WORLD TRADE G/TBT/ENQ/38/Rev.1 8 July 2011 ORGANIZATION (11-3388) Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade NATIONAL ENQUIRY POINTS Note by the Secretariat1 Revision The present document contains a list of names, addresses, telex, telephone numbers and Email addresses, where available, of the enquiry point(s) foreseen in Articles 10.1 and 10.3 of the TBT Agreement, and any additional information provided by delegations concerning their operation. _______________ 1. Albania General Directorate of Standardization Rr: "Mine Peza", Nr.143/3 Tirana – Albania Tel.: +(355 42) 22 62 55/22 71 76 Fax: +(355 42) 24 71 77 Email: [email protected]; [email protected] Website: www.dps.gov.al Contact: Arben Dervishi; Head of Sector of WTO/TBT Enquiry Point and Sales of Standards Email address: [email protected] 2. Antigua and Barbuda The Antigua and Barbuda Bureau of Standards (ABBS) Cnr Redcliffe Street & Corn Alley P.O. Box: 1550 St. John's – Antigua (W.I.) Tel.: +(268) 562 40 11 Fax: +(268) 462 16 25 Email: [email protected] 1 This document has been prepared under the Secretariat's own responsibility and is without prejudice to the positions of Members and to their rights and obligations under the WTO. G/TBT/ENQ/38/Rev.1 Page 2 3. Argentina Dirección Nacional de Comercio Interior Directora: Lic. Karina Prieto Area de Obstáculos Técnicos al Comercio Lic. María J. Rivera Avda. Julio A. Roca 651 Piso 4° Sector 2 (C1067ABB) Buenos Aires – Argentina Tel.: +(54 11) 4349 40 67 Fax: +(54 11) 4349 40 72 Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.puntofocal.gov.ar 4. Armenia Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia National Institute of Standards CJSC 49/2, Komitas ave. Yerevan, 0051 - Armenia Tel.: +(374 10) 23 70 20, 28 56 20 Fax: +(374 10) 28 56 20, 28 10 33 Email: [email protected] 5. Australia WTO Enquiry Point The Director WTO Industrials and Market Access Section Office of Trade Negotiations Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Canberra A.C.T. 0221 - Australia Tel.: +(61 2) 6261 20 62 Fax: +(61 2) 6261 29 27 Email: [email protected] 6. Austria (a) For technical regulations (Article 10.1) Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Arbeit (Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Labour) Abteilung C2/11 (Center 2/11) Stubenring 1 A-1011 Wien - Austria Tel.: +(43 1) 71100, ext. 5774 Fax: +(43 1) 715 96 51/718 05 08 Email: [email protected] Website: www.bmwa.gv.at G/TBT/ENQ/38/Rev.1 Page 3 (b) For non-governmental standards (Article 10.3) Österreichisches Normungsinstitut - ON (Austrian Standards Institute) Heinestraße 38 P.O.B. 130 A- 1021 Wien – Austria Tel.: +(43 1) 213 00/ext.613 Fax: +(43 1) 213 00 650 Email: mailto:[email protected] Website: www.on-norm.at Österreichischer Verband für Elektrotechnik – ÖVE (Austrian Electronical Association) Eschenbachgasse 9 A-1010 Wien – Austria Tel.: +(43 1) 587 63 73 Fax: +(43 1) 586 74 08 Email: [email protected] Website: www.ove.at 7. Bahrain Directorate of Standards and Metrology Ministry of Industry and Commerce P.O. Box: 5479 Manama – Bahrain Tel.: +(973) 1757 4880 Fax: +(973) 17530730 Email: [email protected] Contact: Mrs. Mona AlZeera; Director of Standards and Metrology 8. Bangladesh Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institution Maan Bhaban 116/A, Tejgaon Industrial Area, Dhaka – 1208 - Bangladesh Tel.: +(88) 02 882 14 62 Fax: +(88) 02 913 15 81 Email: mailto:[email protected] Contact: Mr. M. Liaquat Ali 9. Barbados Barbados National Standards Institution "Flodden" Culloden Road St Michael — Barbados BB 14001 Tel.: +(246) 426 38 70 Fax: +(246) 436 14 95 Email: [email protected] Contact: Mrs. Anthea Ishmael Director (Ag.) G/TBT/ENQ/38/Rev.1 Page 4 10. Belarus (Observer) National Information Centre for Technical Barriers to Trade, Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures 3 Melezh Str., Minsk 220113 - Belarus Tel.: +(375) 17 262 12 50 Fax: +(375) 17 262 15 20 Email: [email protected] Contact: Tatiana Svirko 11. Belgium BELNotif Ministère de l'Economie, Qualité et Sécurité - Div. Accréditation WTC III; Bd Simon Bolivar, 30 B-1000 Brussels – Belgium Tel.: +(32 2) 208 36 20 Fax: +(32 2) 208 36 55 Email: [email protected]; [email protected] Contact: M. Paul Caruso 12. Belize Belize Bureau of Standards Ministry of Economic Development Ministry of Works Compound P.O. BOX: 430 Belize C.A. Tel.: +(501) 822-0446/47 Fax: +(501) 822-2571 Email: mailto:[email protected] 13. Benin Ministry of Trade and Tourism P.O.B 2037 Cotonou – Benin Tel.: +(229) 31 52 67/31 54 02 Fax: +(229) 31 52 58 14. Plurinational State of Bolivia (a) Technical regulations and conformity assessment procedures Viceministerio de Industria y Comercio Interno Av. Camacho 1488 Casilla No. 4430 La Paz - Bolivia Tel.: +(591 2) 37 20 46 Fax: +(591 2) 31 72 62 G/TBT/ENQ/38/Rev.1 Page 5 (b) Technical standards Instituto Boliviano de Normalización y Calidad - IBNORCA Punto de Contacto OTC/OMC Oficina Central Dirección: Av. Busch Nº 1196 - Miraflores - La Paz - Bolivia Tel.: +(591 2) 222 3738/222 3777/222 3666/222 3571 Fax: +(591 2) 222 3410 Email: [email protected] Website: www.ibnorca.org 15. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Ministerio de la Producción y el Comercio Vice-ministerio de Industria Servicio Autónomo Nacional de Normalización, Calidad, Metrología y Reglamentos Técnicos (SENCAMER) Avenida Libertador, Centro Comercial Los Cedros, PH Apartado Postal 1050 Caracas - Venezuela Tel.: +(58 212) 761 8671/761 4520 Fax: +(58 212) 761 5464 Email: [email protected] 16. Botswana Botswana Bureau of Standards (BOBS) Private Bag BO 48 Main Airport Road Plot No. 55745 Block 8, Gaborone – Botswana Tel.: +(267) 390 3200 Fax: +(267) 390 3120 Email: [email protected] 17. Brazil Mr. Rogerio Correa Head of the Brazilian TBT/WTO Enquiry Point Rua Santa Alexandrina, 416 -5 andar 20261-232 - Rio de Janeiro – RJ – Brazil Tel.: +(55) 21 2563 2821 Fax: +(55) 21 2502 6542 Email: [email protected] Website: www.inmetro.gov.br/barreirastecnicas G/TBT/ENQ/38/Rev.1 Page 6 18. Bulgaria (a) For technical regulations State Agency for Metrology and Technical Surveillance 21, "6th September" Street 1000 Sofia – Bulgaria Tel.: +(359 2) 981 44 51 Fax: +(359 2) 986 17 07 Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.damtn.government.bg (b) For standards Bulgarian Institute for Standardization (BDS) 13 "Lachezar Stanchev" Street, Izgrev complex 1797 Sofia - Bulgaria Tel: +(359 2 ) 817 4504 Fax: +(359 2) 817 4535 Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.bds-bg.org Contact: Violetta Veleva 19. Burkina Faso Direction de la Normalisation et de la Promotion de la Qualité (FASONORM) 01BP 389 Ouagadougou 01 – Burkina Faso Tel.: +(226) 50 31 13 00/50 31 13 01/50 30 62 24 Fax: +(226) 50 31 14 69 Email: [email protected] 20. Burundi Bureau Burundais de Normalisation B.P. 492 Bujumbura – Burundi Tel.: +(257) 2222 1 577 Email: [email protected] Contact: Gervais NZINAHORA Notification Authority: Direction du Commerce Extérieur a.i. Ministère du Commerce, de l'industrie et du Tourisme B.P. 492 Bujumbura – Burundi Tel.: +(257) 2222 51 12 Email: [email protected] Contact: Cyprien NTIHABAHANUZA G/TBT/ENQ/38/Rev.1 Page 7 21. Cambodia Institute of Standards of Cambodia Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy Cambodia's WTO/TBT Enquiry Point Tel.: (855) 12 856948 Fax: (855) 23 216086 Email: mailto:mtbt-infomisc.gov.kh Website: http://www.isc.gov.kh 22. Cameroon Ministère du Développement Industriel et Commercial Direction du Développement Industriel Cellule de la Normalisation et de la Qualité Yaounde – Cameroon Tel.: +(237) 22 11 20/23 26 37 Fax: +(237) 22 95 86/22 27 04 23. Canada (a) For Technical regulations and notification-related enquiries: Intergovernmental Affairs and Trade Standards Council of Canada 200-270 Albert Street Ottawa, ON K1P 6N7 - Canada Tel.: +(1 613) 238 32 22 Ext. 479 Fax: +(1 613) 569 78 08 Email: [email protected] Website: www.scc.ca Contact: Andrea Spencer (b) For standards and conformity assessment procedures: Intergovernmental Affairs and Trade Standards Council of Canada 200-270 Albert Street Ottawa, ON K1P 6N7 – Canada Tel.: +(1 613) 238 32 22 Fax: +(1 613) 569 78 08 Email: [email protected] Website: www.scc.ca 24. Central African Republic Direction de la Concurrence et de la Répression des Fraudes Economiques BP: 1988 Bangui - Central African Republic Tel.: +(236) 61 30 69/61 07 69 Fax: +(236) 61 76 53 G/TBT/ENQ/38/Rev.1 Page 8 25. Chile (a) In relation to Technical Regulations (Article 10.1): Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Dirección General de Relaciones Económicas Internacionales Departamento de Acceso a Mercados Bombero Salas 1345, piso 11 Santiago - Chile Tel.: +(56 2) 827 5100 Fax: +(56 2) 380 9494 Email: [email protected] Contact: Carolina Ramírez (b) In relation to Standards (Article 10.3): Instituto Nacional de Normalización Matías Cousiño 64, piso 6 Santiago - Chile Tel.: +(56 2) 445 8000 Fax: +(56 2) 441 0427 Email: [email protected] 26. China Research Center for International Inspection and Quarantine Standards and Technical Regulations General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China No. 7 Madian Donglu Haidian District Beijing 100088 - China Tel.: +(86 10) 82 26 06 18 Fax: +(86 10) 82 26 24 48 Email: [email protected] 27. Colombia (a) Ministerio de Comercio, Industria y Turismo Dirección de Regulación Director: Dr. Luis Felipe Torres Bohorquez Tel.: +(57-1) 6064775 Email: [email protected] (b) TBT Contact Point Calle 28 Nº 13A - 15, piso 3° Bogotá, D.C.
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