AAEC/PR80-82 AUSTRALIAN ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT LUCAS HEIGHTS RESEARCH LABORATORIES DIVISIONAL PROGRESS REPORTS FOR PERIOD ENDING 30 JUNE 1982 DIVISIONAL PROGRESS REPORTS FOR PERIOD ENDING 30 JUNE 1982 December 1983 CONTENTS APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTING DIVISION AMC-1 - AMC-28 Division Chief: Dr D.J. Richardson APPLIED PHYSICS DIVISION AP-l - AP-62 Division Chief: Dr J.K. Parry ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE DIVISION ESD-1 - ESD-45 Division Chief: Mr D.R. Davy ISOTOPE DIVISION ID-1 - ID-41 Division Chief: Dr J.G. Clouston MATERIALS DIVISION MD-1 - MD-44 Division Chief: Dr P.M. Kelly NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY DIVISION NTD-1 - NTD-30 Division Chief: Mr G.W.K. Ford PREFACE This set of progress reports documents work carried out by research divisions at the Research Establishment for various periods from late 1980 to 30 June 1982. Differences in periods of reportage are the result of changes to the divisional infrastructure following implementation of recommendations to the Government in the Review of Research Activities and Capacity, and Proposals for the Future, a report by the NERDDC Review Committee, November 1979. PROGRESS REPORT FOR APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTING DIVISION 1 JULY 1981 - 30 JUNE 1982 Chief: Dr D.J. Richardson FOREWORD The Applied Mathematics and Computing Division provides a computing service to all parts of the Commission, and to those parts of CSIRO situated at Lucas Heights. The Division also undertakes research into aspects of computing science in areas relevant to the Commission's interests. The major development within the Division during this year has been the replacement of the IBM3031 central computer with an IBM3033S central, processing unit. The IBM3033S has twice the memory and nearly three times the speed of the previous processor, and should cope with the expanding computing requirements of the Lucas Heights Research Laboratories for the next few years. : The site computer network has continued to grow; and many new application programs and facilities were provided during the year. Plans are also well under way for linking the AAEC computer network with CSIRONET, the CSIRO computer network. It is hoped that this connection will be effected during 1982. A database system, ADD, has been developed within the Division as a research tool for understanding relational databases. A database enquiry language, based on SEQUEL, has been provided. A number of test and demonstration databases have already been set up, including the Research Establishment records file system and the local telephone directory. On the mathematical side, Fourier analysis has been used to study various convergence techniques of linear algebra; this has given insight into the performance of MINI, the locally developed method of implicit non-stationary iteration for the solution of large systems of linear equations. The nuclear code POW3D has been further refined; this code has now successfully been applied to the modelling of SYNROC ageing processes. A joint study of gas flow in the lung was undertaken in collaboration with staff from Westmead Hospital. CONTENTS AMC- 1. APPROXIMATION TECHNIQUES IN NUMERICAL ANALYSIS 1 1.1 Examination of Convergence of Iterative Methods with Fourier Analysis 1 1.2 Nuclear Code POW3D 1 1.3 Multigrid Techniques 1 1.4 SYNROC Temperature Profiles 2 1.5 Gas Transport Studies in the Lung 2 2. DISTRIBUTED COMPUTER NETWORKS 3 2.1 New Computer Network Facilities 3 2.2 Access to CSIRONET 3 2.3 Archiving of UNIX Files 3 2.4 Conversion between UNIX and IBM files 4 2.5 Pulse Height Analysis Program for Applied Physics Division 4 2.6 PDP11/45 Dataway Problems 4 2.7 Terminal System for CEPD and Noise Analysis Laboratory 4 2.8 PDP11/23 Systems in Applied Physics Division and Isotope Production 5 3. INTERACTIVE COMPUTING AND GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION 5 3.1 ADD - A (Relational) Database Demonstration 5 3.2 UNED Text Editor 7 3.3 INIS Query Language Interface 8 4. COMPUTER OPERATING SYSTEM DESIGN AND OPTIMISATION 8 4.1 New IBM3033S Central Processor Performance 8 4.2 Upgrade of the MVS System Maintenance Level 9 4.3 Review of Data Management Procedures and Standards 9 4.4 Duplication of MVS Archiving Procedures 9 4.5 Research and Education Preparatory to Installing MVS/SP1.3 10 4.6 Review of IBM3033 Usage Accounting Procedures 10 4.7 AEMOVE Disk Maintenance Utility 11 4.8 Installation of ACF/NCP/VS R2.1 11 4.9 Installation of ACF/VTAM V1.R3 11 4.10 Pascal 8000 Maintenance 12 4.11 PROJACS 12 (Continued) AMC- 5. COMPUTER OPERATION 12 5.1 Computer Usage 12 5.2 Site Medical Records 13 5.3 FORTRAN Library Routines 13 6. SYSTEM SOFTWARE 17 6.1 UNIX Software 17 6.2 Isotope Division Printer Program 18 6.3 Job Accounting for External Users 18 6.4 New User Command in M 19 6.5 Catlist Subroutine 19 6.6 Dataway Testing Programs TRANSO-9 19 6.7 Development of the Simple File Management System 20 6.8 Multiple Linear Regression Program 20 6.9 Consolidation and Documentation of AAEC FORTRAN Subroutine Library 21 6.10 New FORTRAN/VS System 21 6.11 New Version of OMNI 21 6.12 AESEND - Notification of System Malfunctions 21 7. COMPUTER HARDWARE 22 7.1 Maintenance of PDP11 Computers 22 7.2 Computer System for Commercial Products Unit Operations 22 8. OTHER PROJECTS 22 8.1 Phototypesetter for the SIS Computer 22 8.2 Personnel Dosimetry Service 22 8.3 HIFAR Cable Schedule System 23 9. OTHER WORK 23 9.1 Educational Activities 23 9.2 Assistance to LHRL Staff 23 9.3 Summer School 24 9.4 Involvement with Australasian Share/Guide Ltd 24 9.5 Use of IBM Independent Study Programs (ISPs) 27 10. PUBLICATIONS AND CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS 27 10.1 Journals and Books 27 10.2 Conferences 27 10.3 AAEC Reports 28 AMC-1 1. APPROXIMATION TECHNIQUES IN NUMERICAL ANALYSIS 1.1 Examination of Convergence of Iterative Methods with Fourier Analysis (J.M. Barry, J.P. Pollard) Further investigation into the convergence of several iterative schemes of linear algebra was undertaken with Fourier analysis. This is a somewhat controversial tool with which to study convergence behaviour, but it appears to provide significant insight into the performance of the method of implicit non-stationary iteration (MINI). Rather than view the linear system in terms of eigenvalues of the iteration matrix, the Fourier approach is micro in concept, viz. the error at individual points far removed from the boundary is investigated with a Fourier expansion. The analysis supported the experimental restrictions previously placed on the Y'S of MINI, something that could not be justified adequately with the more conventional theoretical approach. On a more secure foundation, a macro Fourier analysis of error was undertaken through application of a fast Fourier transform over the complete grid. The results of this analysis supported the micro findings. A paper on this work has been submitted. 1.2 Nuclear Code POW3D (J.M. Barry, J.P. Pollard) Some small modiffcations were made to the nuclear code POW3D. These were to correct small problems that arose when users started to employ the code for everyday reactor physics calculations. The code is performing well and should eventually replace the earlier code POW2D when one or two service routines are completed. For the 20 calculations currently undertaken, POW3D has demonstrated an increased efficiency over POW. 1.3 Multigrid Techniques (J.M. Barry, J.P. Pollard) The iterative solution of large systems of linear equations has been traditionally accelerated with variational methods. The technique commonly known as coarse mesh rebalancing (CMR) is a once-performed process in terms of mesh consolidation. Work by Brandt [1] suggests advantages may be obtained through recursive use of grid refinement. The original multigrid approach 1. Brandt, A. [1977] - Multi-level adaptive solutions to boundary-value problems. Maths. Comp., 31(138)333-390. AMC-2 sought generation of the reduced matrix from the physical problem. It was decided to extend the CMR process here to generate the reduced matrices rather than return to the underlying physics for each coarse mesh. Multigrid versions of MINI and CMR are under development. It is hoped to evaluate the worth of the technique from this code. Should it prove worthwhile, consideration can be extended to implementing the technique in the nuclear code POW3D. 1.4 SYNROC Temperature Profiles (J.M. Barry, J.P. Pollard) With a little effort, the reactor neutronics code can be made to solve several other problems of mathematical physics, through a simple redefinition of constants and interpretation of variables. The code has provided a most convenient means of investigating the time-dependent temperature distribution associated with a preliminary model of a large quantity of SYNROC buried deep beneath the earth's surface. The results supported preliminary calculations performed by Gilbert and Miskelly on the Commission's hybrid computer system. It is anticipated that POW3D will continue to be a suitable vehicle for solving more sophisticated models for the SYNROC Program. 1.5 Gas Transport Studies in the Lung (M.R. Davidson*, L.A. Engel**) The pattern of gas transport is examined within a branching nodal representation of an isotropically expanding, asymmetric acinus, distal to the respiratory bronchioles. Single breaths of 02, He and SFg are simulated by numerical solution of the gas transport equation. The variation of gas concentrations during the respiratory cycle is shown and the mechanisms responsible are highlighted. The results confirm the unequal distribution of inspired gas between parallel pathways, predicted from studies of isolated asymmetric branch points, and the consequent mechanism of diffusive interaction during expiration simulating a sloping alveolar plateau. In addition, it is demonstrated how the occurrence of such processes at serially distributed asymmetric branch points could account for a persistent axial concentration gradient observed within the model during expiration.
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