MANCHI Sl f R I ( ) ( U S SPOKIS Clocktower mill Prisons encourage Mile Race Walk ESTATE OPPORTUNITIES a Relay highlight becomes apartments moms and childrenf ■“WE GUARANTEE OUR HOUSESI’ ... pages 4 and 5 ... page 11 ... page 15 REAL ESTATE THIS WEEK SOUTH VKfNDSOH $143,tOO UrIv m 7-*- IIm m Haadi Fsalwlag: ■IRCH MT. • Beautifully landscaped lot Luxurloua Briok Ranch, 3(t»22' living room with 12' • Excellent yard for pool bay window, kilohan, family room, lolaroum. 3-S iianrhfBlpr Mrralb • All naw kitchen t m u N t n i i T bedrooms. UM.OOO ........ • irm.. * Thuredav.Thursday, June 20,1065 — Single copy: 250 "WE GUARANTEE OUR HOUSES "...84S-2482 - Island with Jsnnair Immaculats 3 bedroom aluminium aided Colonial. Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm Den, tlreplaoe. 1H baths, and a 2 oar garage. - Built-In Microwave/Oven GUARANTEE OUR HOUSES"...S4e-24a2 - DIahwasher - Garbage disposal - Instant hot water • Vinyl siding • Screened porch Salvadorans kill six American citizens • Brick patio • Family room with wood/coal stove ting in his car parked outside the • Three bedrooms tatives for Wang Laboratories said. two trucks in the posh Zona Rosa attack," he said. SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador University of Central America in • Finished recreation room In were also killed in the shooting, The other employee, George sector of San Salvador and opened The president of the Salvadoran (UPI) — Leftiitguerrillaiiprayed San Salvador, waiting for a friend basement company officials in Lowell, Viney, was based in Coral Gables, fire indiscriminately on a row of Supreme Court, Franciso Jose PN.M IM UNE automatic rifle fire ac ro ii a block when two men shot him four times Mass., confirmed today. Robert Fla., said Barradas. cafes, killing the 13 people. Guerrero, vlsiteid the site of the 2 • Attached 2 car garage with Luxurloua 4 bedroom Cape. 1st floor masterbe- of cates Wednesday, killing four 6-6 DUPLEX , „ He said 12 people were injured in killings and described it as a in the head. storage loft_______________________ droom suite, 2H baths, family room. Hurry and — this upaclouD oma on the watt iWai 2 U.S. Marines, two American civili­ Alvidrez, 47, of Lexington, Mass., State Department spokeswoman “WE GUARANTEE OUR HOUSES”. .646-2432 ans and seven other people, was b a s ^ in the firm ’s headquar­ the attack, all Salvadoran civili­ "maasacre. Vivienne Ascher said the Marines "TerrorioU do not respect hu­ Leftist Popular Liberation For­ FREE MARKET EVALUATION *'*WE*OUAHANTEE OUR HOUSES" .646-2462 officials said. Twelve civilians ters, said Myra Barradas, a ans. They were rushed to a were off duty guards at the U.S. man rights," be said. ces, fighting the U.S.-backed go­ were injured. spokeswoman for the computer downtown emergency clinic. Embassy. The Mllinga of the Marines were vernment, later claimed responsi­ “WE GUARANTEE OUR HOUSES!” American Marines Tom Hand- manufacturer. An U.S. embaaey spokesman Six other civilians, a Guatema­ bility for the killing. wohn, Gregory Webber, Patrick Alvidrez, the father of three called the group a unit of leftist the first of U.S. military personnel children, ages 11, 12, and 20, had lan, a Chilean and four Salvado­ rebels "dressed up as members of in El Salvador since May 25,1983, Blanchard & Rossetto Kwajaski and Bobbie Joe Dickson The U.S. Embassy has since COMMtaCIAL CIVOIT been in El Salvador for two days rans, were also killed in the attack, the armed forces." when the deputy commander of the REAL ESTATE SERVICES ___________________________________ were killed when the terrorists changed the patterns of living for 646-2482 nNANCIALNnWOKK and was expected back Wednesday along with one Salvadoran soldier, "B i our judgement it is not clear U.S. m ilitary group. Navy Lt. tea Wm I Center St eeraer et McKee St Sealer dtliene Oiicoantc opened fire, the Justice Ministry U.S. military personnel, including REAL ESTATE or Thursday of next week, said his the ministry said. whether the guerrillas specifically Cmdr. Albert A. Schaufelberger, 63 East Center St., Manchester, 643-4060 Feitlur* ot ihc Wnk Putd by the Mancbnler Herald told UPI. The men's hometowns, the times that U.S. military wife, Sheri, reached at their A Salvadoran military spokes­ intended to kill the Marines or if waa shot by left-wing guerrillas. ages and military ranks were not personnel can visit a popular Lexington home. He had never man said an undetermined the Marines Just happened to be in According to the U.S. Embassy, released. sporting club. Two customer service represen­ been to El Salvador before, she number of guerrillas pulled up in the place the guerrillas decided to Schaufelberger, 32, had been sit­ Ortu^' Manchester, C T 06040 T r ' i n _____ 649-4000________ Bailey reopens town court case East Hartferd New Llallaf-lsH NW I n * By Kevin Flood seized in criminal cases and given Spacloui L-Ranch In da- Herald Reporter to police and a charitable organiza­ tlrabls arsa. Bright tunny tat floor FR, 3 or 4 BR'a, tion. Some $1,300 of that money 2V6 bathe, 2 car attached Hartford State’s Attorney John went to the Manchester Police garage 3 Move In condi­ Bailey has reopened a criminal Department. (See story on page tion! $11 4,900. Call for ap- investigation Into the apparent 10.) embezsiement of more that $11,413 As the auditors released their at Manchester Superior Court. report, Ment's office reported that Bailey said this morning he court of flcials had acted on three of reop en ^ the investigation be­ the auditors’ four reccomenda- cause his office has uncovered new tions by the time they received the evidence in the case. He made the report. Ment's office said the court VERNON “W ALL TO W ALL INVESTMENT Maachestor NEW LISTING, 4 year old 6 room Colonial. Spacious let floor family room, Cats S ia sM Eanth disclosure as state auditors re­ officials acted on the fourth J VALUE” deluxe kitehen, soraoned porch, 3 bedrooms. In-ground pool, large patio on nice street. Immediate leased a report on the suspected suggestion within 24 hours of deck and much moral Offered at S151.000. is seen through-out this 4 Family, with newer occupancy, 2 or 3 BR'a, embmzelment and suggestions on receiving the report several days rM f, separate systems, appliances and lots Ig. deck, 2 car detached how to prevent future thefts. ago. of insulation. Make your move now. Realisti­ K rage and convenient "We have some new informa­ The audit came after state, cally priced at $159,900. Mtlonll Don't miss Htl tion,” said Bailey. prosecutora diaoovend irregulari­ SSO's But Bailey declined to elaborate ties in paridng tfekets handled by U&R REALTY CO. m k I ivfusKi to disclose wtafUfer .thgjcourt in fate l$a$. STRANO REAL ESTATE investigators have gathered The auditors found that some 1S6 E. CENTEK ST-, MANCHESTER. CT. enough evidence to identify a court lecordafor ifttrafflcUcftets 643-2692 suspect in the case. He also refused handled between September 1963 U Robert D. Murdock, Realtor ICALL TODAY - 647-SOLDi to say bow many investigators and July 1064 indicated that the i*iit Number i to worR lor you.* have been assign^ to the case cases had been dismissed, while since it was reopened two weeks other records indicated that those ago. charged with the infroctioos had 243 MAIN STREET .MANCHESTER Bailey’s office began investigat­ pleaded guilty and had paidflnes. 643-1591 ing the court on West Center Street Several Ju^ea diacovered that in 1983, after court officials disco­ their signatures bad been forged IlK'^ VERNON CIRCLE • VERNON vered that fines from traffic on court records, indicating the 1 I tickets had been collected in the charges bad been dismissed, ac­ N 871-1400 clerk's office but not deposited in cording to the auditors. In the the state treasury. Bailey closed report released today, which waa ^ Real Estate the Investigation in January, say­ submitted June 13, the auditon ing investigators could not collect recommended two corrective Hsrald photo by Twquinlo Don Jackson Rose Viola Jackson enough evidence to identify a measures directly related to the suapect. collection of fines. under a new state law. More than 20 coaches took the Bob Kiernan State auditors Henry J. Becker They are: Coach Mike Saimond, left, bandagea Ron Coumoyer’s New Listing!! . Jr. and Leo V. Donohue reported a That the state Judicial Depart­ leg during a firat-aid training course Wednesday in the course Wednesday. Saimond is an MHS assistant track Lots of Possibilities! fast month that they believed more ment establish a central control Manchester High School gymnasium. First-aid coach and Cournoyer is head football coach. 647-8400 system to keep better track of the PoMible convereion to Induetrial lone. 2 itoriee with than $11,413 had ^ n embezzled certification is required for all coaches in public schools from the court in 1963 and 1664, temporary receipts court clerks 168 Main St., Manchester eeparate kitchens A baths. 2 car garage and I40sI28 raising an earlier estimate of the often give to motorists when they lot. Call us for the specirics! 647-8400 MANCHESTER $139,900 JUST REDUCED Hugs. 12 room Colonial with all the room a growing misoing funds sevenfold. pay their fines. All of the motorists family naadal FIraplacsd living room, formal dining MANCHESTER $62,900 'Today, a month after reporting who paid the missing fines were room with frtnch doora, himlV room, den, laundry Beautiful home featuring a thrsa-car garagal Flrs- the $11,413 flgure, the state audi­ given the temporary receipts, the room, 2V1 hatha, pool and mulU-level deck In a wall place, apacloua, i.
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