BADO e MART AUCTIONS Rare Books, Manuscripts and Prints Tuesday - June 28, 2016 Rare Books, Manuscripts and Prints 1: Collection of 12 Elzevirs EUR 2,000 - 3,000 Collection of 12 travel and history books, first editions or rare editions.16mo; Contemporary full vellum or calf bindings; Titlepages engraved on copper.1 - AA.VV. Respublica, sive status regni Scotiae et Hiberniae. Leiden, Ex officina Elzeviriana, 1627 [at the end: 1630]2 - CUNAEUS, Petrus. De Republica Hebraerum. Lugd. Batavor. [Leida], Ex Officina Elzeviriana, 16323 - GILLES, Pierre. De Bosporo. Lugduni Batauorum, Apud Elzevirios, 1632. Elzeviriana first edition first issue.4 - LAET, Joannes De. De Imperio Magni Mogolis, sive, India vera. Leida, Ex officina Elzeviriana, 1631. Elzeviriana first edition, second issue.5 - LAET, Joannes De. Gallia, sive de Francorum regis dominus et opibus commentarius. Leida, Elzevier, 1629. Contemporary binding in brown calf. Elzeviriana rare edition, released the same year of the first.6 - LAET, Joannes De. Hispania, sive De regis hispaniae regnis et opibus commentarius Ex Officina Elzeviriana, Lugduni Batavorum [Leida] 1629. Second edition published the same year of the first. Exemplary missing of 4 leaves.7 - MONTALBANO, Giovanni Battista. Turcici imperii status. Seu discursus varij de rebus Turcarum. Leida, Ex officina Elzeviriana, 1630. First Elzeviriana edition.8 - SIMLER, Josias. Helvetiorum Respublica. Lugd[uni] Bat[avorum], [Leiden], Ex Officina Elzeviriana, 1627. Original edition, first edition.9 - SIONITA, GABRIEL - AA.VV. Arabia, seu Arabum vicinarumque gentium Orientalium leges, ritus, sacri et profani mores, instituta et historia. Amsterdam, J. Jansson, 1633.Edizione originale10 - SMYTH, Thomas. De Republica Anglorum. Leida, Officina Elzeviriana 1641. In first issue.11 - SPRECHER, Fortunat. Rhetia, vbi eius verus situs, politia, bella, foedera, et alia memorabilia. Leida, Ex Officina Elzeviriana, 163312 - STRANSKY, Pavel. Respublica Bohemiae. Lugd. Batavorum [Leida], Ex Officina Elzeviriana, 1634. First edition. 2: Extremely rare set of six alphabets EUR 2,500 - 3,500 Extremely rare set of six alphabets of the Congregation de Propaganda Fide.Alphabetum Graecum cum Oratione Dominicali, Salutatione Angelica, Symbolo Fidei, & Praeceptis Decalogi Rome, Typis. Sac. Congreg. de Prop. Fide, 1771 15 pp. Printer's device on titlepage. Birrell & Garnett 15; Smitskamp 205; Brunet I, 19.Alphabetum Cophtum sive Aegyptiacum. [Rome], 1670 ca. pp. 8 nn. Birrell & Garnett, 9. Alphabeta Indica, id est Granthamicum seu Samscrdamico-Malabaricum Indostanum sive Vanarense Nagaricum vulgare et Talinganicum Roma, Typis. Sac. Congregationis de Propag. Fide, 1791pp. 24. Printer’s device on Titlepage, plate at pp. 8-17 with four alphabets: Malabar, Sanskrit, Hindustani, (N)agaric. Birrell & Garnett 23; Smitskamp 214. First edition.Alphabetum Hebraicum addito Samaritano et Rabbinico cum Oratione dominicali, Salutatione angelica, & Symbolo apostolico Roma, Typis. Sac. Congregationis de Propag. Fide, 1771pp. 16, Printer’s device on Titlepage. Birrell & Garnett 14, Smitskamp 204. First edition. Work published by Giovanni Cristofano Amaduzzi.Alphabetum Arabicum una cum Oratione Dominicali, Salutatione Angelica et Symbolo Fidei.Roma, Typis. Sac. Congregationis de Propag. Fide, 1797pp. 15, 1 bl. Printer’s device on Titlepage. Smitskamp 216. Cf. Streit XVII, p. 351, no. 6551.Alphabetum Persicum cum Oratione Dominicali et Salutatione Angelica.Roma, Typis. Sac. Congregationis de Propag. Fide, 1783pp. 24. Printer’s device on Titlepage. Smitskamp 210. Brill II, 2109.Work published by Giovanni Cristofano Amaduzzi, with the Lord's Prayer in Arabic and Persian.Important collection, works of great rarity. Extremely rare set of six alphabets of the Congregation de Propaganda Fide. This type of alphabets was destined to students, missionaries and diplomats. The moment of greatest splendor of the prestigious printing house must activity of Giovanni Cristofano Amaduzzi. Updike: “Established in 1626 for propaganda among the Eastern peoples. Ferdinand II presented Illyrian types for a missal, and the Medicean and other Oriental types from the Stamperia Vaticana were added to its stock, while Stefano Paolini engraved others. It continued its existence throughout the XVIIth and XVIIIth centuries: Bodoni received his early training there. In 1798 most of the types were taken to Paris ...Much of the type still remains at the Imprimerie Nationale to this day. … The best period of this Office was during the last half of the 18th c. under the directorship of Ruggeri and Amaduzzi. ... the establishment had fonts for 44 languages. Specimens of these ... are important documents in the history of the founding and use of "exotic" fonts.” Smitskamp: “ The best known products of the Propaganda Press, apart from its missals, grammars, and dictionaries, are the Alphabeta" Giovanni Cristofano Amaduzzi fu sovrintendente alla stamperia della Congregazione di Propaganda Fide dal 1770 e procurò edizioni di numerosi alfabeti di lingue antiche o esotiche. Updike, Printing Types, vol. I, pp. 134-135, pp. 181–184; Smitskamp 193. 3: [Hydraulics] Moto dell’Acque EUR 2,000 - 2,500 AA. VV. Nuova Raccolta d’Autori che trattano del Moto dell’Acque. Parma, Carmignani, 1766-68.7 vols. 4to, mm. 250 x 190; Full contemporary calf binding, backs with 5 golden ribs and label ; pp. [10], XXII, [2], 435 [i.e. 457], [1], with the portrait of Ferdinando of Parma engraved by Zucchi e 13 copper plates out text; 2 parts, pp. [[6], 431, [3], 129, [3], with 19 copper plates out text; pp. [6], 527, [1], with 13 copper plates out text.; pp. [6]+447, with 7 copper plates out text; pp. [2], 486, [4], with 11 copper plates out text; pp. [4], 391, [1], with 11 copper plates; 1768, 2 parts, pp. [4], 329, [13]; 110, [2] with 5 copper plates out text. Vignette on Title page, Headtitles and initials engraved. Ex-libris inside cover “De la Bibliotheque de l’Ing.r. Brunati”.A total of 80 copper plates out text.An important collection of scientific works by Giovanni Belgrado, with seven letters of Galileo Galilei, a source of considerable importance for the history of hydrodynamics. Gathered studies of B. Castelli, O. Corsini, F. Cesarini, G. Montanari, V. Viviani, GD Cassini, D. Guglielmini, G. Grandi, G. Poleni, Manfredi E., B. Zendrini, E. Bolognini, T. Narducci, A. Lecchi, A.M. Lorgna, P. Frisi, and others. The writings, accompanied by an impressive selection of illustrations, concerns irrigation systems, canalization and harnessing. Work of great importance for the history of drainage in different Italian regions: the Po Delta, the Pontine Marshes, the Maccarese, Fucecchio, the Ravenna.Riccardi, I, 208; Zeitlinger, n. 18099 Bid Live Online at LiveAuctioneers.com Page 1 Rare Books, Manuscripts and Prints 4: Scelta di Opuscoli interessanti EUR 2,500 - 3,500 AA. VV. Scelta di Opuscoli interessanti tradotti da varie lingue. Tomo I [-XII].Torino, Giammichele Briolo, 1775-77 [ma 1779]12 vols. small 8vo, mm. 180x 110, each with three booklets; Original sewing binding; each set with over 90 pp. and several plates outside text engraved in copper.A total of 2 tables in press and 36 plates engraved copper out text. Important collection of scientific essays. It contains two works by Volta on electricity in the volume published in 1776, as well as contributions of Beccaria, De Saussure, Ferguson, Fountain, Franklin, Herdsmen, Lavoisier, Martin, Priestley and Spallanzani. Address issues pertaining to different sciences: mineralogy, microscope, meteorology, agriculture, anatomy and surgery, zoology and natural sciences, mechanics and applied sciences, optics and astronomy and electricity. The work, directed by Carlo Amoretti and F. Soave, was a great success and went out simultaneously in Turin and Milan, but this edition of Turin is wider and cover pages announces contain a new booklet in each volume; in the title pages of recent issues of the collection there is also the indication "more than a quarter increased". Sirugo, p. 23: "Plays the items in the collection Milan ... except the additions of preparing Turin".Ronalds, p. 519; Rossetti Cantoni, p. 104. 5: AGNESI, Maria Gaetana. Istituzioni Analitiche EUR 2,500 - 3,500 AGNESI, Maria Gaetana. Istituzioni Analitiche ad uso della gioventù Italiana Milano. Regia Ducal Corte, 1748.2 vols. In 4to, mm. 250x190; Contemporary full vellum binding, golden titles on the spine; pp. [20], 428, [2]; pp. [2], 431-1020, [2]; 2 folded tables out text, 2 copper vignette on the Title page engraved by Marcantonio Dal Re, 59 copper plates out text.First Edition illustrated. The work, starting from exposures elementary of the algebra and the theory of equations, comes to give a structure to the organic searches on differential calculus and differential equations of the first and second order; It was appreciated by all for clarity and language.Riccardi: "One of the earliest and most complete manual of analysis over and infinetismale at that time will be printed in Europe." The work was mostly printed in the same author's home in Milan in via Pantano, where the printer had She moved its presses to follow near the insertion of numerous mathematical formulas in text. Riccardi, I, 8; Loria, Storia delle Matematiche, p. 667; Montucla, Histoire des Mathématiques, II, p. 171 e III, p. 153. Per la traduzioni inglese, Zeitlinger, 2nd Suppl., 876. 6: ALBERTI, Leandro. Descrittione di tutta Italia EUR 2,500 - 3,500 ALBERTI, Leandro. Descrittione di tutta Italia … Aggiuntaui la descrittione di tutte l’Isole.
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