assisted by Cody Minnich, Evaluation Intern (UNICEF Cambodia) and Elizabeth Fisher, Evaluation Intern (UNICEF Cambodia). It was supported by Reference Group members H.E. Sann Vathana, Deputy Secretary General (Council for Agricultural and Rural Development); Maki Kato, Chief of Social Inclusion and Governance (UNICEF Cambodia); Sophannha Chhour, Director of Social Welfare Department (Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans, and Youth Rehabilitation); Betina Ramirez Lopez, Social Protection Technical Officer (International Labor Organization (ILO) Cambodia); Jillian Popkins, Chief of Social Policy (UNICEF China); Rim Nour, Consultant (UNICEF Regional Office for East Asia and the Pacific (EAPRO)) and Som Sophorn, Chief of Zone Office (UNICEF Siem Reap Zone Office). Further, the Regional Evaluation Adviser, Riccardo Polastro, (UNICEF EAPRO), and Evaluation Officer, Hiroaki Yagami (UNICEF EAPRO) provided guidance and oversight throughout. The purpose of this report is to facilitate exchange of knowledge among UNICEF personnel and its partners. The contents do not necessarily reflect the policies or views of UNICEF. The text has not been edited to official publication standards and UNICEF accepts no responsibility for error. The designations in this publication do not imply an opinion on the legal status of any country or territory, or of its authorities, or the delimitation of frontiers. The copyright for this report is held by the United Nations Children’s Fund. Permission is required to reprint, reproduce, photocopy or in any other way cite or quote from this report in written form. UNICEF has a formal permission policy that requires a written request to be submitted. For non-commercial uses, permission will normally be granted free of charge. Please write to UNICEF Cambodia to initiate a permission request. ii Evaluation of the CARD and UNICEF Cash Transfer Pilot Project for Pregnant Women and Children Title: EVALUATION REPORT FOR THE EVALUATION OF THE CARD AND UNICEF CASH TRANSFER PILOT PROJECT FOR PREGNANT WOMEN AND CHILDREN IN CAMBODIA Geographic Region of the Pilot: Prasat Bakong District, Siem Reap Province, Cambodia Timeline of the Evaluation: September 2017 – March 2018 Date of the Report: 31 March 2018 Country: Cambodia Evaluators: Ashish Mukherjee and Kriti Gupta for IPE Global Limited, India; and Dr. Chey Tech for Dynamic Alliance Consulting (DAC) Group Co., Ltd, Cambodia Name of the Organization The Council for Agricultural and Rural Development Commissioning the Evaluation: (CARD) and United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) in Cambodia iii Evaluation of the CARD and UNICEF Cash Transfer Pilot Project for Pregnant Women and Children ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS 4Ps Pantawid Pamilyang Philipino Project ADB Asian Development Bank ADRA Adventist Development and Relief Agency ANC ante-natal check-up AMK AMK Microfinance Institution Plc BCC behaviour change communication BCG Bacillus Calmette–Guérin BDT Bangladeshi taka BFP Bolsa Familia Programme BLT Bantuan Langsung Tunai BPS Badan Pusat Statistik CARD Council for Agricultural and Rural Development CBT community-based targeting CC commune council CCT conditional cash transfer CCWC Commune Committee for Women and Children CDHS Cambodia Demographic and Health Survey CEDAC Community Economic Development Assistance Corporation CSG Child Support Grant CSO Civil Society Organization CT cash transfer CWD Child Welfare Department DCWC District Committee for Women and Children DDC District Development Committee DFID Department for International Development EAPRO Regional Office for East Asia and the Pacific EMT evaluation management team FGD focus group discussion GEROS Global Evaluation Reports Oversight System GOI Government of Indonesia HC Health Centre HEF health equity fund HH household IDPoor identification of poor households programme ILO International Labour Organization IP3 3-year Implementation Plan iv Evaluation of the CARD and UNICEF Cash Transfer Pilot Project for Pregnant Women and Children ISO International Organization for Standardization IT information technology KAP knowledge, attitudes and practices KAPE Kampuchean Action for Primary Education KII key informant interview LBM Línea de Bienestar Mínimo (minimum well-being line) MEF Ministry of Economy and Finance M&E monitoring and evaluation MFI microfinance institution MIS management information system MoEYS Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport MoH Ministry of Health MoP Ministry of Planning MoSVY Ministry of Social Affairs, Veteran and Youth Rehabilitation MMR Measles, Mumps, and Rubella NSCB National Statistical Coordination Board NCDD-S National Committee for Sub-National Democratic Development Secretariat NGO non-governmental organization NSPPF National Social Protection Policy Framework OECD/ DAC Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development/ Development Assistance Committee PhP Philippine Peso PMT Proxy Means Test POS point of sale PKH Program Keluarga Harapan QMS quality management system RGC Royal Government of Cambodia Rp Indonesian rupia SAE Small Area Estimates SAM Severe Acute Malnutrition SEDESOL Secretaria de Desarollo Social SNC Safety Net Beneficiary Cell SNDD Sub-National Democratic Development SP social protection SPA Safety Net Program Assistant ToC theory of change ToR terms of reference v Evaluation of the CARD and UNICEF Cash Transfer Pilot Project for Pregnant Women and Children UNDP United Nations Development Programme UNEG United Nations Evaluations Group UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund US$ United States Dollar VHSG village health support group WBG World Bank Group ZAR South African Rand vi Evaluation of the CARD and UNICEF Cash Transfer Pilot Project for Pregnant Women and Children TABLE OF CONTENTS ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................................................. iii Annex 1. Terms of Reference ........................................................................................................................ 1 Annex 2. Poverty Estimates for Cambodia .................................................................................................. 13 Annex 3. Nutrition and Health indicators ..................................................................................................... 16 Annex 4. Analysis of IDPoor Data for Select Provinces .............................................................................. 18 Annex 5. Evidence of Selected Cash Transfer Projects .............................................................................. 20 Annex 6. Commune-wise IDPoor Data ........................................................................................................ 30 Annex 7. Transfer Amount, Co-responsibilities for Bonus Transfer ............................................................ 31 Annex 8. Cash Transfer Pilot Implementation Steps ................................................................................... 33 Annex 9. Stakeholder Analysis .................................................................................................................... 34 Annex 10. Evaluation Matrix, Indicative Questions to Guide Development of Data Collection Tools and Analytical Framework for the Evaluation ...................................................................................... 38 Annex
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