University of California REGISTER 6 6 FINAL DAY FLOATS FOR THE SflNTQ BAßBQßQ COLL G FOR HOMECOMING HOMECOMING QUEEN ENTRIES PARADE €LGPUCHO No. 8 VOL. XXVI SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA, NOVEMBER 15, 1946 GAUCHOS CLASH WITH AGGIES TONITE Beta Sigs Sponsor TENTATIVE LINEUPS FOR TONIGHT! AGGIES HAVE SLIGHT EDGE Football Hop Tonite CALIFORNIA AGGIES IN IONITE'S GRID FRACAS Statistically, the Cal Aggie Mustangs will be the favored squad At Montecifo Club LE LT LG C RG RT RE by a minimum margin in tonight’s grid classic in a game preceding L e a n d e r S ta n le y H e rb e rt T om J o h n the climatic homecoming contest at La Playa field, but it is very Post-game dancetime this week E v e rt B oyd Ja m e s K e n n ed y P ie rc e R oach N e d d e rm a n probable that the Gauchos could very well take tonight’s game in good will commence at the “Fumble S c h lin g e r Bettencourt 175 215 205 185 195 196 190 stride judging by the improved incentive that has been displayed in Stumble” sponsored by Beta Sig­ recent contests, particularly with ma Chi fraternity. The Monte­ the Nevada Wolves last week. cito country club will he the scene Q Mustangs Tie Stanford J. V. A lb e rt Campus Beauties of tonight’s after-game dance. Be­ RH To date, the Aggies have three LH H en le losses and two ties. Most recently ginning at 10 p.m. and continuing Ja m e s Vie for Annual through 1 a.m., music will be sup­ C h a rle s 156 the Mustangs tied the Stanford R ich a rd s H a rp e r Junior Varsity ,14-14, in one of plied for the dancing by A1 Coff­ F 196 178 Queen Honors their typically hard-fought battles. man and his orchestra. J a c k Prior to this tilt, the Mustangs Admissions Limited Santa Barbara’s traditional also tied the Humboldt Lumber­ C o p p es Homecoming queen will be elected The price of admission will be 1 80 jacks, 7-7. The game was made Wednesday, November 20, by even more difficult by the natural $.50 per person, and the sale of popular vote of all male students. conflicting element of a potent tickets will definitely be limited She will be chosen from entries wind which deflected passes and to a number which will comfort­ made before 3:30 p.m. today. added uncalled-for yardage to ably fill the dance floor. A few ad­ SANTA BARBARA COLLEGE All women students are eligible long punts. The Humboldt squad for candidacy. Each Greek" or­ mission tickets will be sold at the had previously downed both the ganization traditionally sponsors Chico Wildcats and the San Fran­ door of the dance, with the ma­ a candidate; but the AMS, direc­ LG C RG RT RE cisco squad. The tie adds signifi­ jority of tickets having been sold LE LT tors of the election, urges all cance toward the conviction that on campus during the school week. P a u lso n B o \ W illiam s D an iels R ossi C olson S te ele groups interested to contribute an the Cal Aggies are full of sur­ Beta Sig President Stan Dar- entry, or if so desiring any girl prises this year and are an over­ may independently enter the com­ whelming machine once they start row is in general charge of to­ Q petition. To be eligible for the rolling. B illin g e r RH night’s “stumble,” nobly assisted LH election, applications must be -in Cal Aggies Downed by Tigers by Fred Richardson in charge of R. Cathcart F S. Cathcart Dean Jones’s office by 3:30 today, and m u st be accompanied by a and Ramblers the check room; Art Carter and M iller A week before the Mustang- his refreshment committee; picture. The election will be held Wed­ Lumberjack tilt the Cal Aggie George Graves and Dick Fox who nesday, November 20, at an AMS eleven was dumped by an invad­ have handled ticket sales; and the meeting, where the queen will be ing Chico club, 13-0, in a much committee on decorations headed Umpire— C. James Anderson (U.S.C.) chosen by popular vote. closer game than the score seems Head Linesman— Herbert McBratney (Occidental) to indicate, and prior to this con­ by Bob Thomas. Advertising for The queen and the queen’s Field Judge— Frank H. Dubose (Auburn) Referee— Clarence Bishop (Pomona) float will be featured at the Home­ test the California Ramblers cop­ the dance has been handled by coming parade, and immediately ped a 21-14 win over the Aggies publicity chairman Bob Morlan following, the queen will be before a stadium-packed crowd at and Dick Vanderhoof. FEBRUARY GRADUATION crowned at the Galloping Gaucho Berkeley. “Mardi Gras” Planned Noted Speaker Review, and thus inaugurate her Although the Mustangs lost Besides plans for their dance, Alumni Group Plans Graduation papers have been reign over the remaining Home­ these games their defense work the Beta Sig’s weekly meeting placed in student mail boxes Ri­ Gives Lecture coming festivities, which include was excellent and their ground Mopday was concerned with plans viera campus). These papers must the football game and the dance. gaining described as very good. Homecoming Events be completed and filed with the “Student Life in Europe To­ Had it not been for an intercepted and final arrangements for the pass in the latter battle, the score “Mardi Gras,” a traditional cos­ “An eventful November 23 assistant registrar no later than day” was the subject of a talk NEXT WEEK IS “BIG GAME” November 25. If you are graduat­ presented to students of Santa could have very well been re­ tume party and dance, which will Homecoming is being planned for WEEK. SAN DIEGO HAS AL­ versed. be held Friday evening, Decem­ ing February 6, 1947, and have Barbara college by Miss Mary A. WAYS BEEN THE TRADITION­ members of the Santa Barbara not received graduation papers, Dingman last night at the Alhe- Here’s the Cal Aggie record: ber 6th. This annual event has College Alumni Association,” it AL RIVAL OF THE GAUCHOS. not been held since before the please see Wilhelmina Menken, cama Theater. MAKE THIS YEAR’S HOME­ Cal Aggies 6, S. F. State 13; Cal war, so the stored up spirit of was announced by Ester Porter, assistant registrar. Miss Dingman, a nationally re­ COMING A BIG ONE! Aggies 14, California Ramblers gaiety inspired by this event should executive secretary of the organ­ nown lecturer, recently returned 21; Cal Aggies 0, Chico State 13; make the “Mardi Gras” this year ization, as she outlined plans for to the United States from Europe, Cal Aggies 7, Humboldt State 7; Gal Aggies 14, Stanford Junior one of the best in the history of the day: Golf Ladder for stopped in Santa Barbara for sev­ the traditional affair. eral speaking engagements while CSF Members Varsity 14. 4:00 p.m.— Reception at Monte­ Enthusiasts to Start on a lecture tour of this country. On the other side of the picture cito Country Club. She was brought to this city Visit Campus we have Santa Barbara with a Sororities Close 5:00 p.m.— Alumni Association A golf ladder for all college through the auspices of _ the As­ win against Cal Poly of 19-6, and dinner, Country Club. “hackers” will be sarted early sociation for United Nations and Visiting the Santa Barbara col­ a series of heartbreaking losses. next week. The ladder shall con­ the English Speaking union, who lege campus last Monday were a 8:00 p.m.—Football game, La dozen students from Atascadero Pledge Lists sist of three flights-: A, sub-par made it possible for students of Playa Field. this college to hear her speak. High school. As members of the Signs Designating For the first time in the history R e c e p tio n through 79; 8, 80 through 89; C, Speaking to members of the In California Scholarship Federation, of the Santa Barbara college, lo­ The reception will be held to 90 through 105. Two qualifying ternational Relations club, the the group makes a trip each year Coke Boxes Installed cal campus social sororities con­ rounds must be played to place A VC and the College junior states­ to some educational place in the ducted a fall rush season; growth welcome all former graduates re­ turning for Homecoming. There your name on the ladder in a cer­ man, Miss Dingman revealed the vicinity of their locality. Las Espuelas, honorary sopho­ of the university was a primary Since some of the students may more organization for women, has are nine chapters of the Santa tain flight. richness of her background in in? factor in this Panhellenic council Barbara Alumni Association in ternational affairs which has de­ be interested in attending Santa undertaken as its latest project, expansion. California. The executive presi­ All students interested should veloped during twenty-two years Barbara college in the near fu­ the installation of signs for coke Seven of the social sororities dent of the organization is Roy leave their names in the gold shop of living and traveling abroad. ture, the scholastic group decided boxes around the campus. This is held formal pledging ceremonies Stone in Los Angeles, while- in at the course or leave a note in Having been twice decorated «by to spend their Armistice Day holi­ for the purpose of reminding stu­ last Sunday at their respective day visiting the local campus.
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