n - MANCHESTER HERALD. Monday, June 9, 19M CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 643-2711 MANCHESTER SPORTS Despite caution, M HS prom has Wynegar’s hit HOMES I APARTMENTS MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE abuse is possibie lots of Scarlett lifts the Yanks Manchester. Spacious liv­ 3 Room Apartment-First MovIn^^MusfSeM^ai^ BUSINESS & SERVICE DIREaORY ing. 2 both Cape. Fire- floor, large rooms, stove, ganv dining room set $500. ... p a g e 3 p a g e 1 1 ... page 15 placed living room with refrigerator, heat and hot King size bed with 3 sets of cathedral celling. Large water, garage, laundry sheets $125. Twin bed ENDROLLS facilities, very clean. $475. frame with matching 6 27<A width - 2Sa 1 ^ CARPENTRY/ MISCELLANEOUS lot! $135,900 "W e guaran­ 13V« width - 2 tor 28* HEATIN8/ tee our houses" Blan­ Lease and security. Ask drawer dresser $100. CHILDCARE 1001 |TREMODEUNB---- PLUMBIN8 SERVICES chard & Rosetto Real about Senior Citizen dis­ Other miscellaneous 646- MUST be picked up at the Estate 646-2482. counts. Call 646-7268. 6332 evenings. Manchester Herald Office before 11 A M. ONLY. Carpentry and remodel- Fogarty Brothers — Ba­ 4 Room Apartment. No Ing services — Complete throom remodelino; In­ Coventrv-Horse Lover- King Size water bed, stallation water heater.<, s..Huge 5 bedroom home Pets, country living, good heater, padded side rails, home repairs and remo­ for working couple. Se­ will do bobytlfflng In mv deling. Quality work. Ref­ garbage disposals; faucet D 8i D Landscaping. on 6.8 acres, 750 foot head board. Excellent CARS Licensed Manchester repairs. 64^4539. Vlsa/M- frontage, new horse barn, curity, reference. 643- condition. 646-0538. $99o erences, licensed and In­ Spring Cleon Ups, Pruh- 7405. home. (Verplanck School sured. Coll 646-8165. asterCard accepted. Ings, flower 8, shrub plant­ home features, oak stair­ FOR SALE Area). Call 646-3793. case, much barnboard ings. Free estimotes. Cali throughout, 2 additional 4 room apartment first ITV/STEREO/ 659-2436 after S:30m. lots also available, call floor. Stove, refrigerator, 1 APPLIANCES MI8CEUANE0U8 for private showing, of­ heat 8< hot water, laundry Manchester — A City of Village Charm limlh SERVICES Hanrhratrr PAINTING/ J fered at $199,900. Realty hookup. Working couple 1 ^ CARPENTRY/ I Homeowners. Need elec­ preferred, no pets, refer­ Used Refrigerators, 1985 S-10 Blazer In mint trical work and home and World, 646-7709.0 condition. Only 12,000 | o o jr [p a p e r in g ences, 1 month security, Washers, Ranges — I REMODELING Odd lobs. Trucking. yard equipment repairs, clean, guaranteed, parts miles. $9,800. 647-9764. Home repairs. You name also lawn care service. Gracious Colonlal-Thls $500 per month. Call after Name your own price — Tuesday, June 10,1986 6pm, 649-1362 (weekends and service. Low prices. Farrand Remodeling — It, we db It. Free esti­ Call 649-2254 otter 7pm. 25 C e n ts classic horhe has 3 gener­ Firebird 1982, 6 cylinder, 4 Father and son. Fast, mates. Insured. 643-0304. ous bedrooms, IVj baths, anytime). B.D. Pearl 8. Son, 649 Cabinets, roofing, gut­ Main Street, 643-2171. speed, Am/Fm stereo dependable service. den, Florida room and ters, room additions, Painting, Paperhanglng Manchester 2 bedroom, cassette, sun roof, power decks, all types of remo­ Hawkes Tree Service — much more! We Guaran­ steering, power brakes, 8, Removal. Call 646-5761. Bucket Truck 8, Chipper. Masonry, corpentry, tee our Homes! Blan­ 2nd floor, heat and ap­ Panasonic Upright Va­ deling and repairs. FREE stucco repair work and cuum — with attach­ excellent condition. estimates. Fully Insured. Stump Removal. Free Es­ chard 8< Rossetto Real pliances. No pets, secur­ $5,600. Call 643-6802. alterations. Coll 643-9508 ity, $575 a month. Call ments, bags 8t extra belt. 7 Telephone 643-6017, after timates. Special consider­ or 649-5635. Majority backs Estate, 646-2482.0 646-3979. months old. $50. Good 6pm, 647-8509. ation for Elderly and Hon- condition. Coll 646-3245 dlcapped. 647-7553. Manchester $675/month- 2 Family Flat-lst floor.4 V2 after 5pm. Odd Jobs-Painting, win­ New 3 bedroom duplex, room apartment with ELECTRICAL Delivering clean farm dow cleaning, hedge- I'/j baths, full private 1978 Pontiac Grand Prix. loam; 5vards$75 plus tax. /lawn cutting. Call Mark basement, easy access to bullt-ln range and oven, GE Washer and Dryer, laundry room, basement, Air condition, power Also sand, stone, and 649-5695 anytime. hlghwav, on busline, se­ excellent condition, $200, steering, power brakes, Dumo$ Electric — Having gravel. Call 643-9504. three questions curity and references re- adultsonly, no pets, secur­ 647-8077. Independent Construc­ Electrical Problems? ity, monthly $450. 649-7885. new transmission, shocks aulred, no pets. Tenant to and rear springs. $2,000 or tion Co. General Contrac­ Need a large or a small Custom Rototllling. Have Bookeeping fullchorge 14 poy own utilities, other tors, custom home build­ Repair? We Specialize In Manchester 4 room opart- GOOD THINGS best offer. 646-8787 or Troy Blit Rototlller. Will years experience for rentals becoming ayallo- I 649-3467 after 6pm. ing and remodeling, Residential Work. Joseph travel. Gardens, lawns, small business. Write C & ble. Realty World, 646- .ment available July 1st. TO EAT siding, excavation, etc. Dumas. Fully Licensed. flower beds, large or N BookeepIng, 47 Teresa 7709.O $390 per month, security Coll 456-8865 or 456-7215. Free Estimates. 646-52^. small. Call 643-1895 Rd., Manchester, CT. for town baiiot and references required. 1979 Vw Rabbit. Am/Fm Call after 4pm 643-1482. cassette. Good running condition. $850. Call 659- T O D A Y 'S 2895. By George Layng whether to put the question on the Rockville, 2 bedroom Chaponis Brothers. Clark Herald Reporter ballot. Also at that meeting, the l{cnl /■'•ilalr apartments, remodeled. P Street South Windsor. 1972 Chrysler New NEWSPAPER CARRIERS NEEDED t/. school bonding plan and the North $395 and $450 plus utilities. Pick your own strawber­ Yorker. $99 or best offer 644-1882. IN MANCHESTER AREA A proposal to spend $8.8 million Elm Street project are likely to ries. Containers fur­ call 649-6727 after 5pm. n for school renovations will be the come up for votes. nished. Open from 8am- Center St. 467-553 odd only subject of one of three referendum Democratic Director Peter Di- 4 room apartment 1st 8pm or until picked out. 1974 Ford Van. New paint by Norma floor, newly decorated, West Middle Tpke. 420-496 questions that are almost certain Rosa is scheduled to deliver a final Tedfortf, No children under 14 ye­ 8i mags. $2,000 firm. 872- Marble SI. modern both, no utilities, ars of age allowed In field. 6215. III to appear on the Manchester ballot report at the July session outlining no pets, security, plus Please call 528-5741 for McCabe St. III this November, the specifics of the plan to build a years lease, $365 a month. latest picking 1983 Dodge Charger-4 Slock Place III Leaders of the Democratic ma­ 24-unit complex for senior citizens. Cooper St. 646-1198, 9-5. Information. speed, front wheel drive, Hilliard SI. 357-591 jority on the town Board of The project drew no criticism at a am/fm cassette stereo, For Rent-2 bedroom Cimbridge St. 14100 Directors said this morning they directors’ meeting last week, 37,000 miles, $3,500. Call Oxford St. would support putting the school although questions were raised aportmenf with screened 646-1152 or 644-0060. III In porch. $550 a month, U PICK Engerton SI. 1-55 n bonding plan, approved Monday over who should manage the PREPAYMENT utilities Included, 2 miles Strawberries Center St 227-293 by the Board of Eklucation. before facility once it is built. PENALTIES to rt. 2. 228-9184. A M C Concord Waoon-78, Hudson SL III the voters. Under the measure, the Director James Fogarty has Contrary to what one at tha automatic, 72,000, $1200 ar Wllllims SL state would pay 63 percent of the said he favors having the Manches­ may think, a lender may best offer. Call 643-1715 III cost, leaving the town's share at ter Housing Authority oversee the not want you to pay off HOMES after 5:30. Oakland SI 3-17 Corn Crib Summit St. about $3.7 million. complex. In his preliminary re­ your mortgage loan be­ FOR RENT 388-453 "It's a necessary package." said port. DiRosa said the town could fore the due date. Len­ Berry Patch Strickland St. III ders incur costs when ITRUCKS/VANS Democratic Majority Leader Ste­ face restrictions if it contracted Buckland Road Trumbull St. 111 making loans and they Glostonbury 2 bedroom I FOR SALE phen Penny. The work must be with a profit-making firm to expect to recover these house with complete In­ Hours: 8*1 / 3-8 Griswold St. III SERVING done to upgrade conditions at manage and maintain the costs over the term. A law apartment, 521-5234. Lilac SL Far Sale-1974 ton chevy all Bowers. Verplanck, Nathan Hale apartments. (remature payoff may Winter SL 47-62 AMERICA and Waddell elementary schools feave them short. A Mancheslcr-3 bedrooms, pIck-up, equipped. 31 cole- Trotter SL Herald photo by Rocha lender can guard FUEL OIL/COAL/ man Rd., Manchester. III FROM THE and at Manchester High School, he appliances, $675 per Orchard SL all said. against extra costs by month. Security, No Pets. I FIREWOOD $1900. imposing a "premature 647-9137. Church SI. all BEGINNING Feet first The other questions likely to penalty". If applicable. PZC bows Myrtle SL III TOWN OF MANCHESTER, CONNECTICUT appear on the ballot concern It will be stated in the Beautiful white birch logs.
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