San Jose State University SJSU ScholarWorks Special Libraries, 1922 Special Libraries, 1920s 11-1-1922 Special Libraries, November 1922 Special Libraries Association Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1922 Part of the Cataloging and Metadata Commons, Collection Development and Management Commons, Information Literacy Commons, and the Scholarly Communication Commons Recommended Citation Special Libraries Association, "Special Libraries, November 1922" (1922). Special Libraries, 1922. 9. https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1922/9 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Libraries, 1920s at SJSU ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Special Libraries, 1922 by an authorized administrator of SJSU ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Special Libraries ADELAIDE R. HASSE. Editor, Office of the Assistant Secretary of War Washington, D. C. Vol. 13 Nowmlwr, 1932 No. 9 Recent Books on Labor in the United 'States COMPILED BY EDNA L. STONE Library, U. S Department of Lab;r Academy of Polltical Science, New York. lT1llto13. .John .\ I:yan, F. Ernest John- Constructive experiments in lndustr~al cooperation between employers and el- ployees; a series of atldresses and papers . .New Yorlr, 1922. 256 p. (Its Pro- ~IIII~(~I~~S~:IIIII(%rkt1~11 0~~~~1l!iat11~1is, ceedings, vol. ix, no. 4). American Federation of Labor Railway employees' dept . Presentation n~acle'by the Railway em- ployes' tlepartn~entof the American Fed- eration of Labor before the United States Railroad Labor Board, Chicago, Illinois, 1921, in rcply ta the objections of the railroads as presented by the Con- ference committee of managers of the Railroads and buslness prosperity; a Ass~ciation of railway executives. Na- scrics of addresses and papeiss presented tional agreement, federated shop crafts at the annual meeting . April 28, . Chicago, Ill., Bronson Canode Print- 1922 . New Tork, 1922. 130 p. (Its ing Co. [I9211 8 v. Proceedings, vol, x, no. I!,. T'ulume h IS made up of studles used as The first part, entltlerl T,abor provlh1011S testimony 111 the caw, as follows of tho Tr:unsportnl~on .1c'1." crlntnins artl- Spec~licvases cailcd by Mr. IVli~ter at18 cles by 1-1. R. Seagcr. F H. U~xon.C R. emplowes' rcl~uttal111 connection therewith. Hciscrman, W A', 1)onlc and I1 '1'. Hunt -13umxn st:~ndarcls and railroad po1lcy.- Allen, Henry J. Thi~work of the l':ulway cartnen -1nadc- quncies of 1.allrni1y mana&+lnrnt, parts I-IV. The party of the third part;. the story -Stanil:u~dizaHon -Occupntion 11aaa1A of of the Kansas industrial relat~onscourt iall\vxy slio~lnen-The unity of the hmerl- New York and London, Harper 'an l'ali\~~iyh\'stern.-Ind~~stl.j~l relations on p. Ixllronds ~r~ol'to l!Ili -Pun~t~veovertime - [iiml 283 1:ulcs prior to Niitionnl agreement.-The Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America. s:~nc.tion of the eight-hour day -Thp rccog- Education dept. n~tlon of human sLanclards In industry.- Amalgamated illustrated almanac, Rnlll'oatl hoards of labor adjustn1cnt.-gen- lority rules of the Nnt~onal agreement.- 1923. New York, Education department The develonment of collective bargaining- on of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers :I national bam of America, 1922. 96 p. ~llus. Anthracite Bureau of Information, Phila- - Research dept. delphia The clothing workers of Chicago, 1910- The anthracite strike of 1922; a 1922. Chicago, The Chicago joint board, chronological statement of the communi- Amalganlatecl Clothing Workers of cations and negotiations between the Amcrica, 1922. 424 p. front., plates. hard coal operators and the United Mine Prcpared under the rln.ection of hlr. Lco Workers of America, including the an- Wolman, with the co-operation of bliss Eleanor hlack. Mr. T-T I<. I-Ierwits, and Mr thracite operators' reply to the miners' Pal11 Wander demand,s and embodying a plan for avoid- Amerlcan Academy of Political and Social ing future suspensions . Philadelphia, Science. Pa., Anthracite bureau of information Industrial relations and the churches . [I9221 35 p. illus. with a supplement: A study in labar Archbald, Hugh. mobility . Philadelphia, American The four hour day in coal;.a study of academy of political and social science, the re1,atian between the eng~neeringof 1922. 234 p. (Its Annals, v. 103 Sep- the organization of work and the discon- tember, 1922). tent lamong the workers in the coal mines. SPECIAL, LIERAKIES Brown, Waldo R., (;om]>. What's what in the labor movcmcnl: n tlictionaly of labor terlninol~gy. fiw I or!<. Tork, Huebs:h, 1021. 57li I?. Miccellalleous statemenls. etc., in con- Bud~en,F. S, ncctirn with Iiealinps hefore the United Craft unlonlsln vcrsus ~nrlustrinlunion- Statcs Ra~lroadlah~r b~ard cuncernlng ism, by F. S. Eurlpen tuitl I.. Cotton, New the vario~snationnl agre?menth and thc k'orl.;, The National esccutive committee, rules and wxliing cmditions ~-equesteclby S11~121llbt 1~b3r~tll'ly, 1922. 32 11. various uigaiiizati~ns . [Ncw I'clrlc? BLI~c~,Harry R. 19211 50 11. Aniwican economic life in its clvic antl --9trte;nen.q m:ltlc by the Association of railnay csecul lves, I':rnferc~lcc c:mmittr~. cf nlanaqers, before the UniLrtl Statc-, Rnilroatl 131i11rbo:lril, Cliic:l$:), Illlnoia . , In connc:.l~.11 with the ohjectiom of thc 1-ailrci~tl~t:r tlie various 6s-callcd nati~nal arr~~ments,:i1::~ (.hjectim~to 1'111c\ t~nd Prol)lems of Aniericnn cleiiioc~~acy;poli- tical, cc~nomicantl mclal, by Hnrry Reed Eurch nntl S. 1Ii1\\;1~tlPt~ltclwrn. New Yorl;. JIacmill:~n, 1!12, li01 p. ('i~nL.li~~rI~I~I~~I~~IIJII 111 1111' 11111llb11'1.11 1P\- Attcrbbry. Willlam VI/ UIU~I~JII. I PIAVII ,I,. 4 : LII'.:II,I~~I I:IIIIII1.11- Testimo~yof n'. I!. XLkrbury, ice- ol~c~';t~~r~nI.IIIOI. ii~tnl l.i~~~iIi~l.('IJII~I.I\:I- j~rc~identIn charge c ;:l:eriltion OF the tlllll l~fI:l!IOl'. ~1~1111~~111~111 IIPIIIK Fenwyl\nn;a system, 1xl:rc thc United Bureau of Industrial Research. States R~ilrclatl I:lbor board, Chicaco, Worlters' cc1nca:ion. Hcv. crl.; American Illinol?, J1ar:li 21. 22, 23, 1021 [Phila- esperimeiits (v;!Lh a I'ew Coreic~i es- delphia'? 19211 211 1:. a~nples). (,Julie 95ih, 1921) by Arthur Beman. Lamar T.. cunlu. Glcnaon. I Selv I'o~li,Bureau ul' intlus- ha1I e~enrcli,19211 R7 1). s:Iccted nrtic'lcs 3;1 the closcrl shnl~ "\Vh:~t 1:; 1'1. 111 . :i I~ll~l~~ji~~iil~li\1111 \\ 111'lil'l'h' Kew Yc.rk, H. W. 1Y~L211Co., 1921. 197 ctll~~~~tL~rr~iI), 77-G, p. (The liantlbnok series) B~~reauof Information of the Eastern Rail.. ('lllll.~III~.l ~~lI~IiO~l'illlll\. ways, Sew Yorlc. Bing, Alexander M Statements I 11 behnlf of castcrn rail- ?Yay-time st1.11~~9and t11e:r atljustn~ent roads 11rfo1-c Uni:ccl States Railroad labor Kc\v Y31'k. Dutton, 1:131. 320 p. clia.crs I~oard,Chica(:n, Ill. Wage reduelion case, Bloch, Louis. hlarcli ?!I1 lo Apr~l2itI1, 1!122,. (-411 The coal mincrs' Iniecurltg; facts about classes of employes, escent engine and irrezularity of enlploymcnt in the bitum- lr:lin service) lNcw York? 19221 108 11. incus coal industry In tlie United Ststes, - by Louis Bloch, Soy the Department of in- SVarrc and servicc clntn, various classes dustrial studies, Russell Sag(? Sounrlation. of railr-xl mployces, Octcber, 1!)15,. Oc- Kew York, Russell Sage fmntlation, 1922. tober, 1917, JIarch, 1920, and Decrsion 60 p. diagrs. (Russell Slgc foundation. No. 147. [Ncw York? 19221 1JEi tab. Division of ~ndustrlalstudies. 'Pamphlets 14hltll~~tpt'cw't~ted IJV .lo1111 C;. l\':lll)e~. 111.- IS 5) ttll.c lllc KJIII'LI~LCIIc1bor boarll. Bonnett, Clarence E. Callen, Ernest G. Employers' associations in the Unitcd Administration of the workmen's com- States a study of Lyplcal assxiations. pensation act of Nebraska . Lincoln, New Yorli. h1acmillan. 1922. 394 a. Neb., 1921. G2 11. incl. forms. Thc.;~.: (11 A l-l'~~l\ers~tyIJI ,l't~l~rnsli:~. I:lllllllpl:1plly 1) .SS-IjZ Cestre, Charles. Bowers, Edlson L., comp. Production inclnstri~lleet justicc socisle The closecl union shop is justifiable. en AmPrique. Paris, ~arniei.ErEres, 1021. The case for the closed union shop with 342 11. illus., fold. tab. (Biblioth&quc appendix, including bibliography. Conq~. cl'inforination sociale) by Ed~son L. Bowers and dlfred G. "13ll~llo~1~~l1hl~~'' p ~H-X~Y Buehler. [3cl ed.. rev.] (Tiffin, O., The -- Advertiser Co.1 1922. 47 g. L'usine et I'habitat~on ouvri&re aus C'c~mp~le~lfrom I)r~risof the clel~;tt~ngtu:umr of Heldellitw unl\ erslty ol Tlflitl. O. Etats-Unis. Paris, E. Leroux, 1921. 301 Brissenden, Paul F. p. (Collection "Urbanisme") Causes of labor turnover, by Paul F. Chenerv. Willlam L Brissenclea and El~iil Frankel . New ~ndustry and human welfare. New York, Ronald press Co., 1021. 19 p. incl. York, Macmillan, 1922. 169 p. (The tables, diagr. social welfare library, v. 4). 'A repr~ntft.om Atlm~~ilstratlon,thc jour- R~lll~og~~~~~li!c~ilfoot-notes nal or' bus~ness :lniilj SI~and control, for Deal5 ltii the 11lstol.y and condit~ons of Koreml)er, 1!)21." Amct lcan Ia11or. November, 1922 SPECIAL LIBRL4RIES Ch~cago, Indianapolis and Louisville Rail- Douglas, Paul H. way Company. American apprenticeship and indus- United States Railroad Labor Board. trial education. New York, Columbia Miscellaneous case no. 1. Chicago, In- University, 192:. 348 p. (Studies, in dianapolls and Louisville Railway Com- history, economics, and public law, vol. pany's statement and evidence in exhib- xcv, no.
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