361 bus time schedule & line map 361 Ayr View In Website Mode The 361 bus line (Ayr) has 4 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Ayr: 8:30 AM - 9:40 PM (2) Doonfoot: 9:20 PM (3) Dunure: 7:00 AM - 9:17 PM (4) Straiton: 7:50 AM - 7:20 PM Use the Moovit App to ƒnd the closest 361 bus station near you and ƒnd out when is the next 361 bus arriving. Direction: Ayr 361 bus Time Schedule 33 stops Ayr Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 10:40 AM - 6:40 PM Monday 8:30 AM - 9:40 PM Arran View, Dunure Tuesday 8:30 AM - 9:40 PM Harbour View, Dunure Wednesday 8:30 AM - 9:40 PM Fisherton Primary School, Fisherton Thursday 8:30 AM - 9:40 PM Ayr Road, Scotland Friday 8:30 AM - 9:40 PM Caravan Park, Ayr Saturday 8:30 AM - 9:40 PM Heads Of Ayr Farm Park, Doonfoot Crossburn, Doonfoot Browncarrick Drive, Scotland 361 bus Info Browncarrick Drive, Doonfoot Direction: Ayr Crossburn, Scotland Stops: 33 Trip Duration: 24 min Cairnsmore Drive, Doonfoot Line Summary: Arran View, Dunure, Harbour View, Newark Crescent, Scotland Dunure, Fisherton Primary School, Fisherton, Caravan Park, Ayr, Heads Of Ayr Farm Park, Longhill Avenue, Doonfoot Doonfoot, Crossburn, Doonfoot, Browncarrick Drive, Cairnsmore Drive, Scotland Doonfoot, Cairnsmore Drive, Doonfoot, Longhill Avenue, Doonfoot, Cairnsmore Drive, Doonfoot, Cairnsmore Drive, Doonfoot Abbots Way, Doonfoot, Kilbrandon Crescent, Doonfoot, Castle Square, Doonfoot, Earls Way, Abbots Way, Doonfoot Doonfoot, Scaur O Doon Road, Doonfoot, Mount Charles Crescent, Ayr, Wrightƒeld Place, Ayr, Kilbrandon Crescent, Doonfoot Clochranhill Road, Alloway, Belleisle Golf Course, Alloway, Rozelle House, Seaƒeld, Longbank Road, Ayr, Chapelpark Road, Ayr, Bellvale Avenue, Ayr, Castle Square, Doonfoot Corsehill Road, Ayr, Carrick Gardens, Ayr, Ballantine Greenan Way, Scotland Drive, Ayr, Bellevue Street, Ayr, Killoch Place, Ayr, Kyle Street, Ayr, Carrick Street, Ayr, Newmarket Street, Ayr, Earls Way, Doonfoot Town Hall, Ayr, Fullarton Street, Ayr Scaur O Doon Road, Doonfoot Mount Charles Crescent, Ayr Wrightƒeld Place, Ayr Wrightƒeld Place, Scotland Clochranhill Road, Alloway Belleisle Golf Course, Alloway Monument Road, Scotland Rozelle House, Seaƒeld Longbank Road, Ayr Chapelpark Road, Ayr Bellvale Avenue, Ayr Corsehill Road, Ayr Carrick Gardens, Ayr Carrick Gardens, Ayr Ballantine Drive, Ayr Bellevue Street, Ayr Beresford Terrace, Ayr Killoch Place, Ayr Killoch Place, Ayr Kyle Street, Ayr 46 Alloway Street, Ayr Carrick Street, Ayr 183-185 High Street, Ayr Newmarket Street, Ayr 114 High Street, Ayr Town Hall, Ayr 17 High Street, Ayr Fullarton Street, Ayr Carrick Street, Ayr Direction: Doonfoot 361 bus Time Schedule 18 stops Doonfoot Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational Monday 9:20 PM Fullarton Street, Ayr Carrick Street, Ayr Tuesday 9:20 PM Smith Street, Ayr Wednesday 9:20 PM Burns Statue Square, Ayr Thursday 9:20 PM Bellevue Street, Ayr Friday 9:20 PM 45 Beresford Terrace, Ayr Saturday 9:20 PM Ballantine Drive, Ayr Bowman Road, Ayr Carrick House Nursing Home, Ayr Carrick Road, Ayr 361 bus Info Direction: Doonfoot Carrick Avenue, Ayr Stops: 18 Trip Duration: 14 min Rosebank Crescent, Ayr Line Summary: Fullarton Street, Ayr, Smith Street, Ayr, Bellevue Street, Ayr, Ballantine Drive, Ayr, Carrick Robsland Avenue, Ayr House Nursing Home, Ayr, Carrick Avenue, Ayr, Rosebank Crescent, Ayr, Robsland Avenue, Ayr, Bellvale Quadrant, Ayr Bellvale Quadrant, Ayr, Chapelpark Road, Ayr, Longbank Road, Ayr, Belleisle Golf Course, Seaƒeld, Chapelpark Road, Ayr Doonholm Road, Alloway, Belleisle Cottages, Doonfoot, Abbots Way, Doonfoot, Beagle Crescent, Longbank Road, Ayr Doonfoot, Earls Way, Doonfoot, Greenan Way, Doonfoot Belleisle Golf Course, Seaƒeld Doonholm Road, Alloway Belleisle Cottages, Doonfoot Abbots Way, Doonfoot Beagle Crescent, Doonfoot Scaur o' Doon Road, Scotland Earls Way, Doonfoot Greenan Road, Scotland Greenan Way, Doonfoot Direction: Dunure 361 bus Time Schedule 67 stops Dunure Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 10:10 AM - 7:10 PM Monday 7:00 AM - 9:17 PM The Black Bull, Straiton Tuesday 7:00 AM - 9:17 PM Kirkbride Crescent, Crosshill Wednesday 7:00 AM - 9:17 PM Kirkmichael Playing Fields, Kirkmichael Thursday 7:00 AM - 9:17 PM Kirkmichael Arms, Kirkmichael Friday 7:00 AM - 9:17 PM Mcdowall Terrace, Maybole Saturday 7:00 AM - 9:17 PM Merrick View, Maybole Culzean Road, Maybole 361 bus Info Maybole Station, Maybole Direction: Dunure Stops: 67 Cargill Road, Maybole Trip Duration: 26 min Kirland Street, Maybole Line Summary: The Black Bull, Straiton, Kirkbride Crescent, Crosshill, Kirkmichael Playing Fields, Cassillis Road, Maybole Kirkmichael, Kirkmichael Arms, Kirkmichael, Kirkmichael Road, Maybole Mcdowall Terrace, Maybole, Merrick View, Maybole, Culzean Road, Maybole, Maybole Station, Maybole, Kirland Street, Maybole, Kirkmichael Road, Maybole, B742, Maybole B742, Maybole, Mure Place, Minishant, Glebe Avenue, Dalrymple, Garden Street, Dalrymple, Mure Place, Minishant Primpton Avenue, Dalrymple, A713, Boghall, Mosshill Mure Place, Scotland Ind Estate, Ayr, Carrick Glen Hospital, Ayr, Ayr Hospital, Ayr, Ayr Hospital Day Centre, Ayr, Ailsa Glebe Avenue, Dalrymple Hospital East Entrance, Ayr, Ailsa Hospital, Ayr, Queen Margaret Academy, Ayr, Birch Road, Ayr, Garden Street, Dalrymple Peggieshill Road, Ayr, Forest Way, Ayr, Belmont Road, Castlehill, Lochlea Drive, Ayr, Castlehill Crescent, Ayr, Primpton Avenue, Dalrymple Belmont Avenue, Ayr, Inverkar Road, Ayr, Ashgrove Street, Ayr, Killoch Place, Ayr, Carrick Street, Ayr, A713, Boghall Newmarket Street, Ayr, Town Hall, Ayr, Fullarton B742, Scotland Street, Ayr, Smith Street, Ayr, Bellevue Street, Ayr, Ballantine Drive, Ayr, Carrick House Nursing Home, Mosshill Ind Estate, Ayr Ayr, Carrick Avenue, Ayr, Rosebank Crescent, Ayr, Robsland Avenue, Ayr, Bellvale Quadrant, Ayr, Carrick Glen Hospital, Ayr Chapelpark Road, Ayr, Longbank Road, Ayr, Belleisle Golf Course, Seaƒeld, Doonholm Road, Alloway, Ayr Hospital, Ayr Belleisle Cottages, Doonfoot, Abbots Way, Doonfoot, Beagle Crescent, Doonfoot, Earls Way, Doonfoot, Ayr Hospital Day Centre, Ayr Greenan Way, Doonfoot, Greenan Grove, Doonfoot, Kilbrandon Crescent, Doonfoot, Abbots Way, Ailsa Hospital East Entrance, Ayr Doonfoot, Dunure Road, Doonfoot, Newark Crescent, Doonfoot, Cairnsmore Drive, Doonfoot, Browncarrick, Doonfoot, Crossburn, Doonfoot, Ailsa Hospital, Ayr Heads Of Ayr Farm Park, Doonfoot, Caravan Park, Ayr, Ayr Road, Fisherton, Harbour View, Dunure, Queen Margaret Academy, Ayr Arran View, Dunure Birch Road, Ayr Birch Road, Scotland Peggieshill Road, Ayr Dalmellington Road, Scotland Forest Way, Ayr Belmont Road, Castlehill Lochlea Drive, Ayr Castlehill Crescent, Ayr Belmont Avenue, Ayr Inverkar Road, Ayr Ashgrove Street, Ayr Killoch Place, Ayr Killoch Place, Ayr Carrick Street, Ayr 183-185 High Street, Ayr Newmarket Street, Ayr 114 High Street, Ayr Town Hall, Ayr 17 High Street, Ayr Fullarton Street, Ayr Carrick Street, Ayr Smith Street, Ayr Burns Statue Square, Ayr Bellevue Street, Ayr 45 Beresford Terrace, Ayr Ballantine Drive, Ayr Bowman Road, Ayr Carrick House Nursing Home, Ayr Carrick Road, Ayr Carrick Avenue, Ayr Rosebank Crescent, Ayr Robsland Avenue, Ayr Bellvale Quadrant, Ayr Chapelpark Road, Ayr Longbank Road, Ayr Belleisle Golf Course, Seaƒeld Doonholm Road, Alloway Belleisle Cottages, Doonfoot Abbots Way, Doonfoot Beagle Crescent, Doonfoot Scaur o' Doon Road, Scotland Earls Way, Doonfoot Greenan Road, Scotland Greenan Way, Doonfoot Greenan Grove, Doonfoot Greenan Way, Scotland Kilbrandon Crescent, Doonfoot Abbots Way, Doonfoot Dunure Road, Doonfoot Newark Crescent, Doonfoot Cairnsmore Drive, Scotland Cairnsmore Drive, Doonfoot Newark Crescent, Scotland Browncarrick, Doonfoot Crossburn, Scotland Crossburn, Doonfoot Browncarrick Drive, Scotland Heads Of Ayr Farm Park, Doonfoot Caravan Park, Ayr Ayr Road, Fisherton Ayr Road, Scotland Harbour View, Dunure Arran View, Dunure Direction: Straiton 361 bus Time Schedule 65 stops Straiton Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational Monday 7:50 AM - 7:20 PM Arran View, Dunure Tuesday 7:50 AM - 7:20 PM Harbour View, Dunure Wednesday 7:50 AM - 7:20 PM Fisherton Primary School, Fisherton Thursday 7:50 AM - 7:20 PM Ayr Road, Scotland Friday 7:50 AM - 7:20 PM Caravan Park, Ayr Saturday 7:50 AM - 7:20 PM Heads Of Ayr Farm Park, Doonfoot Crossburn, Doonfoot Browncarrick Drive, Scotland 361 bus Info Browncarrick Drive, Doonfoot Direction: Straiton Crossburn, Scotland Stops: 65 Trip Duration: 85 min Cairnsmore Drive, Doonfoot Line Summary: Arran View, Dunure, Harbour View, Newark Crescent, Scotland Dunure, Fisherton Primary School, Fisherton, Caravan Park, Ayr, Heads Of Ayr Farm Park, Longhill Avenue, Doonfoot Doonfoot, Crossburn, Doonfoot, Browncarrick Drive, Cairnsmore Drive, Scotland Doonfoot, Cairnsmore Drive, Doonfoot, Longhill Avenue, Doonfoot, Cairnsmore Drive, Doonfoot, Cairnsmore Drive, Doonfoot Abbots Way, Doonfoot, Kilbrandon Crescent, Doonfoot, Castle Square, Doonfoot, Earls Way, Abbots Way, Doonfoot Doonfoot, Scaur O Doon Road, Doonfoot, Mount Charles Crescent, Ayr, Wrightƒeld Place, Ayr, Kilbrandon Crescent, Doonfoot Clochranhill Road, Alloway, Belleisle Golf Course, Alloway, Rozelle House, Seaƒeld, Longbank Road, Ayr, Chapelpark Road, Ayr, Bellvale Avenue, Ayr, Castle Square, Doonfoot Corsehill Road, Ayr, Carrick Gardens, Ayr, Ballantine Greenan Way, Scotland Drive, Ayr, Bellevue Street, Ayr, Killoch Place, Ayr, Kyle Earls Way, Doonfoot Street, Ayr, Carrick Street, Ayr, Newmarket Street,
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