The Palaeontological Association 51st Annual Meeting 16th–19th December 2007 Uppsala University, Sweden __________________________________________________________________ PROGRAMME WITH ABSTRACTS _________________________________________________ edited by Graham E. Budd, Michael Streng, Allison C. Daley and Sebastian Willman Uppsala, 2007 51st Palaeontological Association Annual Meeting Uppsala 2007 CONTENTS SUMMARY INFORMATION.................................................................... 3 CONFERENCE SCHEDULE OVERVIEW ............................................. 5 SUNDAY 16TH DECEMBER ...................................................................... 8 MONDAY 17TH DECEMBER .................................................................... 8 TUESDAY 18TH DECEMBER.................................................................. 10 WEDNESDAY 19TH DECEMBER........................................................... 12 ABSTRACT OF ANNUAL ADDRESS.................................................... 13 ABSTRACTS OF SEMINAR PRESENTATIONS ................................ 14 ABSTRACTS OF ORAL PRESENTATIONS........................................ 18 ABSTRACTS OF POSTER PRESENTATIONS ................................... 57 SUBJECT AND TAXONOMIC INDEX ................................................. 99 AUTHOR INDEX .................................................................................... 104 2 51st Palaeontological Association Annual Meeting Uppsala 2007 The Palaeontological Association 51st Annual Meeting 16th–19th December 2007 Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University The programme and abstracts for the 51st Annual Meeting of the Palaeontological Association are outlined after the following summary of the meeting. Third Circular and late registration The third circular will be sent out to delegates in mid-November. The deadline for late registration is Wednesday 14th November. Venue The meeting will take place in the Uppsala Konsert & Kongress conference centre. Details available from <http://www.palass.org>. Accommodation All delegates should make their own accommodation arrangements, with suggestions given in <http://www.palass.org>. Travel Travel details and maps for the conference are available at <http://www.palass.org>; further details will be included in the Third Circular. Registration Registration will commence at midday on Sunday 16th December in the conference centre, and will continue through the meeting. Seminar A seminar on “The origin of major groups” will take place in the Stora Salen of the conference centre, beginning at 13:00 on Sunday 16th December. This will be followed by a reception in the Museum of Evolution. Oral and poster contributions All oral and poster contributions will take place in the Uppsala Konsert & Kongress conference centre. There will be two plenary sessions and the other talks will be in parallel, in the Stora Salen and Lilla Salen. Annual address The annual address will be given at approx. 16:50 (following the AGM) on Monday 17th in Stora Salen by Adrian Lister on “Evolution in the Ice Age”. It will be followed by the Member’s Reception and Poster Session sponsored by Wiley-Blackwell Publishing. Annual dinner The annual dinner will take place in Norrlands Nation from 19:00-01:00. 3 51st Palaeontological Association Annual Meeting Uppsala 2007 Field excursion There will be a “field excursion” to visit various Linnaean sites in Uppsala and the Swedish Museum of Natural History in Stockholm on Wednesday 19th (09:00 to c. 17:00). Acknowledgements We would like to thank warmly Wiley-Blackwell Publishing; the Dept of Earth Sciences and the Museum of Evolution, Uppsala University; and the Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm, for their support. Graham Budd on behalf of the organising committee: Graham Budd (chair) Allison Daley Michael Streng Sebastian Willman Contact: [email protected] 4 51st Palaeontological Association Annual Meeting Uppsala 2007 Schedule of events and timetable for presentations The presenter’s name is given; candidates for the President’s Award are marked with an asterisk. Sunday 16th Seminar on origins of major groups (Stora Salen) Chair: Graham E. Budd December 13:00 Introductory remarks (Budd) 13:10 Clues to the evolution of the three domains of life (Poole) 13:40 Arthropod origins: palaeontological and phylogenomic perspectives (Edgecombe) 14:10 Echinoderms: Attachment, torsion and the origins of a radical new body plan (Smith) 14:40 Coffee and Tea 15:10 The origin of tetrapods (Ahlberg) 15:40 Origin of angiosperms (Friis) 16:10 Neandertal genomics (Pääbo) Museum of Evolution Icebreaker 18:00-20:00 Monday 17th Stora Salen Lilla Salen December 8:50 Welcome 9:00 A possibly juvenile nemathelminth from the Cambrian ‘Orsten’ of Australia (Maas) 9:15 Problems on the origin and interrelationships of early gnathostomes (jawed vertebrates) (Brazeau) 9:30 The relative contribution of regional rock records to global Phanerozoic marine diversity curves (McGowan) 9:45 A new multifoliate rangeomorph frond from the Ediacaran of Newfoundland and northwestern Canada (Laflamme*) 10:00 Seawater chemistry and the early evolution of carbonate skeletons (Porter) 10:15 Graptolites in four dimensions (Snelling) 10:30-11:00 Coffee and Tea; Posters 11:00 Late Ediacaran Avalon-type biota of Biomarker analysis: a tool for Siberia (Grazhdankin) investigating the diet and digestive biochemistry of ancient animals (Gill*) 11:15 Preservation of Ediacaran fossils in Mutation, adaptation or selective limestones from the Khatyspyt predation – assessing possible causes for Formation (Siberia) (Balthasar) unusual tetragonal symmetry of crinoids from two sunken wood associations in the Jurassic of Poland (Hunter*) 11:30 A new cloudinid from the terminal Dietary change in a plant eating mammal Ediacaran of Spain (Cortijo) across the Eocene/Oligocene transition (Joomun*) 11:45 The Lower Cambrian paterinate Fossil echinoderm endosymbionts: brachiopod Askepasma from South Host/symbiont interactions, new taxa, and Australia (Pettersson*) application of neutron-, micro- and synchrotron-computer-tomography (Neumann) 12:00 A new priapulid-like worm from the Differential time averaging in brachiopod Lower Cambrian Chengjiang biota of accumulations from sub-tropical and Yunnan, China (Ma*) temperate latitudes (Krause) 5 51st Palaeontological Association Annual Meeting Uppsala 2007 12:15 Animal, vegetable or mineral? Strange Ammonite and foraminiferal evidence for structures from the Cambrian of opening of the South Atlantic Ocean in Scotland and Sweden (Herringshaw) the early/mid Aptian (Early Cretaceous) (P. Bengtson) 12:30 The Lower Cambrian of Scandinavia: Exceptionally well-preserved lacustrine Sequence stratigraphy, sea-level ostracod crustaceans from the Middle changes and palaeogeography Miocene of Antarctica: implications for (Nielsen) high latitude palaeoenvironment at 77° South (Williams) 12:45 Expanding the taxonomic affinities of Phylogeny and palaeobiography of the Ediacaran and Phanerozoic acritarchs Asian delthyridoid spiriferid clade (Cohen) (Schemm-Gregory) 13:00-14:00 Lunch; Council meeting 14:00 Eccentrotheca from the Lower Morphology and provenance of Cambrian of South Australia – the mysterious lycopsid with exceptional first known tommotiid scleritome and preservation (Stevens*) its biological implications (Skovsted) 14:15 Yet another ‘great appendage’ Arctic vegetation community change in arthropod (Stein) the early Palaeogene (Harrington) 14:30 The ecology and phylogeny of Punctuations in the Australian Mesozoic Cambrian pancrustaceans (Harvey*) floristic succession (McLoughlin) 14:45 Ocean chemistry at Cambrian deposits Plant evolution and chemical weathering with exceptional preservation and the (Baars) influence of sulfate on soft-tissue decay (Hammarlund) 15:00 Affinities of Cambrian scleritomorph Reconstructing early terrestrial animals (Caron) vegetation: the role of mesofossils (Morris*) 15:15 Hurdia, a new anomalocaridid from On morphological diversity and taxon the Burgess Shale and the origin of boundaries in Platanaceae from the Late biramous limbs in arthropods (Daley*) Cretaceous of Quedlinburg (Germany) (Tschan) 15:30-16:00 Coffee and Tea 16:00-c.17:00 AGM Evolution in the Ice Age (Lister) 17:00-18:00 Poster Session & Wiley-Blackwell Members’ Reception Norrlands Nation Annual Dinner 19:00-01:00 Tuesday 18th Stora Salen Lilla Salen December 9:00 Adventures in protein world reveal the Gastéropodes à la carte: Durophagy on Tree of Life and the evolution of Ordovician gastropods from Manitoulin complexity (Lloyd*) Island, Canada (Ebbestad) 9:15 Diversification shifts and the data: Were hederelloids horseshoe worms? influence of sampling on the complete Expanding the diversity of the minor Hominoidea and Old World monkey phylum Phoronida (Taylor) tree (Tarver*) 9:30 Are switches to non-planktotrophic Trophocrinus – a broody microcrinoid? larval development concentrated in (Sevastopulo) particular intervals of geological history? (Cunningham*) 9:45 Juvenile plasticity and evolutionary Unique siphonal structure in an trends in Devonian ammonoids (De orthoconic nautiloid from the Boggy Baets*) Formation, Pennsylvanian, USA (Dunca) 10:00 The trilobite family Asaphidae: Cope’s Bristling with spines – machaeridian Rule and the evolution of the palaeobiology (Högström) hypostome (Bell) 6 51st Palaeontological Association Annual Meeting Uppsala 2007 10:15 Measurement and scale dependency in Review of the Russian Permian geometric approaches to procolophonoids,
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