0 0 - Attempted Rape Raises CrIme Awareness By Amelia Sheldon Safety Richard Young. The attempted rape of an 18 year old Sue Riseling, assistant director of the female resident of Wagner College early last Public Safety Department, said that she, the Thursday morning is still under investiga- Vice President for Campus Residences, and tion, according to Public Safety officials. the Eleanor Roosevelt quad director met A white male with dark hair and a bad with students of Wagner and Ernest, complexion attacked the woman shortly Thursday evening to discuss the attempted after 3 am. in the first floor hallway of the rape. Eleanor Roosevelt residence hall, according "Practically the whole building was there to Public Safety reports. There were no wit- [at the building meeting]," said NikaulisVas- nesses to the crime. quez, a junior and a resident in Wagner. Walking down her hallthe victim had "They took the time to come and -speak been touched on the shoulder, she turned to with us," said Maria Brito, also a resident of see who it was and the assailant cut her with Wagner, "I have heard of a lot of things but a sharp object on the arm. The man pushed not of Public Safety coming to talk to stu- the victim to her knees after she kicked him dents - that is really good." in the groin area. When she got up to run, he *There was a very good turn-out, we told grabbed her again on the behind. She turned the students what happened..and took any once again and kicked him in the face and questions they had to ask us," Riseling said, then ran out of the building to her car, ac- adding, "I like to meet with students as soon cording to Public Safety reports. The woman as possible after the crime to stop rumors then drove to Langmuir where a friend of from flying." hers lives. Some residents said they found the hall Public Safety officials responded to the Statesman/Carolyn Molo and building meeting helpful. Speakers from call placed by a Resident Assistant, sending Wagner College, site of the attempted rape. both Public Safety and Residence fife told several officers to investigate Wagner and students about the crime and how to work the surrounding area and a female officer to quick response," said Wagner Residence that of sexual harassment to attempted rape * to prevent others from occuring in the see to the victim's needs. The victim refused Hall Director Ivan Ernest, who said officers when the victim divulged all the information building. medical treatment, sustaining only a six inch responded minutes after the incident on Friday. "We pursued it and pursued it and "Iwas shocked, I didn't know [about the cut on her upper arm. occurred. finally got the whole story the next after- attempted rape] until they told me about it "I was very impressed by Public Safety's Public Safety upgraded the incident from noon," explained Acting Director of Public (Continued on Page 5) -- Phones Cause Controversy by Joseph Sallemo The newly installed Rolm phone system and the manda- tory fee of $65 it carries has many students angry. Unanim- ous decisions for or against the phones per suite, in Roth, Tabler, and Kelly quads are also posing a problem. Confu- sion over how to use the system and lack of outside lines are also prevalent stumbling blocks to its acceptence. Polity Vice President Kurt Wmdnmaier said of the $65 fee,"l feel administration is using the money to make up for their deficits." Polity has been working with this problem since the summer. There have been meetings and appointments with the people from ROLM and adminstation with Polity in an Statesman/File Photo effort to work out a compromise. Esther Lastique, Junior Gary Barnes representative and member of SASU said, "Stony Brook is violating S.U.N.Y guidelines." Lastique said Fred Preston- IL-"Jzz-- ,Vice President Of Student Affairs, says he never spoke to . Barnes Resigns Albany, regarding this matter yet Albany claims otherwise. Internal problems with the system are also widespread Extended Leave Now Permanent *The biggest problem with it is lack of education-people By Amela Sheldon don't know how to use the phones," said Sophomore repre- Gary Barnes submitted his resignation as Director sentative Brian James. A plan is in the works for the distribu- of Public Safety and will be officially leaving the post tion of a "Quick Card" that expalins proper usage. In addition as of September 30, according to SUNY Stony Brook to the $65 fee. a $25 deposit is also required."he minute you President John Marburger. The lawsuit lodged against are over your credit limit, they cut you off," said Wmdmmaier. work on your phone. Barnes by Kevin Paukner is still pending. All campus calls cost more now also whether they are local A unierity committee has been establwed to voice the Barnes, who has been in Albany doing research on or long distance, he said If anything should happen to your students feelins to Polity. Brian James will be the representa- SUNY-wide Public Safety since May 9, submitted his phone a large fee for replacement or repair will ensue. tive. "Ihope to get a sliding scale sheet for next semester for resignation to Marburger July 18. Marburg said he There is also a problem in achieving an available outside the suites so each room can decide, " he said. Polity and GSO accepted the resignation in which Banes cited he was line when calling off campus. aheir original anticipations will be drawing up a joint letter to air their greviences and leaving after seven years at SUNY Stony Brook for were off and they are installing more fines right now," said enact some change. Wuxndaier said, "We wil try the letter James. Everyone is given a personal code number for out- first but (Continued on Page 3) we will bring suit against the _dnistrat if side usage. The problem here is that your code will only necessary,". WDEE&CLY -y CA$-lzU Compiled From University News Services ifications, and test methods applicable to Brook SAE members designig a vehicle THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 Soclety of Automotive Engineers all types of self-propelled machinery and for entry into SAE's Mini Baja Est Student New Approkches to the Asymmetric (SAE) Meet on Campus transportation systems. Areas of devel- Design Competition, to be held in West Synthesis of NonProtelnogenac The newly formed Society of ALutomo- opment range from automobiles to space Virginia, May 1989. The competition Amino Aids tie Engineers has begun organizing vehicles and bulldozers. SAE's conferen- involves the design and fabrication of a Iwao Ojima of SUNY Stony Brook will events for the fall semester, and holding ces and publications also serve as an four-wheel or more, single seat, all- lecture at 4 p.m. in Room 412 of the informal meetings in its new office in important medium for the exchange of terrain vehicle. Once constructed, this chemistry Building. Room 002 of Heavy Engineering. All App- new ideas and information concerning prototupe is to be judged at teh competi- lied Science and Engineering majors areas of interest. tion in several categories such as design, Protein Translocation In Yeast Endo- interested in joining are urged to attend a In its role, the Stony Brook chapter creativity, safety, endurance, maneuvera- plasmic Reticulum membership meeting (signs will be provides students with information bility, and ease of maintainance. It prom- Gerard Waters of The Rockefeller Univer- posted detailing times and locations). regarding SAE and also plans field trips to ises to be a challenge nad a good way to sity will speak at 3 p.m. in Room 140 T-5 The Society of Automotive Engineers is engineering and related industrial loca- put to practice what is taught in class. If .of the Basic Health Sciences Tower. an international body of engineers and tions in an attempt to broaden students' you are interested in this project you are scientists that concerns itself with the perception of the field. urged to atend one of the membership Scanning Tunneling Microscopy development of uniform standards, spec- Currently there are over a dozen Stony meetings. (STM) J. Golovchenco from Harvard University will speak at 3 p.m. in Grad Physics Room C120. ==( p $$ T - 2 T0 N Compiled From The College Press Service Hunger Task Force Meeting Will be held in the Humanities Building in No Charge for Birth Control at U. of academic potential of black students- athletic opportunities for women at the the Office of Campus Ministries. Arizona ,"PEER director Eleanor Hinton Hoytt school. The out-of-court settlement Female students no longer have to pay said. reached last June after an eight year bat- ASME Membership Drive extra for "birth control services" at the Steiner reportedly told his faculty last tie "represents a mojor advance in the The American Society of Mechanical University of Arizona, UA officials deter- September that he did not want Michigan fight to achieve equality," his attorney, Engineers will hold its first meeting at mined last week. to become "another insitution where Ellen Vargyas, said 1:30 in front of the Heavy Engineering Overturning a Board of Regents policy minorities would naturally flock in Greg Hilbok also received an award for Building. General information and appli- that only the students who use certain greater numbers." Steiner also specu- leading the Gallaudet College student cations will be available. Old and new kinds of health services should pay for lated that "perhapes something in the body in protests that lead to the selec- members are welcome.
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