National Park Service City of Rocks National Reserve U S Department of the Interior Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation Castle Rocks State Park Bird Checklist Birding at City of Rocks The checklist range includes the common poorwill, gray flycatcher parks as well as the area south of pinyon jay, juniper titmouse, Rock climbing and sightseeing the Elba-Almo Divide (including bushtit, canyon wren, virginia’s might be the obvious choice for Cache Peak), north of the Utah warbler, green-tailed towhee, and visitors, but City of Rocks National state line, east of Junction Valley cassin’s finch. Reserve and neighboring Castle Road, and west of the Jim Sage Rocks State Park offer excellent Mountain crest. New or rare bird sightings by birding opportunities in the visitors are important to park Northern Great Basin. For the greatest diversity in resource managers. Please sightings, include the following report these at the visitor center Birding hotspots at City of Rocks habitats in your search: pinyon- or write to: include: Indian Grove, North Fork juniper-mahogany forest, aspen- Circle Creek, Window Rock, and riparian area, sagebrush steppe, City of Rocks National Reserve Emery Pass Picnic Area. At spruce-fir-pine forest above 7,000 P.O. Box 169 Castle Rocks, try Stines Creek feet, hardwood trees around Almo, ID 83312 Picnic Area, Almo Creek Wetland Almo, farm ponds, pastures, and (208) 824-5519 Preserve, Edwards homesite, and irrigated fields. The peak months Wallace_Keck@partner.nps.gov around the Ranch House orchard. for birding are May and June. This checklist contains 142 This checklist was updated January 2010, and Birds to boast about include: is based substantially on the records and species with a confirmed or highly sage grouse, golden eagle, expected presence. research of Wallace Keck and Holly Scherbel. Abundance and These codes reflect the likelihood of finding a given species in appropriate Season Codes habitat throughout a given season. C Common – frequently or almost always seen Season Codes F Fairly Common – seen usually in small numbers, may not Sp Spring (mid March-early June) always be seen S Summer (early June-late August) F Fall (late August-November) U Uncommon – often overlooked, seldom seen but not a surprise W Winter (November– mid March) R Rare – few sightings on record, surprising, or accidental X Expected – no confirmation but habitat is supportive Checklist Species Sp S F W Species Sp S F W Pelican to Teal ___Ferruginous Hawk R R R R ___American White Pelican R ___Sharp-shinned Hawk U U X X ___Great Blue Heron R ___Cooper’s Hawk U U R X ___Mallard U U U ___Northern Goshawk R R R R ___Cinnamon Teal R X ___Rough-legged Hawk U U F Partridge to Grouse ___Golden Eagle U U U U ___Gray Partridge F F F F ___American Kestrel C C C C ___Ring-necked Pheasant F F F F ___Prairie Falcon U U U U ___Ruffed Grouse R ___Merlin R ___Greater Sage Grouse U U U U Crane to Phalarope Vultures to Falcons ___Sandhill Crane U U R ___Turkey Vulture C C F ___Killdeer F F ___Osprey R ___Spotted Sandpiper X R ___Bald Eagle R U ___Long-billed Curlew U U ___Northern Harrier F F F F ___Wilson’s Snipe U F ___Swainson’s Hawk F F U ___Wilson’s Phalarope R R ___Red-tailed Hawk C C C F EXPERIENCE YOUR AMERICA Checklist Species Sp S F W Species Sp S F W Doves to Owls ___White-breasted Nuthatch R ___Rock Pigeon C C C C ___Rock Wren F F U U ___Eurasian Collared-Dove F F F F ___Canyon Wren U U X R ___Mourning Dove C C C U ___House Wren C C U ___Western Screech-Owl X X X X ___Golden-crowned Kinglet U U ___Great Horned Owl F F F F ___Ruby-crowned Kinglet F F F ___Burrowing Owl X X X X ___Blue-gray Gnatcatcher F F ___Long-eared Owl X X X X Thrushes to Starling ___Short-eared Owl X X X X ___Northern Saw-whet Owl X X X X ___Mountain Bluebird C C F U ___Barn Owl X X X X ___Townsend’s Solitaire F F F F ___Swainson’s Thrush U U Nighthawk to Hummingbirds ___Hermit Thrush U U ___Common Nighthawk F F ___American Robin C C C C ___Common Poorwill F F ___Sage Thrasher F C F ___White-throated Swift F F ___Bohemian Waxwing R ___Black-chinned Hummingbird F F F ___Cedar Waxwing F U U U ___Rufous Hummingbird X F F ___European Starling C C C C ___Calliope Hummingbird R R Warblers ___Broad-tailed Hummingbird U F ___Orange-crowned Warbler F F ___Virginia’s Warbler F F Kingfisher to Woodpeckers ___Yellow Warbler F F ___Belted Kingfisher R R X X ___Chestnut-sided Warbler R ___Lewis’ Woodpecker R R ___Yellow-rumped Warbler F F F ___Red-naped Sapsucker F F ___Black-throated Gray Warbler R ___Downy Woodpecker F F U U ___MacGillivray’s Warbler U U ___Hairy Woodpecker F F U U ___Common Yellowthroat R ___Northern Flicker C C C C ___Wilson’s Warbler U U ___Yellow-breasted Chat U Flycatchers to Vireos ___Olive-sided Flycatcher R Tanager to Towhee ___Western Wood-Pewee U ___Western Tanager U U ___Willow Flycatcher R R ___Black-headed Grosbeak U U ___Hammond’s Flycatcher R R ___Evening Grosbeak R ___Dusky Flycatcher U ___Lazuli Bunting F F ___Gray Flycatcher F F ___Green-tailed Towhee F C ___Cordilleran Flycatcher R ___Spotted Towhee F C F U ___Say’s Phoebe U U R ___Ash-throated Flycatcher X R Sparrows to Junco ___Western Kingbird U F ___American Tree Sparrow R ___Eastern Kingbird U ___Chipping Sparrow C C ___Northern Shrike U U ___Brewer’s Sparrow C C ___Loggerhead Shrike U U ___Vesper Sparrow C C ___Plumbeous Vireo U ___Lark Sparrow F F ___Cassin’s Vireo R R ___Sage Sparrow X X X ___Warbling Vireo F F ___Savannah Sparrow R R ___Fox Sparrow R R Corvids ___Song Sparrow F F U U ___Western Scrub Jay F F F F ___White-crowned Sparrow U U U U ___Pinyon Jay F F F F ___Dark-eyed Junco C C C C ___Clark’s Nutcracker F F F F ___Black-billed Magpie C C C C Bobolink to House Sparrow ___American Crow U U R R ___Bobolink R ___Common Raven C C C C ___Red-winged Blackbird C C C U ___Western Meadowlark C C C U Lark to Swallows ___Brewer’s Blackbird F C F U ___Horned Lark C C C C ___Brown-headed Cowbird U F ___Tree Swallow U U ___Bullock’s Oriole U U ___Violet-green Swallow C C ___Gray-crowned Rosy Finch X R ___N. Rough-winged Swallow C C ___Cassin’s Finch C C C F ___Bank Swallow U ___House Finch U U U U ___Cliff Swallow C C ___Red Crossbill U U U U ___Barn Swallow F F ___Pine Siskin C C C C ___American Goldfinch C C C C Chickadees to Gnatcatcher ___House Sparrow C C C C ___Black-capped Chickadee F F F F ___Mountain Chickadee C C C C ___Juniper Titmouse F F F F Observer: ___Bushtit U U R R Checklist Date: ___Red-breasted Nuthatch F F F X EXPERIENCE YOUR AMERICA BIRD CHECKLIST AREA For City of Rocks National Reserve Castle Rocks State Park Almo (Cassia County) Idaho Bird checklist records maintained by City of Rocks National Reserve include the following defined area: Traveling clockwise from the 10,339‐foot Cache Peak, follow the divide between the watersheds of Green Creek (Elba) and Grape Creek (Almo) to the Jim Sage Mountain crest, follow the crest south to and through Jim Sage Hollow to the Narrows Road. Travel east on the Narrows Road, and then west on the EY Road. Follow the EY Road to the Yost Road, turn south on Yost Road and travel to the Idaho‐ Utah border. Follow the border west to the Junction Valley Road, then travel north (Junction Valley Road becomes the Birch Creek Road). Travel the Birch Creek Road to the junction of Walters Creek. Follow Walters Creek to the junction of Logger Springs Road (FS 562). Follow FS 562 to the west shoulder of Cache Peak and follow the dividing ridge to the peak. Birds outside the boundary but observed from within or while traveling boundary roads may be counted. .
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