Special Section The University of Rochester Celebrates Faculty and Student Honors 2010–11 Celebrating Distinction The University of Rochester is proud to congratulate faculty and students who have earned national recognition and teaching awards during the past academic year. July–August 2011 ROCHESTER REVIEW 33 ESTHER CONWELL ‘Outstanding COntributiOns tO KnOwledge’ National Medal of Science Esther Conwell, a professor of chemistry who has a joint Established by Congress in 1959, the national medal is appointment in the Department of Physics, received a awarded by the president to recognize “outstanding contri- National Medal of Science from President Barack Obama last butions to knowledge” in the sciences. fall. Recognized as a pioneering materials scientist, Conwell Conwell is the first Rochester faculty member to receive helped launch the computer revolution with work that the medal. explored how electrons travel through semiconductors. She She is also a member of both the National Academy of also was recognized for carving a path for women scientists Sciences and the National Academy of Engineering, two of in the second half of the 20th century. the highest honors a scientist or engineer can receive. Charles W. Bishop Professor of Brain Jill Quinn American board National & Cognitive Sciences and Linguistics Assistant Professor of Nursing of Dental Public health Faculty Awards American Academy American Academy honorAry boArD DiPloMAtE of Pediatrics ronald J. billings Academy for Eating Disorders of clinical chemistry Director Emeritus, Eastman 2010 MEEhAn-hArtlEy AwArD outStAnDing SPEAkEr AwArD, 2010 lAnDMArk AwArD Dental Center; Professor, for Public SErvicE AnD ADvocAcy 2010 AnnuAl MEEting Dale Phelps Eastman Institute for Oral Health Mary tantillo John D. Markman Professor of Pediatrics Associate Professor of Clinical Nursing Associate Professor of Neurosurgery American chemical Society American Association for 2011 gorDon hAMMES lEcturEShiP Alfred P. Sloan foundation American Academy the Advancement of Science Douglas turner 2011 AlfrED P. SloAn of neurology fEllow Professor of Chemistry rESEArch fEllowShiP robert clark 2011 nobEl lAurEAtE t. florian Jaeger chAirMAn, PAin AnD PAlliAtivE CarE SEction Dean, Hajim School of Engineering SignAturE AwArD for Assistant Professor and Applied Sciences grADuAtE EDucAtion in chEMiStry of Brain & Cognitive Sciences John D. Markman Associate Professor of Neurosurgery richard Eisenberg David w. Mccamant American Association Tracy H. Harris Professor of Chemistry Assistant Professor of Chemistry for Dental research American Academy American college of nurse Practitioners firSt PlAcE, hAtton American Academy coMPEtition AwArDS Personnel Association of Arts and Sciences fEllowS Jin Xiao 2011 EMErging ScholAr fEllow Jane tuttle Resident, Eastman Institute Judy Marquez kiyama Michael tanenhaus Professor of Clinical Nursing for Oral Health; Postdoctoral Assistant Professor of Beverly Petterson Bishop and and of Pediatrics Fellow, Center for Oral Biology Educational Leadership COuRtESy Of RyAN K. MORRiS PhOtOgRAPhy/NAtiONAl SCiENCE & TechNOlOgy MedalS FoundatiON American College American Library Association of Emergency Physicians ChoiCE outstAndinG AcadEMiC titLE PrEsidEnt For Something Akin to Freedom: sandra schneider The Choice of Bondage in Narratives Professor of Emergency Medicine by African American Women American College stephani Li of Prosthodontics Assistant Professor of English 2010 ACP PrEsidEnt’s AwArd American Medical directors Gerald n. Graser Association Foundation/ Professor, Eastman Institute Pfizer for Oral Health 2011 QuALity iMProvEMEnt AwArd American Council tobie olsan of Learned societies Associate Professor of Nursing (with Suzanne Gillespie, Jurgis Karuza, Paul FELLowshiP Katz, Jim Evinger, and Chandni Sud) robert Foster Professor of Anthropology American Eleana Kim Musicological society Assistant Professor of Anthropology PhiLiP brEtt AwArd American Counseling roger Freitas Association Associate Professor of Musicology ruth soLiE AwArd 2011 AssoCiAtion For CrEAtivity in CounsELinG rEsEArCh AwArd ralph Locke Mary tantillo Professor of Musicology Associate Professor of Clinical Nursing American orthopaedic American Federation Foot & Ankle society for Aging research PrEsidEnt-Elect 2011 hArtFord sChoLAr Judith F. baumhauer in GEriAtriC MEdiCinE Professor of Orthopaedics supriya Mohile American Prosthodontic Assistant Professor of Medicine society American Foundation PrEsidEnt for suicide Prevention Carlo Ercoli 2011 rEsEArCh AwArd Associate Professor; yeates Conwell Chair and Program Director, Vice Chair and Professor, Prosthodontic Division, Department of Psychiatry Eastman Institute for Oral Health American Gastroenterological American society Association of Clinical oncology third Place, institut rosELL 2011 b. J. KEnnEdy AwArd ProbiotiCs ChALLEnGE And LecturE For sCiEntiFiC sonia yoon ExCELLEnCE in GEriAtriC onCoLoGy Fellow, Department of Medicine John M. bennett ROBERT CLARK Professor Emeritus of Oncology American heart Association American society ‘DistinguisheD Contributions’ sCiEnCE AdvocatE oF thE yEAr stephen Cook of reproductive Medicine Assistant Professor of Pediatrics 2010 distinGuishEd sErviCE AwArd American Association for John t. Queenan Jr. American institute Associate Professor of the Advancement of Science for Medical and Obstetrics & Gynecology biological Engineering Robert Clark, dean of the Hajim School of Engineering and Association of American Applied Sciences, was elected a fellow of the American College oF FELLows Medical Colleges Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), the tom Foster Professor of Imaging boArd oF directors, rEsidEnt PhysiCiAn rEPrEsEntAtivE world’s largest scientific society and the publisher of the Sciences and of Physics journal Science. Javeed sukhera duncan t. Moore Fellow, Department of Psychiatry Recognized for his “distinguished contributions to Rudolf and Hilda Kingslake Professor research on dynamic systems and controls, acoustics, of Optical Engineering; Professor of Association of departments and, more recently, on nanoscience and nanoengineered Optics, of Biomedical Engineering, of Family Medicine and of Business Administration; and materials,” Clark is an expert in the sciences of acoustics PrEsidEnt-Elect Vice Provost for Entrepreneurship thomas L. Campbell and in bionanomanufacturing. He is a fellow of both the Kevin Parker William Rocktaschel Professor and Acoustical Society of America and the American Society of William F. May Professor of Electrical Chair, Department of Family Medicine Mechanical Engineers. and Computer Engineering; Professor of Radiology and of James McKeen Cattell Fund Biomedical Engineering; Dean 2011–12 FELLow Emeritus, Hajim School of Patrick davies Engineering and Applied Sciences Professor of Psychology ADAM FENSTER College of Critical Care leukemia & lymphoma Medicine (Society Society of Critical Care Medicine) NAtioNAl MeDical AND SCieNtiFiC Fellow AdviSory BoArD MeMBer Nicole Stassen Steven Bernstein Associate Professor of Professor of Medicine, Surgery and of Pediatrics James P. Wilmot Cancer Center Creative Capital—Andy warhol National Academy Foundation for the Visual Arts of Sciences writerS GrANt Fellow For Before Pictures lynne Maquat Douglas Crimp J. Lowell Orbison Endowed Chair Fanny Knapp Allen Professor and Professor of Biochemistry of Art History; Professor of & Biophysics; Director, Visual & Cultural Studies Center for RNA Biology lady Davis Fellowship trust National endowment 2010–11 lADy DaviS for the Humanities ViSitiNG ProFessor FellowSHiP John Howell robert Foster Associate Professor of Physics Professor of Anthropology Foundation for Anesthesia National institute education and research of environmental PreSiDeNt Health Sciences Denham ward MeMBer, NAtioNAl AdviSory CouNCil Professor and Chair of tom Gasiewicz Anesthesiology and Professor Professor and Chair, Department of Biomedical Engineering of Environmental Medicine Foundation of National institutes New york State Nurses of Health 2010 DiStiNGuiSHeD Merit AwArD NurSe reSeArCHer louis S. Constine Nancy M. watson Professor of Radiation Associate Professor of Nursing Oncology and of Pediatrics Glenn Foundation MeMBer, CouNCil oF CouNCilS for Medical research regis J. o’Keefe GleNN AwArDS For reSeArCH iN Chair and Marjorie Strong Wehle BioloGical MeCHANiSMS oF AGiNG Professor of Orthopaedics; Director, Vera Gorbunova Center for Musculoskeletal Research Associate Professor of B CellS iN HeAltH Biology and of Oncology AND DiSeASe AwArD Heinrich Jasper ignacio Sanz Associate Professor of Biology Chief of the Division of Allergy, MICHAEL TANENHAUS Immunology and Rheumatology; Heart rhythm Society Professor of Medicine and of Honorary Society Founded in 1780 DiStiNGuiSHeD SCieNtiSt AwArD Microbiology & Immunology Arthur J. Moss National Medal of Science Professor of Medicine American Academy reCiPieNt of Arts and Sciences ieee (institute of electrical esther M. Conwell and electronics engineers) Professor of Chemistry Michael Tanenhaus, the Beverly Petterson Bishop and CirCuit AND SySteMS SoCiety Charles W. Bishop Professor of Brain and Cognitive Sciences BoArD oF GoVerNorS National Science Foundation and Linguistics, was elected a fellow of the American Paul Ampadu Faculty eArly DeVeloPMeNt (CAreer) AwArD Academy of Arts and Sciences. Founded in 1780, the honor- Assoicate Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering engin ipek ary society has a broad membership that includes scientists, Assistant
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