SUGAR WBATMBEft 1 Cnnoi 4.42c. lb., $88.40 per Ther., mln., 67 ton. Hnr.T 8 . m., 30.10. Hoots: 14b 9d. per cwt., Wind, lm 10 8. B. 102.G0 per ton. Itnln, Jlli., 8 a. tn., .00. HAWAIIANTelephone Business Office. The Largest Daily Paper in 2365 Star The TerritorySTAR.SECOND EDITION. VOL. XIX. TWELVE PAGE8. HONOLULU, HAWAII, FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 1912. TWELVE PAQE8. NO. 6233. THE TRUST'S WIDE CONTROL 1 TANT0N aiamana016 Is EVIDENCE IN HAS OPTION ci About THE FEDERAL ON LANAI COURT CASE Tho Island of Lanul is likely to mattor. Ho was reticent concerning Sunday (Associated Press Cables to the Star.) fu- g on bo sold again within tho next few tho terms of the option, or his NEW YORK. March 22. Evidence In tho Sti option secured and months. An has been ture plans, further than tostato duced in court today to show that tho American Sugar Company controlled?! on tho property by Chas. A. Stanton, that the option had been secured, and ""I. not Delegate about trip. most-- havo decided," his When the tlmo arrived, tho reporter of tho refining business of tho country. Contracts were read be-- i of tho Kalmukl Land Company, and ho going East, ho declined that is said in reply to a question "No, I did not do any politics. I was informed that positively no an- tween tho American Company and tho American Beet Sugar Company, If tho deal goes through which he to talk on tho subject. political by a Star reporter at noon, as to made no speech whatever. nouncement on the subject would bo snowing tnat tho former controlled tho output of tho latter and owned 39 has in mind some extensive develop- The Island of Laual was purchas- "There was a big luau at Miss Par- given out this afternoon especially per cent of the beet stock. GayVs king- ago syn- whether ho was going to leave In tho ment of Charles ancient ed a few years by a local ker's birthday celebration at Walmea. before- tho first edition of the Star dom is promised. dicate, of which J. T. McCrtfjson Mongolia Washington. and for A very great crowd was present, I went to press. ASQUITH REFUSES TERMS. morning Frank E. Thompson were prominent Mr. Stanton stated this Prince Cupid returned from his could not say how many." Delegate Kalanianaole was In con- LONDON, March 22. Premier Asqulth has refused to includo in tho that ho is leaving by tlio Wllhelmlnn spirits, from W. G. Irwin, who had government's .ipnio An appolntmant was made with the ference with some of his moro Imme- bill the minimum men WJL visit to Hawaii in the Klnau this j vwv J VI U UJlUUkD secured to greater part of uuitauvu : next Wednesday for Now York, and title the reporter to give him tho Delegate's diate political friends ever since com- $1.23 per day for men and 50 cents for boys. It is believed that this will through morning. Kt 1. 1L. perhaps will go to Lundon, presum- tho Island a trade with the decision, If he camo to one, at a later ing Into town from his Walklkl resi- uiuuk iuq souieiuent.ilf ably In connection with the Lana) (Continued on page four.) "I havo had a good time," he said hour. dence about twelve o'clock. MINORITY WOOL BILL. 'W WASHINGTON, March 22. Tho Republicans of tho House Ways and SCHOOL I0NEI A VERDICT MAY BE GIVEN Means Comralttco havo Introduced a minority wool bill which would re- COMss Paia Strike duce the duty 40 per cent IN COAL STRIKE INQUIRY. APPROV E WAIALEE PLAN! FIRST SITE Still On CHICAGO, March 22. A national inquiry into tho coal, trust, radiating IU from Chicago, covers Illinois, Pennsylvania and tho South. BATTLE IN PARAGUAY. " fmfS, Superintendent Pope, of the educa-aio- n taken up with the superintendent of CASE T BUENOS AYRES, March 22. A fierce is raging Paraguay bb- - H public works when he returns. 10 (Special Wireless to the Star.) battle in department, some weeks ago for- 1 tween revolutionists and the government WAILUKU, March 22. Threo hun- warded copies of the plans and speci- The Kahuku Industrial School mat- ter is progressing well, and it would dred Japanese laborers Oklnawans fications of the new Waialee Indus- If everything goes as the attorneys Argument was begun this morning, on yester- AGAINST FREE SUGAR. seem that, by the time the commis- Pala plantation walked out say they think It will, Attorney Clarence H. Olson address- day, claiming SACRAMENTO, March 22. Tho Chamber of Commerce has passed trial School to all the school commis- sioners meet in Juno next, all tho for both sides to havo a grievance ing tho Jury on behalf of the Cum- resolution against the free sugar bill. sioners. Tho approval of the plans toys will havo been secured, the prin- the Jury that for long and weary against a luna. They aro still out. mins Estate Interests. Mr. Olson fin- by the commissioners was asked. A cipal appointed and the buildings well weeks has listened to tho great mass Old Resident Dead. ished his argument noon and this well-know- n DEATH OF FORMER CABINET MEMBER. majority of the controllers of the edu- on their way to completion. of testimony in tho Manuka site case at W. P. Mossman, a 1 - afternoon Attorney It. B. Anderson, manager Hamaku-apok- a ST. LOUIS, March 22. John Noble, Secretary of tho Interior un- cation department havo sent in re- Inspector Gibson is hard at work will return Its verdict by tomorrow and of tho i representing tho Castle & Cooke der President Harrison, Is dead. plies to the effect that tho plans meet on tho Kahuku proposition and he evening. There Is the possibility, plantation store, died of paraly- will prr-- .i his sldo of the O with their approval. Ouo commis- has dally visits from boys who wish however, that Judge Dole may decide sis at the Pala Hospital yesterday casr; to" thV.pa'iJjit Mr. n- - BODIES FROM THE M.INE. suggests changes be- '.rrrfn afternoon. He was aged seventy-eigh- t sioner sorao which to enroll as students at tho agricul to givo tho Jurymen n day's rest - J doraou says he does m ' expect to McCURTAIN, March 22. Eighty four more bodies havo been recovered might b(S mado. This matter will be school. fore consigning tho case to them. years. tural J from tho mine. make a lengthy argument. He will An obituary notice of the lato Mr. do followed by United States District Mossman, wrlcn when his death was Attorney Breckons, who snys he does Imminent, is reprinted elsewhere SAN FRANCISCO, 22. A Tong M'CAEf LESS A RESSES not expect to speak moro than an from the Weekly Times of Walluku March war hero has caused a total off J Nm en New fivo deaths. (Continued on page Four) of yesterday's date. (Morning Cable Report on Page Twelve.) DEMOCR ATS AT PALOLO Homesteads GOVERNOR TALKS ON WATER JAPANESE Y. lifl. C. A. Governor Prear this morning signed, Tho First of the Fourth Democratic would send a delegate to Congress the patent papers of nineteen home- Club met last night In tho rear of and wound up by stating that he was RATES AND MISREPRESENTATION steaders. Of these, four are on Ha- AUIolanl College, Palolo. not working for Link McCandless, but SECURED TEMPORARY QUARTERS waii, one on Oahu and fourteen on The reslrnatlon of Fred TurrlU as for tho party, first, last and all the Kauai. The Governor looked pleased county committeeman was read and time. "I am absolutely In favor of a re- that, if ho had known of Commis- over the signing of tho patents. accepted and Sam Hardesty was elec- David Martin and Solomon Mehoula duction in tho water rates charged sioner Wakefield's private water The Japaneso Young Men's Chris- ready signified their desire to enroll An amendment to tho board of agri- ted to fill tho vacancy. also spoke. tho shipping in this port," said Gov- scheme tho commissioner would tian Association will piovo Into Its their names on tho books of the Jap- culture regulations, regarding the fruit novcr havo been appointed. aneso Y. M. C. A. f C. D.Pringle, Kelkl ana Kamaka Eighth of Fourth. ernor Frear this morning, "and tho new quarters on Smith near Hotel fly, was also approved of by the Gov- should bo busi- "I never said anything of the sort; Tho building was choson were elected Judges of tho coming At tho meeting of the Republican matter treated in a street some tlmo in April. after Paul ernor. The amendment refers to tho election. nesslike manner. The department neither did I hint at such a thing," Super and the Japanese directors had Club of tho Eighth precinct, Fourth According gathering of all fallen fruit, and di- ex- said tho governor when to Paul Super, general Inspected Link McCandless wus present and district, last night, officers wore should pay for itself, as far as asked if that the premises on Wednesday rects the owners of fruit trees to see penses, portion of the Advertiser story wa3 secretary of the Y. M. C. A., tho di- and Secretary Super was yes- addressed tho gathering in English elected as follows: A. D. Castro, Interest on bonds and sinking notified to it that tho ground under the trees aro concerned." correct. rectors of tho Japaneso terday by Matsu Zama that direc- and Hawaiian.
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