LAW OFFICES WILLIAM S. WINFREY, II. W, Va. State Bar 4093 I608 West Main Street Post Office Box I 159 Princeton, West Virginia 24740 [email protected] Telephone: (304)487- I887 February 12, 2010 VIA HAND DELIVERY Sandra Squire, Executive Secretary WV Public Service Commission P. 0. Box 812 Charleston, W 25323 / 0 -0tlS- Pub- c ni“ RE: Glen White-Trap Hill Public Service District Water System Extensions and Upgrade - Phase II “Cove Creek Project” Application for a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity Dear Mrs. Squire: Enclosed with this letter are the following documents with regard to the above- referenced matter: Thirteen Sets: 1. Application for a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity 2. Form No. 14, “Notice of Filing” 3. State of West Virginia, Office of Environmental Health Services Permit # 18,323, PWSID #W3304112 4. USDA-RUS Letter of Conditions 5. USDA-RUS Request for Obligation of Funds 6. Appalachian Regional Commission Commitment Letter 7. Water Operators Certifications 8. Evidence of Project SHPO (Environmental Report) 9. Rule 42 Exhibit Sandra Squire, Executive Secretary Page -2- February 12,2010 One CODVEach: IO. Health Department Permit Application 1I. Contract Documents and Specifications 12. Final Engineering Report 13. Contract Plans It is noted that the Health Department permit has been applied for and is pending. This project has been approved for funding by the West Virginia Infrastructure & Jobs Development Council. Accordingly, no pre-filing of the project was made. The Applicant desires to put this project out for bid immediately, upon receiving permission from the Department of Health. There will be a 90-day bid hold. The Applicant understands this application process has a 180-day time limitation; the Applicant requests expedited treatment and that the Commission retain jurisdiction. It is requested that Staff assigned to Case No. 08-1697-W-CN be assigned to this case since the EPA/SAP Grant was approved under that case. This Project involves ARRA stimulus funding. Please list the following email addresses of record: William S. Winfrey, II [email protected]. Counsel for the City of Welch Daniel R. Shorts, P.E. ds horts@Dentree .com Pentree, Incorporated Yours very tr@; Wi&m S. Winfrey, II WVSB M093 W SW, II/saw Enclosures cc: Glen White-Trap Hill Public Service District (wlenc.) Region I Planning and Development Council (w/enc.) Pentree, Incorporated (w/enc.) FORM N0.5 (Original and twelve copies to be filed) APPLICATION FOR A CERTIFICATE OF CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF WEST VIRGINIA CHARLESTON CASE NO.: Application of Glen White-Trap Hill Public Service District for a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity to construct a water svstem improvement at Posev-Saxon in the County of Raleiah and known as the "Cove Creek Proiect". Comes now the above-named Glen-White Trap Hill Public Service District, the Petitioner herein, and respectfully shows the Commission as follows: 1. That the name and address of the Applicant are Glen White-Trap Hill Public Service District, P. 0. Box 100. Fairdale, West Virginia 25839. 2. That the Applicant proposes to construct a water svstem improvement at Posev-Saxon, in the County of Raleiah and furnish water service to the residents of those areas. 3. That the following is a full and complete description of the new construction or extension, including a description of the manner in which the same will be constructed: The proiect will consist of the installation of approximatelv 26-110 LF of 12", 30,581 LF of 6" and 5,787 LF of 2" water line: and one (11 2"/6" Dressure reducing station; and all necessarv valves. controls and appurtenances. 4. Name of the other Public Utilities, Corporations or Persons with whom the proposed construction may compete: none. 5. Service is not now rendered by an existing Utility, Corporation or person. 6. The rates proposed to be charged are as follows: See attached Rule 42 Exhibit. 7. It is estimated that the proposed construction, etc., will cost $3.871.400.00. 8. It is proposed to finance the new construction, etc., as follows: ARC Grant $1,000,000.00 USDA-RUS Grants (2) $ 371,400.00 USDA-RUS Loan $ 200,000.00 (4.75% for 38 years) USDA-RUS Loans $2,300,000.00 (3.625% for 38 years) 9. Detailed estimate of operating revenues and expenses, as follows: See attached Rule 42 Exhibit. IO. A Certificate should be issued for the following reasons: The Proiect will provide increased service to PSD customers and provide additional service to approximatelv 60 new customers in the Posev-Saxon areas of Raleigh Countv, West Vi rqi nia. Dated this 12thday of February, 2010. GLEN WHITE-TRAP HILL PUBLIC SERVICE DISTRICT By: /s/ Robert Milam. Chairman Telephone No. (304)934-6234 William S. Winfrey, II, Attorney WVSB No. 4093 P. 0. Box 1159 Princeton, WV 24740 Telephone No. (304)487-1887 VERI FICAT1 0 N State of West Virginia County of Raleigh, ss. Robert L. Milam, Chairman of the Glen White-Trap Hill Public Service District, located in Fairdale, West Virginia, the Applicant named in the foregoing application, being duly sworn says that the facts and allegations therein contained are true except so far as they are therein stated to be on information, and that, so far as they are therein stated to be on information, he believes them to be true. GLEN WHITE-TRAP HILL PUBLIC SERVICE DISTRICT BY: Taken, sworn to and subscribed before me this day of ,2009. 5L C& Notary Public My Commission expires on the 19 day of , 2Qk.l OFFICIAL SEAL NOTARY PUBl.!r STATE OF WEST VIF, ~tt PAMELA S. GRKVkLY 133 HAMLlN COURT EECKLM, WV 25801 1 commhrlon axpima August 5,2018 (NOTE: Such application must be accompanied by information required by Rule 42.) Form No. 14 PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF WEST VIRGINIA CHARLESTON Entered by the Public Service Commission of West Virginia, in the City of Charleston on the day of February, 201 0. CASE NO. NAME OF APPLICANT: Glen White-Trap Hill Public Service District Application for a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity to construct a water system improvement at Posey-Saxon in the County of Raleigh, West Virginia (known as the "Cove Creek Project") NOTICE OF FILING WHEREAS, on February , 2010, the Glen White-Trap Hill Public Service District filed an application, duly verified, for a Certificate to construct a water system improvement at Posey-Saxon in the County of Raleigh, West Virginia (known as the "Cove Creek Project"). The application is on file with and available for public inspection at the Public Service Commission, 201 Brooks Street, in Charleston, West Virginia. WHEREAS, the Glen White-Trap Hill Public Service District (Applicant) estimates that construction will cost approximately $3,871,400.00. It is proposed that the construction will be financed as follows: ARC Grant $1,000,000.00 USDA-RUS Grants (2) $ 371,400.00 USDA-RUS Loan $ 200,000.00 (4.75% for 38 years) USDA-RUS Loan $2,300,000.00 (3.625% for 38 years) WHEREAS, the utility anticipates the Water rates for its customers will not increase as a result of this Project, and there are two (2) resale customers: Raleigh County Public Service District and the Town of Lester. Pursuant to 924-2-1 1, West Virginia Code, IT IS ORDERED that the Glen White-Trap Hill Public Service District give notice of the filing of said application, by publishing a copy of this order once in a newspaper duly qualified by the Secretary of State, published and of general circulation in Raleigh County, making due return to this Commission of proper certification of publication immediately after publication. Anyone desiring to protest or intervene should file a written protest or notice of intervention within 30 days following the date of this publication unless otherwise modified by Commission order. Failure to timely protest or intervene can affect your right to protest aspects of this certificate case, including any associated rate increases, or to participate in future proceedings. All protests or requests to intervene should briefly state the reason for the protest or intervention. Requests to intervene must comply with the Commission's rules on intervention set forth in the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure. All protests and interventions should be addressed to Sandra Squire, Executive Secretary, P. 0. Box 812, Charleston, West Virginia 25323. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that if no protests are received within said thirty (30) day period, the Commission may waive formal hearing and grant the application based on the evidence submitted with said application and its review thereof. FOR THE COMMISSION Executive Secretary PERMIT NO.:18,323 1 THIS IS TO CERTIFY thatafterreviewing other essential information that 1 I isherebygrantedapprovalto: install line; oqe (1) 2"/6"pressur I I I wsH:cgw,PC. Inc. James W. Ellars, P.E.,PSC-Engineering Division Amy Swann, PSC-Water and Wastewater Division 1 Raleigh County Health Department OEHS-EED Beckley DO United States Department of Agriculture Rural Development West Virginia State Office August 1, 2008 Robeddlam, Chairman Glen e-Trap Hill Public Service District P.O. Bolx 100 F@f&le, WV 25839 /”- RE: Amendment No. 1 to Letter of Conditions Dear Mr. Milam: This letter, with Attachment No. 1 amends the letter of conditions dated July 8,2002 and further establishes conditions which must be understood and agreed to by you before further consideration may be given to your application. The loan and grant will be administered on behalf of the Rural Utilities Service (RUS) by the State and Area staff of USDA, Rural Development. Any changes in project cost, source of fbnds, scope of services, or any other significant changes in the project or applicant must be reported to and approved by USDA, Rural Development by written amendment to this letter.
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