HORTSCIENCE 34(2):305–309. 1999. Materials and Methods Plant material. ‘Braeburn’ apples from Harvest Date and Crop Load Effects each of four orchards in each of the Central Hawke’s Bay and Central Otago regions of on a Carbon Dioxide–related Storage New Zealand were harvested during the first, middle, and final week of the commercial Injury of ‘Braeburn’ Apple season (4 weeks) of 1994 for each district (29 Mar., 12 Apr., and 26 Apr. for Central Hawke’s H. John Elgar, Christopher B. Watkins1, and Nagin Lallu Bay, and 5 Apr., 19 Apr., and 3 May for Central Otago harvests, respectively). Within Mt. Albert Research Centre, Postharvest Science Group, The Horticulture each orchard, five trees with either high or low and Food Research Institute of New Zealand Ltd., P.O. Box 92169, Auckland, crop load were identified by visual assessment New Zealand prior to harvest, and trunk girth and number of fruit on each tree were recorded. At each Additional index words. Malus ×domestica, “‘Braeburn’ browning disorder”, physiological harvest, 64 fruit (average fruit weight 180 g; disorder, skin permeance, calcium, magnesium, potassium, maturity, ethylene range 160–200 g) were graded into two blush categories (intense blush on >50% of the sur- Abstract. The incidence and severity of “‘Braeburn’ browning disorder” (BBD), a CO - 2 face vs. no blush or weak blush on <50% of the induced disorder of ‘Braeburn’ apple (Malus ×domestica Borkh.), vary markedly with surface), packed into standard (18.5 kg) export production district and orchard block. We investigated the effects of harvest date, blush, apple cartons, and transported to the Mt. Albert and crop load on fruit maturity, minerals, skin permeance, and BBD incidence. Incidence Research Centre in Auckland that same day. of BBD was higher in late- than in early-harvested fruit and in fruit on light than on heavily Harvest quality. Internal ethylene concen- cropping trees, but blush intensity did not influence susceptibility to the disorder. Fruit tration (IEC), background skin color, flesh maturity factors were affected by region, harvest date, blush type, and crop load, but no firmness, soluble solids concentration, and consistent relationships between these factors and BBD occurrence were found. Concen- starch pattern indices were determined for 10 trations of Ca, Mg, and/or K were influenced by harvest date, blush type, and crop load, fruit from each orchard, crop load, and blush and skin permeance to gas exchange was affected by growing region and blush type, but category. Opposite segments from each of five not by harvest date or crop load. However, no physiological or mineral factor measured apples were combined to provide two samples in this study was strongly correlated with susceptibility of fruit to BBD. Fruit from for each replicate, and frozen for later determi- orchards that have a history of susceptibility to BBD, or subjected to adverse harvest date, nation of titratable acidity. For ethylene deter- regional, crop load, microclimate, and seasonal influences, should be segregated at minations, 1-mL samples of internal gas were harvest, and should not be held in controlled-atmosphere (CA) storage. Crop load should drawn into a syringe through a hypodermic be managed to reduce the occurrence of biennial bearing. needle inserted into the core cavity of each fruit, and ethylene content was measured us- A disorder known as “‘Braeburn’ brown- susceptibility; identification of these factors ing gas chromatography (Philips PU4500 gas ing disorder” (BBD), a CO2-related disorder, would increase confidence among marketers. chromatograph, Pye Unicam Ltd., Cambridge, can develop in the flesh of ‘Braeburn’ apples Little information is available in the literature England; 1.5 m × 6 mm alumina F1 80/100 during storage (Elgar et al., 1998; Lau, 1998). about preharvest effects on either external or mesh column; injection, detector, and column ° The disorder has characteristics typical of other internal CO2 injuries in apple fruit. Most of temperatures 160, 200, and 130 C, respec- CO2 injuries, such as brownheart and cavity these injuries are associated with incorrect tively). Background color was assessed visu- formation in the flesh (Lidster et al., 1990). storage conditions, such as poor ventilation ally on industry color cards ranging from 1 Symptoms can be induced by elevated CO2, during air storage (Carne, 1950), but the (green) to 7 (yellow). Flesh firmness was and can be aggravated by depressed O2 partial disorder is often associated with controlled- determined with a semi-automated firmness pressures in storage (Elgar et al., 1998; Lau, atmosphere (CA) storage (Blanpied and tester (EPT-1; Lake City Technical Products 1998), and by methyl bromide fumigation Smock, 1961; Bramlage et al., 1977; Wilkinson Inc., Canada) on pared surfaces on two oppo- (Lay-Yee, 1993). However, BBD can develop and Fidler, 1973). Research therefore has fo- site sides of each fruit. Soluble solids concen- in fruit either prior to harvest or during air cused on identification of safe atmospheres tration of each fruit was determined with a storage (personal observations). and defining postharvest strategies, such as refractometer (Atago model PR-1; Atago Co. Susceptibility of ‘Braeburn’ apples to BBD keeping CO2 concentrations low during the Ltd., Tokyo) using the juice expressed during has damaged commercial confidence in the early stages of storage when the risk of injury firmness determination. Titratable acidity was cultivar. Occurrence can be erratic as a result is highest, treatment with diphenylamine, or determined on a composite sample of each of unknown preharvest factors that influence delaying the period between harvest and trans- replicate with an auto-titrator (Mettler DL40 fer to CA storage (Elgar et al., 1998; Johnson RC; Mettler Instruments AG, Zurich, Switzer- et al., 1998; Smock and Blanpied, 1972; land). Acids were measured by titrating 20 g of Watkins et al., 1997). diluted, blended apple tissue against 0.1 N Received for publication 20 May 1998. Accepted Preliminary studies indicate that the inci- NaOH to a pH 8.1 endpoint, in triplicate, and for publication 21 Sept. 1998. This research was supported by the New Zealand Apple and Pear dence and severity of the disorder are higher in results are expressed as meq/g fresh weight. Marketing Board [ENZA New Zealand (Interna- fruit grown in colder or more southern regions, Starch content was determined by dipping the tional)] and the Foundation for Research Science or in colder or higher altitude districts within cut half of each fruit into an I2/KI solution for and Technology (Contract number CO6627). We a region in New Zealand, and that large varia- 30 s, allowing the fruit surface to develop thank Paul Brookfield for assistance with fruit har- tions in incidence can occur among both or- color over several min. The resulting patterns vesting and determining crop load factors, Sally chards within regions, and trees within or- were compared with the ENZA ‘Braeburn’ Roughan for mineral analyses, and Melissa Miller chards (unpublished observations). Several starch pattern chart (New Zealand Apple and and Marcus Davy for statistical analyses. The cost of possible factors contributing to greater fruit Pear Marketing Board, Hastings, 1992). publishing this paper was defrayed in part by the susceptibility to the disorder were identified, Skin permeance of four fruit from each payment of page charges. Under postal regulations, this paper therefore must be hereby marked adver- including late harvest, light crop load, and low orchard, harvest, crop load, and blush cat- tisement solely to indicate this fact. blush. The objective of this study was to assess egory was measured using a slightly modified 1Associate Professor. Current address: Dept. of Fruit the importance of these factors on BBD inci- version of the nonsteady state ethane efflux and Vegetable Science, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY dence, using fruit from four orchards in each of method (Banks, 1985) as described by Yearsley 14853-5908. E-mail: [email protected]. two districts. (1996). Briefly, 1 mL of compressed pure HORTSCIENCE, VOL. 34(2), APRIL 1999 305 POSTHARVEST BIOLOGY & TECHNOLOGY ethane was injected into 1.16-L jars contain- fruit, to give an average value for each treat- than fruit from the first harvest, but Ca was not ing individual fruit of known weight and left ment. affected by harvest date. High blush fruit had overnight to equilibrate at 20 °C. Fruit were Statistical analyses. Analysis of variance lower Ca and K concentrations than did low removed from the jars in a fume hood, exposed was used to make inferences from the random- blush fruit, but Mg concentrations were unaf- briefly to a fan to disturb the boundary layer of ized complete-block designs. Percentage data fected. Calcium concentrations were higher, the fruit, and sealed in a jar of the same volume were arcsine transformed to obtain homoge- and Mg and K concentrations lower, in fruit with a magnetic stirrer operating. One-millili- neity of variance. Relationships between mea- from high crop load trees than in those from ter gas samples were withdrawn from the jars sured variables were examined using pairwise low crop load trees. every 15 s for 2 min to determine the time scatter plots. No significant relationships were Skin permeance. Skin permeance was lower course of ethane efflux from the fruit. Per- found that justified further regression analy- in fruit from Central Otago than in those from meance was calculated from Fick’s First Law sis. Central Hawke’s Bay, and in high blush than of Diffusion (Banks, 1985). in low blush fruit, but was not affected by Concentrations of Ca, Mg, and K in six Results harvest date or crop load (Table 2). Because pooled samples of five fruit from each or- BBD is a population-based phenomenon, out- chard, crop load, and blush type at early and Crop load estimations.
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