r early Ttii^UGH HERALD*S SPECIAL CHRISTMAS SE THE WBATHBB DAlLy CnUJULA'nO^ ForoeMt of O. B. Weothor ter the m afia •* November, 1884 Bortfofd 5,438 Fair toolght ood Thureday, with of the A o«t rttlug temperature. iEorttinn Irralb ot UrmdoOoM (OtoaoUtod Advarttolug eu Page Ih.) M ANCH ESTER, CONN., W E D N E S D A Y , DECEMBER 12,1934 (24 PAGES IN TWO SECTIONS) PRICE rHRBB CENTS /VOL. LIV., NO. 92. Snow And Cold Hamper Rescue W ork JUDGE SCORES END OF DEPRESSION $4,000 IN DIAMONDS UNITED STATES STOLEN IN NORWICH BY NEXT JULY SEEN PENltfSYSTEIfl Bandits Also Get $500 in 1BREECCC60YS BY CHARLES DAWES Calls It Purposeless, Hap- Cash and $472 Check ~ hazard, Cruel and Dis- BURNED TO DEATH Former Vice Presideit LEGISLATIVE DRIVE i Minister Forced to Lie On graceful”— Tells of Ex- Makes Prediction After Floor. Flames Destroy Camp and OF UNIONS OPENS periences in Texas. Completing a Sorrey Make 200 Others Withont Norwich, Dec. 12.— (AP) — Two Wa.shlngton. Dec. 12.— tA P ) — Made of Former De- unmasked bandits forced three men Head of A. F. of L. Proposes ^eher--Foar Injured. The American penal system was including a. minister to lie on the called “ purposeless, haphazard, cruel pressions. floor, face downward for IS minutes, Tax on Payrolls to Finance and disgraceful” today by Judge today during a Jewelry store holdup Norrle, Tenn., Dec. 12 —-(API — Joseph C. Hutcheson of the Fifth and then fled m an automobile with Fire which broke out in 10 degree Circuit Court of Anpeals. Idle Insurance. Chicago, Dec. 12.— (A P )—Charles diamonds valued by the owner at weather at the Clear Creek CCC Previously, the attorney general's G. Dawes, vice president o f the $4,000, $500 in cash and a* check for camp near Norrle dam, early today crime conference heard Scott M. United States under Calvin Coolidge, $472. Washington, Dec. 12 — (A P ) — burned three CCC boys to death, Loftln, president of tbe American predicted today that next June or The robbers, armed with sawed- Bar Association, urge annual nation- Union labor’s legislative drive for swept through the camp and left o ff shotguns cleaned out the cases wide crime conferences and selection July would mark the death of the and vault In the Franklin street over 200 others shivering In their 1035 opened today with a proposal depression and the commencement of judges for criminaal courts who by William Green that unemploy- store of Lee Clegg of virtually the night clothes. arc "fair and unbiased" and "free o f full business prosperity for the enUre stock of diamonds. Police Four CCC workers ware slightly from political or other prejudice." ment insurance be financed wholly nation. burned as they fled <rom their were told they fled In an automobile Judge Hutcheson, who lives at by a five per cent tax on payrolls. Mass confidence shattered by the bunks. The camp ia located on a with New York license plates. Houston, safd the present "unsocial Opposing any direct levy on work- market crash of October 29, 1929, Threatening Clegg and hie clerk. hillside and a high wind carried the ers, the president of the American was restored by President Roose- Are through it almost before officers system of caging and uncaging men A. C. Brian with his gun, one of for periods of time without classifi- Federation of Labor said they would velt's bank moratorium in March, the robbers ordered the pair to "lay could give the alarm. The damage pay most of the cost anyway. Em- 1933, said Dawes. was estimated by officers at about cation based upon their past or pro- on your face." vision for their future" should be ployers add their cost to products Since that time, he asserted, the Makes Threat $12,0C0. prices and employes buy 85 per cent general course o f business In con- A -mtatlve check waa made by corrected. "I'm Just Itching to do some He said that in the southern dis- of all goods, he said. I f workers sumer’s goods lias reflected no lost sbootl^” he warned. “Don’t move calUn:: the roll and Lieut. L. G. shared the direct cost of Insurance, In this recovery o f confidence. Complicatlng the work o f wilUng flre-flghteirs and rescuers who tried to keep the toll o f the spectacular trict of Texas when he examined or I'll blow your brains out.” Finger said the following were miss- he added, they would be paying Dawes, former head of tbe Recon- Kerns Hotel fire In Lansing, Mich., at a minimum, waa the problem o f caring for the injured. In the county jails he found conditions "so While the robbers were coIlecUng ing: strucUon Finance CorporaUon and bitter cold, with snow covering the streets, making rescued victims comfortable was a trj’lng task. Here medieval and barbarous and so con- twice. their loot, the Rev. Percy A. Ktlmls- Jacob Klein of the Bronx, New The labor chief made bis propos- for years a power in the Republican is pictured a group carrying an injured man out of reach of the flames that destroyed the building in trary to the ordinary principles of ter, pastor of the First Baptist York City. als in a message to all A F of L party, broke a long silence to ad- Charles DePalma, no address. which several hundred persons were Sleeping including many Michigan legislators. democracy and social justice that I church, entered the store, located In was shocked beyond expression. unions. dress the Chicago AssociaUou of the business center. E Iw o ^ Kramer, no address. Congressional supporters of an- Commerce. The lieutenant said the identiflea' No Open Air Unperturbed by the minister's ap- " I found that men with lungs and other measure that has A F of L SomeUme early next summer, tion o f the dead was not positive backing, the 30 hour week propoaed pearance, one of the robbers said hearts, nerves and brains like mine said Dawes, will come a delayed rush but that pending a check he believed to call up the measure in the next “come here pal." PROBE IS STARTED were penned up for months on end for durable goods which will herald a Mr. Kllmister was then forced to tbe bodies recovered from the ruins Congress though high officials In period of great recovery. FOUR N. E. MOVIE HOUSES with hardly a single decent thing were those o f the three missing. the Roosevelt administration have He on the floor alongside Clegg and to do. They had no access to the “The demand for durable goods, Records Destroyed Brian. open air, no opportunity for exercise shown signs of opposition. especially heavy durable goods. In gr The robbers who entered the store Camp records were destroyed in ON STATE’S MILK ^ntiment Growing depreaston, while it always rises last, except in the bull pen and at 10 a. m., narrowly missed two the fire, lieutenant Finger said, ARE WRECKED BY BOMBS Chairman Willlan. P. Connery, always rises foatest'," said Daweo. however, that the unit commanded arounds Inside of dark walls. Democrat of Massachusetta of the pedestrians and another automobile "N o provision was made for their "When that rush comes ia the be- by Captain Douglas 8. Mapes of House Labor Committee reported during their flight. worthwhile occupation or their im' ginning of real prosperity.” Buffalo, N. Y „ was made up o f resi- to his colleagues that sentiment for A heavy guard was thrown Federal Trade CommissioD provement, no segregation of pria- Result ot Survey. dents of N ew York and N ew Jersey. the measure as a means of reducing around the d ty by police. Two in Boston, One in Paw- TWENTY'TWO DEAD oners was attempted, no processes To Indicate that date, be said, waa The bandit automobile, police said Lieutenant Finger said tbe fire unemployment is growing. Backing the purpose of an extensive study started after midnight In barracks ot restoration begun. The convicted was a dark {ireen sedan (^ e v r o le t ). Sitting m Hartford Begins Connery is Senators Black, D „ Ala., which he had completed. Before No. 1, which contains headquarters and the unconvicted, the beginner tncket,K. 1. and One in author of the measure which was his hearers he bad placed three huge for officers. He said he did not IN H O TE BLAZE and the hardened were condemned to a congregate life necessarily de- sidetracked in 1933. charts. They told, he said, the s to ^ know the cause. Its Investigation. Meantime agltaUon for aome grading." o f the recovery at the two previous The flames destroyed all the camp Lynn, Mass— No One form of government protection great depressions and contained the WALLACE DEFENDS except a recreation building, one Annual Reports against tbe viccissltude o f old age secret o f tbe present one. barracks and tbe officers quarters. Loftln said: gains momentum within and outside Injured. | Search Continues for More Hartford. Dec. 12.— (A P )—Carry- "I think that this conference The charts traced the trend of pig There were 204 boya in the camp. tbe administration today. iron and steel production and prioeh ing out a Congre.ialonal mandate, should go on from year to year and ADJUSIUENTPLAN The company located there OcL 20. Latest DevelopmentB before and after the crashes of 187S, the Federal trade commission that the attorney general having The blaze destroyed tbe camp's New IndicaUons that old age pen- 1893 and 1929.
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