;(SIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE GENTS VOL. XLI., NO. 95. OliiMlfled AdT«rtttlnf on page • MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JANUARY 21, 1927, COMMITS SAME TRAGIC Out-brodies Brodie RAJAH AGAIN CRIME AS NEIGHBOR SHfTH, BARRS) Watertown. Mare., Jan. Ml,— FUGHT OF FOREIGNERS Several week* ago, In a flt ot doipondenoy, Mri. Philip Looae- BY SENATE, TO BUMPS INTO oto drowned her two bablee In a bath tub and then ended her own life by polion. FROM SHANGHAI BEGINS OWPOUCE Laet night her neighbor. HCHTTORSEAT Mrs. Qeorglanna Deeohenei. drowned heraolt and her nine- month-old baby boy !n the bath Mentalist at State Theatre tub of thoir home. Battle Before Committee tto Mra. Deichenee had been MEXICO W M Flock for Refuge to Ships haunted by the tear that the Stopped From Answering was losing her mind. Be Led By James Beck, Questions at Special Per­ Former Solicitor-General FOR U. S. MOVE Lying in Yangtse River ♦ formance; Refund Money. GOOD BRAKES SAVE Of the United States. TO A M T R A T E BLAMES THE HUBBIES FOR STOPPING RAJAH Hate DemonstratioDs By Na- The funny side of life is al­ Police Bgaln InterEerred with LIFE OF PHYSICIAN ■Washington, Jan. 21.— With tha ways interesting. This morning the perfomanco of Rajah Rabold doors of the Senate closed in his (Annoonces Acceptance of as the 119 women were passing Uves So Violent That at the State theater today by Is­ face and barred from hla oath of by the box office at the State Principle— U. S. Cabinet theater to re.oetve their money Evacnation of Enropean suing a last minute order prohibit­ Ellington Doctor Stops Car office, Senator-Designate Frank L. back after the police had stop­ ing the special matinee for women. Smith, of Illinois, today faced the ped the show, one womkn re­ Over one hundred women, old and task of proving tc a hostile jury and Senate Conunittee marked: Colony Is Forced— Only youuig, were'seated in the theater In Nick of Time— Trol­ his right to a senatorial seat on the "They can say what they when the Rajah made an an­ appointment given him by Gover­ want to, I think our husbands nouncement that Prosecuting nor Len Small. Giovanni Sponza. Italian Immigrant, went Steve Brodie one better when, Discuss Sttnadon. are to blame for this. They’re 6 U. S. Businoss Mon Loft leys Blocked For Hours. with suicidal Intent, he leaped into the East River at New York from Attorney Charles R. Hathaway had As the Senate has twice refused afraid wo would learn some to let Smith enter its portals, even the highest point of the span of the Manhattan Bridge. 142 feet above. things concerning their past ordered him not to answer any of The crew of a passing tug pulled Sponza from the water suffering only At Kiukiang Living on the questions of any of the patons. temporarily, there appeared small Mexico City, Jan. 21.— Mexico, that they don’t want us to Dr. Edward A. Brace of Elling­ from shock and submersion. At the hospital, where this picture was Their admission money was refund­ likelihood of his ever becoming an having announced its acceptance in know." ton, had a narrow escape from actual senator. The Votes against made he said he had been despondent because he couldn’t find work. ed. principle of arbitration of Its diffi­ Standard Oil Tug. The special performance was to death early last evening at the Tal- Smith were both 48 to 33, a Dem­ ocratic-insurgent coalition joining culties with the United States over begin at 10:30 this morning. At cottvllle bridge when he lost his nine minutes to eleven, the curtain hands to bar him from his appoint­ the land and oil laws, now awaits bearings In the heavy fog and WANT HUGE SLICE London, Jan. 21.— The evacua­ was lifted and the Rajah appeared. ed seat. Senators McLean and Bing­ CHAPLIN mm some suggestion from the United CANADA BANI^ SUES tion of Shanghai by foreign resi­ His tardiness was explained by a drove his automobile into the op­ ham of Connecticut both voted in States. I statement he made to the effect en space between the road and the favor of Smith’s admission. dents has begun, according to a that he had been making strenuous See Barring of Vare. OF YOUNG’ S PRIZE Mexico considers that it is up to trolley bridge. He miraculously A $500,000 CHECK the United States to make propos FOR BOOTLEG PAY Central News dispatch from there but fruitless, attempts to secure Leaders of the coalition hailed today. permission to go ahead with the escaped death by a matter ot Inch­ the verdict as an announcement by als as to the questions to be arbi­ trated and the manner of arbitra The dispatch said the antl-for- performance. es when his car wedged between the Senate that it will not admit to elgn demonstrations against the Hathaway on Scene , the -trolley tressel and the girders its membership any senatorial can­ tion. Honeymooners Who Claimed It is generally accepted here that foreign residents had become so The Rajah explained that short­ of the bridge. Due to the fact that didate tainted with huge expendi­ Gets It to Bank Just Ahead Providonce Trio Bought threatening that the forelgnei*a tures. As such, tliey predicted, the Mexico will not consider arbitra­ ly before time for the performance he was riding in a closed-ln-ma- were taking refuge aboard British to begin, Prosecuting Attorney verdict virtually bars both Smith tion of its constitution, holding qjiine. Dr. Brace was not thrown They Aided Swimmer Sue and American steamships lying in Hathaway and Patrolman John and Senator-elect William S. Vare. Of Federal Tax Men Who that It cannot negotiate on. Its right $400,000 Worth, Only the Yangtse river. out onto the ice below. of Pennsylvania, from any hope of to make Its own laws. Mexico, how­ McGiinn came to the theater and The accident happened at 7:10 The Chinese agitators continue entering the Senate in the next ever, would be willing to submit informed Manager Sanson that the but through traffic was not restor­ Sought to Attach. For $10,000 Share. Paid $100,000 Is Charge. to excite the population by the cir­ Congress. certain cases to arbitration and to show must be stopped; that it was ed until 10:22, trolley officials culation of a report that Chinese Smith meanwhile prepared today let the decision in these cases be a babies are being murdered by the a»gainst, the law. said. The wrecked did not arrive guide for the future. “ For fifteen years, I have toured to lay his case before the Elections Boston, Jan. 21.— When George foreign missionaries. the world in the course of my work •until 9:30. Committee, to which the Senate re­ New York, Jan. 21.— Charlie Land Laws Effective Providence, Jan. 21.— A $400,- Hate Agitation Spreads Blocks Trolley Trafflc- The land regulations have now and never before, until I struck ferred his credentials. In his fight: ■ CliaDUn-,." outmaneuvred federal Young, winner of the Catalina was 000 tangle over Canadian liquor Anti-foreign agitation is In­ The accident severed trolley become effective and it is expected this town, have I met police for a seat, It was said, he will ■ bo an obscure youth in Toronto, life creasing everywhere, declared the traffic between Manchester and ■ agente- who are seeking to tie up that the government will follow the was unfolded hers today. represented by James M. Beck, correspondent of the Evening News interference. I have visited the Rockville. Fortunately, however, his funds pending the outcome of a was devoid of troubles and courts same course it took In the matter Three local business men and a principal cities of the world, in­ former solicitor general of the of law were unknown to him. But from Kiukiang. four cars w’ere “ trapped” on the government tax suit against the of oil leases, and will technically man from Winnipeg, together with Chlang Kai Shek, arriving at Ki- cluding New York City and Lon­ United States, and Cornelius J. claim lands which are not register­ don, and did not find opposition Rockville side of the bridge when Doyle, Springfield, 111., attorney. comedian, it was disclosed today. with success has come money and several liquor cargoes and three ukian from Hankow enroute to the automobile left the road. ed in compliance with the laws, there,’’ remarked the Rajah. To Start Tomori’ow. Falling to-locate the film star’s as­ with money, troubles. rum ships which operated off the Nanchang, has found the British^ These plied between the bridge letting the actual confiscation await boycott in full force. The British ^Vomen Disappointed A preliminary meeting will be sets to any great amount in Los An­ The youthful hero of Neptune iinal court decision or agreement New England, New York and New A profound silence w prevailed aud Stafford Springs while other held Saturday to arrange a pro­ concession is completely deiserted cars did likewise with Hartford as geles,. .the agents hurried. East. will' encounter his first '' legal: tilt between the United States and Jersey coasts and a Montreal bank, among the audience as ^ e Rajah gram for the committee’s inquiry Chaplin got tl^e "tip” and sent his when Mr. and Mrs. James Foster of are involved in the affair. and the consul is quartered on a their destination. Passengers were Mexico. river-boat refusing any dealing made his- speech. But when he Into the right of Smith to a seat.
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