PSLP159 LAND NORTH OF BIRCHWOOD LANE SOMERCOTES DESIGN AND ACCESS STATEMENT PREPARED BY PEGASUSSUS DESIGN “THE GOVERNMENT ATTACHES GREAT IMPORTANCE TO THE DESIGN OF Pegasus Design THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT. GOOD DESIGN IS A KEY ASPECT OF SUSTAINABLE Pegasus Design DEVELOPMENT, IS INDIVISIBLE FROM GOOD PLANNING, AND SHOULD 4 The Courtyard, Church Street Lockington Derbyshire DE74 2SL CONTRIBUTE POSITIVELY TO MAKING PLACES BETTER FOR PEOPLE.” www.pegasuspg.co.uk I T 0150 670 806 Prepared by Pegasus Design Pegasus Design is part of Pegasus Group Ltd Prepared on behalf of Cl Developments UK. (PARA. 56, NPPF 2012). January 2017 Project code EMS.2400_200 Contact: Urban Design - Andrew Ford-Marsten / P.Smith COPYRIGHT The contents of this document must not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part without the written consent of Pegasus Planning Group Ltd. Crown copyright. All rights reserved, Licence number 100042093. CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ASSESSMENT EVALUATION DESIGN PROPOSALS SUMMARY 1 2 3 4 5 Page 05 Page 11 Page 21 Page 29 Page 41 NOTE: THIS DOCUMENT IS DESIGNED TO BE VIEWED AS A3 DOUBLE SIDED 1 INTRODUCTION 1 01 INTRODUCTION 1.1 PURPOSE OF THE STATEMENT 1.1.1 This Design and Access Statement (DAS) has 1.1.4 The Town and Country Planning (Development (3) A design and access statement shall: been prepared by Pegasus Design on behalf Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 (a) explain the design principles and concepts of Clowes Developments UK to accompany also states the following requirements: that have been applied to the development; the outline planning application for residential “(2) An application for planning permission to (b) demonstrate the steps taken to appraise and employment development on land north of which this article applies shall be accompanied the context of the development and how the Birchwood Lane, Somercotes. by a statement (“a design and access design of the development takes that context 1.1.2 This statement has been prepared in statement”) about: into account; accordance with Article 9 of the Town (a) the design principles and concepts that (c) explain the policy adopted as to access, and and Country Planning (Development have been applied to the development; and how policies relating to access in relevant local Management Procedure) (England) Order (b) how issues relating to access to the development documents have been taken into 2015, which requires certain applications to be development have been dealt with. account; accompanied by a DAS. (d) state what, if any, consultation has been 1.1.3 The National Planning Practice Guidance undertaken on issues relating to access to the (NPPG) states that a Design and Access development and what account has been taken Statement is a “concise report that provides a of the outcome of any such consultation; and framework for applications to explain how the proposed development is a suitable response (e) explain how any specific issues which might to the site and its setting and demonstrate that affect access to the development have been it can be adequately accessed by prospective addressed. ” users”. LAND NORTH OF BIRCHWOOD LANE , SOMERCOTE | DESIGN AND ACCESS STATEMENT 7 01 INTRODUCTION 1.2 DOCUMENT STRUCTURE 1.3 CONSULTANTS 1.4 SUMMARY OF THE 1.2.1 The DAS is divided into six sections as follows: 1.3.1 The document has been prepared by Pegasus PLANNING APPLICATION Section 1 - Introduction Design, masterplanners and urban designers, 1.4.1 The outline planning application is for a with contributions from the following comprehensive residential development for up - outlines the purpose of the document ; consultants who have helped prepare the to 210 dwellings and associated uses, along Section 2 - Assessment - considers the site application and its accompanying documents: with 0.8ha of land for B1/B2/B8 employment and its surroundings in terms of the physical, Simon Foote Architects use. This includes: social and planning context as part of Article Illustrative Masterplan 1.4.2 New housing of a mix to be defined at detailed 9(3)(b) and 9(3)(c) DMPO 2015; FPCR design stage, including up to 30% affordable Section 3 - Involvement Ecological Assessment housing; RJ Tree Services - outlines the stakeholder participation and 1.4.3 One new access point along Birchwood Lane; Arboricultural Assessment consultation undertaken as well as its key Jackson Purdue Leaver 1.4.4 A green infrastructure network including xx findings as part of the Article 9(3)(d) DMPO Flood Risk Assessment areas of open space, retained hedgerow and 2015; M-EC surface water management features. Section 4 - Evaluation Transport Assessment 1.4.5 0.8ha of Employment land accessed from - identifies the site’s constraints and ADC Infrastucture Cotes Park Industrial Estate Travel Plan opportunities and presents the design 1.4.6 Consideration has been given to the use and principles that have been derived from a FHP Overview of Industrial Market amount of development, access, layout, scale combination of Government Policy, site landscaping and appearance. The drawings assessment, public consultation and design contained within this DAS form a series evolution as referred to within Article 9(3)(e) of plans for each particular matter that is DMPO 2015; required at this stage of planning. Section 5 - Design Proposals - presentation of the design proposals including uses and 1.5 PLANNING HISTORY amount proposed, access arrangements, 1.5.1 Planning permission was granted in February layout of the development, scale of buildings, 2010 for the development of the site for landscaping treatments and appearance, as employment uses consisting of 13,000 sqm required within Article 9(3)(a) & (4)(c) DMPO of B1(c) light industrial uses and 13,000 2015. sqm B8 commercial distribution uses (ref Section 6 - Summary AVA/2009/0318). Access to this development - sets out a summary of the proposed was to be via an extension to Birchwood development. Way. A renewal of this consent for a three year period was granted in February 2014 (ref AVA/2013/0021). 01 INTRODUCTION 1.6 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Site area 11.55 hectares gross Current land use Unused Field Compartments, Pasture Land, Hard Standing. Access Existing: Birchwood Lane, Birchwood Way. Proposed: New Roundabout along Birchwood Lane. New Junction on Birchwood Way. Proposed uses Residential: 6.36ha Open space: 0.84ha Woodland: 1.43ha Buffer Planting: 1.36ha Structural Landscaping: 0.34ha Employment Land: 0.8ha SUDS: 0.42ha Proposed number of dwellings Up to 210 dwellings including up to 30% affordable houses. Average net density* 33 dwellings per hectare. * Net area excludes constrained land and areas to be used for structural landscape. Net area corresponds to the land that is available for development. 2 ASSESSMENT 2 02 ASSESSMENT 2.1 THE SITE N 2.1.1 The site is located to the north of Birchwood Lane, on the eastern side of Somercotes in the jurisdiction of Amber Valley District Council, Derbyshire. Somercotes lies approximately 2.5km to the South of Alfreton and 12km west of Mansfield. 2.1.2 The site measures 11.55ha and consists of five open fields. Access into the site can be gained via vehicular access points from both Birchwood Way and Birchwood Lane, with pedestrian access via the existing (PROW AV36 16/1) and via the track between the existing properties on Birchwood Lane. KEY DESTINATIONS DISTANCE ALFRETON 2.5km MANSFIELD 12km NOTTINGHAM 20km ABOVE SITE LOCATION PLAN LAND NORTH OF BIRCHWOOD LANE , SOMERCOTE | DESIGN AND ACCESS STATEMENT 13 02 ASSESSMENT 2.2 CONTEXT Existing land uses 2.2.1 The site comprises of roughly five fields and an area of hard standing for lorry parking The existing use is therefore a mixture of unused field compartments, pasture land and hard standing pastoral plateaux and has little existing vegetation bar the field boundary hedgerows and occasional hedgerow trees along the eastern boundary. Boundaries & Edges 2.2.2 The rear gardens of the existing properties along Birchwood Lane form the site’s southern boundary. The northern boundary is formed by dense hedgerow planting and trees, as are the eastern and western boundaries respectively. Surrounding land uses 2.2.3 The northern boundary of the site is bordered by the large Cotes Park Industrial Estate, and to the east by Sims Metal Management Scrap Yard. Beyond the western boundary lies a series of allotments, and the existing residential area to the south. ABOVE PHOTOS OF THE SITE AND SURROUNDING CONTEXT 14 LAND NORTH OF BIRCHWOOD LANE , SOMERCOTE | DESIGN AND ACCESS STATEMENT 02 ASSESSMENT 2.3 CHARACTER ASSESSMENT Urban form and layout 2.3.7 Principal boundaries of properties in the village centre are generally defined by low brick walls, 2.3.1 The settlement pattern in Somercotes is like although in many instances properties are set that of many local mining villages, showing directly to the back of the footpath. clear signs of development in line with the industrial revolution of the late 18th and early 2.3.8 The palette of red and brown brick with grey 19th centuries. roof tiles is reasonably well used across the former mining areas of north Derbyshire and 2.3.2 Somercotes is an urban village and has a Nottinghamshire. strong urban feel due to the industrial history of the area. 2.3.9 The mid 20th century expansion of the village is predominantly brown brick, although buff 2.3.3 The housing stock that forms the main body of brickwork has also been introduced in some the village is predominately Victorian terraced places. and semi-detached, along with large areas of post war development, which creates strong, 2.3.10 There are also some isolated areas of formal building lines. bungalows to the west of the village centre. Architectural Style 2.3.11 Hedges and low planting are more commonly used away from the village centre as a 2.3.4 The local style is mainly Victorian red brick boundary treatment.
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